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49516835 No.49516835 [Reply] [Original]

Just went back to my room after another lonely wondering through central Belgrade. Don’t know what I expected - some sort of human connection perhaps. I’m completely alone. I’m also in 1 percent because of crypto. Grew up in a family of alcoholics.
Been traveling the world for a year alone, never made a single friend.
Today I give up - there’s nothing out there for me; I’m going to continue with crypto projects til I die, maybe become a billionaire. Expect me back.

>> No.49516847

I'm your friend.

>> No.49516860


come to california i'll take you surfing bro

>> No.49516865

Join a social club for rich cunts if you're lonely and have not hobbies

>> No.49516886

based steppenwolf

>> No.49516895

Also you're not alone, faggot

>> No.49516957

You just wander the streets, doing the virgin walk, waiting for people to come to you? Do some activities at least ffs, you'll have more interaction and connections even if it's just a museum tour or hiking in a group or something

>> No.49516988
File: 114 KB, 606x1213, 8A9D0185-1D2F-4339-BFEB-6EBD8E54C720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn social skills faggot

Talking to strangers is weird, especially if they’re weird. Especially in europoor

>> No.49517009

ajde brate uživaj, odi živi kao kralj pojedi dobru pljesku poboljšaj svoj kvart i pomogni malo ljudima oko sebe da izađu na pravi put i bit ćeš ispunjen i sretan

>> No.49517192

Love yourself and find your passion. You'll attract others naturally if you do.

>> No.49517207

You seem like a smart Serb. Tell me who will Serbia choose in your opinion. Russia or the West? Where do their hearts lie? Where do they see the best future for their country?

>> No.49517445

1 post by this sperg.

>> No.49517488

Go to mass.

>> No.49517668

>Been traveling the world for a year alone, never made a single friend.
Been doing this for the past 3 months, it beats being lonely at home. Tell me where to go next, currently in barcalona. Trying to kill time until Japan allows tourists

>> No.49517694

You won't soar like an eagle if surrounded by pigeons

>> No.49517777

Maybe start traveling in places where you speak the local language. If you're an autist who can't make connections as is, then how do you think you'll have an easier time of it in a foreign country? If you've made it, start at home, and work your way out once you have built some confidence.

>> No.49517781

Ill be ur friend if you pay me 1m, we can play poker with dan bilzeran and run a train on some bitches, bro

>> No.49517799

To add, if you think you're going to have a hard time making connections now just forget about going to Japan. The people there are even more socially inept than you are (or believe yourself to be) and reclusive.

>> No.49517814
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Come to alabama ill buy you a beer and we'll get some real food

>> No.49517817
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wasted quads

>> No.49517828

Kek abandoned us a long time ago, friend. All numbers are waste.

>> No.49517835

lets go offroading with bikes

>> No.49517856
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Buy an old vineyard and get it running again.

>> No.49517907
File: 148 KB, 220x220, 7099804C-DA2F-4F30-A90D-0353D82BE0B7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come, anon, let us listen to all the shitskin versions of “it’s my life”.



>> No.49517918

Poors who are introverted and otherwise bad socially get forced into interacting with people through work. You just need a job. Just not a poor person's job, get a rich person's job, like buy a business and run it into the ground, or start a philanthropic foundation and get other rich people to give you money. You won't meet your hetero life partner on the street, unless your soul friendmate is a crackhead or street urchin or something.

>> No.49517958

You can send me a portion of your wealth and I’ll be your friend forever.

>> No.49517983

offset my losses from luna and secure your place in the good fortune of god.

>> No.49517986

Learnto meet people, and especially learn to avoid parasites like these

>> No.49517990

I’ll be your friend for free anon

>> No.49518075

i will be your friend for 500k

>> No.49518299


>> No.49518347

>Been traveling the world for a year alone, never made a single friend.
you're full of shit

>> No.49518431

That's pretty normal, I spent 3 months hopping from one hostel to another across Europe. You talk to people, you make acquittances on the road, but I haven't spoken to a single one of them since. Why would I

>> No.49518924

Have kids. That emptiness is just your biological desire for offspring kicking in.

>> No.49519793

Buy sailboat, join yacht club, rent a slip, work on your boat, do the weekly weekday evening race night, make friends, girls will come to you for boat bunny life. Do weekend or week long sailing trips. Head to the island in the winter. Jesus Christ, you have no imagination. What you need is a poor but salty buddy to be your sea-daddy and get you up and running.

>> No.49519826

Bringing kids into this shat-pair of tiddy whities world monoculture is cruel and unusual punishment.