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49563088 No.49563088 [Reply] [Original]

what does it mean when stocks go down in the middle of massive inflation?

>> No.49563133

Panic selling. Few

>> No.49563154

Bugs Pods

>> No.49563218 [DELETED] 
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It means (((they))) won

>> No.49563290

It means you will own nothing, also this >>49563154

>> No.49563316

Demand destruction

>> No.49563323

risk. off

>> No.49563351

the energy is being sucked into a black hole.

>> No.49564025

It means less discretionary income to buy stocks because everything gets spent on rapidly inflating goods.

I actually think this economy is more fucked than 2008.

>> No.49564146

It is the worst ever.

>> No.49564267
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uhhh who?

>> No.49564335

Stocks aren't going down because of inflation. Stocks are going down because the Fed has decided to suck all the froth out of the stock, crypto, and housing markets. Turns out all gains since March 2020 are vapor and we will go back to Jan 2020 levels and have the 2020 recession we were supposed to have before the WuFlu fucked that all up. Hope you cashed out at the top!

>> No.49564373
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people are selling to offset their fucked budgets because of energy, food and housing inflation. We're also looking at a stock market that reached all-time highs during massive economic shutdowns, none of the current valuations were ever 'real'.

>> No.49564416
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>> No.49564434

It means people are anticipating deflation.

>> No.49564464

shouldn't this kill inflation? why does it continue to rise?

>> No.49565237
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All of the money has been flowing into stocks because that's where everyone's 401k goes. Boomers retire, Zoomers no longer have careers and 401k, people start forgoing investing into stonks because they need to buy food and gas. This is very simple if you are not a midwit.

>> No.49565441

>Boomers don't work
>Zoomers dont work
Never thought I'd wage to death side by side with a Gen Xer.

>> No.49565484

it's very worrying that apparently nobody learned any lessons from that financial collapse.

>> No.49565529
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kek when I 25X scalp longs all the micro 1 minute chart dips successfully

>> No.49565936

Inflation sinks economies. Investors stupidly THINK the fed will raise rates to beat inflation, they can’t. Earnings are also going to get hit that’s why companies are buying back their stock to artifially inflate their earnings. The entire stock Market is one giant accounting Ponzi scheme.

>> No.49565964

Hold cash buy at bottom or just hold in the bank account for a good interest rate.

>> No.49566130

I think that’s called a reccesion

>> No.49566205

It means large companies that have massive amounts of debt while interest rates are going up.
When rates go up, investment in stocks tends to become more risky.
This happening during inflation is worse than many realize.

>> No.49566286
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It means these assets were overinflated to begin with. It was all a bubble, propped up by the printing of trillions of USD and now it's beginning to burst.

>> No.49566321

Who's buying right now?

>> No.49566427

It is going to be worse. This time central banks ran out of weapons

>> No.49566468

This, we're approaching THE GREAT SELLOFF. Boomers will only be selling stocks for the next 10-20 years, they own most of the stocks. Millenials hardly have shit to invest. GenX has money but there aren't enough of them to prop up the ponzi, Zoomers have literally nothing.


>> No.49566575


This has never been about the money supply but about the oil supply.

>> No.49566679

>This has never been about the money supply but about the oil supply.
yep, massive demand destruction from covid but it's rebounding. this is happening and consumption is still lower than pre-covid levels, imagine how much worse it can get.

>> No.49566686

This. Weak handed faggots won't make it

>> No.49566728

inflation is calculated with consumer goods, not assets on the capital market

>> No.49566787

>younger generations have less wealth and assets than older ones
also boomers don't have 401ks. they have pensions/didn't save which is why they're waging long into their 60s

>> No.49566795

retailees buy negligble stocks, companies have been rebuying almost all their shares

>> No.49566809


How it Eth still so high? Eth should be at like 800 right now. Certainly sub 1000.

>> No.49567067


Where do you think those pensions are invested, dumbass?

>> No.49567122


Also, first 401ks started in 1970,. Commonplace by the mid 80. Those accounts have been pumping the markets by a consistent 6% of wages for the last 35 years.

