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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49525438 No.49525438 [Reply] [Original]

You have a delusion a chart shows you reality; you know nothing; in reality the big money is not even on the chart.
The big money is off the chart; they manipulate the price before you even see it; you see the past.

List of dark pools

Independent dark pools

Chi-X Global
NYFIX Millennium
Posit/MatchNow from Investment Technology Group (ITG)
State Street's BlockCross
RiverCross Securities
TORA Crosspoint
Codestreet Dealer Pool for Corporate Bonds

Broker-dealer-owned dark pools

JP Morgan - JPMX
Barclays Capital - LX Liquidity Cross
BNP Paribas - BNP Paribas Internal eXchange (BIX)
BNY ConvergEx Group (an affiliate of Bank of New York Mellon)
Cantor Fitzgerald - Aqua Securities
Citadel Connect - Citadel
Citi - Citi Match, Citi Cross
Credit Agricole Cheuvreux - BLINK
Credit Suisse - CrossFinder
Deutsche Bank Global Markets - DBA (Europe), SuperX ATS (U.S.)
Fidelity Capital Markets
GETCO - GETMatched
Goldman Sachs SIGMA X
Knight Capital Group - Knight Link, Knight Match
Merrill Lynch - Instinct-X
Morgan Stanley - MSPOOL
Nomura - Nomura NX
UBS Investment Bank - UBS ATS, UBS MTF, UBS PIN
Societe Generale - ALPHA Y
Daiwa - DRECT
Wells Fargo Securities LLC - WELX - has since closed

Consortium-owned dark pools

Luminex (Buyside Only)

Exchange-owned dark pools

ASX Centre Point
International Securities Exchange
NYSE Euronext
BATS Trading
XTX Markets

Dark pool aggregators

Bloomberg Tradebook
Liquidnet LN Dark
Credit Suisse Crossfinder Plus
Deutsche Bank SuperX+
Software AG - Apama
ONEPIPE – Weeden & Co. & Pragma Financial
Xasax Corporation
Crossfire – Credit Agricole Cheuvreux
Instinet - Nighthawk
Bernstein - Shadow
Wells Fargo - Komodo Dark


>> No.49525478
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The normies are being fed the delusion, "it's good to have dark pools because the price doesn't move too much that way".

You have to be special kind of retard to believe it's good to not see the price move until it's too late.

>> No.49525585

~50% of all trading, is off-exchange. It' all a con.

>> No.49525766

>schizo gibberish

>> No.49525827

Your lack of arguments, proves my point, normie.

>> No.49525852

Yeah, Squeeze metrics red pilled me on dark pools some 4 years ago. Crazy crazy stuff.


>> No.49525898
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nice work op keep us posted
i take it a lot of this is going on off chain but it's gotta end up on chain at some points what the mechanism

>> No.49525930

like, at some point some bitcoins are actually bought or sold on chain right? and not just in some centralized orderbook. does knowing when and how much reveal anything on a macro scale at least? we probably don't even know the wallets maybe they do it in big lump sums or maybe they stagger it out. where do they get their bitcoins do they even have any?

>> No.49525936

Any serious reading material besides the wiki page, please ?

>> No.49525948

this isn't even a conspiracy this is just how shit works im just learning of it now but makes total sense.

>>One of the main advantages for institutional investors in using dark pools is for buying or selling large blocks of securities without showing their hand to others and thus avoiding market impact, as neither the size of the trade nor the identity are revealed until some time after the trade is filled. However, it also means that some market participants are disadvantaged, since they cannot see the orders before they are executed; prices are agreed upon by participants in the dark pools, so the market is no longer transparent.[
straight from the wiki article on dark pools

>> No.49526012 [DELETED] 

and the the sell normie the delusion, "that provides stability to the market".
this is straight up Stockholm syndrome shit.

>> No.49526014

how the fuck does someone get in on this? might as well just join them and make money instead of bitching about it.

>> No.49526026

and then they sell the normie the delusion, "that provides stability to the market".
this is straight up stockholm syndrome shit.

>> No.49526037

you have to be already rich, which is a circular argument like "you have to have experience to get a job but you can't get a job without having experience".
it's all a con.

>> No.49526048

You buy shares in investment banks, which don't even necessarily always win, even when they have cheatcodes on.

