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49530574 No.49530574 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49530605
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, 7f83h87h83ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon theres literally a spell that turns everything into gp. this has the highest inflation of them all and everyone going for 99 mage makes the printer go brrrrrrrr

>> No.49530635

>alching to 99 mage

>> No.49530665

So I should buy runescape gold?

>> No.49530712

Man theres a throwback, I started playing that game almost two decades ago now, right before I quit I bought as many trade-able rares I could with the money I had. Logged in the other day and saw the value of them had increased like twenty fold. Cool shit, though I still wont play again lol. Great times though

>> No.49530717

That's how we did it back in the day. You zoomies have it easy.

>> No.49530796
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>> No.49530808

zoomies dont even know you had to click each individual raw lobby on the fire to cook them.

>> No.49530810
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 3x (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt burst skeletal monkeys in mm cave

>> No.49530963

Miss this game. Had about 33m slayer exp, was going for 200m but god damn life got in the way. Can't go back, even 3 years ago osrs was destroyed with the updates, can't even imagine how fucked it is now.

>> No.49530992

so many nights wasted, grinding stats for "progression" xd

but guess i enjoyed it so meh

funny how i dont wanna consider playing now anymore, crypto grinding has replaced any desire to flex on rs

>> No.49531014

rs3 rares are above the GE's max price.
I haven't touched rs3 in years but I know all phats should be over 10B at least.

>> No.49531048

I was actually thinking about getting back into it yesterday but my bank is completely empty, I don't want to raid and have no one to play with.

>> No.49531150
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honestly how would you even fix runescape? the game, like a lot of mmos, has been hijacked by antisocial minmaxer faggots. i would remove the ge, reinstate old death mechanics, ALL raw resources should only be obtained through gathering and skills and not pvm. instances only. also boggles my mind that bonds were even voted into this game like what the fuck. multilogging is gay and should not be a thing. remember when swiftkit and swiftswitch was considered controversial? lmao the absolute state of current cheat clients is insane. bots and thirdies need to go holy shit. maybe add voice chat too. god damnit runescape used to be pure fucking SOVL

>> No.49531169

NO private instances my bad

>> No.49531190
File: 343 KB, 914x743, goatse osrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried /v/scape?

>> No.49531203

I remember years ago when OSRS duel arena was poppin off, a group of 5 of us chucked $500 each in to buy gp,
had beers and staked all night.
Ended up with around 3.3k each after being fleeced for selling bulk to chinese sites.
Good times, take me back pls

>> No.49531249

Why don't you want to raid?

>> No.49531283

this game was ruined by tranny devs

>> No.49531295

not sure desu I just have this strong aversion to it
most of my ingame hours were spent soloing content

>> No.49531373

I always thought that they should've massively retweaked all the weapon stat's for the base metal weapons. What the fuck was the point of maces, shortswords, halberds, etc. if they weren't Dragon metal and special attacking?

Rejigging all the attacking bonuses and the defence bonuses of almost all the armour, including the weapon speed, they should've aimed to make them all be a unique best performer against specific armours. e.g: warhammer absolutely the best option against granite, or battleaxe the absolute best against full-set metal, or shortsword best against clothed players, or scimitar best against hides and leather.

It was totally possible. It was pretty boring always seeing D' Scim and Whips ad infinitum just because they were the fastest.

Oh well.

>> No.49531388

Name one game that isn't nowadays.
Anyone remember mod reach, little nigger was stealing money back in the early days. Back when there was like 5 mods. Are any of them left now? What about god Ash?

>> No.49531417

>even 3 years ago osrs was destroyed with the updates, can't even imagine how fucked it is now
How is it destroyed by updates? You can pretty much ignore all non-original oldschool content and play the old way. Personally I don't mind when they release new content. Generally I don't care to learn it but it doesn't affect me that it is there.

My main gripe is that everyone wants to minmax so you can't just go do team activities for fun unless you want to play the same way.

