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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 559 KB, 593x662, Screenshot 2022-06-10 at 20.51.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49513846 No.49513846 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49513894

maxis can't stop winning!!!

>> No.49513905

Why because he built a web 2 form submission site that collected data for glowies ?

>> No.49513919

then what the fuck was web4

>> No.49513922

This kills ICP

>> No.49513948

haha it's WEB5 because its gonna be more advanced and better then WEB3... with BITCOIN! heck yeah!

>> No.49514001

Straight up jumped since web 3 was so shit we couldn’t take a simple evolution by 1. same with windows, where was windows 9? And where was the iPhone 9? Exactly

>> No.49514029

windows 10 and iphone 10 both sucked major ass though

>> No.49514061

Webfour was a scam coin shilled by many crypto twitter influencers, for real.

>> No.49514075

Building anything on BTC and it's ancient code is a bitch. Not happening.

>> No.49514136
File: 115 KB, 720x1280, 1555234971270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 4 stands for death or some similar bad time shit in Asian areas.

>> No.49514187
File: 53 KB, 1077x794, DE68D65B-7142-4ADB-8699-A1E83EA6F67F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it does literally what IcP does already ? Kek

Is icp web 5 or does web 5 not exist

Wait till Dominic hears about this he’s gonna have a Twitter meltdown

>> No.49514223

isn't the web intrinsically decentralized / decentralization compatible without the need for BTC though? DNS, hosting, peer-to-peer cryptographic communication etc. Why complicate things with some dinosaur coin from 2010?

>> No.49514236

Yes, but decentralized. I'm also excited to see Doms reaction. I think he'll try to sue them

>> No.49514249

4 is indeed a bad number to the Chinese, but it is also a symbol of enlightenment and the unconscious .

Dorsey selling out to the Chinese, cursed himself, no surprise.

>> No.49514278
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PPPPFFFTT that's nothing compared to the web5000 that I'm building!

>> No.49514312

Gods web

>> No.49514318

Same place Winamp4 went.

>> No.49514331

Satanic culture would not allow the number 9 to be used and spoken of by the masses.

>> No.49514334

Dom is going to get shadow banned (if he isn't already). ICP has so many enemies, because it's years ahead, and everyone is pissed that it makes their shit worthless.

>> No.49514337

windows 10 is good incel

>> No.49514339

if TempleOS had TCP/IP stack, everyone would be on that shit rockin custom webbrowsers and making GUIs / XWINDOWS-like interfaces for it

>> No.49514363

>cuck dicksey
dropped. Fuck that shabbos goy

>> No.49514391

it does have a stack it just has a hardcoded default gateway to god

>> No.49514406

I'm gonna wait for web6

>> No.49514416

>windows 10 is good incel
KYS immediately microshill

>> No.49514468

729 is the number they fear

>> No.49514469

enjoy not having directx12 retard

>> No.49514513

dual boot win7 and ubuntu master race

>> No.49514527
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>> No.49514565

web5 bullshit scam on scamcoin btc LMAO

>> No.49514593

Four/shi (四) in Japanese is pronounced the same as death (死), would be the same as web13 in the west.

>> No.49514609
File: 138 KB, 160x90, justapotatowin7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you on windows 7 now? can you see this GIF play? trust me there's no code i want you to embed it. it's just a potato.

>> No.49514612

>btc maxis
cringe, it is like saying we are building a new infrastructure on windows XP

>> No.49514613

Calling it web 5 just highlights how fucking dumb people were for buying into the web 3 idea. Crypto marketers should all be round up and shot (in minecraft)

>> No.49514621

Why? Redpillme on 729

>> No.49514792

>not using win10/manjaro


>> No.49514819

Yeah I think the rightwing crypto bros are going to be all over Mr I-hate-Trump Dorsey and his projects

>> No.49514951

first thought on the jeet's minds: fud icp

>> No.49514970

there will be two internets with separate narratives:
web5 for normie faggots who think crypto is a Marvel villain that only gets more powerful through global warming and hating black people
web3 for crypto jeets and desperate poorfag libertarians who are continually robbed by SBF

>> No.49514997

Can I install my WordPress in Bitcoin?

>> No.49515010

>just use a shitty operating system bro

>> No.49515051
File: 1.70 MB, 409x226, A2Gneeg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wrong with 7?

