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49550676 No.49550676 [Reply] [Original]

Is medical field a /biz/ career?

>> No.49550683

medical field is not an occupation

>> No.49550710

Medicine is well payed in USA, the rest of the world though? Not really

>> No.49550796

>calm and reasonable after ativan
imagine going into the hospital where some chink decides if youre acting proper enough not to need the sneedivan

>> No.49550798

Entering the medical field is like entering the church 500 years ago.
You're always going to have a job, a roof over your head and food on the table but your whole life is going to revolve around one thing and you're going to spend all your time in a microcosm with next to 0 opportunies to branch out as your skillsets don't transfer too well in other things.

>> No.49550839

A better life than 90% of people experience then

>> No.49550855

>rips his own balls off
>damn chinks think I'm not acting properly while high on drugs
If you wanna see how retarded biz posters are just ask them about healthcare and western medicine.

>> No.49550999

>Medicine is well payed in USA, the rest of the world though? Not really

Fucking this. Rest of the world medfag reporting. Pay is barely decent but the job is (as a primary care em):

>Give me diazepam or i'll bash your head in
>child with fever and cough, child with fever and cough, child with fever, cough and diarrhea
>my throat is sore, no fever (wakes you up at 3 in the morning)
>motorcycle accident season, what do you mean i have blood in my chest and twisted legs, i was only going 200km/h in urban area
>aww doc, im going to die rn (is completely fine)
>"im suffocating", at 3 in the morning obviously, usually women (perfectly healthy as always)
>high blood pressure, high blood pressure, high blood pressure and hyperglycemia

Don't go into medicine if you don't have a cushy spec like optho or derm waiting for you, you'll be miserable and a slave to society full of retards just waiting to ruin your day.

>> No.49551658
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it's always the /pol/tards

>> No.49551822
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I'm going into prosthetics and orthotics, what am I in for?

>> No.49551869

Doc, my dick ain't feeling right

>> No.49551901

What the actual fuck

>> No.49551943

No, not after mandatory yearly jabs. You will be chake full of aluminium by the age of 40.

>> No.49552182

Reverse Satan speaks. Contemplating jump from IT to Psychiatry. Any thoughts? If it means anything I legitamtely care about people's mebtal health, do better under stress

>> No.49552281

Head and neck surgeon here, specialist in sinus endoscopic surgery and facial trauma/fracture surgery. Sounds fancy right, my pay is 7k euro a month in a Scandinavian country. So yeah, dont go into this profession if you want to get rich

>> No.49552329
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I make $40 an hour. Got a 2 year Associates Degree a couple years ago. Work 3 12-hour shifts a week. And get to work nights when all the patients are sleeping. Full medical, dental, 401k, etc. I watch movies and shitpost half of the time. Pretty comfy.

>> No.49553391

Psychiatry is for Jews or faggots, guessing you are the latter

>> No.49553713

Jesus tap dancing Christ. Fuck that. You are criminally underpaid.

Sports medicine doc, Florida, 275k/year

>> No.49553765

That's it?

>> No.49553883
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Optometry / audiology is decent. All the clout of being a doctor but you do mostly the same shit every day and if anything looks sinister you just refer onwards to opthalmology or otorhinolaryngology.

As an audiologist the worst shit is overly anxious people (again mostly women) who complain they can't hear in background noise, or if their boyfriend is in the kitchen with his head in a cupboard and she's in the living room watching Netflix. Of course you fucking can't. UK pay is pretty garbage in the public sector especially as a grad (£25k - £32k starting,) but everyone ends up going private and selling hearing aids to boomers

>> No.49554103

It's unironically the libtards, taking "vaccines" for diseases with 99% survival rates, then in denial about the side effects which are worse than the disease. Kek. Enjoy the strokes and heart attacks.

>> No.49554191

>why yes, I don't need to take the meds even though I ripped my own testicle out and ate it

>> No.49554196

it's cripplingly depressing and, though it pays well, it still doesn't pay enough at pretty much every rung of the ladder

>> No.49554250

In the US, it pays more than enough. Pretty much guarantees you will be at least upper middle class.

>> No.49555815

i make 470k a year working about 45hrs/week and have 7 weeks of vacation every year, so yeah despite the asspained experience of losers here, becoming a doctor was 100% worth it

see absolute dumbfucks like you come in gives me immense pleasure

>> No.49555922

i was kind of hoping the room-temp iq poltards would have left this board after the bear market started

I have several friends who transitioned form IT to medicine, you have to REALLY want it, yes pay is much better but you've got to plan on being back in school for ten years to be a psychiatrist; that's ten years of missed income, so financially probably not worth it to be honest. Would be shorter to become a psychologist instead of going through med school to be a psychiatrist. You won't be a physician or be able to treat things with drugs at all but you can still talk to sad people and help them feel better

>> No.49555943
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>Sports medicine doc

>> No.49556003

Yeah no. If your grandparents weren't upper class you are not.

