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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49473436 No.49473436 [Reply] [Original]


>Graph Day 2022 Overview

>GraphOps joins The Graph as a Core Developer

>Messari joins The Graph as a core Subgraph Developer

>Arweave on Hosted Service

>The Graph Integrates Cosmos Hub

>Edge & Node Unveils Geo, a Web3 Browser powered by The Graph

>Introducing Substreams

>The Road to Sunsetting the Hosted Service

>Graph Day Stream

>This month in indexing (and other news), May 2022

>zkSync v2 on Hosted Service

>Semiotic Deploys RL Agents for Automated Query Pricing


>Call Calendar

>Network Docs

>Network Statistics & Analytics (inc. Indexers)

>Indexer List

>Gas Price Tracking & Analytics

>Notes on Delegation

>> No.49473470

picked up first stack today, going to continuously add the rest of this year, bump

>> No.49473517

The year ahead is going to be especially interesting. Welcome.

>> No.49473578

over, it is

>> No.49473642
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Couldn’t be more excited!

>> No.49473686

indeed, removing the free hosted service and moving to decentralized network + query fees getting paid to network participants mitigating the inflation is bullish

felt like i was priced out when this was ranging between $1-2, but happy to have an opportunity now

>> No.49473915
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There's also an astronomical number of subgraphs being created on the hosted service. Last month's daily average was in the mid-70s, while this month's daily average is in the mid-90s. We have a shot at breaking 3k for the first time this month or next, only breaking 2k for the first time in March.

Looking forward to seeing what the network looks like at capacity with all queries generating fees. The inflation rate was already cut 20% this year, and it will take a few more years for the network to be more thoroughly weaned off indexing rewards, but I look forward to deflationary GRT.

The crash has been great for indexer upstarts - every major dip brings new operations online. I'm trying to secure at least enough for a viable operation when L2 comes around. With any luck I'll be there within six months.

>> No.49473930

The Scam

>> No.49474331

GRT is a great project and is needed in the crypto space, but the tokenomics are dogshit.

>> No.49474376

Query fees so far this month passed last month's total query fees yesterday.

>> No.49474539

A GRT general? What is this, 2020?

>> No.49474588

The Grift

>> No.49474628

What? You're telling me ~100 subgraphs are created daily? That's insane.

>> No.49474835

Close to it. I hope that mainnet DX is as smooth as the hosted service so that growth maintains its current momentum.

>> No.49474859

grt is just a scammy way to raise money

>> No.49475280

guys, i've invested a lot into grt and i just fcking delegated it.

I feel like an idiot. Like it's almost certain this isn't the bottom and i'm gonna lose 50% and there's nothing i can do about it since my tokens are locked.

i don't know why i delegated it. just a snap decision.

i could use some support.

like is grt really the future or did i just donate my money to yaniv and the early vc's?

>> No.49475416

If there's a future for Web3, I can't see anything but The Graph at the heart of it. And Chainlink of course.

>> No.49475814

Are link and grt truely compatible? Is so, why isn’t there more of a grt movement on /biz

>> No.49475903

>why isn’t there more of a grt movement on /biz
Same reason there wasn't more of a link movement here. The rare times this board stumbles upon a true gem are indistinguishable from a bunch of schizos shilling, always have been
>like is grt really the future or did i just donate my money to yaniv and the early vc's?
If defi is still there a year from now, grt is at the heart of it. And delegation-wise, you should have enough in a month to offset the costs, so no worries there, not like we're going up any time soon

>> No.49475929

Their use cases are complementary.

GRT's community on /biz/ was livelier in the past, but anons are now quietly accumulating and delegating for the next few years and/or lurking, getting actively involved with the project, or have succumbed to relentless fudding and sold.

>> No.49475947

look at this: https://twitter.com/yanivgraph/status/1534551936522801152?t=kJi09kPhWc2M8Ky32vrOCA&s=19

they are solving world hunger with a web browser. wgmi

>> No.49476040

How do we know we’re not just the schizos shilling grt…

>> No.49476045

Another project that won't be using the graph kek

>> No.49476051

Is this a joke? Or is geo actually bullish? It feels like a joke…

>> No.49476058

the grt threads are so abhorrent whenever you appear

>> No.49476075

>How do we know we’re not just the schizos shilling grt…
We don't. The point of /biz/ is to go so far down the rabbit hole that you stake your whole identity on a select number of virtual money laundering code, deluding yourself in a religious ecstasy of prophetizing "gains" and "Lambos", going without food and shelter to sink more and more cash into your Chosen Coin, endlessly whispering the tales of those who made it and were saved before you.
>t. down 44k on grt so far, feel nothing

>> No.49476108

Wtf. Why is this so true? How many of us are there? What’s happens if we’re wrong…

>> No.49476127

lol so many feeling uncertain about this shitcoin

mustn’t have got the message - its over anons

>> No.49476146

does decentralisation not matter since everyone is content on using the centalised hosted service?

