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4950850 No.4950850 [Reply] [Original]

Can we address the fact that this is clearly the group who created Bitcoin?

>> No.4950863

ok fine you win. its me whats up

>> No.4950891
File: 78 KB, 621x764, 1512764843978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here know japanese? Did they really say this? https://twitter.com/yoriko09/status/924086794102042624

>> No.4950892

He came from future, he need some money to build his time machine.

>> No.4950926

ya probably. its all meant to get all transactions in the open. all transparent. all traceable

>> No.4950927

It solves every concern and more. First of all, Satoshi means "Wisdom" and Nakamoto means "Central Force".

Central Force of Wisdom. Central Wisdom Force.. Central Intelligence Agency.

It also explains how they framed Hal Finney, since they would have no problem picking the funniest name from a group of his neighbors and playing it off as if it were him. Beside, why would Hal name himself after his neighbor? A random name would be better.

It explains why the gov't and global heirarchy has let the most threatening idea to FIAT exist for so long: it's their hedge against the collapse of FIAT.

It explains why SN never came forward, along with other inhuman characteristics like why he never moved the funds from his wallet (excellent foresight, no desire for enhanced wealth, etc).

The reasons go on, but I trust you can take it from there.

>> No.4950985

So all btc transactions are super traceable and logged into some CIA server right?

>> No.4951052

The ledger is public dumb fuck, it's always been this way. It's not "CIA exclusive".

>> No.4951068

If CIA created bitcoin then they'll make sure it succeeds? Or was it a test run and got away from them and they accidentally created a giant that is out of control. Kinda how they do with bio diseases dumping them on small villages to see the effects and then out of nowhere someone gets on a plane

>> No.4951098

Who's making all these Satoshi threads why now?

>> No.4951118

Why would they make it if they can't trace anything

>> No.4951132
File: 16 KB, 620x349, 1509617366141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth has been revealed.

>> No.4951148
File: 642 KB, 656x451, 8AD20CC8-4E76-4742-BE15-98A071D39D81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CIA capable of actually creating something

You overestimate them

>> No.4951150

what the fuck

>> No.4951172

You think they made it just bc they are cool and had some spare time?

>> No.4951173

It's official Biz we've been infiltrated by a bunch of Clowns In America Cucks that want to take credit for Bitcoin as if those fucking faggots are smart enough to create this beast... Bahahahhaahahahahahhaha

>> No.4951181

are you a child

>> No.4951188

They don't have to make sure it succeeds, since they now have dominance in both areas (FIAT and crypto). If FIAT fails, they win. If crypto fails, they win.

Unless you mean succeeds as the dominant crypto, then perhaps. I imagine XMR is kind of a turn off for them, and we may see legislation act against soon.

Some fag made one and I kept saying it was the CIA and no one listened. I've never heard solid evidence against this, so I wanted to share. It was a pretty interesting thought to me, and explains all the mystique. Of course we can never be sure, but the gov't benefits the most. Certainly, they have experts in all domains and constantly analyze all threats, and quickly realized the threat that previously failed failed attempts bring, so why not make your own and control the outcome?

>> No.4951204

It was Hal Finney. CIA only rapes children, sells drugs and does coups.

>> No.4951218

The CIA / NSA or whoever the fuck has access to the worlds best. They may perform poorly publicly, but you'd be extremely foolish to underestimate them or even think you have any idea what goes on behind the curtain.

>> No.4951249

It was not Hal Finney. Why would he name himself after his neighbor if he wanted his identity secret? Why not just "Bitcoin Boy 5000"? He didn't have leave easily verifiable evidence. Further, the wallet was never touched while Hal's was. i've watched Hal's interviews and he just seems too genuine when denying it, also (weak evidence, I know). He also probably would've told his successors after he died, and we'd some movememnt in the wallet by now if it were him or his successors. The CIA/NSA is just much more plausible, leaves no loose ends, etc.

>> No.4951271

Told his successors how to access his wallet that is, which would implicitly tell them he was SN.

>> No.4951277

blockstream is probably a cia front. that's why the push for segwit and side chains. they basically want a digital fiat.

>> No.4951282

Not doubting it could be CIA. The timing was spectacular. Also a public ledger fits their style nicely but they also control the media. Why is the media so out of the loop. Or has the media not been activated to full on promote the genius of BTC. Now if it is CIA does it really matter? If they did create it and have 1 million coins it's highly coincidence that US is 21 trillion in debt and there's 21 million coins. Now that's weird.

>> No.4951294

World's best "resources" ... There's a difference from that and talent ... PHD doesn't make you shit. Chinese teenagers script better than 99% of Americans.. when it comes to cyber war we are mediocre

>> No.4951316

they basically look for savant's and autismos. once you get a room full of will huntings in a room together cracking away on this and that you'll eventually get something crazy like the blockchain or some new crypto algorythm.

>> No.4951327

Lame that number is constantly moving and Bitcoin supply has been and always will be the same

>> No.4951517

Talent is included in the word "resources", you mong. They can pool the best of the best, and have the proper scouts globally to do so. You are underestimating the power of the most powerful group in the most powerful nation to ever exist.

Exactly. The previous attempts at digital currency were mainly lone wolf attempts, not a real, official endeavor. And isn't it odd that the first one to succeed was anonymous, and wasn't instead an academic institution or something similar?

