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49521958 No.49521958 [Reply] [Original]

My parents are heading towards destitution

They refuse to change their spending habits with the inflation and their reason

>we worked all our life we’re not going to start giving up things just because it costs more, we deserve to have fresh vegetables and fresh meat every single day, and we deserve to run the heating/cooling 24:7, and we deserve to keep spending our retirement funds on ever price increasing material stuff, we don’t care if it’s up 1000%, we’re still going to buy whatever we want!!! We deserve it!!! We don’t care about inflation!

So basically they refuse to adapt the economic situation, and continue spending, where does this end up leading other than destitution for refusal to adapt spending?

>> No.49522190
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>we deserve to have fresh vegetables and fresh meat every single day, and we deserve to run the heating/cooling 24:7

>> No.49522252

You are not responsible for your parents. Let them make their own decisions and face the consequences of them. If you no longer need them for resources I would cut them out and go no contact. If not once they hit rock bottom they are going to emotionally manipulate you into being their new host and drain you to the last drop.