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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49506751 No.49506751 [Reply] [Original]

>fiat inflation is out of control!
>sell everything for fiat!

>> No.49506843

Which is actually a good thing you retard, let them sell their baggies we can keep em.

>> No.49506893

Cash is king, cope and seethe harder

>> No.49506937

I agree but it's also losing value.

>> No.49506957

ultimate clownworld

idiotic system

>> No.49506974

>Cash is king, cope and seethe harder

>The dollar is getting stronger because it's appreciating against the euro with 45% industrial inflation

The absolute state

>> No.49506991

>I'm gonna buy cryptocurrency!

brainlet settings

>> No.49507010

Low iq retard. High inflation means the economy will do even worse and equity will lose value even faster than fiat and crypto is dumping because everyone now needs every bit of cash because of inflation

>> No.49507021

Why not? Seems like it's the only way to make money nowadays if you know what you're doing.

>> No.49507046


Debt is king. Debtmaxxing is the only way to profit from stagflation

>> No.49507063

i unironically don't understand why retards post this
you'd think it's ironic shitposting, but you can feel the anger coming out of these replies
are normalfags that enamored with muh paper bills with famous faces?
you can tell the extent of this problem when even this place has a 50/50 ratio of tards to sensible anons

>> No.49507630

Let idiots be idiots. Take care of yourself.

>> No.49507759

Ah totally true and real estate will go up in a straight line in a rising and low interest environment

>> No.49507878

Thats not normies logic
Normie logic is
>fiat inflation is out of control!
>what does "fiat" mean? Isnt that a car?
>fuck it! These greedy corpos are raping us! We need to print more money and expand the welfare programs so that people can afford rent in LA! Fire up the printers Powell! Vote blue for stimmies! Also cancel student debt!

>> No.49507984

>pls bro hold it can't dump another 50%

>> No.49508211
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They told you not to sell OP, and you didn't listen.
Too bad!

>> No.49509089


It will. Housing market goes up forever. It won't crash ever again. This time its different.

>> No.49509433

We're still in the phase where retail investors believe the institutions.

They believe the media regarding reasons for inflation.
They believe the government regarding inflation numbers.
They believe the banks regarding ways to combat inflation.

And so here we still are. The markets react in the way that the public believes. biz isn't the public. Stop thinking this cesspool of shit-covered frogs is Normieville—that's down the corridor and to the left.

>> No.49509452
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Literally this

>> No.49509517
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It's because it means they need to make cash more valuable and they do that by crashing everything else.

>> No.49510212

yeah but na that's what panic does
I'm just waiting in on Cherry Network's main net to launch so i can buy CHER

>> No.49510213

When cost of living gets out of control people have an increased need for real money over funny internet coins that are not currency. This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone.

>> No.49510288

7 months of people who live paycheck to paycheck is selling. It’s like they have infinite stocks and crypto

>> No.49510309

>8% inflation
>-50% ytd + 8% inflation
Cash is the safe bet currently, just dont be scared to buy the obvious bottom once it is in (it cleary isn't yet)

>> No.49510431

The level of fear and Short-sightedness people are displaying is mind-blowing. This has to be the biggest transfer of wealth from retards to institutions ever as they soak up every single asset on the planet. The damage is done to fiat. The fed cannot reign in inflation without destroying the west. High inflation will be a feature going forwards. Once the panic is over and the dust has settled anyone who sold will be forever doomed to owning nothing and being happy.

>> No.49510938

the value of everything except fiat is derived from future anticipated cashflow of that asset, which becomes exponentially more shitty with high inflation as it is bringing multiple compounding years worth of currency debasement forward into a present-day valuation. vs cash which is simply as shitty as it is and devalues at the rate that it devalues without any exponential fuckery.

So yes, during the advent of high inflation cash is king as you wait for equities and other assets to fully price in the exponential shittiness of being partially valued in terms of money from 2025, 2030, etc. Once it's priced fully in and we see a top tick in inflation, then you rush to equities to slurp the bottom.

captcha: M2SAD. M2 is indeed causing widespread sadness these days.

>> No.49510972

I suppose they subconsciously make themselves feel better about and justify selling.

>> No.49511024
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This guy seems to know what he's talking about!

>> No.49511346


Inflation on its own is neutral to a business. What matters is the inflation of its expenses relative to its revenue. Doesn't matter though because asset prices are also almost entirely driven be speculation in the short term.

The fear right now is not inflation, but actually deflation because of people's fear of the fed's reaction to inflation. In reality people think the fed will nuke the economy or something and we'll see a deflationary recession. The chances of that actually happening are 0%. Inflation will either stop, or not. If it stops, the fed turns on the money printer again. If inflation doesn't stop, then the fear that the fed can stop inflation goes away, expectations of future deflation turn into expectations of inflation, and you'll see shit like the gold bubble in the 1970s.

>> No.49511355
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This means cheapie API3 so I really don't mind whatsoever

>> No.49511370

it is to laugh

>> No.49511419

Because they know how hard the fed is gonna go to get inflation down.

>> No.49511457
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that's not illogical at all
>everything is more expensive
>need more money
>sell risky assets for more money
maybe it doesn't make sense to you because you're a loser NEET with no expenses

>> No.49511504

People are selling because they have expenses in $/other fiat and don't want to sit on -50% assets when they can sit on -8% fiat. Lesser evil.

>> No.49511519


>> No.49511531
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thats not what anyone is doing they're selling because the fed is tightening credit which makes asset prices go down
by briefly switching to cash they can by back in after the drop when all the margin monkeys are out, and even if they didn't a 15% decrease in the value of your cash is worse than a 50% crash

>> No.49511947

When inflation is coming, gather assets. Once it's arrived, gather cash.