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49547984 No.49547984 [Reply] [Original]

VR will never catch on no matter how hard Zucc and/or Valve try to push it on to the mainstream. Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can’t

>> No.49548010

>tfw the fucking vr gears are too expensive to have one in your house
>tfw you're starting to hate to be poor

>> No.49548036

where you from anon? why the hell you aren't hating the fact of being poor? are you poor from a first-world country? I hope so, because, saying that in a third-world country it would be something fucking retarded to say, especially becoming from a fucking nigger or something

>> No.49548048

When everyone has one of those in their pocket. And in fact, we already have them, but the manufacturers do not want to take the step of giving us accessories to be able to be in the multiverse in a cheaper way, so to speak.

>> No.49548065

VR is the future, but it will take some time (maybe a few decades) until the tech is really "there". I honestly don't know if Meta trying to push VR in this early stage of the tech is a good idea. It's not ready for mass adoption yet.

>> No.49548066

Dont need to, because you are right.
The premise is wrong, using this thing on your head is a not a good way to experiment another reality.

>> No.49548069


>accessories like this are only sold in shitty chinese shops
>in amazon they also sell them to you but at a higher price
>yfw no face

>> No.49548076

like it or not, VR is part of the future since companies began to see an economic utility on it.

>> No.49548078

Yeah, keep coping anon, keep doing it. You're doing it well

>> No.49548086
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>> No.49548094

not until they can get rid of motion sickness

>> No.49548103

>protip: you can’t
so why did you make this thread?

>> No.49548106


>> No.49548131

There are too many current VR projects which are succeeding. An example of this is rebase, which is a project that adds the basic concepts of VR with physical lands, making a kind of pokemon GO with NFTs, where you have to go buy them in different lands to make investments with them.

>> No.49548143

Rebase is a good project, but it's going very slowly. They haven't released basic stuff yet, which is super necessary. (new lands, 3D gallery)

>> No.49548147

sounds nice, too nice actually... that could be the correct usage for a metaverse

>> No.49548155

The 3D gallery already has beta, but it's rubbish. Lacks too much work to be decent.

>> No.49548166

it feels like they use free unreal engine assets, why would i trust that

>> No.49548224

Who needs VR when we already live in a simulation.

>> No.49548255

VR as it is right now will always be just a product for entertainment, more like a ps4 less like a phone. AR has promise but the tech isn't there yet.
Every one always talks about rejecting digital slavery but they all eventually give that up for convenience. I think the zucc will eventually get there.

>> No.49548285

Downhill started when FB bought Oculus and made it a walled garden. Final nail was Valve's idea to make the VR hardwired to brains. Jeeses.

>> No.49548317

Retard, the Quest 2 sold more units than the new gen consoles despite the headset being bulky, 99% of the game shit, the graphics awful and the FOV narrow.

It's going to be mainstream before the end of the decade by a wide margin.

>> No.49548319

It's fine if it doesn't "catch on" e.g. become mainstream, because it's already cool in its current state. It has already reached a level where we can be sure that it won't simply disappear, so at the very least it will remain a niche interest with some degree of continual progress in hardware and software, and that's enough for me.

>> No.49548320

Valve starts random projects that go nowhere all the time
I think the lizard man has the conviction to put us into the vr concentration camp

>> No.49548444

>Valve starts random projects that go nowhere all the time
So do I.
VR could work hugely, if
>they get lightweight
>VR/AR in same package
>great resolution that could actually replace monitors and tvs (ar) and at the same time work as immersive full VR.
>settle around 300€
>AND companies would quit the privacy anal intrusions of their customers and keep it all private, create a new business model for heavens sake, man.
Then, maybe.

>> No.49548474

This pretty much
VR "games" and whatnot need to run at 120fps 8K resolution imo

>> No.49548511

But the problem of course is that the logistics are crashing and the component deliveries are going to full stop. So, the VR sets out now, I suppose, will be the last there will be, in perhaps 20 years.

It's back to D&D and dices, for the kids soon. Not so bad thing, after all.

>> No.49548555

The idea of touch screen tech has been there since the Cold War and it only became mainstream in the 2010s through smartphones. VR tech is early and still has a long way to go before becoming mainstream.

>> No.49548604
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VR is obviously the future. How do you steal more land from people without them revolting? How do you corral people into 6x8 shitboxes with shared communal toilets and showers and still squeeze huge sums of $ out of them? You give them a pair of VR glasses and they won't give a shit how dog shit their living environment is because they'll be totally oblivious to it while they're getting VR head from some cute Japanese girl with a robofuck doll or flesh light siphonsing every drop of jizz from their balls irl. The question is will cuckerberg be the way to play VR, or will it be another company?

>> No.49548845
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i'm actually looking forward to it. tired of playing games on boring 2D monitors. i'm an oldfag and have been doing this ever since the Atari 2600 days. it's time for a revolutionary change in gaming or internet interactivity

>> No.49549006
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> VR projects are succeeding
Does anyone actually enjoy any of these projects or is the audience entirely speculators trying to make money because they think they will be popular aka NFTs/Beanie Babies