>> No.49567222

I actually think this economy is more fucked than 1931.

>> No.49567236

There's the veteran. Literally the only rational thing was to hold tangible goods. You can assume that anyone with discretionary budgets was stocking up on groceries and household necessities. Perhaps firearms and other supplies for collapse. Ranchers and grain suppliers made extra cash in the last between gas and commodities.

The discrepancy between keynesianism and reality will always leave one bull. The Jews need the goyim, this is payback for GameStop and antifa getting rowdy.

>> No.49567265

It means the USA is a joke

>> No.49567296
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>tfw you sold and then bittercoin took a massive shart

>> No.49567308

It means the only reason they were up was because of funny money in the first place, probably. You have to stop making these assumptions

>> No.49567354

>also boomers don't have 401ks. they have pensions/didn't save which is why they're waging long into their 60s

this is retarded, it applies to some boomers sure, but the majority of them have been psyopped into working their entire lives, even if they have money. That's how powerful the electric jew was.

My dad is one of those boomers. He worked for a Fortune 100 company right out of college. Worked there for nearly 30 years, got a buyout with a pension. In addition to his pension, since he's over 65, he also gets a social security check every month (as does his wife/my mom). He also has a 401k for himself and my mom. He also has shittons of money invested in the general stock market, mutual funds, et cetera.

He has the ability to retire comfortably, but he doesn't want to retire. He wants to work until he is not able to work anymore. Working for a company gives his life meaning, and he likes to see his income continuously go up. Lots of boomers are like him, they will work until they have a major medical event that prevents them from working into the future. Only then will they consider cashing out.

This is starting to happen. The youngest Boomers are in their early 60s now. Plenty of boomers well into their 70s are still working full time, not because they need money, but just because working is the only thing that makes them feel fulfilled.

>> No.49567363
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People are selling but i'm buying more alts here and don't want to get affected by my emotion. Successfully added plugnet, solana, avax, neo , ltc. Plugnet has developed the otto blockchain that secures our privacy. Watch out anon

>> No.49567382

We’re only 9000 away from 2017 peaks. Rainbow graph faggots will puke

>> No.49567388

What about... with a friend?

>> No.49567404

This would make sense if it didn't happens exactly when the government releases the numbers

>> No.49567424

>zoomers have literally nothing*
*zoomers have negative wealth because they fell for pay by the month scams

>> No.49567499
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Am no a weakhand so i'm feeling lucky to add my balance, added reef, troy,icx, vet and also planning to add HXD on honeyland game, a play to own strategy on solana. Can't wait to earn.

>> No.49567506

and they won't learn anything from this one either, and from the next one, and the next one, and so on

>> No.49567575

into the market which will need to stay invested in order to meet promised payouts since they're under funded

>> No.49567604

Give it a week

>> No.49567689

>This happening during inflation is worse than many realize.
This means it is game over. We all knew it would happen eventually.

>> No.49567719

>As of June 30, 2021, 401(k) plans held an estimated $7.3 trillion in assets and represented nearly one-fifth of the $37.2 trillion US retirement market, which includes employer-sponsored retirement plans (both defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans with private- and public-sector employers), individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and annuities. In comparison, 401(k) assets were $3.1 trillion and represented 17 percent of the US retirement market in 2011.

401ks are a greater percentage of an overall growing retirement suite of assets but still account for 1/5 which means it's not boomers who own them. boomers have most of the retirement assets but not in 401ks which doesn't mean there's some mass exodus cashout when they're all 72 1/2
>my dad has a 401k so all boomers must
most people are ill prepared for retirement including boomers

>Plenty of boomers well into their 70s are still working full time, not because they need money

>> No.49567758

>young people have less money than older people

i'm a 30 year old boomer and i heard this all about the millenials who are now growing their wealth

>> No.49567787

A 10-20 year bear will be absolute hell

>> No.49567812
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I am goncern.

