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49477165 No.49477165 [Reply] [Original]

>priced out of fucking bacon
Clown world. Those seeds hoarder and organic farm bunker havers were right all along.

>> No.49477169

ze bugs.
you'll eat them.

>> No.49477182

And they call the great reset a conspiracy theory.

>> No.49477184

If you didn't accumulate food earlier this year you'll have to pay out of your ass later this year. It is what it is

>> No.49477197

it's over

>> No.49477215

I told all of my family to buy as much meat as possible late last year into early this year.
My MIL has a deep freezer loaded with beef and pork.
They’re thankful I gave them a heads up.

>> No.49477229

Even bugs are fucking expensive because for some reason they treat it like It's some gourmet food when It's literally just turtle food.

>> No.49477243

Why do americans like bacon so much?? Especially when its overcooked and way too hard.

>> No.49477252

It gives them cancer, so they are freed from their meat prison.

>> No.49477275
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I like to eat uncooked bacon, it's most tasty when uncooked. I'm told you're not supposed to do that but it's too tasty

>> No.49477281

just get the mealworm bacon

>> No.49477292
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U will not afford bacon, U will eat bug bacon. U will rent your asshole.

>> No.49477311

I'm priced out of frozen raspberries, These fuckers are up 60% the last 12 months. Official number is 3%.

>> No.49477323

just grow ur own

>> No.49477342


I live in a very small appartment with no balcony.
But yeah, a decent suggestion. Maybe if circumstances had been different.

>> No.49477357

Dude theres probably some cricket meal a few shelves down stop complaining.

>> No.49477440

bro get out of that cuck pod and into the country

>> No.49477477

I’m American and don’t like it, it’s too salty

>> No.49477486

Bacon is 10 bucks now? What the fuck

>> No.49477493


I'm done with my Master's degree in 18 months. After that I will move somewhere where I have more space and the air is cleaner. I like how you are thinking for sure.

>> No.49477501

>earn usd
>complain about paying 10usd for something
American are a fucking plague

>> No.49477547

>he thinks he’ll have some autonomy after his masters

>> No.49478350


>> No.49478804

>first world problems
eat the whole animal not just the best parts

>> No.49478867

>No negative news specifically targets hog farmers
>Price of bacon triples

How is this a thing? pork chops and tenderloin are still reasonably priced

>> No.49478988
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>he doesn't make his own bacon

>> No.49479074
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>earn usd
>complain about paying 10usd for something
>American are a fucking plague

You know we have to drive to work 20-50miles a day on average right? Now look at the gas price.

>> No.49479118

Putin Bros we did it!!!

>> No.49479326

>Idiot city cucks only ever "cook" the easiest, most basic shit
>Eggs, steak, chicken breast and bacon all up out the ass
>Fruits, still cheap
>Vegetables still cheap
>Pork chops, roasting meat, offal, chicken quarters, still cheap
Klaus was right about some things. Normies need to die. Red deer is taking it's fucking time.

>> No.49479926

People like this idiot and his family is responsible for today's prices

>> No.49480148

Bugs are free if you can catch 'em.

>> No.49480173

Wrong its literally greedy meat packagers just raising the price because they can
They're claiming all the typical covid issues and have been the past two years, but a study was conducted into their financials and its 100% bullshit, they are simply greedy faggots.

>> No.49480214

>they told you not to hoard toilet paper while they were preparing to create a famine

>> No.49480249

How does the meat industry's boot taste? Does cowhide taste like steak?

>> No.49480391

holy fuck thats actually more expensive than canada. might be the first good ive ever seen like that

>> No.49480411

So are humans and ducks in city parks

>> No.49480529


>> No.49480556

I thought the same then fluvid happened

>> No.49480577

cooking’s my waifubots job, the fuck am I? Npc with nothing better to do with my time?

>> No.49480602

So don't overcook it? You can cook it so it isn't crispy and still have it be adequately cooked.

>> No.49480615

>the reason communism failed is capitalist countries
>the reason for shortages caused by fake pandemic and staged war are hoarders
my god it’s like you people are not humans

>> No.49480632

Anglofaggots which bacon is the best, American, Canadian or British

>> No.49480937
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>> No.49480972

Why are the meat packagers greedy now but they weren't before?

>> No.49481022

Because there’s no more decency in the society

>> No.49481060

Bacon contains a lot of oleic acid which is very healthy

>> No.49481064

Because they have an excuse now. They can just say, "Muh Ukraine, muh coof, muh gas prices please understand" and most people will take them at their word.

>> No.49481164

Don't you think another meat packager would undercut them?

>> No.49481290


>> No.49481584

Food plants can’t get workers to work for them, they have to bring in migrants just to do the menial jobs. Our culture has valued food production poorly and young people just want to work cozy desk jobs. Food production jobs suck and are hard work and pay like shit. Prices must rise to increase pay to attract workers, or invest in machinery to eliminate those jobs.

>> No.49481791
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>Why do americans like bacon so much??
because when it's good it's really good. Nice crunchy strips of fat and meat mmmmmmmmmm melting in your mouth after a night of drinking ooooooooo

>> No.49482205

I haven't checked in a long time but how much are the packs off the off cuts?

>> No.49482287

anon the secret is to put it under big ass pan and cook it in the oven, but ain't no one got time for that.

>> No.49482366

Because I hate zionists jews and muslims, also it's pretty tasty.

>> No.49482428

Seethe and cope.
I’ll enjoy my 2lbs of thick cut maple bacon I bought for $4.99 last year.

