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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49504447 No.49504447 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49504482

I do hate niggers, expecially the white skinned ones.

>> No.49504553

Explain it to a brainlet like me. Are we fucked?

>> No.49504556
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nah just buy that dip.... ;)

>> No.49504588

If you have mid 7 figs you will almost certainly be able to ride out the storm. If you don't you are super fucked, lmao

>> No.49504649

If you have seven figures in liquid assets, yes.
If you have seven or more figures in fixed assets, you are falling back down to earth.

>> No.49504745

Explain please what's going on?
>t. Not American

>> No.49504807

the fed was buying all the bonds but now they are slowly stopping buying all the bonds. when the price of bonds falls then the bond yields go up making bonds more attractive to investors. when bonds are more attractive to investors they take money out of the stock market to put into bonds which makes the stock market go down

>> No.49504828

The higher the graph goes the more Americans have to pay to keep breathing with their giga monster federal debt

>> No.49504850

This, market is getting rugged

>> No.49504867
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>> No.49504879
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>> No.49504921

This. Wish ameribros a good luck.

>> No.49504996

But what does that mean? I don't know the us economic systems at all. Do their rent payments go up? Mortgages? Tax on commodities? What does the graph DO

>> No.49505008
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explain again i dont get it

>> No.49505068



>> No.49505263

if not via the fed then via the ecb, the piigs are going to the slaughterhouse and the only thing keeping the euro from ending right here is massive money printing
and when simultaneously china, japan and the eu are easing the usa has to also are watch the dollar moonshot to kill domestic industry

i kneel to sir arthur for calling the bottom

>> No.49505354

bond yields go up, stocks and imaginary internet money go lower

capital flows from the rest of the world to US, dollar keeps strengthening, third world cannot get enough dollars to repay debt and starts defaulting, chinese B&R investments default, chinese bank sector is in a lot of trouble, no global growth, moaning and lamenting in the streets

>> No.49505480

Yes shit is fucked up, plus if they let the usd get stronger the eu collapses which means not just ukraine but all of europe falls to the bolcheviks.

The contradictions of the post bretton woods era are too big now, too much entropy, you are thinking with early 2000s metality.

The usa can't let the usd get too strong since china is no longer trustworthy and europe has a coming demographic collapse.

Letting the usd get too stronger means the end of domestic industry just when it's going to be the most needed.

To be honest i don't think this is a monetary problem, but a political one, the usa needs to restore some sort of normalcy and strategical decisions.

Like dividing the minimum wage by state so californians and detroit don't have the same minimum wage, planning the future energy infrastructure, forcing new cars to have compressed natural gas.

A push for unions in key industries but not too much they become a mafia too far.

Basically you need to return to a pre 1971, nation building & industrialist mentality, that or let the us get stronger and collapse in 7 years.

>> No.49505570

This but unironically (~3 year window).
You think Covid-BRRR was the largest Brr ever? Wait till you see the next one.

>> No.49505630

my uncle used to have a truck that was converted to run on propane and supposedly it was a lot cheaper to run and burned cleaner. i always wondered why they dont make vehicles run on that

>> No.49505711

lot's of nations use compressed natural gas vehicles

lot's of areas in burgerland have it


here in argentina it's 80% cheaper running a car with CNG, basically the car uses fuel to start and heath the engine and after automatically switches to CNG

>> No.49505738

its like arthur said or for the more understanding anons go directly to zoltans note
outside money is going to completely replace inside money soon
sure go ahead be a bobo for a little while longer you might get a better buy in, but make no mistake this right here is the accumulation zone of all accumulation zones for crypto

>> No.49505751

Imagine if they just staked in defi instead. Man that would be sweet.

>> No.49505779

You discover you can make more money by loaning money to the state, you sell your coins and stock to do that.

>> No.49505781

Which cryptos would you long besides BTC & ETH?

>> No.49505846

This market be sussin but my portfolio still bussin

>> No.49506147
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>why they dont make vehicles run on that
propane/CNG is harder to store and the expensive tanks have an expiry date due to their extreme pressures.
for normalfags it isn't worth the extra cost + hassle, for fleet use it could be cost effective within the lifespan of the vehicle

fuck emissions go wood gas.