>> No.49526068


>> No.49526074

another con, a share pool is an unstable unlimited supply, you depend even more on them that way.

>> No.49526108

>>It was only a matter of time. Dark pools, which are notorious for their anonymous transactions, are making their presence felt in cryptocurrency markets.
>>Approximately 40 percent of all trading in stocks was away from regulated exchanges in 2016. In December 2017, dark pools accounted for about one-quarter of the 38 percent overall of such trading. But such transactions have had limited effect on stock market movements because there are caps governing the amount and extent of trades that can take place within dark pools.
no such limits in crypto
>>In the WSJ piece, Taiyang Zhang, Republic Protocol’s 21-year-old founder, said he expects his dark pool to account for $9 billion worth of trading in cryptocurrencies on a monthly basis. For context, bitcoin itself racked up trading volumes of more than $10 billion within the last 24 hours. (See also: Should You Be Afraid Of Dark Pool Liquidity?)
feb 2018

>> No.49526137

The solution is to keep exposing them. Their biggest fear is the normie to know what they're doing.
They will never let you in unless you are already rich so fuck them.

>> No.49526164

so to establish a timeline

dark pools aren't new, but since 2007 they really exploded in popularity across the stonks market, from the wiki:
>>The next big development in dark pools came in 2007 when the SEC passed Regulation NMS (National Market System), this allowed investors to bypass public exchanges to gain price improvements. The effect of this was to attract a number of new players to the market and a large number of dark pools were created over the next 10 years. This was spurred on with the improvements of technology and increasing speed of execution as high-frequency trading took advantage of these dark pools.[citation needed]
but there caps in place on stonks dark pools

2018 and the first crypto dark pools emerge. we have now been under 4 years of dark pools and whatever effect they have on the market. what percentage of overall trade is now coming from dark pools? will this be regulated like the caps in stonks or will it continue uncapped and what effects would regulations capping crypto dark pools have.

>> No.49526212
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how the fuck has this never occurred to me

>at some point some bitcoins are actually bought or sold on chain right
you'd think but i cant imagine what's stopping them from introducing it slow enough or mixed enough to completely evade detection

>> No.49526273

dark pools don't affect the price at all. its just 2 independent consenting entities engaging in a transaction off market between each other. usually off market because the size or volume of ownership trading hands is to big, it wouldn't be allowed to be done in a single block otherwise it would cause too much disruption in the market. OP is a faggot.

>> No.49526293 [DELETED] 

> if we have 3 chickens, and 2 out the 3 chickens are taken off the market to another country, it doesn't affect the market at all bruh

>> No.49526306

> if we have 3 chickens, and 2 out of the 3 chickens are taken off the market to another country, it doesn't affect the market at all bruh

>> No.49526322

Based economically illiterate schizo

>> No.49526369

>it would cause too much disruption in the market
yes that's the usual excuse they sell the normies
which is code for "shut the fuck up normie and don't look at the real price"

in case you still don't get it: you have no fucking clue if the sellers or the buyers are winning in the dark pool: you will learn about it after the fact and after the market has crashed or pumped without any warning to you and therefore without having any chance to reasonably predict it yourself because that's the entire point of what they're doing: to keep you in the dark.

>> No.49526394
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i.e., this is why /biz/ normies see a "clown market", pic related

>> No.49526463 [DELETED] 

Even if you manage to get in, and it can still be a trap, because the biggest conmen aren't the clients of the pools but the pool operators.
The biggest power is to know what happened in the pool before you dump it to the normie markets.

>> No.49526471

Even if you manage to get in, it can still be a trap, because the biggest conmen aren't the clients of the pools but the pool operators.
The biggest power is to know what happened in the pool before you dump it on the normie markets.

>> No.49526541

so the pool operators, know the dark pool price, and they know when they're dumping that on the market. causing sudden price movements. so they have advanced knowledge of when the price will shift on the public markets and in which direction every time. i presume they then long or short it accordingly.

>> No.49526567

Of course, because it's not even their money. It's like robbing the money of someone and using it to dump or pump the market for your own trades.

