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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 768x768, 2017-12-10 17.51.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4950634 No.4950634 [Reply] [Original]

SBI Group Declares Bitcoin Cash True Bitcoin | BCH Japan -

Japan is gearing up to be the worlds largest supporter for Bitcoin Cash with nChain, SBI Group and Houbi, all teaming to create a global P2P System for consumers.


>> No.4950643

Two nukes wasn't enough

>> No.4950655

Omae wa mou shindeiru, bitcoin core.

>> No.4950664

oh fuck no

>> No.4950684

Guess they can't call it a centralized chinese coin anymore. Now they will call it a centralized chinese and japanese coin. And then soon chinese, japanese and south korean coin. And then chinese, japanese, south korea, european and american centralized coin.

I can't wait for the wojacks.

>> No.4950719

SBI has resources available at 1/2 trillion no small player

>> No.4950782 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 618x434, 1512704439061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based japanese businesses, crazy explosive salesman ancap, old guard bitcoin devs who were pushed out including fake satoshi wright and guy who informs you to fuck your mother if you desire fuck lead each their groups in the vanguard to vanquish (((they)))stream and their stooges in their nefarious attempt to lock people into sidechains and indirectly lock people into bitcoin.

Flip It Roger.

>> No.4950810

People didn't listen to Roger when he was promoting bitcoin and they missed out on an easy fortune.

The irony is that they won't listen to him yet again on BCH and will miss a second easy fortune. I wonder how many suicides there will be?

>> No.4950815
File: 25 KB, 618x434, 1512704439061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based japanese businesses, crazy explosive salesman ancap, old guard bitcoin devs who were pushed out including fake satoshi wright and guy who informs you to fuck your mother if you desire fuck lead each their groups in the vanguard to vanquish (((they)))stream and their stooges and their nefarious attempt to lock people into sidechains and indirectly lock people into bitcoin.

Flip It Roger.

>> No.4950823

partnership with nChain
nChain = Patent Troll
nChain = Craig Wright

>> No.4950847

Nuke those weebs.

>> No.4950858

ViaBTC is launching a new cryptocurrency exchange based in the U.K

The exchange's base cryptocurrency will be bitcoin cash


>> No.4950881
File: 75 KB, 552x446, 1510622294528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn this video hahahahahahah

>> No.4950883

Nah not a patent troll. He is giving BCH all the patents for free and preventing BTC and ETH from using their tech. Prepare to get ass raped by businessmen.

>> No.4950921

Btw, anyone know Japanese? >>4950891
SBI group thinks they talked with Satoshi? Someone who knows nippon please deny or confirm.

>> No.4950944

fully decentralized p2p on-chain poker dApp coming to bitcoin cash, dr. wright spoke of it today on twitter.

/biz/ will scoff but this is fucking huge and will disrupt multi-billion dollar industry.

gambing, porn and drugs drive adoption of new tech... always has, always will. Get ready for the S-curve of REAL adoption of bitcoin cash, not 'muh hodl'

>> No.4950958
File: 100 KB, 1280x602, 2017-12-10 18.48.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COINEX coming in DEC with BCH Margin trading Futures

>> No.4950979

>>having anything to do with fake satoshi


>> No.4950980

What happens to monacoin

>> No.4951023
File: 13 KB, 620x364, 1511726073470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SBI Group Declares Bitcoin Cash True Bitcoin | BCH Japan -
So BCash is the true banker's coin? This is hilarious.

>> No.4951036

If this hashpower keeps up, BTC in a week will go up another 20% difficulty... Think the mempool is bad now?


>> No.4951040




>> No.4951055
File: 102 KB, 640x432, omaewamoushindeiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4951083

It's kind of hard to outcompete bitcoin core / blockstream on that with them being partially owned by axa which is bilderberg affiliated.

I think BCH needs to try a bit harder than being supported and shilled by some Nipponese business group to become the true (((them))) coin, considering the competition.

>> No.4951109

hahaha it was inevitable.
bch is at 1/10th of btc price, theres so much more upside.
wait till wall street gets in on the game

>> No.4951123

>People post good news about Bitcoin Cash
>EVERY TIME some idiots rush in to spam irrelevant shit just to attack the coin
Are you just really that pathetic?

>> No.4951138

keep in mind any whale that had btc since aug has bch as well. its free money either way broheim

>> No.4951154


>> No.4951167


>> No.4951213

btc can't scale so really no future use other than muh store of value that seems to be dropping

>> No.4951297

Idk how that's relevant to my post, but, the vast majority of people with BTC sold most if not all of their reserves, including many BTC favoring ultrawhales. If there's a BCH > BTC flippening, there is going to many pink wojak BTC big shots.

>> No.4951599

>the vast majority of people with BTC sold most if not all of their reserves
gonna need some evidence for that

>> No.4951731

That party is over cause can't print more tether

>major press last week from Bloomberg, Quartz
>light shined on racket
>chinese government watching
>can't print money anymore

>> No.4952048

they rushed in another 25 mil to get the ball rolling, excuse me.