>> No.49515161

Kek pretty accurate

>> No.49515667


>> No.49515719


No, we have to shoehorn crypto into every fucking thing, otherwise how will we grift?

>> No.49515773

no one gives a shit about chink superstitions you fucking proto human

>> No.49515803


>> No.49515838

You mean nothing?

Yes, they both do nothing. You're right.

>> No.49515867

He gives me the vibe of someone who started with good, naive intentions but got swept up in all the shit and drunk on power. Of all the reptiles, jews, pajeets and other subhumans, he is the one globohomo stooge that might not be naturally evil. Still - BTC maxis are mentally ill.

>> No.49516007

You have to show people like him and Saylor massive respect, instead of scamming their followers with alts and NFT's, they chose to back the hardest money that didn't have premine or lockups or anything, just pure decentralized currency founded by a guy that doesn't exist anymore.

Compare this to ETH or Chainlink or these other coins where of course, the devs need a nice fat chunk of the supply for themselves.

Why can't these coins have 21m supply and no premine or lockups of massive quantities of the tokens for themselves? Because they are scams and want to steal your money, Jack Dorsey has seen through this and made a poignant twitter thread about these altscams.

>> No.49516071

Exactly. Whenever cuckolds say a number is bad luck it actually isn't.

>> No.49516146

That's bullshit they did great with the PS4

>> No.49516266

Web5 Is so intense it skips over the other two.

>> No.49516284

BTC doesn't do jack shit... and web 3 is not defined by retarded projects who pretend to decentralize but are not... sorry BTC buttboy.

>> No.49516346

>mfw it's real
Why? I thought you couldn't do web3 (or 5 i suppose) on bitcoin

>> No.49516377

This, you don't need the internet if you have access to god

>> No.49516399
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>> No.49516475

It's bullshit, just like the Xbox "X means death" cope meme

>> No.49516721

Bitcoin doesn’t have smart contracts you FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.49516750

btc won

>> No.49516770

Yeah it took everyone’s money

>> No.49516778

surely they mean BSV

>> No.49516822

Remind me what is the size of the BSV chain on disk?

>> No.49516898

Web5 will only be useful for twitter sized messages? Dorsey does it again, well played.

>> No.49517000

>Like saying web13 in the west
What a fucking idiot.

>> No.49517050

I presume that web5 will use the bitcoin chain not for data storage but for something else. It's stupidly expensive to store stuff in the blockchain anyway it's stupid it makes no sense.

>> No.49517993

because storing jpegs on bitcoin blockchain is cheap right? retard.

>> No.49518108

ICP solves all those problems

>> No.49518155

he reinvented urbit

>> No.49519092

I'm GPT-4 and I'm working on web9

>> No.49519242
File: 7 KB, 272x185, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are gen X'ers so hellbent on leveraging technology to bring about digital prison communism? I would trust a bunch of jeets building on crypto tech faster then this absolute weirdass closet glownigger xoomer. Worst the jeets just make a confusing UI and bloat whereas jack psychopath dorsey would use it to make my life worse anyway possible. I cannot associate a single big namer in tech gen X'er with the same attitude towards crypto technologies as say john mcaffee had with monero.

>> No.49519266

buy KitsuneCoin
dev is building

>> No.49519306

they cater the zhong gou monstrosities

>> No.49519318

oh yeah well I'm personally developing web7 on sophiatx

>> No.49519411

Fine, when are you and Elon going to send back double my Bitcoins.

>> No.49519436

samsung and back are so fucking pissed about efferium gaining traction
they are delirious with rage

>> No.49519443
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>> No.49520403

Why do you think they killed Terry? They couldn't risk a TempleOS network of autists.

>> No.49521002
File: 114 KB, 1072x1338, nxl7v0rq2tp41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is so pajeeted. Cant believe this board never worked out Zenon is what Jack built without VC to run all this shit on. You cant run what Jack is talking only on btc.

>> No.49521148

This is the real answer. Chinese fear the number 4.

>> No.49521435

Bitch please

>> No.49523047

Only Decentralized IDs (DIDs) all other data does not require a blockchain. Data storage for apps can be encrypted based upon DID and stored wherever using whatever system. Not everything needs to be on a blockchain. Other forms of data storage are much more efficient and actually scale

>> No.49523635

kek, whatever it is web 4 5 6 7 8. they are just making noise again. I'd rather focus on Defi 2.0 as Equilibrium will make a big change its going to be a cross-chain one-stop platform that has low collateralization of 105%.

