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49551798 No.49551798 [Reply] [Original]

Not price wise, it will always be bubbles, dumps and pumps

But value wise... we seriously at most have some engineered financial product with 3 levels of leverage that brought down wall street in 2008? That and privacy coins like monero, is literally everythinng 14 years of crypto brought us

>Hurr DurrR wE are STill EarlY

It would be as nothign happened ont he internet 1988 to 2002...so no

At max we get 5-8% staking from ETH and LINK; but thats literally it. It wont be better like this. All L1s is just VC copy scams of each other to exit on retail

>> No.49551939 [DELETED] 

not looking hard enough. gains.trade is a decentralised leverage trading platform built on polygon. right now if you stake in its DAI vault, you'd get 37% APY. thats straight from trading fees, not ponzinomics or other shady bullshit.

you're welcome

>> No.49551993

>6 years in crypto
>doesn't have at least high 6 figures to live off 8%
Kek poorfag

>> No.49552025

I do, and? literally my first fucking sentence idiot

>> No.49552106

sergey himself around october said we will see less fluctuation and more resistant linear growth in the market with staking. soon.

>> No.49552136

it took you six 6 years to figure out crypto is useless and a scam?
maybe in another 6 years youll figure out that crypto is so big that its part of the grander financial scam now. you got boomers buying BTC through their 401k now. it is useless and a scam but guess what the entire financiial system is a scam too. crypto is not going anyhwere.

>> No.49552142

surprised more people aren't jumping on this. once SSS comes out GNS will be both locked up and generating revenue from fees. ive been in this space since 2016 and have never seen tokenomics this good

>> No.49552174

I made 430k so far, I trade and have learned to gamble on meme coins based on shit like telegram users, tokenomics etc... but thats no different than being good on poker

>> No.49552210

Same here. Crypto has maybe one or two bull runs left before people realize that the emperor has no clothes. Crypto isn’t in its “early” stages anymore. It’s been around for over a decade and there are almost zero use cases.

>> No.49552663

That is quite true, the only real value crypto has is its real world usage. Which >95% of coins do not have. Monero is one of those that has said usage.

>> No.49552874

Correct anon
All crypto is just a website to the end-user. You can do as much handwaving, "look at the code" theatrics you want, at the end of the day, they are all just a website. There is not a single shred of evidence that your average user will ever voluntarily choose a more complicated online transaction over an easier one, not to mention the fact that every crypto elevator pitch I've read over the last two years is complete fucking gibberish to your average person. It's all a bunch of intellectual jerking off. What I'm guessing we're living through is basically the forming of the next tech plateau, which was created by hardware, not software, and now all the software chads are trying to figure out how to avoid the fact that what we got now hardware and software-wise is basically what we're going to have until the next revolution in hardware, which who knows how long that will be. Crypto is at the end of the day a bunch of software chads trying to keep technological progress increasing at the exponential rate it was increasing it for the last decade. In tech, it's always hardware -> software, it's the quintessential chicken and the egg scenario. Paradigm shifts in software are unproven, and any time they're predicted they generally fail. Look at Quibi, look at Guatemala where the biggest experiment in mass adoption has tried and has failed to take off with normal people in any of the ways it was hoped it would. Many many factors played into this last bullrun--low interest rates, pandemic money printing, people getting into crypto for the first time, the dollar still being the world's reserve currency without equal--all of these things will be different now going forward, and not in favor of crypto. Clown world is over, rejoice, let's all take a nice big deep swig of reality and get back to work, the only place money ever came from to begin with.

>> No.49553181

this is the most artificial thread I evee saw on this website

>> No.49553203

Calling people poor isn't really that insulting, kike.

>> No.49553216

>crypto is useless and a scam?
No coiner detected.

>> No.49553228

>It’s been around for over a decade and there are almost zero use cases.
BTC has been around for a decade and it does have a use case.
4channers are the biggest fox and sour grapes I have every seen.
Saying something doesn't make it true no matter how much you seethe about it.

>> No.49553813

Exactly, it's not bad per se there just isn't much to it

>> No.49553896

>BTC has been around for a decade and it does have a use case.
>Saying something doesn't make it true no matter how much you seethe about it.
This is called cognitive dissonance folks.

>> No.49555317

BTC worst case scenario will regress to it's original use-case that organically happened: darkweb products and services and buying drugs through the mail. BTC will never be useless we have been hearing this same bullshit for the last 12 years and here we fucking are.

The only other coins that matter are ETH (smart contracts), LINK (oracles), and Monero (privacy). Everything else just offers you another way to transfer and trade shit coins. Do not fall for the non-native staking scams unless you can get in and get out without them imploding. Polygon (Matic) might be the only other useful coin to speculate on. All else so far is over-engineered garbage looking to solve problems that don't even exist yet.

>> No.49555678

>less fluctuation

>> No.49555777

> we are early
there are a fuckton of new innovations and ideas in the crypto space. we are on the cusp of major innovations and adoption.
this is coming from someone who works in the blockchain space and is excited everyday he gets to work.

>> No.49556022

You are wrong on all L1s pageet. Check out Qanplatform before making this generalised statement.

>> No.49556240
File: 72 KB, 1600x959, Jack-Dorsey-Web5-Web6-TBD-Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much this. BTC is the ONLY alternative to fiat other than precious metals. i wish i had the foresight to see this like saylor and dorsey did instead of following that sperg musk and getting all caught up in the DOGE bs

the only thing that is temporarily putting a strain on BTC is the shitty altcoin market and the incoming recession. dorsey doubled down on the web3 nonsense and is working on web5 (web2 + web3 = web5) incorporating BTC maximalism calling out web3 as a scam and a fad. when you invest in anything you have to invest in what will sustain itself or actually become a thing in the future. i'll admit i was wrong about web3, thankfully it didn't take long for me to become a BTC maxi. the bear market really shone a light on the VC roaches

>> No.49556248

I think you're an idiot. Anyone who does a couple minutes of research will see that entire countries are adopting cryptos and CBDCs. We are on the verge of epic wealth and people with IQs too low to understand that are getting shaken out now, and that's a good thing. High IQ investors are buying projects like XLM, CNDL, and XRP.

>> No.49556325

tell me 5 right now that isn't some kind of 5 levels of defi scam

>> No.49558000


>> No.49558061
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>Believing sirgay

>> No.49558213

still waiting

>> No.49559589

That's quite fair APY desu, but i do reckon that of MUST on comethswap which is about 50% is more attractive to me.

>> No.49559662

Wait till you see your big banks getting on board DeFi via infrastructures built by crypto projects like Alliance Block.

>> No.49559717

>BTC worst case scenario will regress to it's original use-case that organically happened: darkweb products and services and buying drugs through the mail.
We already have a coin tailor made for the kind of security and privacy those transactions require and no one is going to randomly decide to start using btc instead.

>> No.49559761

I've been in crypto for over 5 years and I'm just slightly above breaking even.

>> No.49559777

It's obvious he is a retard anon, he doesn't understand how far the industry has come.

>> No.49559884

Do you always buy the top anon?

>> No.49560053

This will happen when you never sell.

t. fell for the HODL meme

>> No.49560100

You sound like a retard anon, we have a couple of projects like ONE, ALBT building amazing solutions in the world of finance.

>> No.49560147

I'm agreeing with you

>> No.49560432

I don't give a shit about all this, at these moment i am focused on playing games as the market looks super shitty.

Focusing on cometh for now ahead of their cometh mission 7