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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49539478 No.49539478 [Reply] [Original]

>Consumer sentiment has reached a point lower than during the peak of Great Recession along with the previous two recessions.
>We're still at the supposed start of the incoming recession

Is this proof that some serious shit is about to come our way during the next downturn?

>> No.49539497

Hyperinflation of the US economy.
100% serious, willing to discuss.

>> No.49539499


>> No.49539533


No, the reverse. Sentiment almost always is low AFTER drops. And its almost always highest at all time highs. If anything a record low reading could mean people are overly scared and oversold.

>> No.49539539
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Nothing ever happens

>> No.49539660

>Is this proof that some serious shit is about to come our way during the next downturn?
Less than 18 years to go.
We're at the end of the cycle. Everything goes in cycles. Economics, politics, warfare, civilizations, life itself. It's all a cycle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory#Timing_of_generations_and_turnings

>> No.49539675

yep, hyperinflation it will be
buttcorn could get to a million of funny moneys

>> No.49539706

I believe they will print and stocks will go down like they did in the 1970's. I believe Bitcoin and the other 19,000 cryptos will go down as well.
Bitcoin is completely traceable and taxable.
Houses are depreciating assets.
There is a reason people buy the shiny metals.
Gold is already outperforming.

>> No.49539773

we have privacy coins and even buttcord has taproot and can be private
the killer app of crypto is verifiability
i can send you a 1000 in some crypto, even a stable and you can verify it
while if you use gold you need a lot to verify this is gold and not something funny

also remote sending is a thing, with gold you can't

crapto is here to stay for as long as terra is a monetary world

>> No.49539862

You will end up selling whatever you have in order to buy gold, very soon.
On the other side of this monster, we all need to work together and keep the peace, and hopefully those that have a good understanding of business and economics will be the only ones left standing. You can decide for yourself whether you want to be in the crowd or not, but you are running out of time. This is happening.

>> No.49539898

those with money will want to preserve the value of that money
those without money will not care about gold
however when you boil down the pros and cons, those with money will be better off risking them to make more money

crypto is a valid asset class

>> No.49539972

Crypto is not an asset, or a commodity, nor is it a financial tool. The blockchain is a financial tool, and will be used.
Bitcoin is the method for proving blockchain tech, it is not digital gold. Gold is capital that can be moved and is bearer owned. The government can confiscate gold, if they can find it.
You are playing into their hands by so blindly forgetting history. They want to use the blockchain precisely because of the intense control over transactions and people's stored purchasing power.
This doesn't matter anymore, if you are entrenched in this view, you will not start in time anyways.
The entire information technology bubble is so incomprehensibly large when it collapses there will be a tremendous surplus of skilled labor in programming/maintenance of technology. We are less productive than in year 2000, technology is fantastic but we actually have to use it to produce value, which we have not.

>> No.49540013

it is crypto currency
it is a non government mandated way to pay
it is the hardest money ever invented
it is the only thing you can truly own and not be taken from you
the killer app is verifiability
it is here to stay as long as there is trade

>> No.49540023
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S&P 500 at 1500 in 1 year

>> No.49540038

Good luck.

>> No.49540056

It’s only the beginning.


>> No.49540061

now gold
has high intrinsic value - you can do things with it
crypto has fairly low intrinsic value - you can less things with it, but some of things are scalable
gold is money
but gold is very hard to hide, modern detectors will find it, and you only own it if you can protect it
in the end, the average joy is much better doing the crypto meme

>> No.49540077

we don't need your luck
and we are not superstitious cunts
we don't believe in luck

>> No.49540085

Checked & based

>> No.49540098

is crypto dead?

>> No.49540120

we are at all time lows on most alts and we are still at trillion dollar valuation
crypto is a buy right now

>> No.49540147

Yes crypto just died 300+ times

>> No.49540181

crypto hasn't behaved as a hedge in the past. What makes think it's gonna be different this time?

>> No.49540186

Hyperinflation as the reserve has shut off the tap and is raising rates steadily. Okay sure.

>> No.49540222

it might not behave now too
however, we have massive infrastructure now
crypto is able to literally run the world with all the things that are already live
and the ease of use is such that once inflation is mainstream meme, the normies will just get paid, put all in crypto, maybe even crypto gold tokens and the will only buy what they need with the rest

the infrastructure is there already

>> No.49540367

Sell signal

>> No.49540369

Crypto is a risk asset. It is built on debt and credit. Micro-strategy just bought 2.5 billion more using debt.
There is an asset however which cannot be purchased with debt. It is meant to be held and does not produce anything.

>> No.49540377

>crypto is able to literally run the world with all the things that are already live
this is it, the stupidest sentence ever written on biz. you win the retard grand prize.

