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49521431 No.49521431 [Reply] [Original]

I tried to watch Netflix with my sister but it was awkward because every episode of every show has a mandatory interracial sex scene. Is it too late to short their stock?

>> No.49522349

just wait till truth social starts making comfy bread

>> No.49522366

You're supposed to watch netflix with your girlfriend you fucking idiot

>> No.49522381

I read this as:
>"Is it too late to show her cock?"

>> No.49522397

But thats what OP did dummy

>> No.49522439

> anxious to masturbate in front of sister
> doesn’t make her gasp in shock about how big her little brother is now

>> No.49522826

>my sister was very awkward because sex
well you know what to do

>> No.49522829

you're doing it all wrong psyco

>> No.49522860
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>I tried to watch Netflix with my doggy vinu but it was awkward because every episode of every show has a mandatory interracial dog sex scene. Is it too late to short their stock?

WHAT? what the fuck is that you're saying you incest loving op?

>> No.49522867

netflix and chill her ass

>> No.49522872

ah but you didn't read the part where it says his sister is his gf

>> No.49522883

>doesn't make his sister plead his eternal and undying love while having passionate sex
truly truly ngmi

>> No.49522888

i was compelled to say based vinulover or something but bestiality is something i can't tolerate

>> No.49522903

why, humans have done it with animals since the wild ages

>> No.49522912

funny bc you'd wanna short on vinu's stack rn, considering the numbers

>> No.49522918
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>> No.49522935

>humans have done it with animals since the wild ages
We know, as OP said it's even displayed on every episode of any (((netflix))) serie.

>> No.49522941

i swear some of this threads are becoming lower and lower quality we should outright ban these retards saying "how do i short x thing" and spurring into a stream of stupidity

>> No.49522948

this isn't leddit, nobody is banning nothing

>> No.49522953

go back anon, never come back

>> No.49522958

right back at ya king

>> No.49523196

>not busting a hot load balls deep inside her Fallopian tubes
>not flooding her ovaries with hot incestuous magma cum like the days of Noah

>> No.49523225

lol, ur poor baby. It seems that you lost all your money? be wiser and use Streeth.

>Street Art NFTs by world renowned street artists.
>Fully safe personal Vault
>Doxxed KYC Team
>Team of eight with 50+ years of combined experience

>> No.49523279

Start watching kdramas then. You can start with 'My Mister' on Netflix.

>> No.49523292
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imagine still paying a monthly subscription to shitflix in Q2 2022

the progressive bullshit they're shilling nonstop is beyond unbearable its actually sickening; I had to unistall that garbage

>> No.49523313

Shorting is fundamentally dumb. It's a bet on the timing of unpredictable and irrational market movements. It's not an investment, it's a speculation. Speculation is gambling. Not just zero sum, but a negative sum game, where losses are the norm.

Don't speculate. Invest. Allocate your capital to enable production and claim a share of that production for yourself. Participate in positive sum games, where gains are the norm.

>> No.49523319

>watch a netflix horror comedy, there's a sex scene before any horror
turned it off right there mid sex scene hopefully their sensors noticed my revulsion to their porn

>> No.49523358

lol ok fag

>> No.49523378

Why not watch incest or loli anime with her? Or if you want to be wholesome I used to watch MLP with my sisters and it was great.

>> No.49523525

baby hasn't realized everything is manipulated

>> No.49525266

this is the start of a porn, just fuck your sister obviously in minecraft