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49504455 No.49504455 [Reply] [Original]

press S to spit

>> No.49504467


>> No.49504484

pess K to kiss

>> No.49504492
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Press B to invest your life sayings in bitDAO anon. wake up...

>> No.49504524

Ive been massively annoyed by this guy for a long time. Every step of the way he'd act like it's no big deal. And then the audacity that him and his cronies behave like only 2 more rate hikes should be good for the year and then "wait and see". I love how they plated the wait and see card whenever they lowered...oh wait they didnt. Anything that dumps interest rates gets honest feedback immediately. Anything that pumps it gets extreme pushback and avoidance.

Pffft protecting the peasants from inflation, not a chance

>> No.49504527

emergency 1.00 bps rake hike. today.
check em

>> No.49504539

press A if you don't understand the difference between real wealth creation and rentier activity, leading you to conclude that higher house prices is real wealth

>> No.49504573

Reminder that Trump refused to reappoint Yelled because he thought she was too hawkish on inflation. Then he appointed this clown (and then Biden reappointed him)

>> No.49504598

fed board members, especially the chair, are figureheads. ever since volcker retired, they do what they are told by their cotemporaneous US administration. biden's handlers are doing this to you. the fed chair's job is to just say a bunch of bullshit to force you to rationalize it in any way other than what's really happening.

>> No.49504654


he is gonna crash the global economy because that is the only way

>> No.49504660

yeah and you'll see him replaced and yet nothing will improve until CDs and savings pay out north of 6% interest. by the time anyone does anything about it, that figure will need to be like 12%.
and what will happen is the same as what happened for the boomers: incredibly cheap home prices that only already-wealthy families can afford, or people on the government dole, like the GI bill. so we'll be still further replaced by the spic-nig military veteran cohort.
unless of course things structurally change the way libertarians have been telling you for 30 years. your choice.

>> No.49504712

>thought she was too hawkish on inflation.
Inflation wasn't a problem back then retard. Orange man still lives in your head rent free

>> No.49504715

He's honestly doing a good job. It's not his fault that the politicians demanded that the printers run for COVID. It's not his job to fix bad policy by manipulating rates. He's supposed to adjust rates as necessary to ensure 2% inflation in an environment free of political interference. He should just sit back and let the political choices play themselves out.

>> No.49504719

building back better

>> No.49505130

It went from 2%... to 3%, so they raised rates, and Trump threw a fit about it, demanding that they be kept at 0

>> No.49505647

Russian Americans lost us and eu dns supremacy

>> No.49505861

I want him to spit in my mouth and then I'll suck his cock.