>> No.49482564

Good, I love how you normalfags are slowly getting priced out of life. Hope you enjoy the world you have helped to create.

>> No.49482649


>> No.49482684

Jerome needs to crash this economy RIGHT FUCKING NOW. 10% rates. Grind this fucker to a halt and kill all excess demand and purge all debt-fueled useless eaters.

>> No.49482743

Yeah, I can only afford food that's about 50p/100g or less, so I've already been priced out of more expensive foods such as bacon and all name brands. Difficult times heading my way if these prices don't stop ballooning.

>> No.49482882

>ITT: flyover deadbeats who never invested into their education so they could earn above minimum wage
You all deserve it unironically, cry some more. Cope harder with the scapegoats you made up in your head aka biden/schwab/jews, I’m sure that’ll fix your problems :))

>> No.49482911

Poor people deserve to suffer.

>> No.49483041

Don't bother retards have invaded this board, they're all shit coin poorfag who don't know the most simplest things about economics.
I'm gonna actually get a reply saying how someone made it, wrong you're a larper poorfag pretending to make it

>> No.49483081

>heh I'm so smart and educated
Yeah I'd believe you if you weren't posting on 4channel.org/biz/

>> No.49483104

Lmao at you commie retards completely divorced from reality who come on /biz/ to spout ur opinions that you put so little effort into informing a foundation a to

>> No.49483107

I will also add I do not wish to eat the alternative meat. https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/

>> No.49483149

i was raised as a carnivore and herbivore not an insectivore.

>> No.49483203

>not double or triple stacking them and only scanning the bottom one
Self check out chads always get half off and always will

>> No.49483346

That's call victim blaming, sweaty.

>> No.49483357

Holy shit, he actually did it, he actually posted the in store prices.

>> No.49483515
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>Nothing is ever MY fault. I'm a VICTIM

>> No.49483590

I too enjoy being a professional victim and searching for scapegoats wherever I can, hell yeah sis!!

>> No.49484137

just eat bugs

>> No.49484160

The secret is to get good bacon and not overcook it, pretty simple.

>> No.49484577

pick one
You will always carry the karmic weight of your thievery, and it weighs far more than $10~

>> No.49485292

>stealing from jews and massive corporations that lie cheat and steal means bad karama
I don't steal from mom and pop shops moshie, but nice try

>> No.49485560

My family never listens. They think this time i will be proven wrong, which never happens

>> No.49485720

>stealing is okay when it's to my benefit and personal moral belief system
>The contrapasso for the thieves, on the other hand, is arguably the most conceptually sophisticated of the poem. The tenuous hold on one's identity--with dramatic transformations of human and reptilian forms--suggests that no possession, no matter how personal, is safe in the realm of theft.
I think you're the one acting like a kike, friend.

>> No.49486843
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>You will always carry the karmic weight of your thievery, and it weighs far more than $10~
>actually believing in extrinsic destiny

So why should I believe in this karma system as opposed to Christianity? To Islam? To any of the tens of thousands of alleged true religions and true gods over the course of human history? Why should I believe one over another? I'm honestly curious.

>> No.49486880

How they managed to make the absolute worst cuts of the pig (bacon) sell for that much is a testament to how strong brainwashing is

>> No.49486975

You are trying to be smart and failing miserably since they all preach that stealing is bad.

>> No.49486983


>> No.49486998

idfk, believe them all nigger. The only objectively wrong path is to believe yourself God.

>> No.49487063

british streaky bacon from my local butcher is the best
two kilograms for £13

>> No.49487116

underrated kek

>> No.49487153
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>You are trying to be smart and failing miserably
I was hoping for actual, insightful responses but I should not have expected more than worthless pedantic shit posting. The irony lies in you perpetrating the crime you accuse me of.
So I should choose to believe all the godly concepts that humans have conceived of? Why is it wrong to believe myself God as opposed to old books and people who collectively agreed to believe in them? The premise of "believe in god because x" isn't a very compelling argument. Should I also believe that drinking water is poisonous if I read an arbitrary article on it from someone claiming to be God? Surely you see how silly this is.

>> No.49487177

Is anyone else cool with eating insect protein? I really don't give a fuck to be honest, and they'll find a way to make it indistinguishable from really meat

>> No.49487216

bugs are full of goo in a crunchy shell, meat is muscle and fat and it will never be similar in texture or taste

>> No.49487230

>You know we have to drive to work 20-50miles a day on average right?
I am from the Balkans. I walk to my job, it takes me 15 minutes. In fact everything in my city is at most a 30min walk away. I consider owning a bike a needless luxury that has no rational sense to own. No, I don't own a car either.

It seems America does indeed have a problem, but it has nothing to do with gas, or Biden, or anything else. You simply have no idea what you're doing and neither did your ancestors. You planned everything around the car, and now you're paying a price for it.

I'm enjoying my beef, and will continue to enjoy it.

>> No.49487237

Get over yourself honey.

>> No.49488023

Biden wanted to raise the minimum wage to $15. Also has no control over gas prices

>> No.49488053

exactly. If your country is in crisis because gas prices go up, that's your fault. Either build walkable cities, nationalize O&G, or shut up

>> No.49489491

Organs too, god I fucking love chicken quarters I eat the cartilidge too while normies buy collagen supplements

>> No.49490202


Eat up goy!!

>> No.49490241

Time to go vegan. It's inevitable.

>> No.49490273


TG @gginubsc
