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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49495224 No.49495224 [Reply] [Original]

V2 will be gone soon. Nobody is supporting it besides the desperate whales that Kwon wiped out then bribed and tried to pacify with a scam "V2" Network. There is a lot of hate for Classic but it's all coming from desperate whales that are trying to reclaim a fraction of their wealth that Kwon destroyed, and a few salty armchair analysts that spend their time crying about a project they purport not to be invested in. I get it. Wouldn't you be pissed if you lost everything to a failed ponzi then saw people buy what used to represent your entire life savings for $10? On top of that, now there is a growing community, a plan for a transaction based burn, and price is appreciating. People are seething, and understandably so, but the seethe is misguided and here's why. With increased legal scrutiny from the US SEC and his home country of South Korea, Kwon is fading away and V2 will go with him. However, Terra Luna was, and still is a leading ecosystem. The fact that Terra Luna hosted a failed algo stable which crashed and lost people a bunch of money doesn't erase the work, value, dApps and most of all, the community that built and is still invested in the original network. Kwon being gone only adds to the value of the network. People are coming around to that. How many failed projects have run on Ethereum? When they die the network lives on. Luna Classic holds a lot more value than some disgraced founder's "V2" scam chain that exists only so he and his friends can dump on you. My take is that Luna Classic will continue to recover, V2 will fade into obscurity, and it will all seem obvious in retrospect.

>> No.49495347

Do Kwon is a stupid piece of shit. Should’ve listened to CZ and burned.

>> No.49495442

LUNC and LUNA will both be 0.10$ next month.

>> No.49495485
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It shall be my nigger.

>> No.49495522

Lunc is still minting coins and has not been separated from ust
Anytime Lunc is burned it will mint back double of what was burned

>> No.49495583
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Too long
Didn’t read

>> No.49495614

What if I'm holding WLUNA?

>> No.49495731

Doesn't look like it.


>> No.49495814
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>> No.49495825

holy shit u luna fags are retarded

>> No.49495830
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I never buy anything from Do Kwon.
Sorry not sorry

>> No.49495841
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>> No.49495858

Last week it was at 65… now it’s at 69
It’s minting like crazy still….

>> No.49495860
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>holy shit u luna fags are retarded

>> No.49495880
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>> No.49495901

Really? I'll have to watch this some more.

>> No.49495943
File: 37 KB, 750x400, About-General-Information-Luna-Suicide-Crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God willing.

>> No.49495999
File: 339 KB, 750x1106, A7C4D058-F27B-4878-8CFE-FC3FEC563BB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I still have the screenshot
This was Saturday june 4th

>> No.49496033

You guys don't understand how it works.
People are staking with luncdao to mint rewards from the pool to burn the rewards. It's not going into circulation

>> No.49496287

how are people still holding lunac when we literally have the hbar foundation creating funds worth millions to accelerate the growth of hedera and take hbar to the moon

>> No.49496349
File: 440 KB, 511x558, Screenshot 2022-06-09 211301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49496382

My sides In orbit