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49577170 No.49577170 [Reply] [Original]

I have come across extremely damning information which basically ends Kadenas entire value proposition.

>For people who were unaware,
Kadena claims it solved the scaling problem of cryptocurrencies, the way they explained this actually sounds reasonable, extremely reasonable if I might add, to keep it simple, they claimed they figured out a way to scale horizontally by increasing the amount of chains, this sounds like anyone could do it but the way Kadena was special was the fact that each chain was as secure as every other one, basically keeping security consistent across unlimited numbers of chains - frankly, a crazy statement. People here thought they were geniuses for finding this out before researchers and huge hedge funds. See if you didn't know, most of the VCs in this space are backing Proof of Stake systems which have been proven to not be very scalable, secure or decentralized for that matter, having to scale via L2, centralizing block production and congesting L1. So it was understandable when kadena came along and claimed it could scale L1 and not fall for the PoS meme.

>Here is where things fall apart though.
Kadena claims you can run subsets of the network on multiple nodes, also a crazy innovation, in other "sharded" chains you might need to run the entire network on a single node but with KDA you should be able to split up your node and run any amount of chains on any amount of nodes, this was supposed to help with resources like bandwidth and node requirements for each instance.
Turns out this is a lie.
They have no solution for this problem, this is in fact an unsolved research problem. Has been for quiet a while now, which is why I was surpised to hear them talk about it, see I have a PhD in cloud architecture and distributed systems, I work at Nintendo. So It wasn't hard for me to look through this. It's probably also the reason why VCs and Researchers have not heard of Kadena yet. And likely never will, I'm sorry if you fell for it.

>> No.49577285

>Run subbnets on multiple nodes
So like ICP except POW so it will be banned.

>> No.49577346


>> No.49577404
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Actually, not true, ICP is more likely to get banned, PoS and it's equivalences have way more regulatory problems, I know this because before my current job at Nindendo I worked as lead reseacher for the SEC.
To keep it simple, regulations will easily apply to any staking design that designates distinct parties who participate in the deterministic confirmation of a given transaction.
Staking designs put validators at risk of being subject to money transmitter regulation and enforcement as their unique identity and funds are essential to the effectuation of transfers in the system

PoW doesn't have this problem.

>> No.49577497
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But does Kadena have blast processing?

>> No.49577511
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So, what you are saying is, that nintendo is going into crypto?

>> No.49577577

I can't talk about that.

>> No.49577717
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mmhhmmm can't talk about secret stuff on an anonymous board.

what was your favourite starter pokemon?

>> No.49578076

Sisters… is this true? Should I sell? We’re so far down from ATH it doesn seem worth but I’m still up by 110% from my initial right now I could at least make some money

>> No.49578095

>Turns out this is a lie.
Says who?

>> No.49578119

>I work at Nintendo. So It wasn't hard for me to look through this
I'm retarded

>> No.49578132

I'm having so much fun rn

>> No.49578137

lol, i'd sell at least some, this is going to continue, and if it isn't going to continue much further, BTC is going to chill, range and accumulate while alts are going to bleed.

>> No.49578159
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get owned KDA tranny

>> No.49578161

this was talked about in bitcoin forum years ago anyone who fell for this is a moron.

>> No.49578226

Watching the BTC/ETH ratio gives me joy. When flippening?

>> No.49578307


KDA is the only chain primed for success, particularly after its been hinted that PoS chains will be classified as a security, and they haven’t taken off to be considered “fully decentralized”. PoS cucks are going to be stripped off everything they have. By the time money starts to flow back into actual value and tech propositions like KDA all these ADA,EVM-copypaste chains baggies will have had their blood drained till the last drop, rendering insolvent to board the one true ship to blockchain scalability.

Don’t say you weren’t warned. Retards like you were BTFO during the summer, where actual tech discussion took place.

>> No.49578328

>basically keeping security consistent across unlimited numbers of chains - frankly, a crazy statement.

Yeah indeed, it's crazy, as in utter trash. What the fuck does this even mean? Yeah you can scale a blockchain through side-chains, doh! That's being done all over the place, also known as sharding. The problem with sharding is that there are high frequency interlinks, like Uniswap, that need to basically interact with all shards and still hold most of the network volume, so you are back at square one basically. Sharding isn't a final solution, it's a band-aid.

>> No.49578376

>Yeah you can scale a blockchain through side-chains, doh
Chainweb isn't sidechains.

>> No.49578464
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>Retards like you
I actually used to work for JPMs investment research department before leaving to work for Sega so I doubt that I am retarded.
>What the fuck does this even mean?
All chains are the same level of security, you say "That's being done all over the place" but the truth is this is false, cosmos, polkadot are hub and spoke, this isn't really sharding at all. In chainweb each chain is as secure as the next one, something you have nowhere, absoltetly nowhere.
> that need to basically interact with all shards
Yes because uniswap can't be on multiple shards? My dear brainlet anon leave the reseach to the big boys, like me

>> No.49578646
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>> No.49578756

Dumb phoneposter.

