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49552799 No.49552799 [Reply] [Original]

>governing council:

Hedera is governed by a council which has the world’s most influential companies and institutions, including (but not limited to):
-Chainlink Labs
-Standard Bank

>HBAR foundation:

The above listed bodies (along with others) are constantly funding The HBAR Foundation with billions of dollars ($5 bn). In return, the foundation is allocating these funds toward attracting developers to build on the Hedera ecosystem


So far HBAR foundation has allocated more than $500 million towards expanding the Hedera network/ecosystem. Here are the allocations:

-$250 million allocated for metaverse development
-$155 million allocated for DeFi development
-$100 million allocated for sustainable project development
-$60 million allocated for Fintech development

> 3rd generation public ledger:

The Hedera proof-of-stake public network, powered by hashgraph consensus, achieves the highest-grade of security possible (ABFT) with blazing-fast transaction speeds and incredibly low bandwidth consumption

>Performance metrics:

-Transactions per second: 10,000
-Average fee: $0.0001 USD
-Transaction confirmation: 3-5 second (w/ finality)
-Energy use per transaction: 0.00017 KWH^^

Newest interview with John Wingate, good insight on how Hedera will become used by all reputable banking services. The crypto leagues ahead of others in terms of surviving regulations
>John Wingate from Banksocial interview on how hedera is the Only viable solution for real usecases


>> No.49552912 [DELETED] 

>avery dennison atma enterprise usecase to go live this month
>transactions dumps
>price dumps
What did Mance mean by this?

>> No.49552933
File: 190 KB, 1080x1706, Professional Hedera Scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avery dennison atma enterprise usecase to go live this month
>transactions dumps
>price dumps
What did Mance mean by this?

>> No.49552993


Watch the last interview, fudboi

>> No.49553010

>Watch the last interview, fudboi
What video? What is the explanation?

>> No.49553071

I wake up everyday hoping atma.io has been released. Even after all that’s happened I think Hbar is a valuable buy rn I think the step function will catch a lot of people by surprise. But I can’t bring myself to buy more - I have 200k at an average of .30 and I just want to be breakeven again oh god. Thanks for reading

>> No.49553294

The last interview I linked in 1st post. If youre a real human, its a great look into reality of the current issues with crypto space and how hedera will be in top position to be a top or the top coin in the next 5 years or less. This guy explains why the shift over to Hedera is inevitable. The TPS will come once reality understands hedera and once ppl start porting over their dapps to hedera (currently happening)

Transactions mean nothing atm as crypto barely even exists.

Even Hederas youtube have a bunch of new interviews.

>> No.49553365

The Sports metaverse has some pretty exciting features, you can display your NFTs on the wall, minigames and other fan experiences and Hedera is one of the major backers of this project. I think it will make some big waves in the near future

>> No.49553430

Sports metaverse will be the future of live sporting events. Heres Leemon given us normal humans a foreshadowing of said future. This is what hes currently working on, solving XR and making it a viable reality whilst utilizimg hedera is his next priority.
