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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49573725 No.49573725 [Reply] [Original]

You do realize that markets always go back up, right? As long as you don't invest in a literal shitty asset, and put your money into a sound investment with a good foundation, you'll make your money back.

>> No.49573777

Yes. Cryptos are a shitty asset with no fundamentals.

Value stocks will pull through. Too bad this is a cryptocuck board

>> No.49573840

Patience is what most don't have.

>> No.49573884

Only blue chips will 100% return
It's an unregulated market with no true inherent value, the rest have no guarantee

>> No.49573904

checked fpbp

>> No.49573936

trips of truth. in a rising interest rate environment, and QT, less liquidity will rape speculative assets into the floor. BTC will survive though

>> No.49573950

this anon gets it, I wonder how people will react once they realize they bought useless digit meme numbers

>> No.49573965

>Value stocks

Recommend me some :)

>> No.49574019

Lol I loaded up a third of my net worth into SQQQ before close on Friday. Wish me luck :)

>> No.49574030

It's going to go much lower still. We will see 4 digit BTC again this year and I am going to buy as much of it as I can. This is a glorious buying opportunity. Probably the last chance for anyone to make it from crypto.

>> No.49574039

you should be buying GOOG & AMZN. and be watching for MSFT and AAPL to get hit. owning these over the next decade is basically free money.

>> No.49574101

>You do realize that markets always go back up, right?
survivorship bias. You never see all the companies that went bankrupt, or coins that went to zero and were entirely delisted from all exchanges go back up because they no longer exist.

>> No.49574146

Good info, thank ya

>> No.49574180

PoW is the best fundamental you can get in a digital world.

>> No.49574221

For etfs, do SCHD and DIVO

Individual stocks: PFE, INTC, HIMX, MU, CROX, home builders, and gun manufacturers.

>> No.49574268

>not shitty
Cool story bro

>> No.49574274

We havent reached the bottom yet. Not by a long shot...

>> No.49574292

I have all my money in TQQQ, a 3x levered tech stock fund. Am I fucked long term??

>> No.49574314
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>stonks only go up

>> No.49574536

Thank you. Will research those further