>> No.49526622
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i suspect the market is operated like a casino in a sense. timing their pump and dumps on the "technical and fundamental analysis" just enough to lure retail into thinking they can trade it, which also acts as cover so the manipulation isn't too obvious. but in reality the house always wins and will fuck them when its most profitable to do so.

then when longs build up along some key technical or fundamental thesis SLAM they dump their cheaper black pool coins on the market dropping the price. and shorting all the way.

and then when shorts build up in the same way SLAM they buy up coin using the higher black pool price and eat those shorts with some longs.

>> No.49526640

They don't even have to look at what orders you have. They know if the dark pool netted a dump or a bump, and then they place their own trades to benefit accordingly.
The biggest conmen are the pool operators (not the clients of them).

>> No.49526661

yes but the pool operators are the ones buying and selling all the coins. through multiple wallets for anonymity. so they don't just know the dark pool price they're the ones who time when to dump that price on the public markets.

>> No.49526682

They know if the resultant trading of their clients is going to be a dump or a pump, and it's a simplistic calculation to know even how far the price will move.
They can dump it all or pump it all; they can do whatever the fuck they want; they probably even prefer mass dumps/pumps since it's more unpredictable.

>> No.49526698

theory what if this is all basically problem reaction solution. one of the most popular tools of social engineers

problem: dark pools
reaction: spread the news, let people know, make them aware. expect popular youtubers and even news articles to talk about dark pools maybe elon tweets about it
solution: sec regulation. to put caps on dark pools like they did with the stock market. after some crazy dump that has everyone mad at the dark pools people will welcome with open arms some heavy handed regulations they might have otherwise resisted.

and the dark pool operators are just a pawn even. a tool to be used in a chain of events that leads to widespread support for major crypto regulations.

>> No.49526709

he's right

>> No.49526712

as in instead of just regulating the dark pools they'll slip some other stuff in there as well, stuff nobody will push back on because everyone will be most concerned with just doing something about the dark pools.

>> No.49526718

Dark pools are the giga whales of the market, their whole business is to collect smaller whales and to con them into collecting their money and use it in secret against even poorer normies.
Don't pity the giga whales; they are not even in danger; they control the politicians you are supposedly afraid off (i.e. you are afraid of something they control themselves).

>> No.49526735

yes perhaps. i'm just speculating.

is there any way at all to profit from this knowledge?

>> No.49526747

Only by exposing the truth. They don't even let us in so why even keep it secret.
Their entire con is based on being a secret pool of trading to begin with.

>> No.49526753
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Bump. Good thread, fren. I'm currently reading books abou financial markets and heard about dark pools the first time. Your list of pools and aggregators is really nice.

>> No.49526754

so every major bank runs a dark pool. the dark pool crypto giga whales are literally just the big banks.

>> No.49526763

Let alone, even if you are their client, you're still conned. Their main benefit is to know in advance what they will dump or pump on the market without even risking their own money.

>> No.49526780

actually all i want from my investment is the price stay the same forever

>> No.49526853

the major bank run dark pools can amass so much money by manipulating the markets but where do they put that money. when they cash out their insider trading profits is there a paper trail, it would look suspicious, all these winning trades on their financial records. of course they can buy the law and avoid any trouble or what they're doing isn't illegal anyways maybe and maybe no one cares or thinks about it. or maybe... they're stacking sats and not cashing out. and they're not even selling so nothing to report. they can take out loans on their own coins confident they won't get liquidated because they control the market.

>> No.49526931

If they are "small" enough or not exposed yet, they can just place personal trades before they dump or pump the market with their clients' money.
Especially in markets where you can do that anonymously: they probably even do it even if they are giants or save anonymously for a rainy day.
Even if they are "transparent" about it (apart from the part you still don't see the internal trades): they can benefit by buying politicians.

The main defense of those outside the game - including their own clients - is to just expose the truth; fuck them; they don't let us in so we have nothing to benefit by keeping it a secret and we'll benefit personally by having a market that moves more naturally.

I'm pretty sure even some of the biggest robberies you see lately (e.g. the crashing of bugged crypto contracts) is done by similar players; they are usually nerds already in the business; but also they have the hundreds of millions to do it.

>> No.49527095
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Truebit will be the protocol to propagate DarkPools within crytpo.

>> No.49527284

what do you mean?
propogate what?

>> No.49527297

Hes just shilling his bags.

>> No.49527652

fuck off

>> No.49527687

Not for stupid niggers like you who would sell out their mothers just to make a quick buck