>> No.49567829

It's means people finally figuring out why "1 million isn't enough to retire on" is a reasonable statement. Your million just became worth 800k in a matter of months. In a few years your 1 million is worth 500k and that before factoring in you spending any money.

>> No.49567845

USDC will kill off all competing crypto’s within 2-3 years

>> No.49567871

ding ding ding. literally lost generation-making. we won't see a new ATH for decades.

>> No.49567875

And now millennial wealth will be wiped out by inflation and unemployment during a recession.

>> No.49567931


It's not psyops. It's the natural human condition. The notion of retirement has always been innately parasitic and unsustainable. It was a sky high, bullshit ponzi-promise from the start.

The only corrupt element is that they work so they can spend on themselves rather than to build a legacy.

>> No.49567941

along with everyone else's. if boomers have all the wealth, they'll be more affected and equalized.

buy some i bonds

>> No.49567951

inflationary recession

>> No.49567955

>millenial wealth
nice meme. millenials are on average substantially poorer than prior generations when correcting for age. and that's about to get FAR worse. millenials and zoomers are fucked dude.

>> No.49567974

actually anon. if you check the DXY chart, you can see that the US dollar has been strengthening pass few weeks.
the reason why stocks have been going parobolic for years was because DXY chart was in a downtrend, meaning that the US dollar has been weakening for years.
the massive money printing shithole has finally come to an end. there goess all assets. CASH WILL BE KING. Inflation has been ongoing for years.
cash will be king and stocks, equities, commodities, crypto and real estate will go to the shits

>> No.49567976

>tfw heard this back in 2011
money printer will go brrr when everyone is out of work again

>> No.49567998

>what does it mean when stocks go down in the middle of massive inflation?
Usually means Russian economic collapse.

>> No.49568019

that's true but only compared to boomers and gen x
generations prior to that consistently had food insecurity

>> No.49568092

Boomers are old, millennials have another 40-60 years to suffer and die

>> No.49568115

dxy compares the dollar to other currencies. it's still weakening to other goods and services. demand destruction is the only solution

>> No.49568130

>it's okay that boomers ruined everything since their parents and grandparents suffered and didn't want them to suffer
Ahahah I hate old people boomers are scum.

>> No.49568141
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>be me
>be millennial
>graduate college into 2008 meltdown
>laid off career fucked
>wiped out and have to start over
>get life back together after years long hiring freezes
>coof happens
>laid off
>get another job
>go into hyperinflation and recession

>> No.49568183

i think it's worse to be old and on fixed income with shit hitting the fan than young, verile, mobile, and able to learn new skills.

fuck off with your doomer attitude.

i never said it was okay. point is millenial wealth is still growing. just not as well as post war trust fund babies (aka boomers)

>> No.49568265

It means recession is here.

>Govt prints money as stimulus
>People take it out of memestocks and coins and put it into real life assets and consumables to help them weather the economic shitstorm.

>> No.49568284

It’s not real inflation.

>> No.49568289

>be me
>father disabled from the great war. yells in his sleep
>no work from great depression
>drafted into some great jewish war
>come home and watch hippies turn the world into globohomo
>70s and 80s hyper inflation
>90s there's AIDS and I drop dead

it always sucks, anon

>> No.49568303
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>millennial wealth is still growth
shut the fuck up, retard.
>inb4 "well that's just real estate"
the pattern holds up across all asset classes generally except for meme investments and crypto, which, incidentally, have been hit way harder than trad investments that are boomer/x dominated

>> No.49568326
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great reset goy

>> No.49568436

>cherry picks real estate growth
>don't point that out!
you do know there's also more people in the boomer group so the chart needs to be adjusted for that.
>shut the fuck up retard, REEEE!

>> No.49568520

This will cause hyperinflation this time around

>> No.49568554
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>pattern holds up
but it doesn't. sorry you didn't cash out of your animal coins sweetie.

>> No.49568602


My dude, the entire market is at around 48 trillion. The 37.2T from your figure is just the retirement accounts. More than 75% of the money is in retirement accounts, the overwhelming majority of which is held by boomers that are retiring.

They're cashing out. They're buying vacation homes.

