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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49534196 No.49534196 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Turkey and our currency is the Turkish Lira.

Westerners really don't appreciate how nice they have it over there.

>> No.49534276

how is the situation in turkey for everyday people?

what are the effects of sky high inflation? the west is about to get very high inflation aswell

>> No.49534291

What do you even do all day?

>> No.49534316

do people there actually buy BTC?

>> No.49534341

I'm from Argentina.

>> No.49534359

I'm curious about starting to invest in Turkey now, but I think you guys still have a long way to fall from here.
How badly is real estate pricing being affected by the stable genius Erdogan letting inflation rip?
Are people capitulating yet?

>> No.49534360

Leave Anatolia and go back to Central Asia filthy straight brown male colonizer

>> No.49534378 [DELETED] 

you are a turkroach, not human. stop comparing yourself to us, shitskin. aim for something closer to your intelligence level, like other insects

>> No.49534388

How are things there? Food scarcity? Fuel? Basic necessities? People starving?
Maybe we should have a special inflation general.

>> No.49534408

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. If you only knew how bad things really are.

>> No.49534416

Fuck off kike troon, no one cares what you have to say.
Kys troon

>> No.49534415

Turkey is a food bro, lol. not an actual place or anything

>> No.49534424

how come people are OK with what's happening there? I thought shit like this is what makes the population lash out.

>> No.49534447

Duh. That's why I'm asking. I want to know.

>> No.49534565
File: 3.83 MB, 750x1334, 0ADD3B26-0CA6-4B81-B60F-1F1DAA98AF96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your entire culture is central Asian troonism

>> No.49534609

How easy as a white man is to get sex over there? Asking for a friend

>> No.49534655

Not a Turk and also Muslims do the right thing with troons like you, aka the flying roof top treatment.
Islam is right about women and sexual deviants.

>> No.49534699

very easy. those brown goblin hags would see you as a god compared to the local roach population.
They would do anything to get away from their shit inferior kind and drastically improve their genes with a white man

>> No.49535465
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Argie here too. This is our national flag, bro fugg

>> No.49535519

Yeah I enjoyed a very cheap vacation over there a few months ago. Plan on going back this winter if the lira keeps collapsing, I can live like a king over there for a month on a messily $3,000. Also everyone I met was really nice, some of the bored shop owners would bs with me for a while and give me free tea without any type of sales push

>> No.49535595

it is nice when your income is in USD. But the majority have income in Turkish lira, and they suck.

>> No.49535667
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I am genuinely sorry. I remember hearing Erdogan saying last year that lowering interest rates would lower inflation, whilst simultaneously pumping a ridiculous amount of government money into wasteful prestige projects. I knew it was going to end badly, i didn't realize how bad tho...

>> No.49536584
File: 518 KB, 3135x2273, KEKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you haven't seen nothing yet turk bros
our central bank is literally printing
money and dumping on us
toman is worse than a shitcoin

>> No.49536610

If you've been browsing /biz/ for the past year and are still complaining about turkish lira you must be a retarded cockroach. Literally making 1k a month off shitcoins will "i guess" make you rich over there. West is garbage.

>> No.49536637

You're right I'd probably kill myself if I was born in roachistan.
It's gonna get a lot worse. If you think turks are niggers just wait until it's a kurdish majority.

>> No.49536677

PLN/TRY deal?

>> No.49536708

I'm glad that you're suffering roach

>> No.49536761

Apparently Turkish Real Estate is still increasing in valuation so how do I actually profit from this?

>> No.49536998

You should move to Germany. Decrease the value of their labor, create less social trust thanks to multiculturalism, and be part of the dysphoria that is neither german nor turk.

>> No.49537047

Get dressed. I will call tomorrow morning.

>> No.49537070

Funniest thing is that Erdogan will win again

>> No.49538682

my condolences fellow turkbro

try finding dollar based income streams, local wages are going to zero no matter how hard we try
bottom tier city dweller edging on starvation + credit debt as far as I can see
we take the economy as seriously as a floating donkey, near to no financial literacy for Turkish people, no incentive to publicly debate such issues and worst of all, jail risk for speaking wrongly about (((them)))
Plan is simple, do not rope under lira inflation and survive the turk-apocalypse
eh, more like a really stinky coin toss that barely has any odds of fixing major issues. the best outcome being not economically suiciding the country, what an election lel

inflation is no joke bizbros, unfortunately more than half the Turkish sheeple do not know how inflation actually works and are being conned by men in suits yet again

>> No.49539472
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If i was in turkey, i am pretty sure debtmaxxing is the way to go. With inflation that bad, the 14% interest rate isn't actually that scary. Buy real-estate with contracts that are inflation linked (the monthly rent rises along the "official" inflation number).

>> No.49539524

i can do nothing from where i'm at, but i at least wish you luck turkanon

>> No.49539664

ha ha you are a nigger

>> No.49540489

You fucking faggots. How do I profit as a foreigner on the cockroaches misery?