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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 9 KB, 259x194, vulture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49575828 No.49575828 [Reply] [Original]

>liquidates you
>farms your protocol token to death and dumps on you
>destroys competitors at the cost of retail (you)
>accelerates a new era of regulation to ensure (you) won't be able to make it
This guy is the worst thing to happen to crypto in a long time

>> No.49575839

jews will face the rath of the people worse than 1938

>> No.49575943

There cannot be peace as long as jews exist.

>> No.49575989

and we thought arthur was the bad guy last time round when bitmex was clearly trading against their own customers...

>> No.49576024


>> No.49576044

Agreed. I’ve already made it my lifes goal to minecraft anyone in proximity to sbf. Friends, colleagues, mentors, love interests, family members.

I’m going to hurt people he cares about. I will make you suffer pain and anguish, you fat fucking heeb.

>> No.49576049

Arthur never donated to leftist presidential campaigns

>> No.49576059

I’m heating the oven for some baking

>> No.49576082

Jews desperately need their banks to survive.
Arabs have oil, Jews have banks.
Also don’t trust anyone who goes on about philanthropy.
Philanthropy is a code word for pedophilia lol

>> No.49576157

fuck jews/niggers/faggots

>> No.49576164

>pre-heat to 6 million degrees
>after liquidation, put the market makers into the oven

>> No.49576213

I'm half Jewish and hate him too. Doesn't mean we are all like him or support his actions.

>> No.49576216

We will liquidate 6 million $JEWS

>> No.49576429

yeah you are right. I for one, am a fan of large khazar milkers

>> No.49576483

Sure you will chud

>> No.49576544

If there is anyone here using FTX please reconsider.
There are many alternatives out there.
Binance, kucoin, kraken, hell even gTrade for leverage

>> No.49576568

Don't care. The world has seen enough Judaism, enough is enough.

>> No.49576572
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the Esau gambit.

>> No.49576603
File: 18 KB, 1341x150, Screenshot 2022-06-13 111627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquidates you
>shorts so much that even liquidates himself
fuck, jews are vile creatures

>> No.49576604

I warned you guys. I told you you didn't actually want institutions in crypto. But you didn't listen.

>> No.49576606

You forgot the part where he finances the party that wants you to go to jail for not sucking tranny dick.

>> No.49577106

you forgot about Leveraged tokens

anon, no one is consistently profitable using leverage more than 3x
you are better off trading bsc scam coins than leverage trading

>> No.49577128


>> No.49577179
File: 1.05 MB, 670x1158, itsalwaysthejews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49577201

But why? Why even have 4x+ if people just get fucked

>> No.49577215

Then denounce your belief that you are half jewish

>> No.49577236


>> No.49577252

so what you are saying is that if someone i dont know who could be any literal who takes out sam he would be the hero who saves crypto?

we need a big guy

>> No.49577267
File: 102 KB, 731x437, Celsius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy that Jews will go after other Jews like Mashinsky if the profit potential is too good. They truly cannot help themselves.

>> No.49577305

i have seen this picture posted in LINK fud threads you just outed yourself stinkie kek baggie

>> No.49577341

It's the first result you get if you search Scorpion and the Frog. But it's true I am a stinky linky

>> No.49577343

Pretty funny u have to admit

>> No.49577353


>> No.49577365
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Its a jew eat jew world

>> No.49577386

of course he is. he didn't come to build. he came to crypto adding no value. Useless guy, just doing arbitrage. Absolutely useless.

>> No.49577391

Seething stormcels mad they got outplayed again. Ftx has been saving my portfolio with all the shorts they offer. Dumping on nazis is just an added bonus.

>> No.49577424

Is he getting lynched some day? what are you trying to say?

>> No.49577449

Fake people tend to do that.

