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49540071 No.49540071 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I continue to let myself be abused?

>> No.49540112

Why dont you just quit being such a faggot?

>> No.49540141
File: 3.62 MB, 2372x1304, Screen Shot 2022-06-11 at 7.05.16 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last 48 hours have been the most BULLISH experience of my life

>> No.49540359

Is such a thing possible holding link?

>> No.49540422

I'm not sure how they calculate that but for the derivatives part I bet they're including like open interest and such. That would be like including all of the OI of crypto in the market cap. Seems kind of wrong but I'm not sure.

>> No.49540434

Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.

>> No.49540453

you should buy some link to cheer yourself up

>> No.49540456

No matter what happens, this picture makes me laugh consistently

>> No.49540461


>> No.49540500

even if chainlink facilitated all this the price of LINK would not budge an inch upwards kek

>> No.49540524

you own LINK

>> No.49540552

Yes and I have made my peace with being everlasting poverty. Could you say the same?

>> No.49540586

>sergey recycling shill pictures
must be desperate for more bagholders to prop up his ponzi

>> No.49540605

It is spiritless to think that you cannot attain to that which you have seen and heard the masters attain. The masters are men. You are also a man. If you think that you will be inferior in doing something, you will be on that road very soon.

>> No.49540606

This retard's error is that he thought defi being at 100 billion wasn't already grossly overpriced.

shit's gonna dump.

>> No.49540607

based and ascetic pilled

>> No.49540630
File: 672 KB, 1024x1024, 1654326366529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean everything in the market is doing bad not just chainlink. I think the future of chainlink is very bullish you just have to not be a fag and hold through the recession. Like fudsters want to focus on such micro economic phenomenon when the whole market is being slammed right now.

>> No.49540636

The shitty part is that defi is like 98% utter bullshit but link is actually legit.
Link is absolutely necessary, but what it secures is very questionable.

>> No.49540638

>same slides

>> No.49540642

>Link is now below where it was before the staking announcement
What the everloving fuck is wrong with this shitcoin?

>> No.49540669


>> No.49540685

There is nothing we should be quite so grateful for as the last line of the poem that goes, 'When your own heart asks. Yamamoto Tsunetomo

>> No.49540726

In the Kamigata area, they have a sort of tiered lunchbox they use for a single day when flower viewing. Upon returning, they throw them away, trampling them underfoot. The end is important in all things.

>> No.49540759

"defi" isn't your pajeetcoins or ponzishit project that scammed you, it's the very concept of finance without intermediaries taking a cut at every step (and generally being parasites)
only a midwit or a seething kike would try to claim that it is undervalued

with defi you can actually earn interest when you stack your dollars (instead of 0.01% offered by the average bank), while knowing that the platform is actually not overleveraged and your dollars are not at risk (instead of the average bank that lends on 0.01% reserves)
hacks and exploits, many a natural result of such immature and early-stage networks, are becoming increasingly rarer and chainlink is playing its part to all of this, making things like flash loan attacks obsolete or helping destroy frontrunning
when CCIP is out this year, it's actually over. nolinkers will rope

>> No.49540782

Yes, I hold link and am not an emo faggot like yourself. Just better yourself everyday and one day you will check the charts and be a rich man. But you will still be a faggot if you dont improve yourself while waiting.

>> No.49540805

Okay that's cool and all but aave only exists to scam leverage monkeys and everything else gets exploited every week

>> No.49540832

>only exists to scam leverage monkeys
that's a good thing

>everything else gets exploited every week
exaggerating, with most of these exploits affecting smaller platforms and many of those exploits are just retards refusing to use chainlink oracles for whatever reason

>> No.49540880

dudes JPMorgan will put TRILLIONS into DeFi in two weeks just trust me a big guy from JPMorgan just announced it at Consensus. Source Coindesk sponsored by Nexo
>BANKING ON DEFI: JPMorgan (JPM) hopes it has found a way for decentralized finance (DeFi) developers to leverage the yield-generating potential of non-crypto assets. Speaking to CoinDesk at Consensus 2022 in Austin, Texas, Tyrone Lobban, head of Onyx Digital Assets at JPMorgan, described in detail the bank’s institutional-grade DeFi plans and highlighted how much value in tokenized assets is waiting in the wings.

