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4951081 No.4951081 [Reply] [Original]

I have it on good authority that a coin/token in the top 20 coinmarketcap is paying people to post on /biz/ and reddit...aggressively. Not jut one person a team of people who devise complex posting strategies in an effort to pump their product.

Anons be careful out there, don't be a pawn. Look for patterns.

>> No.4951177
File: 97 KB, 800x789, smart pepe frog thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4952109


>> No.4952124

Coin or kys

>> No.4952154


You mean some people might be shilling stuff here... ?

>> No.4952158


>> No.4952167

Its Link guys

>> No.4952174

either xmr or iota

>> No.4952179

medium if legit

>> No.4952198

Iota lol what other coin has half the shills

>> No.4952234
File: 10 KB, 312x314, 316356432321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way!


>> No.4952238

It has to be IOTA

Even Stinky Linkys still have their dignity

>> No.4952270
File: 61 KB, 825x510, 1512951950128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4952276

i thought everyone knew this. its so obvious, biz isnt actually stupid right?

>> No.4952331

It's bcash or ripple.

>> No.4953156


>> No.4953225

hes talkin about stellr lumens folks

>> No.4953539

This. I think it's Bcash. Never read any ripple shilling but the cashies fud bitcoin like there is no tomorrow lately.

>> No.4953615

Clearly it's fucking MCO.

>> No.4953945

What the fuck is this picture? Who made this shop and what's it supposed to communicate?

>> No.4953990

What shop, that's her reflection on the roof of the car. The shill coin is LTC btw.

>> No.4954017
File: 806 KB, 320x180, 2017-05-15 19.35.54.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm

t. goldman sachs intern

>> No.4954058

Is this why we have 1000 IOTA threads a day when biz is pol-lite so no one in their right mind except jew, niggers, and sandniggers would support Al-Queda/ISIS coin? At least ChainLink threads are somewhat funny because it's honest shitposting from Anons. The shilling of IOTA is just downright as sad as it is transparent.

>> No.4954128

You can't tell us how you know this, but you can't tell us the coin either? Get the fuck out of here

>> No.4954177

Probably IOTA. Devs keep talking about the price which is a red flag.

Doesn't mean it won't gain value eventually, just that the devs are morons.