>> No.49577528
File: 91 KB, 400x428, kikes and babbies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seething stormcels mad they can't chew on our foreskins.
>The local rabbi has been fueling my addiction with all the fresh infant cocks he offers.
>Sucking 3 jewish baby cocks at a time is just an added bonus

>> No.49577570

I guarantee you that once the recession is in full effect, they will try to massively short companies which have a nazi past. Just like when they tried to short VW into oblivion

>> No.49577576

isn’t that just FTX retail volume? all of which they will earn a spread on. i’m pretty sure alameda started this whole thing.. unlikely they’d be caught flat-footed

>> No.49577613

God willing brother

>> No.49577640

this is how you keep goyim happy and fighting among themselves.
just drop a few digital shekels in his account.
you can literally short on any exchange. i don't get it. was it the free crypto withdrawals?

>> No.49577683 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 782x782, jewrioter2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your time will come, kike. 109 times and counting.

>> No.49577723

Can somebody please spoonfeed me what this kike has to do with the current crash?
>t. abo tier iq

>> No.49577811

If you are on binance just buy the leveraged ETFs. You can get adadown and btcdown like I did and ride the death spiral down and make some loot. Or get your ass Into usdt... this week will be the worst yet. Russian is going to pickup attacks and put in will be selling BTC like crazy to fund it.

>> No.49577883

Maybe but I don't really care. Don't have to be a nazi to find that inbred ethnic cult that still gang molests their children utterly low iq and repulsive genetic trash.

>> No.49577891

I remember watching an interview with him way back early on when he just started FTX, He literally said that he thinks he can spend people's money in a better way than them to benefit society. This fucking jew cunt is trying to destroy retail and suck up all their cash

>> No.49578184

same, my plan was just to kill myself after losing my life savings, but now i have a purpose, they can suffer too

>> No.49578206

pic related

>> No.49578236

>donating billions to politicians
>benefit society
clown world innit

>> No.49578247

Wait until he gets the legal right to settle all futures contracts on his own platform instead of a clearinghouse. He will liquidate you and then take your coins from you.

>> No.49578251

And will face an unprecedented time of Jewish prosperity and wealth generation soon after? You goyim literally will never learn.

>> No.49578404
File: 580 KB, 494x276, Suck it, Vitalik.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem. ETH can go SSSUCK IIIIIITTTT

>> No.49578440

You can’t short everything everywhere. Especially as a Euro when binance only lets you spot trade, you really don’t have that many options to short stuff like CEL.
Kucoin let’s you short some stuff but other obvious plays like cake shorts aren’t available, plus futures is isolated only so one 100% pump and dump can always liquidate you.
Instead of seething people should take advantage of what Sam offers.

>> No.49578692

How the fuck did he liquidate an entire project?

>> No.49578778

wtf I love the jews now

>> No.49578796


>> No.49578878
File: 51 KB, 653x568, ftx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people should take advantage of what Sam offers
oh really? how interesting mr employee #344. 1$ has been deposited to your account for this post

anyways, ftx uses Chainalysis KYT (Know Your Transaction) and can literally see in real-time which exchange you withdraw to and deposit from and if they don't like it, they will freeze your funds.
this is the warning I got from them. NEVER AGAIN

>> No.49579004

Celsius was backed by stETH and Sam started bank run on the stETH <> ETH exchange rate

>> No.49579043

true the blockchain spammers all work for ETH

>> No.49579395

he's a jew, what did you expect

>> No.49579505


>> No.49579582

pretty based desu

>> No.49579677
File: 93 KB, 193x267, nassim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this faggot
they did nothing to the fucking Do Kwon who literally was responsible for multiple suicides and ruined lives.

>> No.49580427
File: 1.58 MB, 768x719, kikey_go_byebye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your time will come, kike. 109 times and counting.


>> No.49581186

You mean Coinmetro, right?

>> No.49581296


>> No.49581740

nice try
to bad....

>> No.49581788

Fuck off

>> No.49581872

Disgusting soul reflected by his disgusting physique. A utter fucking disgrace that he has this much control

>> No.49582780

That's a waste of energy IMO. I have no time for fags like him when there are still ways of earning money in this space. I'm currently playing SplinterLands p2e game while I keep my eye on LOX, its potential could drive lots of traction based on its utility to protect mobile users from mobile theft.

>> No.49582910

You know I’m starting to get kinda sick of Jews and their antics.

>> No.49583230


celsius founders are also israeli jews lol