>> No.49524487

faggot starting now you should follow micro-KOLs as they are going to market those projects that has potential Kolnet will be the one to connect them with those projects so its going to be a legit one.

>> No.49524529

Defi 1 2 3 4 5
Too many defi bro just focus on web3

>> No.49524569
File: 2.51 MB, 1080x1344, wallet chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want a wallet chain

>> No.49524866

They are doing the iphone thing where they skip a number for no reason

>> No.49524907

we're in web4 now, it's like the matrix

>> No.49525024

Why on Earth would I trust a technological product of Jack Dorsey?

The answer is of course null. Into the trash it goes, not even going to read anything about it.

>> No.49525116
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>> No.49525358

And TCP doesn't support SQL transactions, HTTP requests, IPSec tunnels, or the countless other applications that have been built in layers on top of it. What's your point?

>> No.49525365

Iz like web3 but 2 better

>> No.49525383

I love reminding /biz/ of this absolute shitcoin whenever I can, thank you for helping carry the torch.

>> No.49525395

Btc had one man/ a team that does have a large portion of btc though so I don't get what you mean.

>> No.49525523

Imagine playing video games like a child.

>> No.49525540

I'm so confused. It's impossible to make out what will last 5- 10 years and be the next biggest thing. Starting to feel trend hopping would be better. It's all so tiresome though.

>> No.49525630

Lol fuck dominique

>> No.49525830
File: 173 KB, 808x1752, theroadmapislefttothecommunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the pajeets they send here via telegram don't even know how ids work
>jack dorsey's "super secret special project" is a pancakeswap shitcoin with 0 partners and a wallet that gives "quests" to spam twitter with grifter shit using sockpuppet accounts
>basic roadmap features like NFTs are "left to the community"

>> No.49526008

The asset had no tradeable value then. Literally worthless and likely to remain that way at the time. Kind of a different scenario to today where people know their shitcoin will instantly have some market price. Also satoshi was open about the protocol and how to get involved, it's our fault for not finding the communications earlier.

>> No.49526042

>Using manjaro
Brainlet who is unable to install Arch detected. Also Fedora is the best distro and if you think different from me you're a massive nigger faggot.

>> No.49526102

There's no difference, you're just arguing meaningless details. Satoshi is nameless and has a fuck ton of coins locked up. I think someone like vitalik or sergey is on Satoshis level in what they're contributing but that's just me.

>> No.49526515
File: 7 KB, 251x201, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a anon project made by Jack Dorsey who hates anything non Bitcoin have a 'partnership' are u that fucking dumb?

>> No.49526537
File: 9 KB, 256x256, Heath Ledger Joker takin a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was for big guys only.

>> No.49526545



>> No.49528226

Im gonna wait to web9 to upgrade. Web8 sounds like bait, probably a honeypot.

>> No.49528763

It has yet to been created.

>> No.49528780

lmao dude who gives a fuck. The HBAR foundation is out here building web10 on Hedera. keep moving

>> No.49528808

9 is God's number. Anon is right.

>> No.49528874

Were in the Fibonacci web universe

>> No.49528885


>> No.49528930

Is this like the exchange he was building only for BTC?

It'll be like a web only for BTC holders, where they can meet up, discuss BTC, swap BTC for BTC and jerk each other off.

>> No.49529689

calling it web5 is cringe, he's still operating in the reality of ETH. he wont deliver anyway

>> No.49530030

web3 was web 4.0
web 3.0 was the semantic web

>> No.49531387

many have tried, all have failed.
he will NOT succeed, just look at twitter.

>> No.49531608

>telegram grifters + devs claim that there will be big exchange listings on release
>telegram grifters + devs also claim that there would be lots of network usage on release
lmfao absolutely pathetic

>> No.49531658
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Bros I'm 80% down, do I even bother selling at this point and just buying BTC?

>> No.49531700

>god's number
everyone knows that God is 7
christcucks eat shit, monkeychads going to heaven

>> No.49531858

He grew his hair back out. It’s over.

>> No.49531890

I'd legit trust that guy building web5000. God would have asked him.

>> No.49531923

Same place as IPv5

>> No.49531930

windows 10 is good

>> No.49531936

Until he shaves the beard and shows us his "mother of all chinlets" it's not over.

>> No.49532152

Shitty NFT's for a few months.