>> No.49506273

well for starters long means spot buy and ship of to your own wallet right
i went heavy into link during the recent dump round 6, its market cap is a jokingly low considering it proved all its potential true, i think the biggest outperformance will be seen there
it might still dip more but i achieved my accumulation goal and i am happily holding with no worries and having to do jack shit all day

honestly it was quite stressful the past 6 months hiding out in stables especially after the luna depeg, compared to that hodling coins in your own wallet is super easy

>> No.49506340

Yea all spot in trezor is the based move, i seem to time the lows pretty well but fall like a retard never selling at the top, i still hedge a little while price is going down and increase in sats but decrease in usd ffs.

>> No.49506446

well the way things are going you might never need to sell a top, well at least not for the rest of the decade
between inherent non ponzi crypto yields and tradfi crypto collateral loans the future looks bright

>> No.49506528

So, buying silver could be an option?

>> No.49506592

yea but my soul is growing tired of being tested every few months, the fact that everyone is there to attack you when things are bad also don't help.

>> No.49506882

well don't ever tell anyone irl and dont let all the shills and trolls on biz get to you
right now we are being directly attacked by the combined might of the worlds central banks, the fact that btc is still above 5 digits is quite bullish

>> No.49506899

What are liquid assets besides cash?

>> No.49507277

Women and oil

>> No.49507302


>> No.49507366

Why not just ignore it?
Everyone's got their own currency, decentralized crypto and somehow you're being affected by a centralized government. Explain this to me

>> No.49507388

oh no

>> No.49507407

Either your decentralized crypto is decentralized or you're full of shit letting the fed influence it. Central Banks can get fucked

>> No.49507418


>> No.49507458

Am I wrong? Why are you retards influenced by Central Banks regarding decentralized crypto???? Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who knows this makes no sense

>> No.49507520

>i dont understand how liquidity works

>> No.49507629


>> No.49507735

decentralized does not mean it's tied into the markets. Over half of BTC daily trading volume is now the CME's /btc and /mbt futures contracts - "paper bitcoin" - i.e. it's not even real. So the same manipulation that happens with /gl and /si can let big banks influence crypto. Banks treat crypto as a risk asset so flow of money in and out of crypto is influenced bigly by macro economics.

>> No.49507799

yes but that trick only works because the banks have total control over the spot market of gld and slv
miners cant even sell directly to customers, not in the west at least

btc still settles spot, its build that it can settle spot directly between 2 retail users without any intermediate if need be
if they continue with their paper perp scam they are only setting up one giant short squeeze or the rugging of cme clients

>> No.49508031

Wtf? People selling bonds makes yield go up meaning people are going from risk off assets into risk on assets such as stocks typically. You got it all backwards.

Anyhow yield going up and stocks nosediving means people are buying precious metals as the price has been pumping today.

>> No.49508104

Based brainlet

>> No.49508501

>third world cannot get enough dollars
why not?

>> No.49509899

lmao, you may hold my bags

>> No.49510196

if the fed stops buying bonds then the demand goes down which makes the yield go up which makes people sell stocks to buy bonds

>> No.49510544


>> No.49510596

why won't Link dip ore as seen that we are in recession?

>> No.49511472

Yeah I’m sure China and Russia will just let their countries collapse because muh dollar protected by navy troons and biden

>> No.49513575

Need to start drilling both.

>> No.49513680

The British Pound collapsed, and nothing happened to the rest of the world. In fact, the Germans became much stronger after their hyperinflationary period despite the problems in the (((financial))) sector.

If you strip everything away, the only thing that truly matters is your ability to project power, and nothing else really.

>> No.49513719

I'm sure if the US dollar did collapse tomorrow, the rest of the world would simply decouple from this system and move to a competing system.

The American consoomer will be stuck with very high prices, for a very long time until we get off our asses and begin manufacturing again.

>> No.49513806


>> No.49513876

That's because a strong leader emerged.
I doubt the US would be able to do the same thing, unless we balkanized.