>> No.49556285

In the US anyone can become upperclass if they make enough money and aren't social retards.

>> No.49556462

A well-paid wageslave is still a wageslave, especially if you have to take out a six-figure medical school loan for the opportunity.

>> No.49556466


I'm a psychiatrist. I would say it's a pretty nice job if you're interested in what goes on in people's mind. I wouldn't recommend working in a clinic since most patients are there against their will and generally will hate you. Working with outpatients can be really rewarding though.

>> No.49556468

Amerisharts, is your country really that great for medicine careers? I'm earning fucking peanuts for being an audiologist in the UK, and my wife has friends in upstate new york. I don't want to study for a year to get my AuD certificate in order to practice in the US only to find I'm earning $120k+ but my cost of living has skyrocketed too and my quality of life is exactly the same.

>> No.49556490

why would you post this wtf ahahaa oh god wtf dude he ripped open his scrotum with his bare hands and ATE THE DAMN THING broooooooo

>> No.49556519

Which position? I'm about to go into an ADN nursing program. 2 years of nursing school and theoretically i come out of the other side making $50k+/yr. Would love to hear other peoples' experiences.
I'm so fucking tired of being poor and working bullshit minimum wage jobs, this seems like a realistic chance for me to get into middle class and live comfortably. To not have to worry about constant financial stressors seems absolutely heavenly.

>> No.49556523

kys troonys

>> No.49556552

this nigga wants to eat his own balls lmao

>> No.49556570

key words:
>his own
imagine caring to authoritatively stop him with your jew juice

>> No.49556604

doctor fag here. only worth it if you are intelligent and do not need to take loans otherwise I would avoid. the hardest part about being a physician is reading the retarded, low IQ, echo chamber q anon nonsense on here and having to tolerate it because you acknowledge people are stupid.

>> No.49556651
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>Is medical field a /biz/ career?

>> No.49556652

you're really going to leave out the general destruction of medicine and physician autonomy? the political neoliberal drivel being force fed into sacrificing your self and your needs for administrative bloat, CPT price fixing, hospital lobbying and mid level push? it's over dude. Tell them to go become NP's so they can pretend to know jac shit about anything and get some nice media coverage about all their 'sacrifices' during the pandemic. M4VP2

>> No.49556667

one of the guys at the hospital i worked at had tried to cut his bawls off multiple times; legend had it. it was a psychiatric hospital

>> No.49556670

seethe more faggot, you are not fit to live in human society; in ancient time you'd be thrown off a cliff, be happy we allow you to live at all

>> No.49556678

now look at suicide rates

>> No.49556689

if you're a nurse or a physician assistant then it's okay since the money is good and the hours aren't too bad. if you're a doctor it's the most wagecucked career in existence.

>4 years college + 4 years med school + 3-7 years residency + 0-2 years fellowship
>$300k student loans @ 6-8% interest
>60-100 hour work weeks during school/training
>50-60 hours work weeks for entirety of career unless you're primary care or smart enough (200 IQ asian smart) to match into a lifestyle specialty
>1 in 3 doctors get sued for malpractice in their career
>need to get licensure in every state you want to practice in
>need to do continuing medical education for your entire career

t. US med school dropout

>> No.49556734
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Answer me you fat fucks

>> No.49556739

as an anesthesiologist dealing with dipshit CRNAs who think they are as smart or as good as me while killing patients due to incompetence, yes it's infuriating. Corporates medicine with its midlevel pushes, dumbass teenagers with MBA destroying practices and all the things you mention make it extremely frustrating. THat being said, I have a very good life which helps soften the blow. I am involved with AMA and ASA and PPP to give some blowback and a lot of med students residents and young docs are more involved than the old guard so I think the pendulum will start to swing back in our favor. THere's only so many p[eople that can die from midelevsl mismanaging patients, corporate cost cutting etc before laws start to be put back in place.

>> No.49556778

anon, it depends on how you look at it. Medical education is obnoxiously expensive and most require hundreds of thousands in loans just for hte 4 years of education, withotu taking into accoutn the cost of living itself while a student. Residency pays very poorly and you work 80+ hours as a slave. If you can specialize or obtain scholarships it is worth it in the end after 10+ years of sacrifice. The only time medicine is worth it is if you have a brain, the work ethic, and wealthy family to pay for yoru tuition. In Europe you make far less, but your education is generally subsidized or free. t.burger

>> No.49556831

BRO. you're in anesthesia? the AMA and your anesthesiology lobbying organization have KEKED you the most! Reading a newspaper during surgery is fine by me because I KNOW you have earned it, but please dont tell me about the AMA, the worst fucking organization on earth that literally betrayed all physicians. I may come off as an angry biztard here but believe me I am passionate and as a hospitalist my patients are well taken care of, but the writing is on the wall. I'm only 1.5 years out from PSLF. im getting the fuck out and taking back my freedom.