>> No.49568645
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>Tfw when you sold crypto before the dump, rotated it into big tech then sold that before Ukraine, rotated into energy stocks and wheat ETFs - sold that now and waiting in cash to slurp dividend kings during the great sell off

>> No.49568699
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Right? we have the worst timing ever.
> Graduated college into a recession, had to get a shit job for a while.
> Work hard, finally get a good job and career started a few years later
> Coof happens
> Now massive inflation + another recession, right when I was just about ready and able to afford to get a house and start a family

It just sucks being like 5 - 10yrs behind where we should be financially, compared to other generations. Not because of laziness, but because of timing that we never had control over.

Just hope I'm financially literate enough now to navigate and make it out the other side of this upcoming shitstorm with some massive profits to make up for it all.

>> No.49568753

>No ones funding their 401k/retirement.

Kys retard

>> No.49568763
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imagine denying that millennials/zoomers are decidedly worse off than boomers/xers economically

>> No.49568802

>20-somethings have less wealth than 60-somethings
>this is an outrage

>> No.49568801

>what does it mean when stocks go down in the middle of massive inflation?

It means that the market is anticipating big interest rate hikes and a recession.

>> No.49568819

imagining thinking i said that

>> No.49568830


Literally just the result of houses increasing in price. Look at your chart, see that "dip" when the stock market shit the bed? That shows how little actual investment captial Millenials had.

The old and resourceful ones got houses. The rest got fucked. My house earned more than I did over the last two years, but it's still the same house it was before. (Only two years older)

>> No.49568876


The youngest Millenial is 26, the oldest is 41.

>> No.49568921

very easy to age correct and see where on the line millennials "ought to be" were they following the trajectory of boomers or even xers, idiot.

>> No.49568946

>easy to age correct when the graph only goes to 1990
Based retard

>> No.49568954

most of everyone's wealth is in their house.
and if it's somehow different for boomers then they're getting fucked in this market and millennials are doing better by that comparison.

>> No.49568989

lmao you fucking fag. retirement is currently happening for the largest and wealthiest generation. sure you'll always keep some pension contributions but the fed is threatening to unwind its balance sheet and retail is taking profits and spending it on inflating consumer goods.

>> No.49569013

>ust green
let's gooooo

>> No.49569017

How about a bagholder?

>> No.49569027

you're an absolute moron

>> No.49569126

millennials are retarded, they literally started working at the beginning of the 12 year bull run, did not buy stocks because "too risky" wasted all their money and now they are sitting here praying that stocks crash out of pure spite

>> No.49569134

>20 trillion dollars in circulation

>> No.49569168

>what does it mean when stocks go down in the middle of massive inflation?
it means the vaccine dieoff is here

>> No.49569179

fucking kek. thanks for your excellent example of dunning kruger induced smugness.

>> No.49569200

the irony is that 15 years ago everyone was freaking out that foreigners owned alot of the US debt and held alot of dollars. now their holdings are shit kek.

>> No.49569204

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.49569222
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>have been in crypto since 2012
>never made it, and I might end up in the red if this dumping continues

>> No.49569253

$25,300 BREACHED

>> No.49569286

$25,200 BREACHED

>> No.49569317

$25,100 BREACHED

>> No.49569333
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>> No.49569341

show me that the overall retirement market has net outflows and not a contraction due to market prices and i'll concede.
many retirees keep their money invested to live off dividends. they don't all dump for cash when they quit their jobs.

>> No.49569367

Boomers were born starting in 1945. Millennials starting in 1985. No fair comparison fails to go back to 1945, retards.

>> No.49569427

Is there no per capita adjustment for these graphs.

>> No.49569483

The lesson we took away from that financial collapse is that if governments print money and take on a shitload of debt they can dig their way out of any hole. It just turned out that was the wrong lesson.

>> No.49569490

And where do those companies get the money to do buybacks?

