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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49571294 No.49571294 [Reply] [Original]

What's this board going to talk about after crypto dies?

>> No.49571319

ima be shilling penny stocks

>> No.49571327

hopefully equities, and leveraged derivatives

>> No.49571369

How GMEchads were right.

>> No.49571413

Actual business. Will eliminate 9/10 posters/lurkers

>> No.49571419

Hopefully business and finance.

>> No.49571450

good stocks that actually pay dividends
how to stay ahead of inflation

it's actually going to be great, i can't wait for crypto and tech stocks to die

>> No.49571495

Thank fuck

>> No.49571536

What makes you think crypto is dying? You faggots can't handle a little dip? You forget about the cycle.

>> No.49571564
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>> No.49571579

that actually sounds nice
too bad that's gonna last like 2 weeks before it gets flooded with penny stocks.

>> No.49571600

oil and gas
real estate

things that have actual value, not monopoly money

>> No.49571618

now show me the cycle where we're in a recession, the fed is raising rates, but inflation is rising faster than rates and cryptards don't have any money to speculate with

>> No.49571634


>> No.49571641

now do the tops.
that's right.

>> No.49571642

which ones?

>> No.49571661

if wallstreetbets is anything to go by, it will be buying options, not penny stocks
of course, penny stocks are easier to pump and dump, so crypto whales won't have to learn any new skills
buying options the right way actually takes a lot of knowledge

>> No.49571691

Kek they’re not real

>> No.49571716

Assuming the internet still exists.
Things you can eat that aren’t food.

>> No.49571980

Have fun staying poor

>> No.49572006
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I always want to talk about creating businesses and startups but my threads do not get responses

Why is the topic of actually creating business not something this board entertains...

>> No.49572021

crypto got murdered by covid lmao, it's not going to do anything but fare worse in an actual economic downturn

>> No.49572117


This is not constant so things that have actual value are still speculative assets crypto.

>> No.49572139

crypto was given a second wind by the initial stimulus and lockdowns. Sleepy joe and the fed made it curtains.

>> No.49572203

you didn't answer the question, cycles don't exist in a vacuum, we can absolutely have an environment bad enough to hamper the ability of btc to grow like it was doing before, ignoring that is just foolishness

>> No.49572380

>confuses luck for knowledge
dumb fucking cryptobros cant even pretend that this isnt about their awesome skills

>> No.49572428

Crypto is dead you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.49572436

how are the trades looking right now?

>> No.49572478

>My oil company produced 10% less crude this quarter therefore it's equivalent to a vaporware pajeet/korean/ukrainian/jewish scamcoin

>> No.49572517

Shrimp farming, faggot.

>> No.49572552

Don't kid yourselves. This is, was, and always will be a crypto board.

>> No.49572601

Who's talking about vacuums? I don't even know what that means. Crypto is just getting started

>> No.49572911

You must be new.

>> No.49573036

I can relate to this. People want the easy way out of (poorfags).

>> No.49573065

Once crypto is relegated to the shit corners of the internet I intend to hawk snake oil to rubes for money.

>> No.49573076

hopefully business opportunity.

>> No.49573951


Theft and male prostitution