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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4953305 No.4953305 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board that sold <13000 yesterday

>> No.4953714

i longed the shorts and shorted the longs all the way down and in the end i lost all decembers gains. good times

i think i sold at 13k three seperate times actually

>> No.4953741
File: 395 KB, 2832x498, Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 7.08.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there has already been a confirmed suicide on /biz/ tonight

>> No.4953744
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>there are people on this board that aren't selling 16000 today

>> No.4953768

>not waiting until it hits 20k

lmao'ing at your life

>> No.4953793

... it's already 16.5k


>> No.4953803

Bitcoin (verb) is the act of transferring wealth from the dumb and impatient to the smart and patient.

>> No.4953826

wow a whole .000000000000000000001%
Anywhere 13k+ is basically the top.

>> No.4953829
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>10k they said
>8k they said

>> No.4953884

dude you just sold at the bottom

not too late to buy back in, do you not realize that the futures market is going to remove volatility? there's no big downswings on the horizon anymore

this is only the first (and smaller) exchange to offer futures contracts too...

you really think 16K is the all time high for BTC? It will never go higher than this?


>> No.4953909

So it's going to remove volatility downward but still go explosively upward?
Yeah ok lmao

>> No.4953944
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>> No.4953958
File: 44 KB, 1102x166, Screen Shot 2017-12-10 at 7.14.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally did something right for once.
>for once

>> No.4953985

volatility was the biggest barrier to expansion of the market cap bro

once growth stabilizes (which it will, now, thanks to arbitrage between futures and the underlying asset) BTC can actually be a store of value (i.e. displace gold as an asset class), which is its killer use case (being digital gold requires effectively no improvements or changes to the bitcoin protocol, scaling doesn't matter for digital gold)

it's going to grow steadily. this is literally the bottom

buy back in (honest advice)

>> No.4954029

3 dimensional spiral growth pattern, infinite new paradigm

naw, it's a gigantic pump and dump. its going to keep going up oh wow gee awesome. and then when fucking everyone and their dog is elbow deep in bitcoins.... dump em

crash the cryptos, crash fuckloads of people, all those ruined lives are the excuse and support needed to regulate away this sort of thing from ever happening again...

.... but there will be a new crypto, safe from this risk. a stable crypto that doesnt gain value over time. it's just a cashless currency, and as it turns out the whole point of bitcoin was just to get people used to the idea that cash was old fashinoned currency. the government having the ability to turn on and off someones capacity to buy and sell. surveillanace state camera monitored around the clock by ai computers.

so of course its going to come down. thats all part of the plan

>> No.4954074

If BTC can go up at this rate reliably then it doesnt even matter if you one the coin. Anyone with 1000 bucks can turn it into 1100 bucks in 5 hours.

Need more cash to go shopping tomorrow? Payday fountain of money loans with zero interest!

>> No.4954108

sold at 15.5

oh well, bought in at 10k so I'm pretty happy with those gains. I'll buy in again at some point.

>> No.4954147
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>> No.4954179

Delicious pasta

>> No.4954908

This guy fucks.

I've been saying that for years. Every year it's been more apparent. No more apparent than this year. 2018 - 30-50k per Bitcoin. I've used and traded a dozen coins for a diverse portfolio and cool technology. But no more. My stack of a nice even 77.

>> No.4954956


>> No.4955021

Too fucking dumb to look back a few on the chart and realize it only goes up over time

>> No.4955071

Assuming that's not a larp, that's over a million dollars. Don't you think a holding that large in something so volatile is a little reckless? Sure you might be right and it'll continue to grow, but what if you're wrong and the bottom drops out? Wouldn't it be better to, say, take half of it and put it into an index fund?

>> No.4955114

>displace gold as an asset class

You really think governments and financial institutions would let imaginary internet money displace gold? In your dreams, man.

>scaling doesn't matter for digital gold

It does matter if people expect Bitcoin to be widely adopted.

>> No.4955136

if BTC goes to 100K+ in the next five years, your advice would have cost him three million dollars

index funds, for fuck's sakes, do you see the fucking market right now, why would you buy into an index fund right now, why

this is why you don't have a million dollars of anything

>> No.4955161

>if BTC goes to 100K+ in the next five years

>> No.4955208

Only poorfags and retards would pour all or most of their savings into crypto. A sensible person would only invest what he can afford to lose.

>> No.4955222



The people who buy gold buy it because they want something that can't be controlled by the government. Goldbugs on the whole lean extremely libertarian, and extremely paranoid about the federal reserve. Bitcoin is essentially the perfect financial product for them... it has all of the benefits of gold, but can be easily moved across any border in the world and no government can stop seize it (nor can they reverse a BTC transaction once it gets recorded into the block chain)

yes, BTC will eat a large portion of the gold market, it serves the same niche that gold does and improves on it in almost every way

the gold market is worth about 7 trillion dollars. the BTC market is only worth about 0.3 trillion. Even a small movement from assets like gold into BTC will push the price sky high

it can't be stopped now, this is the future

>> No.4955240

which is why I think it really seems reckless not to do profit taking now. Sure it might continue to go up by a huge amount, but it might not. We really don't know, and can't know.

>> No.4955286

>The Bitcoin that I bought for three dollars just hit two hundred dollars! Better take half out, just to be safe!

some of us like to live on the edge, friend, fortune favours the bold

>> No.4955395

and its worked well for you so far, but an important rule of investing is that past performance does not guarantee future results. I can't imagine being up over a million dollars and not cashing out a large chunk of my holdings into something safer. Continuing to chase profit forever is a gambler's mentality and can end quite badly, profit taking is a very important part of any financial strategy.

Note that I'm not denigrating crypto or saying that it will crash. But you do have to admit the possibility exists.

>> No.4955438

Nigger go sit over with the index fund kids, we gambling over here

>> No.4955481
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All they had to do was zoom out

>> No.4955491

I do have an index fund, and its made me a lot of money. I have crypto too, and its made me a lot of money as well. No one trade will ever make or break me, and I like it that way.

>> No.4955511

Go ask the guy who made $2.2 million on Siacoin and then lost it all holding all the way down until now how he feels.

>> No.4955515

I pick my stocks, I'll never give some kike 0.05% of my money

>> No.4955529
File: 21 KB, 427x344, images (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on this board that tried shorting when it hit 13k

>> No.4955576

These are the people that have also bought link and are just throwing shit anywhere hoping to hit lambo land.

I think iota will be interesting if it gets on bittrex and some news coverage. That's a sell half time because the tech really isn't there in my opinion but it's exciting and with publicity it'll shoot up for a bit. Of course, if it goes to 100 you'll feel like an idiot.

>> No.4955591


can I see your portfolio, how has it done YTD?