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File: 135 KB, 1658x1612, FRixKn2UYAAJQqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49527923 No.49527923 [Reply] [Original]

you should have as much confidence as the founders into HBAR!

So you should sell all the way
even at 0.07, or 0.02, still a big W to sell it at these rates

>> No.49527941

Hbar is a train wreck

>> No.49529188

Paid shills swarmed this site and larping as HBAR Cashgrab is not a scam.

>> No.49529307
File: 1.40 MB, 1250x6853, 58699A3B-1786-4F66-B61E-CFC534F449EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha seethe you stupid trannies. You will never get the usecase Hbar has as mere side projects. Besides servicenow, atma.io, and the other huge projects, the founder of Fido alliance, Hederas chairman, now has Apple google and Mastercard using it. I bet this makes you seethe. Your shitcoins like eth ftm icp ada algo and other bullshit will never recover. Mance was with the nasdaq bitch at consensus talking about how a Hedera trx uses 74x less energy than a visa trx. I bet this makes youbseethe like no tomorrow, your tranny axe wounds must be gushing blood. Cope and seethe dumbfucks, it makes me happy knowing you’ll never make. Also take your meds, your inferior minds incapable of understanding the glory of Hbar also make you think there’s some shill program - no. We fellow anons marvel at the genius of this project and can barely contain our excitement. Enjoy poverty smooth brains

>> No.49529330


>> No.49529336

Lmao waiting for the fag who posts his HBAR “dip” buys to show up in this thread

>> No.49529466

Most of us are smooth brain. Enjoy holding your bullshit like algo or ada to zero.

>> No.49529536

No one is using it. Anyone can make flyers like that.

>> No.49529687

>Most of us are smooth brain.

>> No.49530502
File: 88 KB, 640x591, D72E43B0-A6B6-4BFE-B99B-F8EA0CAB0BF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe tranny. No one is using ada you mean.
>a typo

>> No.49530526

Im here. About to buy some more.

>> No.49530629
File: 32 KB, 320x304, 1653494088829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ada vs Hbar
>Shit vs Scam

>Seethe tranny.
I am shorting the whole fucking market since 2 months. I have so much money as a wagie that shouldn't even be possible. I broke the game I guess. Yeah this is how I am seething you scam coin holder faggot shit. I hope you buy more of scam coins as soon as possible!

>> No.49531256

>wagie thinks he’s rich
Top fucking kek. Your poorfag opinions are less than worthless. Enjoy what’s left of today and tomorrow, then you have work on Monday, bright and early!

>> No.49532061

I won't buy your scam coin bags. Go back!

>> No.49532093

I don’t want you to. I get enough satisfaction knowing you’re a miserable wagie. Top fucking kek