>> No.49569506
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>the USD was the king of shitcoins all along

>> No.49569553

they get it from you, the consoooomer who does not buy stocks

>> No.49569807

are you trolling or what?
>baby boomer average birth date = 1955
>1990-1955 = 35
>millennial average birth date = 1989
>1989+35 = 2021
>compare baby boomers in 1990 to millennials in 2021 (essentially the last date on the chart)
>5% (vs 21%

>> No.49569941

$25,000 BREACHED

>> No.49570475


>> No.49570759
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If market crash and reset, i think the people who held stablecoin will be saved. I got my stablecoin on freeway. My only way to get profit on this market's fucking trend. Hopefully, they'll release their blockchain.

>> No.49571018
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Then, i'm gonna buy more. Solid coins with fundamentals will survive. I'll go with Polkadot, Equilibrium, Cosmos, Vechain. Now, talk to me anon

>> No.49571110

>>millennial average birth date = 1989
It's 1993 you retard

>> No.49571197

yeah, i'm convinced you're trolling now. either that or 75 IQ

>> No.49571228

well those aren't stocks
useless crypto going down when people can't speculate of worthless assets makes all the sense in the world
stocks going down because of inflation is because the businesses are unable to pass their costs along, or they carry a lot of debt and the threat of higher rates would crush them
commodities are obviously the place to be, and silver is the only commodity that has done poorly in recent years, so it's unironically the best value
energy is a very good place to be, though, the dividend income will be huge

>> No.49571295

Stagflation. Go look up 1970s. Compare Nixon/Burns dynamic to Trump/Powell dynamic. This shit storm is just getting started.

>> No.49571438

Build Back Better
Thanks alot biden.
Now just wait for Joe to send another 80 Billions to Ukraine

>> No.49571443

Just a reminder that we're nowhere near the bottom until all of these pajeet shills
stop getting paid to shit up this board

>> No.49571555

this. People on here who begging to know why the markets are crashing because of inflation don't get it. It's the Fed... we are literally slaves to the whims of the Fed, which has elected to annihilate everyone's retirement accounts and investments via tightening policies, rather than let consumer prices be elevated temporarily due to geopolitical factors. To anyone wondering, the inflation we are seeing now began with Covid lockdowns disrupting global supply chains, which is still continuing. This affects the scarcity and price not only of specific transported goods, but also oil and energy costs which in turn makes every step of industrial production more expensive. Lots of money (stimmies) chasing fewer goods with higher costs to produce and transport = higher prices all around. This hike in energy prices has to a small extent been worsened by sanctions on Russia, which deprives Europe of a major source of cheap oil. But it has also been shown that energy companies are using inflation as an excuse to gouge consumers... their own costs may have gone up but they are also reporting record profits.

Ideally, if these conditions finally ended or returned to equilibrium, costs could go down and inflation could be tackled. Unfortunately the Fed is trying to treat a geopolitical problem with a monetary policy solution, which is going to fucking kill markets

>> No.49571599
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But, what about magic internet money?

>> No.49571640

Hello sirs, good morning. One massive rip or one massive dip, please.

>> No.49571645

Wealth destruction. You worked all these years for nothing

>> No.49571650
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>humans didn't learn from any financial collapse until now
>he thought this time would be different

>> No.49571933


If anything we're many times greedier on housing speculation.

>> No.49572005

It'll be easier to find a young wife with daddy issues for at least a few years.

>> No.49572088
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Massive dip means = massive rebuying. Still thinking either to add avax or pols today. Kolnet seems to be a good try as well launching on Gamestarter.

LOL, don't talk to yourself smelly pajeet. I can sense and smell it.

>> No.49572109


>> No.49572229

This. Millennials were poor when they were in their 20s like any other generation before boomers but now that they're in their 30s, they realize they're primed to be the next wealth holders but they don't want to admit it or they'll lose cred among their precious twitter/tiktok crowd.

>> No.49572295


>> No.49572459

Your village will starve

>> No.49572637
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You hodling, son?

>> No.49572642

The entire economy is fake. Everything is valued at what people think they will be worth in the future instead of what they should be valued at now

>> No.49572696

HODL mode: on

Involuntary diamond hands at the ready sir!