>> No.49578854

When I download files they retain the filenames, It's a trick I learned in my time at Sony.

>> No.49578958

> I actually used to work for JPMs investment research department before leaving to work for Sega so I doubt that I am retarded.

Oh I see. A fellow neet.

>> No.49579202
File: 19 KB, 112x112, 1654511697725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold 25% of my XCM tokens to buy KDA and LINK

>> No.49579416
File: 156 KB, 900x1200, kda kadena fud literal trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of trannies

>> No.49579488

and proof of work chains arent even worth mining under 28kbtc/3k eth

>> No.49579566

Amount of miners reduce, difficulty adjusts. Life continues. Bitcoin didn't die any of the other bear markets just because prices were bad.

>> No.49579704

>because uniswap can't be on multiple
Linkies are indeed stinky.

>> No.49579928
File: 47 KB, 540x253, tumblr_e1b56e34f5ce36aef3c591192c37e778_b965771d_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-not lunching

>> No.49580527

computation on icp is done with node machines, not some pos ponzi system, dumb fuck

>> No.49580608

Do the nodes work for free?

>> No.49580651
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>ai confirmed sentient
s-so meaningless

>> No.49580732

How is security retained across all node machines?

>> No.49580792

AIs creep me out. What we're AIs?

>> No.49580821


>> No.49580834

You're going to catch a lot of retards with this one, luckily none of them ever bought kadena because of the tranny meme anyway

>> No.49581193

So as you know, mr. PhD., when making a claim you have to back it up with evidence, and you haven’t provided any at all. Why don’t you tell us what you found when you saw through their lies? What made you realize that it was a lie?

>> No.49581239
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Are you seriously questioning me right now? What a loser

>> No.49581297

>I work at Nintendo
ahh so every other larper is your nephew. Got it

>> No.49581306

>when making a claim you have to back it up with evidence
4chins - srs business

>> No.49581350

>I work at Nintendo

>> No.49581368
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I'm sorry I left you son

>> No.49581505

>they claimed they figured out a way to scale horizontally by increasing the amount of chains, this sounds like anyone could do it but the way Kadena was special was the fact that each chain was as secure as every other one, basically keeping security consistent across unlimited numbers of chains
literally XRP sidechains, but those work

>> No.49581510

buy signal

>> No.49581544
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2022-05-15-19h33m11s993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sidechains implies a main chain. Kadena does not have a main chain, this intern means that KDA has no bottleneck on one low bandwidth chain.

>> No.49581595

>this intern means that KDA has no bottleneck on one low bandwidth chain
this is not a problem for the xrpl

>> No.49581617

when making a claim you have to back it up with evidence, and you haven’t provided any at all.

>> No.49581635

Stay in your thread.

>> No.49581713

Kadena does not have sidechains. XRP has sidechains because the entire thing is proof of approval. A centralized system mimicking the existing SWIFT. What happens when a node does something the leaders dont like? They just kick them out lol, and wanna be a new node? Good luck, nobody with power will give it to you and there is no mechanism in place like PoW where approval isn't needed to be part of the system.
XRP is the single most centralized scam in the market and it has no future.

>> No.49581766

it doesn't use the same validator system that you may be assuming

keep sipping the coolaid

anyway i thought i'd drop by because you think that horizontal scaling is novel to KDA--it's not

>> No.49581798
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It's novel to cryptocurrencies, centralized databases have used this method for decades

>> No.49581953

Sipping what coolaid? Everything I wrote was negativity about XRP, nothing to shill Kadena. You just don't have ANY argument against the fact that XRP is entirely centralized and is not interesting in the slightest.

>> No.49582194

KDA is just 2021 NEO

>> No.49582244

xrp schizos need a bullet to the head, to end their suffering

how does it feel to baghold since 2017 and STILL being 75% below ATH? at least linkies and kaddies have done a 10x at the very minimum, and it has taken nearly a world war and massive recession to get those returns back down

>> No.49582288

I read that text at the bottom of the pic and I suddenly realised not one image materialised in my mind, like I couldn't pin point a single fucking reference to anything that proports to be; it's not physical, tactile, it's not fuckiing rela
and then the sounds of kvetching were growing louder

>> No.49582301
File: 2.09 MB, 1548x1660, Vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it over for Ethereum?

>> No.49582375

Not to be rude but that bottom text explains Chainweb pretty well. Should I translate for brainlets or do you not care?
To be rude, you are a dumb dumb, you say that because of your lack of understanding about the tech and now all you're good for is for drawing comparisons between coins that did a certain thing way back, useless existence

>> No.49582430

>Should I translate for brainlets or do you not care?
don't bother, I like not losing money

>> No.49582444

>don't bother
For some reason, I could tell that you didn't care, useless existence

>> No.49583565

ok what about this, I take out a 2nd mortgage and I put all that, including all my savings, onto the blockchain
would that make you my fren? would that get your dick hard? In fact, so game for this I am that I will even submit my McWagie app this very second so I can be good and ready, and we can work together!