BTC's supply limit stays the same but the supply is increasing until like 2140 or some shit retard

>> No.4951519

No, it was probably the nsa. Google nsamint paper - it's from 1996 and perfectly describes BTC minus the hashcash POW algo that was created in 2001

>> No.4951561

it's easily traceable fag

>> No.4951584

I think it's most likely that Satoshi was NSA or CIA than the alternative theories of the lone reclusive genius who disappeared without a trace and is not even tempted to cash out any of his billions.

A big red flag is that bitcoin uses the SHA-256 algorithm which was invented by the NSA and is likely to have a back door.


>> No.4951610


Written in 1996, it's bitcoin without Adam 's hashcash POW

>> No.4951660

Okay I'll agree with you... I'm not a fucking mong faggot but to say they are the best of the best compared to anybody else is a reach... There are plenty of wealth to pool the best resources and to atteibute a project that threatens everything they stand for is stupid... BTC is the tip of the iceberg many other coins now far more secure and private than Bitcoin ... So what's the point to create something that is beyond their control???

>> No.4951695

Stadler et al. have shown that it is possible to provide a mechanism for restoring traceability in either or both directions. This can be used to provide users with anonymity, while solving many of the law enforcement problems that exist in a totally untraceable system. The ability to trace transactions in either direction can help law enforcement officials catch tax evaders and money launderers by revealing who has paid or has been paid by the suspected criminal. Electronic blackmailers can be caught because the deposit numbers of the victim's ill-gotten coins could be decrypted, identifying the blackmailer when the money is deposited.

>> No.4951710

it's not beyond their control. see the end of the nsamint paper about traceability

>> No.4951767

Hellooooo besides the fact that it was China that pinoeered the crypto market you faggots are going to credit us Americans... Not even I have my head so.far up my ass to pull a Christopher Columbus and say we discovered this shit... Wake up

>> No.4951791

youre literally brain dead

>cia niggers didnt create bitcoin so they would have an even more difficult time tracking illegal transactions

>> No.4951883

>fucking mong
Lo, I was jk'ing anon it's just part of the banter here. I have to be polite all day, it's nice to call other people retards for a change.

I do think they are the are likely the best of the best. Why wouldn't they be? USA is the shield of Israel, and they need that shield to be top notch. It only makes sense we'd have the best of the best in that (purely economical) sense. Jews are the wealth, and USA is the shield that protects them.

BTC is not beyond their control if they were the founders. They, then, would own the biggest wallet and would've known about the tech. All economics and unresolved curiosity point towards a gov't agency creating this.

>> No.4951924

except here's proof faggot


>> No.4952066

Haha same here anon no hard feelings I respect your opinion... I just don't think they have the man power to facilitate a 24hr global scale market that is majority pwned by Chinamen ... I just cannot rap my head around it when US entire infrastructure is designed to uphold the banking cartel and destroy anybody who opposes FIAT... Libya... Iraq.... Syria... etc... Anybody who opposes the dollar gets destroyed and the fact they don't have control of this is what I think scares them the most.... If I would credit anybody for BTC it would be Chinese Govt .. makes more sense for them to overthrow US Israel Rothschild Banking Cartel via crypto currency than for us to implode ourselves.

>> No.4952190

It's much easier to track BTC than cash, or real anonymous methods that don't even use blockchain (like gift cards). This makes their job even easier retard.

>china pioneered the crypto market
Why do you think you have any idea? So you're counter argument is just that SN is Chinese? Geeze aon, great argument! Can you substantiate any of these claims? The whitepaper and dialogue was all english, along with most digital cash ventures before him, and the second biggest pioneer in crypto has been vitalik, who is also not chinese.

You are delusional and overconfident.

>> No.4952395

The highlighted part is true; a few sentences back talks about vulnerability of wallets

>> No.4952443

No I'm asking to explain why Asia has been the prominent leaders in crypto technology and yes I get it one 20 year old pedo created a coin for exchange for his illegak content with his buddies but besides that why would US be the last to hop on the bandwagon of something that will get the rest of the world more rich before we do... It just doesn't make sense unless it was designed to bring the fall of Rome itself and that we are on the brink of the final days in the apocalyptic times in the New World Order agenda .... Oh .... Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk......

>> No.4952507

Kondratieff waves.

The US is balls-deep in the existing infrastructure and is unwilling/unable to adapt its current systems to the new one as easily as counters that are not.

It has massive resources tied up in the petrodollar and banking systems so has an inherent interest in keeping it that way. Other countries not so much, so it's easier for them to adapt.

>> No.4952677

They lead mining, yeah. Why wouldn't they? They manufacture the worlds electronics and get cheap af electricity, it's the best place to do it.

Other than that, you are just deluded. They are not leading crypto tech on a software level. And even if they are, this says nothing of SN identity.

as I said above, retard, the US has massive reason to "hop on the bandwagon" and to it first, because this tech can undermine them and all bankers completely. Think of it, if you can in your pea brain, as a hedge against the eventual fall of fiat and banks. now do you get it retard? the invention was bound to come about, so they did it so they could gain the most from it rather than get left in the dust.

>> No.4953133

Okay asshole instead of being a faggot maybe I'm trying expand my mind by being a cunt to you... So we are and always be the The Greater Fool.... Fuck this is all too deep and this Reddit post is starting to look more shittty by the day...


>> No.4953419

it's not too deep it's simple economics and a study of motives.

but you're citing a plebbit post on time traveling, so idk why i'm wasting my time here

>> No.4953898
File: 622 KB, 768x574, Twin_peaks,_Stagione_2,_Episodio_1,_Che_il_Gigante_sia_con_te_(Leland_Palmer).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider me spooped.