>> No.49476240

>Why is this so true?
Because it is. You cannot tell what is real and what is delusion. You can make a guess, but you cannot predict the future.

>How many of us are there?
Not many. This shitcoin has been forgotten ever since the last pump.

>What’s happens if we’re wrong…
The same that happens everytime, pinky... we lose everything.

>> No.49476464

Are we mentally insane? Is something wrong with us?

>> No.49476748

Cool project, I will go all in at 0.01.

>> No.49476810

why are you faggots posting this old chart are you fucking blind or what

>> No.49476840

Who project. Grt is miles ahead.

>> No.49476841

So what’s the sui stack? 1 million?

>> No.49476853

>doesn't know zapper
>being this new

>> No.49476917


>> No.49476943

Yes of course. You're on 4chan, /biz/ of all places.

>> No.49477034

(we all got mental illnesses)

>> No.49477064


>> No.49477103

b-but they have to use the graph! there are no other options!1!1

>> No.49477212
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It's just a tryhard tripfag spamming the threads recently since all other GRT trippers fucked off. Watch him post the non-tripped link threads soon
10k has been the consensus since day's past, 100k make it
>around since 2018
>mc rank below 1400
Surely building their own indexing is the thing that'll save them
>there are no other options!1!1
Unironically yes.
>"But you could make your own indexing serv..."
Where are they, then? If everyone can build their own indexer and no one needs Graph, why is everyone using it, knowing full well they'll have to cough up the query fee cash at some point?
It's just like all the fags that used to say that link's oracles are easily reproducible, only no one fucking ever made their own oracles without getting burned.

>> No.49477235

zapper doesn't have a token lmao. There is no mcap. holy shit how new are you

>> No.49477468

You seem to be on the ball.

What other coins are you invested in?

>> No.49477557

It's impossible to have 100% market share, but it's important to capture a majority of it.
Right now hosted/mainnet is half baked still, not all chains are indexable, and it's still slow for complex contracts. But that is bound to change. Once the tech matures enough, developers will have an off-the-shelf solution to indexing that everyone else uses, which is VERY important if you need support, and vastly superior in capability to whatever system a ragtag team could cook up, not to mention that building such a system requires actually developing and maintaining it, draining brain power from the actual product... who is going to actually do it? Sure, someone will, but they will likely suffer from the consequences of their decision. As a dev, I've seen it happen again and again in the past, and in the end see the team go back to the tried and true system instead of their own cobbled together thing. I expect it will be the same with the graph.

>> No.49477728

What else are you invested in? Do you see other opportunities like grt in the current market?

>> No.49477789

Not anon, but I'm super bullish on chainagnostic infrastructural services. I have abandoned the need to invest directly into L1's and L2's and solely focus on shifting these bags to LINK and GRT. If there's other similar services I don't know but I would be interested of course.

>> No.49477954

I have a similar thesis.

But it can’t just be link and grt. Surely there has to be more?

I also wonder if grt really is on the same level as link or if we just subconsciously positioning grt with link as a marketing move to pump our shitcoin… when in reality there is and only ever will be one link. Thoughts?

>> No.49477978

I mean what about things like filecoin, storj etc

>> No.49478125

Pretty much same as
Just LINK and GRT, because you're betting on crypto as a whole rather than just a specific chain/token gaining adoption.
There's certainly more lucrative but riskier assets to invest in if you're looking at the short to mid term. This is a long term play.

LINK brings data on the chain, GRT gets data off the chain. It's two sides of the same coin, the comparison is inevitable.
Could someone eventually eat GRT's lunch? Possibly so, but unlikely as of now. Same as LINK.
It's entirely possible we're all delusional bagholders and that E&N will rugpull us, either out of malice or sheer incompetence (GEO is some serious fud in this regard), only time will tell. But I can't help but see GRT as fundamental web3 infrastructure, same as LINK.

>> No.49478205

Thank anon, I needed this.

This is exactly the way I see it too.