>> No.49557051

AMA is full of cucks, but ASA has grown a ton of teeth in the last 5 years, like they are pretty relentless in curb stomping the " we are as good as doctors" drivel. AMA needs a lot more work but younger people coming up through the ranks arent cucks like the old guard in the AMA. All the twats who sold medicine out are retiring or dying now, ASA grew balls and I imagine its only a matter of time before the AMA grows some balls. PPP is where its at for the front lines trench warfare in lobbying against literal brain dead NPs killing patients to save some costs for shareholders. ED is just now getting riled up without how their market got glutted by NPs and shitty HCA "residencies" that popped up by the doszens glutting their market. FM has had teeth for a while. ALl the people in the specialty specific lopbbies and so on feed into the AMA eventually so there is definitely a change in tone I see going on

>> No.49557370

How about dentistry?

>> No.49557481

Is this a bot? What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.49557502
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>Would be shorter to become a psychologist instead
I've taken most of premed (B.S. Applied Math) so it would be about the same if not shorter to go the psychiatry route. T b h i don't care about pay if I can do something I give a shit about. Network Architects can easily out perform doctor's salaries but IT is boring as shit for me.
>I'm a psychiatrist.
I have a million questions but if you dont mind answering just these:
>approaching 30, too late? Again money is no issue
>i need to study dreaming (fron psych to neuro) and the various untapped apllications of them. How feasible would be doing research on the side?
I imagine at best this would be small time since the culture (funding) isn't there yet. Also this is accessory, patients would cone first.
>any recs as far as going partial premed (3.2sGPA, 3.6cum) to full application?
I can relocate states so that's not an issue. I got such a low gpa since I was aimless in undergrad and was only there because I was a pipeline kid who listened to the adults in his life
>just go to college and make 6 figures! :~DDDDDdd
I can balance a lot of stress and time demanding tasks (deployed but still worked out and studied for industry certs). I know I can do it but need honest feedback.

>> No.49557680

I don' think you understand how medical training works lol

Assuming you are not already accepted into med school for the fall, it will take you an absolute bare minimum of 9 years (4yrs med school, 4yrs residency) before you can be a psychiatrist assuming you don't need a single pore med class and are not gonna do any fellowships. So again, unless you are prepared to go a decade without earning shit and going hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, become a psychologist instead, it is much faster, you just wont be a physician

>> No.49557745

This is fake, acid horror stories are all government propaganda.
>He jumped out of a 40th floor window because he thought he could fly!
>She put her baby in the oven because she thought it was a turkey!
>Residual acid gets trapped in your spinal column and make you have flashbacks!
These are urban legends and anyone who's taken acid knows it's not like this, even on a bad trip.

>> No.49557774

> (B.S. Applied Math)
i have a bs in applied math as well. >>49556689 be sure you can tolerate memorizing massive volumes of information because that's all you will be doing in med school and i fucking HATED IT. i did 1 semester. we covered 2000-3000 powerpoint slides per 5 week block. it's torturously boring.

>> No.49557934

>Anon is so retarded he thinks people talking about technicals and politics in their field is gibberish.

>> No.49557949


It's not late, I've got a colleague that became psychiatrist at 60. Earlier he was a specialist for public health though.

Working on dreams is not that popular nowadays. I've done my psychotherapy training in Jungian psychology, people will laugh at you if you tell about it. On a positive note you can write your papers for little unknown journals with relative ease, if you're interested in it.

Here in CH I earn 150 k per year, every other specialist earn more apart from child psychiatrists.

>> No.49558041

It may as well be considering I’ve never met a good doctor. Circlejerk politics is all they’re good for.

>> No.49558047

Going to medical school for my M.D. at the moment. I'm not really doing it for the money. I'm just obsessed with disease and the macabre.

>> No.49558106


You can study medicine in Cuba for cheap


>> No.49558206

I've done a ton of LSD and never come close to ripping my nuts off.

This was a result of an LSD induced panic attack, which indicates deeper psychological issues.

>> No.49558620

((((we)))). lol. listen to this chink.

>> No.49558723
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>Go to doctor for first time in years
>"Dude I have no idea what the problem is, maybe it's a brain tumour I'll check with a colleague and maybe get back to you lmao"

>> No.49558750

I just took a couple xanax (third time this week). I was told to up the dose, but I had to give up my car in return. So my chauffeur drives me around from place to place.