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File: 1 KB, 600x315, Priced In.png&text=Priced in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49492492 No.49492492 [Reply] [Original]

CPI is officially pic related.

>> No.49492535

Sub 8.8=Pump
Between 8.8-9.2=consolidate and maybe visit the lows again
9.3+=SPX going to 3600

>> No.49492591

People who live paycheck to paycheck will sell there assets for usd in an inflation environment. Rich people will sell there assets to maintained their yacht

>> No.49492677

Priced? Priced in what?

>> No.49492733


less than 3%= pump
more than 3%= dump

>> No.49492789

Based and 3pilled

>> No.49492870

Previous inflationary cycles prove you wrong. Market rally to new ATH the moment inflation shift into downtrend route, This happened at 15-20% inflation too.

That's what they don't want to tell you+The fact that inflation doesn't really have any significant effect on the stock market but mostly fear narratives.

>> No.49492925

based and jewpilled

>> No.49492952
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It going to be 3% square!

>> No.49493018

why don't big hedge funds hire a guy to go to walmart & used car dealers and record price changes? they could front run the cpi announcement

>> No.49493034

t. failed to sell the top and tries to spin up scenarios where market recovers so he gets a second chance at selling

>> No.49493099

not like they are going to give up the real data that is like 20-25% but I do think it will be higher becuase either the fed crashes the market or crashes the US of A

>> No.49493120

Because they would always come up with a higher number than the official CPI report

>> No.49493203

CPI isn't calculated by the prices of goods alone. It is adjusted for seasonality, locality, and also far-less publicized - quality. Apparel can go up 30% but if the Fed believes the quality of apparel went up 20%, then they only went up 10%.

Hedge funds are unable to exact how much rigging has gone into each print. Fed cares more about PPI anyway, CPI is just for headlines.

>> No.49493323
File: 127 KB, 1123x779, legit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clear, this process is based on arbitary features of their choosing for each CPI subcomponent and is not transparent.


>> No.49493354

makes sense. thanks anons