Shit looks pretty bear now, and it doesn’t look like there’s much of a grt community left thanks to its fcked up tokennomics.

But I do pray our thesis is correct and things turn around soon.

>> No.49478808

At these prices it’s worth getting at least a SUI. I’m an OG linkie whose dcaing to a make it by eoy. I’ve pretty much made it due to my job and I’m securing gen wealth for my senpai with crypto and real estate.

>> No.49478832

Shit, checked Zap by accident, my bad
>What other coins are you invested in?
Rose and ADA, because I have a penchant for watching my money go down the drain. Though I did swing my Rose stack for 18k profit, so there's that. Also [undisclosed amount] XMR and some microcaps.

>> No.49478844

*Family lol

>> No.49480416


>> No.49480861

Shit's bear, whether for days, weeks, months, years, or god forbid decades... we can't tell. But what I can tell is that this is really good and useful tech, good enough to commit a majority of my portfolio to it while it's in a downtrend.
I don't trust this fucker not to pump to $1 overnight, and I don't want to miss out on the Web3 HTTP layer.

>Literally Google (Big Query) of blockchain
That's crazy

>> No.49482045

>>Literally Google (Big Query) of blockchain

But Google Cloud’s data analytics unit, which consists mostly of a data warehousing product, BigQuery, has already generated around $1.5 billion in revenue so far this fiscal year, the two people with direct knowledge of the figure said.

>> No.49482348

God I hope I don't regret buying into this

>> No.49483522

I don't personally like to invest in projects that have worthwhile competition, as is the case in the file storage realm. I prefer to hold enough to use in a given network. If you opt to do so, diversify, and understand what each project is doing.

I think Filecoin's model is more sustainable, while I like Arweave's file retrieval speed and admire their permaweb philosophy, but I couldn't tell you how other projects in that space work.

>> No.49483754

>you send a query there, and they will spread/chunk your data on thousands of machines, they already have hundreds of thousands of machines running in the cluster, and they will allow you to tap into it and they'll crunch 5TB of data in 2 seconds, 5 seconds, in parallel depending on your query, and they'll bill you by the byte, and i'm imagining substreams having that capacity

I used to work for an org that developed a general purpose runtime environment like this, and I am so ready to see The Graph leverage a similar execution model. I was so worried about whether it would happen that was seriously considering trying to put the org in contact with The Graph lol

>> No.49484174

Beautiful post.
>t. Down 50% on GRT but feel nothing

>> No.49484699
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>2021 Nov

>> No.49485031

GRT is a rugpull.Imagine offering a service for free that a multitrillion dollar industry absolutely depends on and can't easily or inexpensively replicate and then turning around and charging for it this year, and then distributing the revenue to stakeholders. Just imagine how much money will be siphoned from these clients to the network. Extorted out of tens, hundreds of millions of dollars per year soon.

But because the industry has no other option, they'll pay to keep using it, and because the industry is quickly growing, more people will pay to use it. What choice do they have? The GRT stakers will be making bank in the future at the expense of the entire sector, which they'll be profiting from the processed data of, indexing and selling it to whoever wants it. It'll probably siphon and redistribute billions per year a few years from now. Does this sound like an honest way to make a living living? I don't think so.
How is this okay? Pure greed. Probably going to end up like Google or Facebook with their obscene market capitalization and monopoly on truth, except using "zero knowledge proofs" and "verifiability" technology developed by DARPA-funded partners in lieu of media partnerships and paid fact checkers. What's worse, it's "permissionless" meaning anyone can do what they want using the network's data, mixing sources as they please to create unspeakable horrors of insights using futuristic technologies like "composable subgraphs." It's probably going to lure real-world industry into using its services too, and then the entire world will be robbed of its hard-earned money, creating a monstrosity of a global database (A public version of the NSA's PRISM program? Hello?) in the process that no one is free from.
It's a shame that governments can't shut it down because it's decentralized and distributed across the planet and not maintained by a single company that can be sued or prosecuted. This is not okay.

>> No.49485575

What’s comes first from here 7.5c or 30c?

>> No.49486695

30c and that’s easy. You really think we’re going to drop 50% more after dropping 95%. If so you must be as dumb as the idiots who shorted SPY after an historic 8 red weeks in a row

>> No.49486715

lol I sold my stack at $2, I heard this project failed.

>> No.49486737

It did, don't buy back

>> No.49487045

We still have 10% of locked tokens unlocked next week. I think 10c an option for sure.

>> No.49487081

I sold above 2.50 but am dcaing back in now

>> No.49487699

10k in query fees today anons!