>> No.49531478

yeah that blows, BA can be really fun with some decent people to do it with, but it's all 60iq noobs that can't pass wave 2, vennies, or BA services doing 16min queen runs like it's nothing.

>> No.49531511

>just spend 50m for 99 mage bro
i used plank make all the way and then ice a little barrage in minigames for fun

>> No.49531558

I loved playing BA back in like 2010 when I had a good team.

I wouldn't even mind the noobs slowing us down, if we could actually complete all waves through the queen without someone quitting. But no, we get through a couple waves and some faggot ragequits because the defender let someone through, and now everyone has to restart from scratch from wave 1 because we no longer have 5 players. Damn it's enraging even thinking about this. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.49531588

pking as i see is quite fucked, since when is using protecting prayers and hybriding a popular thing?

>> No.49531604

They didn't want to touch the original aspects of the game so they put a ton of bloat over it. Some skills are majorly outdated like smithing where your reward for getting 99 smithing is fucking rune plate bodies.

>> No.49531631

If you wanna buy like goddamn Buffet, you have to use Streeth.

>Street Art NFTs by world renowned street artists.
>9 Industry leaders recognized globally and seasoned partners
>Doxxed KYC Team

>> No.49531822

I think they did that with EOC, and a lot of the newer weapons in oldschool. In my opinion it just made it a massive pain to constantly regear for shit like slayer. For different bosses I could see that playing out well, but not for normal monsters. By different bosses I mean you actually gear up differently to go do different bosses in different places. Seeing how people raid with 24 inventory slots taken up by different gear switches is absolutely retarded. Especially with how the interfaces are designed, the challenge becomes keeping your inventory organized rather than the battle itself.

>> No.49532231

10B? Damnnnn, my account has much more than I thought then

>> No.49532343

playing ironman (or ultimate ironman if you're a complete autist like me) fixes the game mostly, but does not fully restore the game to its former glory
In order for that to happen, they would need to release classic osrs (not kidding), never release the GE, and roll out content progressively like they did on the pirate WoW vanilla servers

they won't though, and it's all gone forever, sigh
fucking love that game and it hurts watching it turn to shit bros

>> No.49532544
File: 23 KB, 273x241, can I have the dhide osrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked some vague prices up, 60(yellow)-250B(blue) depending on type of phat. that's a lot if you're willing to rwt them.

luv me ironman

>> No.49533217

GE or no GE doesn't matter. Adults playing a children's game will seek to minmax either way. The problem is inherent to the players, not the game.

Also ironman takes a lot of the fun out of the game for me since you can't team up on bosses as a mid level and makes all the grinds 100x worse.

The Leagues temporarily make the game fun again for me since it reintroduces me to playing different parts of the game again without it being a 300 hour grind for every achievement.

>> No.49533244
File: 106 KB, 479x510, GreenBluePhatOffProximity-Rescue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back to 2007 bros

>> No.49533270

You can sell rs3 gp for like 40 USD per billion
Your account is worth something on top of that

Consider it.

>> No.49533412

We already had that on 07 release and it was literally fucking dead within 2 months.

>> No.49533538

Sup Lucas

>> No.49533570

nostalgia is painful bros :(

>> No.49534131

>cheese max

>> No.49534595

I remember botting my way to 65 smithing because doing it by hand was unbelievably tedious. Fun times

>> No.49534928

Im unironically bagholding 1b osrsgp, I bought it for .55/m in btc, shortly after fagex clamped down on rwt and got rid of the duel arena, they issued my main a strike, if I sell now my acc will get banned.

I love osrs though, I always come back to it, would be comfy to make it with crypto and then neet playing rs all day

>> No.49535027

the real world value per million gp has tanked though

>> No.49535276
File: 190 KB, 259x287, Monastery_old_dance_mote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played this shit on and off for 15 years
>every time I come back to it I just end up endlessly mining coal

>> No.49535708
File: 235 KB, 1792x828, 50F61C46-F4BA-44F1-9D31-6DAF7910B28B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re talking about Vscape mate