All crypto can do is deliver hyperexpensive 7tps casino architecture to host ponzi scams, monkey pictures, and defi rugpulls. Crypto can run literally 0% of what the world needs. 1% if you consider gambling a 'need'.

>> No.49540414

you have many chains, the market has already found a way to scale
it is also an asset that has no expenses and fiat is devaluing so having al loan is beneficial

>> No.49540444

you dont own your gold
you cant split it
you cant transfer it
it wasnt even used as banter in collapsed fiat countries like nigeria, turkey and venezuela ( which later became big crypto countries)
wake up

>> No.49540454

The market prices in recessions several years in advance.

>> No.49540476

also the whole "it produces something, therefore it has value" argument is very weak, you can have companies developing medicines that save lives, and be worth less than a movie producing company in the stock market. Netflix employs a gozzilion people with operations worldwide, and yet it does a -75% in a few days of trading. the stock market is nothing but speculative in nature, being lifted by their backing goverments.

>> No.49540478

and you can't verify it

>> No.49540507
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Buy low PE, undervalued stocks like SWBI and RAD

>> No.49540520

checked and ive been starting to wonder if our overlords have some kind of scam cooking. every normie ever is calling a recession...i am too, and every indicator ever agrees.

>> No.49540540

>Less than 18 years to go
18 years left for what?

>> No.49540553

For now*
Historically, after CPI breaks 5%, it needs rates above CPI to stop it. Clearly, the fed will either completely nuke the market ahead of elections, or run to save it once it starts cratering and kick the can down the road. I know what I'm betting on

>> No.49540556

>There is an asset however which cannot be purchased with debt.
Anything in existence can be purchased with debt, you imbecile.

>> No.49540570

It is gold, it doesn't need to be verified. Governments are supposed to mint currency in gold and silver, and only gold and silver. It's in the constitution.
The stakes are incredibly high, you don't understand how much you are risking on cryptocurrency becoming something that people want in the world we are heading into.

Gold can be deposited in exchange for credit, or currency to use, which was exactly how the fucking world worked before fiat currency. They had the telegraph and everything they needed for WIRE transfers at the turn of the century.

>> No.49540587

>ive been starting to wonder if our overlords have some kind of scam cooking
Take meds

>> No.49540596

I have dealt with gold
and you do need to verify it is gold at every step of the way
and it is horrible

>> No.49540603

needs a pool and some landscaping out back. rustic landscaping

>> No.49540609
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Lots of digits in this thread
The world’s wealth has been transferred to the blockchain long ago. Now it’s time for civilization to follow.

>> No.49540610
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Source on us being less productive than the year 2000?

>> No.49540613

> hurr le meds le cope seethe le dilate
ya thanks, smartphone addled npc. when every retard on the street thinks something will happen with the economy, it almost always does, right?

>> No.49540619

mate you don't understand stock valuations. Netflix did a -75% because it was ridiculously overvalued, and yes speculative trading drove that price up way higher than it should have been. When the pandemic growth bubble popped, Netflix got shredded (as it should).

>> No.49540629

>Is this proof that some serious shit is about to come our way during the next downturn?
You have to ask yourself
>why is consumer sentiment low
>what is going to change to make it go up
The answer to the first point is inflation. The answer to the second point is ?????

>> No.49540633

>They had the telegraph and everything they needed for WIRE transfers at the turn of the century.
"oh hey i sent 50 million by the way"
"oh okay we'll put it on our books then thank you"

>> No.49540649


>> No.49540655

my only argument is, you didnt have social media megaphone in 2008 or before. i do think its going to be worse, but we havent started yet imo

>> No.49540676

>society will collapse in 2 weeks
yeah ok this is ridiculous, i'm buying

>> No.49540679

today you can isnta lock your money
in the past inflation was a thing because you could not
so now, the goberment will inflate but smart money will be unaffected
so it is not going to be worse, we have the infrastructure to deal with it

>> No.49540680

Life is easier when you have credibility, which we are about to lose, because we are thieves who consume and don't pay the bill. To consume in the future we will have to pay up front, making absolutely everything we do that much harder. Nobody is saying physically transacting with gold is great, but honesty isn't a fucking meme and the US became a land of fucking thieves who robbed the world of its deposited gold after the second world war. 11 aircraft carriers are pretty fucking expensive, and projecting power so people buy US treasuries isn't a long term strategy.

You can go to USDebtclock.org and see curated info and numbers, but Jeremy Grantham has been saying recently that we are far less productive today than in 2000.

>> No.49540690

How will QT and rate hikes increase wages?