>> No.49488169

8.3k GRT so far on Polygon today. We'll see how it looks EOD.

>> No.49488218

I’ve tried to figure out how to view it on polygon but haven’t figured it out. Are you able to explain how to do it??

Just visit the billing address and any transaction “in” are query fees?

>> No.49488386

Priced in

>> No.49488465


>> No.49488533


>> No.49488840

I’m supposed to just paste this in the playground? On the Subgraph you linked?

>> No.49488892

Literally a poorly tokenized developer tool.

>> No.49489001

Can’t I just go to https://polygonscan.com/address/0x10829DB618E6F520Fa3A01c75bC6dDf8722fA9fE#tokentxns

And the “in” is people adding grt to their balances and the “outs” is grt being taken from the balances because of daily query fees?

>> No.49489028

Yeah, just divide the resultant delta field by 1e18 in a calculator since the numbers aren't exactly stored in human readable decimal form.

>> No.49489098
File: 140 KB, 595x775, D00B1DC2-3DCF-485A-B5BF-EE839C84B5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is yaniv talking out of his ass or what? how the fuck is a browser going to help end homelessness? This idealistic nonsense is probably the most bearish thing I have ever seen

>> No.49489138

There could be some cases of funds being withdrawn, but I suppose most of the outgoing GRT are fees being pulled. You can always check the txn events to be certain.

>> No.49489264

It's ultimately a decentralized platform for coordinating on public issues. Its success really hinges on whether advocacy and political organizations adopt it, but it's an interesting side project at least.

>> No.49489547

Is new browser serving to compete against Brave, Firefox, or Safari? Otherwise, it doesn't really seem like much except wasted dev efforts.

>> No.49489553

But there already are platforms where people and organizations can do that, how does it being decentralized add anything of value?

>> No.49489635

it's pretty bearish they have so naive and simplistic understanding of politics, but we are living in the clown timeline now and midwits love this stuff. conclusion: bullish

>> No.49489644

Couldn't say, I was perplexed by the announcement myself.

I was invited to beta test it though, so when the software's made available to us I'll post about anything interesting that comes up.

>> No.49490025

Waiting for this garbage to bottom out and I'll toss a little bit more into this dumpster fire. Are they finally making money by charging query fees? How long have they been charging query fees? I'm getting sick of this bullshit sirgay level fucking around. I'm getting sick of crypto innovation being nothing more than better ways to transfer and trade shitcoins.

>> No.49490043

Decentralization's most valuable as a means of eliminating central points of failure and resisting censorship. Garden variety political advocacy isn't really threatened by censorship, and uptime isn't a particularly effective selling point for a platform.

However, in a way, I could see Geo being a lindy platform as time goes on - on the scale of decades or more - due to the permanence of its backend infrastructure and the inherent composability of its datasources. To put it another way, by design, it is unlikely that Geo will suffer the same kind of data loss as MySpace, and a lot more can be done/built with the data by developers than can be done with, say, Wikipedia or Facebook data. I guess these suggestions are applicable to Web3 at large.

>> No.49490100

Silicon Valley tier joke

>> No.49490133

If you've been out the loop, they're killing the hosted service in nine months, and query fees have gone vertical over the past few days.

$45k in fees currently projected EOM, up from $12k last month and $5k the month before.

>> No.49490196

How long have they been charging query fees though? Why do you think they've grown like that?

>> No.49490341

Cool. Thanks anon.

>> No.49490480

Between Q4 2020 and Q2 2021, mainnet was only serving queries for PoolTogether. I don't recall if it was charged query fees during the early days.

After Q2 2021 stress testing, the partner subgraphs started actively using mainnet, so for certain query fees were charged from that point forward. The network officially "launched" in Q3 2021, but there were some technical issues with the gateway leading to a slowdown in mainnet activity until Q4 2021.

Can't speak for what happened between Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 except that devs were mad because zombies crashed the query pricing market, but it's since been sorted out and more fees started streaming in during late Q1. This stream remained stable until the crash caused by Luna, during which fees by active users began to slow down a bit for a couple weeks. Then around Graph Day the fees started surging.

I think the reason for the query fee surge is a combination of some large projects migrating with white glove service before / during / after Graph Day, and some projects just beginning to take initiative now that the free service's days are numbered.

No problem.

>> No.49491749

Here, I quickly made a repl to to be able to see the daily query fees without having to use black magic

>> No.49491944


kek, nice