>> No.49572769

Since nobody will be able to afford driving to work, there will be a massive shift towards working at home. 2020 was the test, now it will all be implemented. Your kids will school from home, you will work from home, you will order your food from home, you will pay your bills from home, you will remain in your home unless you can show proof of your gene therapy injection (it's not a vaccine).

>> No.49572821


>> No.49572825

You can add flare tokens too on which the IDO is coming soon. Maybe when the market stabilize. I can see how many people are in panic in this shitty thread.

>> No.49572830
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Losing attitide. The world is almost always fucked one way or another, you have to find a way to make it work or get left behind. Not fair, just the way it is

>> No.49572837

the market has always been forward looking retard

>> No.49573173

Based and whitepilled

>> No.49573226

>Your kids will school from home
Good, protects them from kike propaganda.

>> No.49573360
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Friendly reminder: "mighty" dotcom bubble is that tiny little parabol on the left.

>> No.49573416

maybe they should've saved and invested

>> No.49573487


You don't fit in. You smell bad, and your sister agrees.

>> No.49573509

We weren't $30T in debt then and had way less money in circulation.

>> No.49573572

Now zoom out to the 1920s
Then do a windo of like 1920 to 1955

>> No.49573583

Even tho I don't want my investments tp crash, I hope this is true

>> No.49573958

> The notion of retirement has always been innately parasitic and unsustainable

who would not want to retire, or at least transition into a job that is less strenuous? I wish my boomer parents would spend on themselves. They just save for seemingly no reason. They haven't taken a vacation beyond a weekend trip to the lake in over 5 years. Some boomers just like to work for some reason while they get progressively more frugal.

My dad makes 250k per year but he re-uses garbage bags to save money

>> No.49573992
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>> No.49574167


>Graduated this year with PhD in Biochem
>Interest rates go up
>Startups top hiring cause no more free money
>Workers getting laid off cause covid money stopped coming in
>Have to live with boomer parent's
>Apply to jobs and get auto rejected by the algorithm 5 minutes after applying with email saying "after careful consideration we don't believe you are a good fit"
>Mom calls me lazy and says "Anon, you went to all these fancy schools and got those degrees, you should be making 150k per year."
>Realize I fell for the STEM meme
>Considering suicide

>> No.49574313

Don't worry, just keep applying, you'll find something decent even if it's not what you want. Me, I majored in Political Science, was too fucked up after undergrad that I postponed grad school. Still haven't gone. I'm 31 years old and I make $19 per hour, this is the highest wage I've earned since I graduated 9 years ago. I guarantee you'll probably find something that pays more due to your PHD.

My friend got his Master's in Biochemical Engineering and while he didn't get a job in his field, he does install software for healthcare companies and trains them how to use it. Not glamorous, but it pays more than my jobs

>> No.49574334

yeah so surely the stocks of the companies producing the rapidly inflating goods goes up? if not. why?

>> No.49574339

Checked but the Fed get their orders from Washington.

>> No.49574355


STEM really should just be TE.

>> No.49574358

bro how does that happen. I didn't even finish my undergrad and I was making $26/hr. then I lost my job for being "antivaxx".

>> No.49574362

fuck my sides hurt so bad plz make it stop

>> No.49574379

Pulled from LookingGlass:

(TRANSLATION) "Early digital currency "Bitcoin" crashed to $12,500 United States Dollars per unit on June 18th, 2022 at 00:49 BJT. This event precipitated a world-wide economic depression that lasted over three years, resulted in the death of more than 50 Million people due to starvation, and impacted global financial stability more than 30 years later. Widely considered the inflection point that began "The Golden Century" of China, the so-called "Great Crash" in the stock market was triggered by the falling Bitcoin price. The Great Crash led to global financial reforms and the eventual emergence of the eYuan, the unified digital currency we use today."