>> No.49540691


>> No.49540708

the gobermant is the thief and the criminal you dumb dumb
all those goberment weapons and systems are there to fleece you

>> No.49540798

WE are the government and WE are the ones that consume. The people we owe to will not make the distinction if there is a revolution and a new government is installed. The people themselves must be trustworthy. Japan and Canada have incredibly low birth rates because the cost of living is extraordinarily high and the entire economy exists to take care of the boomers.. the fact there is political stability in those economies in the face of this insane injustice is evidence that those people are suffering to pay for brutally high consumption, but when the time comes, the people and countries that build, produce, and send us 'stuff' and commodities will not make any distinctions. They never have. There is never a free lunch, ever.

>> No.49540801

The end of the cycle.

>> No.49540825

>WE are the government
So you are expropriating yourself, interesting
>WE are the ones that consume
society =/= government

>> No.49540838

there is no we
we is when we have the same objective

>> No.49540889

There is a union, which is a fragile thing that is probably not going to survive the collapse of the US dollar. Texas has the right to leave the union by the way.
It's like I said, we are about to lose credibility and people are going to understand quickly the value of integrity, honesty and hard assets.

>> No.49540922

writing is on the wall
people on biz are at least aware of the concept of monetary policy
wait until a normal person starts to seriously realize they're broke

>> No.49540957

there is no union without consent
a union has to be voluntary

>> No.49540997

this would require the fed pivoting first and restarting QE, which they will do. any guess as to when they'll do this?

>> No.49541014

on the 15th next week

>> No.49541105

Bros help me out I don't get it

Feds keep raising rates and destroys people who own assets

Then they cut rates and restart QE to increase inflation even further?

>> No.49541109

Once inflation is back at 2% they can restart QE.

>> No.49541123

2% yearly
so we can have 200% inflation today and the return to the normal 2% on that 200%
fiat will literally go to zero

>> No.49541125
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we're going back to 2004 levels of oil production this year

it'll only get worse.

>> No.49541135

are you familiar with precious metals mining stocks? particularly how they've performed in past gold bull markets? any thoughts?

>> No.49541149

Great DEPRESSION. Not Recession. Jesus.

>> No.49541304

If we're heading to a depression is it best to sell out of stocks and crypto for fiat?

>> No.49541365

right...great stuff, smartphone addled zoomer husk. try and form a sentence for once in your life sometime

youre entire life is this childrens cartoon forum, isnt it?

>> No.49541464
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Nothing ever happens

>> No.49541568
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There is no recession in the US and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. The Labor market is stronger than it has been in decades.
Retards (aka (you)) just see high prices and think the economy must be in the shitter, as if that says anything about economic strength or growth. But actually no, it’s just inflation. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.49541591

>intrinsic value
0/10, see me after class

>> No.49541609

We are literally at the doorstep of ww3 and /biz/ is crying over their small losses kek. You faggots have no idea what's coming.

>> No.49541645

Waaahhhhh 2 more weeks! The sky is falling! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Fuck off retard.

>> No.49541664

Glows so bright

>> No.49541666

>The Labor market is stronger than it has been in decades.
you must have missed all the layoffs across multiple sectors in the past few weeks

>> No.49541690

Free money from the fed running out has shaken up a bunch of zombie corporations that were never remotely sustainable.

>> No.49541698

2008 was almost 15 years ago which is too long ago for the flouridated masses to remember. sherple will have to re-learn what it means to suffer only it will be worse this time. the steady drip of marxism has rotted through the bathroom floor and aunt linda is about to come crashing through the ceiling with her pants down during the dinner

>> No.49541720

damn, posting on a phone really ruined the dramatic effect of my post

>> No.49541734

Nice dissonance retard. Relations amongst countries continue to deteriorate at rapid pace. I expect to see Russia increase military activity once oil hits 175+ per barrel.


>> No.49541786

we're in it now and have been since 2020, it ends in 2023.

>> No.49541990

this is so funny. you guys are literally always serious. this is just the one time anyone else is willing to listen to you and you love it

>> No.49542047

You expect huh? Go tell the Pentagon champ! You seem like a highly intellectual asset!

>> No.49542091
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Tail end of Gen X actaually. You fucking nigger.

>> No.49542103
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What tf is this wizardry?

>> No.49542168

Once the first bank starts to fail.
buy SKF

>> No.49542205
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>> No.49542369

>Houses are depreciating assets.
That is true, but land is a store of value. I like gold, but you are being disingenuous if you ignore real-estate has inherent value with land.


>> No.49542641

Nah, just not retarded
>no significant drop in spending
>no significant rise in unemployment
>no significant decline of trade volume
but muh gas is expensive, RECESSION!!!!