>“Over time, we think tokenizing U.S. Treasurys or money market fund shares, for example, means these could all potentially be used as collateral in DeFi pools,” Lobban said. “The overall goal is to bring these trillions of dollars of assets into DeFi.”

>> No.49540960

yes banks and finance will sleep on this
nothing to see here goyim, move along
new infrastructure? interoperability? monetizing services to customers?
nah haha just a nothingburger, move along goyim

>> No.49540973

No one can explain this paradigm shift is supposed to happen. And even still, no one can explain how any of this will affect the token price.
Crypto is a market primarily driven by speculation. We all know that CCIP will take years to roll out. In the mean time, where is the hype? Because without that, this shit is never reaching a new ATH and probably won't go much higher than its current price

>> No.49541012
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>no one can explain how any of this will affect the token price.
through supply/demand, though i understand that if your IQ is below 80 no amount of explanation will be adequate

>We all know that CCIP will take years to roll out
yes sub80 IQ people all "know" this i suppose
not like it's releasing this year or anything

>> No.49541034


ahhh 'smart contracts'
A smart contract is not a contract. The theory behind smart contracts is “code is law.”1So let’s do programs that cannot be updated that handle money. Now, we’ve had programs that handle money for decades now. So I’m a savvy investor, I have an index fund, my index fund is run by a computer that’s running a fairly simple set of programs, trading on my behalf to make sure it matches the index.

Now, there’s two things about that program: It’s not generally accessible to the internet, so no random person can go up to it. And it’s running on a fabric that’s reversible. So if there’s a catastrophic screw up, you get the people involved and can undo the mess.

The smart contracts really are computer programs that operate on money. But there’s a few riffs on them. There’s no mechanism to fix problems if they occur. There’s no undo button. In fact, there’s often no way to upgrade at all. So if a bug is found, you’re out of luck. They are written in a truly awful set of programming languages, but that’s just the icing on the cake. And any random person in the world can interact with them.

>> No.49541099

Chainfink has been the most entertaining thing in the last few years or so I can't remember has it been five already time flies but the memes the jokes the laughs it's been fantastic

>> No.49541194

anon they have not announced anything as to the roll out of ccip and if it is in stages it would only be between certain blockchains like ETH/SOL or BNB or only used by certain whitelisted pilot entities like aave and celcius going off what they announced for staking.

sir gay did not discuss it at all at consensus instead he broadened his discussion to secure messaging and how central entities have routinely reneged on their security and obligations and switched off features to the detriment of the user.
I think if the citizen is going to become a user with inalienable digital rights for their data beyond that defined by the human rights charter he should begin by switching things on, defining obligations, and structuring incentives. Most human exploitation in the last few decades has to with user data and underneath the problems with central entity exploitation of user data are ill defined obligations of these central entities related to the status of user data and how it should be used and not abused.
If defi is to financially liberate the individual user then how a user's data is used must be considered and he did not really discuss that but I know deco and other chainlink features do target that but again there was no discussion about it. Instead it was a glossed over "there are problems with central entities look here are some examples".
Some of the research they produce discusses it in fragmented form but no one is doing it justice unless they approach it holistically. Accessibility is also a problem with this research and I think there is an opportunity to capture broader attention as crypto is beginning to fragment into different web3 web5 worlds.

>> No.49541259

>In fact, there’s often no way to upgrade at all.
That's not really true these days.
>They are written in a truly awful set of programming languages
Can create an infinite amount of languages to operate smart contracts so even if this is true it's not necessarily so.
Can try Vyper if you think Solidity is shit. Curve uses it and Curve is very legit.

>> No.49541333

how about you learn to understand the markets...the macro? so you understand WHY the token you are married to is doing what its doing? So you can stop being a absolute victim cunt? just an idea...

>> No.49541457

I remember when this pic was $5 at the top and $2 at the bottom

>> No.49541462

I understand the macro situation but also remember that link was the god of the bear market last time. So I can't help but be a victim cunt desu.

>> No.49541481

Cause you’re stinky and love your abuser out of pure self loathing.

>> No.49541995

>yes sub80 IQ people all "know" this i suppose
you are the sub iq faggot.
They released staking after almost 3 years on mainnet. And the staking we got was a shit version of it. CCIP is not coming out sanytime soon you mutt