>> No.49574382

no Washington gets its orders from the fed

>> No.49574398

From 18 to 21 (2012 to 2014) I was working as a garbageman making 22 an hour. Parent's convinced me to go to le college because a garbageman isn't highly looked upon in society. Now I'll be lucky to make 20 an hour and most STEM jobs are in high cost areas. Checked in on my garbage bros facebooks and they all seem happy with trade wives and kids and I'm broke living with my parents who are condescending. It's so bad I developed a tick where my eye lid twitches when they are within like 20 feet of me.

>> No.49574423

>be me
>graduate highschool with a college degree because I'm fucking smart as fuck
>spend my early 20s not saving shit and just spending all my money
>coof literally did not affect me at all, just made me start saving up for the inevitable
>almost 30, have enough food to last myself 2.5 years
>enough guns and ammo to outfit a small militia
>still no land tho
Anyone wanna go halvsies on some mountain property and build a bunker with me?

>> No.49574615

Lmao ok buddy. Keep listening to your little circle jerk lolbert support group instead of people that work at the Fed

>> No.49574907

I dont get it bros, stocks are collasping during inflation. Millianials/Gen Z's are all poor as fuck...how the fuck are people going to pay off College Debt? This shit is going to be worse then the Great Depression. How is any fucking debt going to be payed off?????
This is going to be fucking horrible, and I mean a 10 year bear market if we're lucky

>> No.49575025

Fuck you and fuck boomers too.

>> No.49575116
File: 62 KB, 746x771, rofl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not going down
its on sale
BTC to 500000 EOY

>> No.49575146

>Unfortunately the Fed is trying to treat a geopolitical problem with a monetary policy solution, which is going to fucking kill markets
Trips of truth.

>> No.49575228

>this imaginary internet money that was worth $2,500 just 5 years ago is cheap at $25,000 because... because it just is OK?!

>> No.49575463

Correct. There is zero evolutionary advantage for a society to have members sitting on their asses draining resources. Groups where all members have an innate need to work till they die are going to naturally outcompete groups full of lazy bludgers. This should be obvious. The ONLY benefit to retirement is the "promise" of a retirement, as a carrot to make sure people keep working even though they're never going to actually see the money. The retirement system only has to make the average retard actually believe they'll get a payout at some point, even though it's an unsupported load of shit.

>> No.49575549

I want the stock market to crash so bad. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

>> No.49575788

>bro how does that happen. I didn't even finish my undergrad and I was making $26/hr. then I lost my job for being "antivaxx".

what was your job? My problem is just I never broke into the world of "good office jobs" and thus I've never really developed any skills for those jobs. My first job out of college was in the call center department of a charity nonprofit. I made $13.50 per hour. Worked there for two years, applied for jobs internally, they explained why they wouldn't even interview me for the position. I got demoralized, quit that job. Then I got a job as a Sales Development Rep for a SaaS company. I made $15 per hour plus commission (this was in 2016). I was on outbound and would make maybe an extra 200-300 on commission a month. Then was on inbound for a few months and made over 500-1000 a month extra on commission, that was comfy, but then they took me off inbound sales, and I made less, then I got fired (this was 2017). Then after being unemployed for 6 months and trying to make it with crypto and losing my money, I applied and got a job doing Tech support in a call center. This job paid $12 per hour, but I got $13 per hour because I was bilingual and could take Spanish calls (my minor in Spanish really paid off).

Then my parent developed a debilitating illness in late 2018 and I quit that job. In 2019 I got hired making $15 per hour working for a scooter company like Bird. Then I got promoted to a "shift lead" there and made $17 per hour in 2020. Then Covid hit....long story short I ended up quitting end of 2020. Then I applied to a bunch of jobs and got hired on as a shift lead at another tech company with operations in various cities.

I work a night shift, so I got $2 extra per hour after 10pm (my shift is 7pm to 330am). So when you average it out, I get $19.25 per hour.

Every time I try to apply for better jobs, I either don't get calls back or I get rejection emails.

>> No.49575815

damn, 22 an hour wasn't that bad 10 years ago. My eyes often twitch too

>> No.49575883

KO seems to be the safest thing there is. Always bet on amerilards drinking their sugar

>> No.49576048

The economy is probably more fucked than 2008 because houses won't be going down in price; everything will go up in price and wages might not be keeping up anytime soon.

>> No.49576253

what site is this?

>> No.49576505

generational dollar cost averaging
my great grandkids will be BTC holding bosses and yours will be gutter dwellers

>> No.49576596

Friendly reminder that this is only the beginning. Here's what the top Chink commander told the top US military brass recently:
>"if anyone dares to split Taiwan from China, the Chinese army will definitely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost

Notice that last bit. NO MATTER THE COST. Imagine how bad the economies in the West are going to collapse when China is out of the game.

>> No.49576605

>nonsensical cope response
You will stay poor because of your ignorance and stupidity.

>> No.49576609

>millennials: 1986 to 2000
>1989 is the average

>> No.49576616

Wasn't that always true though?

>> No.49576660

it means that inflation is mainly driven by a few commodities (energy, gas) that are particularly scarce right now
check the stocks of companies that provide these goods and you will see massive increases

so we do NOT have a general inflation, just a few select products (which happen to have a huge impact on our measured indicators) and it will likely be transitory

>> No.49576682

No because they haven't gained any purchase power since all their costs have theoretically also gone up

>> No.49576737

zoom out and god will tell you that BTC is going to heaven and beyond.
my unborn kids are already in heaven. yours will be unholy dregs, begging to be redeemed by BTC dust.
only evil ETH hands will try to corrupt 10 generations of your lineage by tempting them to the land of unholy shitcoin shortcuts but you should warn your kids that only BTC leads to heaven.

>> No.49576811

All zombie companies that rely on investors and cheap loans to survive will have to make cut and become profitable to survive.

Also (((diversity))) hires will get the boot because you can't keep them during a recession/deflation.

>> No.49576830

Zoom out. Even now, the Nasdaq is up 84% compared to 5 years ago. Dow Jones is up 46%. The US economy grew by about 17% in the same time span. Stocks are getting a reality check.

>> No.49576865

>what does it mean when stocks go down in the middle of massive inflation?
what matters is the fundamentals, most stocks are overvalued, just look at the numbers and you will see... a massive correction will need to take place for the market to make sense again, a good analogy to the price of let's say, Tesla, would be someone paying 500$ for a loaf of bread.

>> No.49576900

Derivative bubble popping!

>> No.49576999

>Boomers will only be selling stocks for the next 10-20 years
would be wiser to just leave the stocks to your children, selling in a bear market is like burning your own money, are boomers that spitefull?

>> No.49577045

scam chart, definition changed

>> No.49577397
File: 54 KB, 754x700, SALE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its on discount
BUY now and you'll become rich as fuck later
tomorrow BTC will reach 23k, then 22, 21 the countdown to 1k is on the way. if you buy before 1k, the BTC coiled energy will be enough to make it skyrocket to 100 million EOY. when the move up happens, it'll so fast you wont be able to buy.

>> No.49577771

think 1970 oil crisis meets 1929 depression

>> No.49578224

I build websites.
I buy Syscon
I create designs...
Of course there are several other lengthy ways to describe what I do but the act of communicating based on the other party's Intellectual Property is one of the best ways to display one's Intellectual diversity.

>> No.49578312

>what does it mean when stocks go down in the middle of massive inflation?
No more money from the printer? Bubble burst?

>> No.49578491

just a few select products like energy, gas, real estate, food, building materials, electronics, etc.

>> No.49579583

we still hate you spoiled brats, but at least you work.

>> No.49579923

Iran gets invaded

>> No.49580459

what if I gonna turn 26 in 3 months

>> No.49580542
File: 118 KB, 904x591, AAD8C1B3-4AA2-4E36-9118-1CE386FF372C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are boomers that spitefull?
Anon has never met a boomer

>> No.49580902
File: 245 KB, 1467x970, 1604866387699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have been in crypto since 2012

this is special. All you had to do was hold bitcoin, it was that simple

>> No.49580949

But if we run inflation at 15% per month infinitely, the goyim will own nussing und ve vill be glücklich