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File: 52 KB, 557x634, topgunmav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49471351 No.49471351 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best cinema experience in history?

just watched it last night at IMAX....and FUCK ME DEAD ITS AMAZING

>> No.49471523

im gonna watch it with my dad this weekend
he looks like tom cruise so its gonna
have a bigger impact

>> No.49471601

>Queers still paying jews to watch movies
>And then boasting about it on /biz/

>> No.49471644

this movie anon.....is just ''chefs kiss''
fucking amazing bro you will love it

>> No.49471676

relax kid we get it you are on foodstamps and cant afford to go to the cinema, keep blaming jews for being a peasant, its served you well thus far, im sure you have work soon wagie

>> No.49471770
File: 12 KB, 170x297, RRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched this shit, Unironically pajeet kino that ascend beyond cringe

>> No.49471782

Seems pretty fuckin gay

>> No.49471824

It's easily the best kino of the last decade. Anyone who disagrees is unironically a troon.

>> No.49471849

Kike enabler, go back to tv/ with that pozzed nonsense

>> No.49471862

Can't bruise the Cruise.

>> No.49471924
File: 454 KB, 652x653, F224382E-F0BA-44C6-A15B-27D01100848D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom cruise raped a boy at a Scientology ceremony in the early 2000s and the boy was never heard from again

>> No.49471927

Yes let's watch an action movie with a 1.8m faggot as the main guy lmao.
Its only popular cause females love Miles Teller.

You want a good new movie? The Northman, full white cast and pays homage to Odin and other mythology.

Here's a torrent - https://yts-yts.cam/movies/the-northman-2022-torrents-yify-jhytorrent700

>> No.49471942

Seen it twice already. GOAT cinema experience on par with Avatar back in 2009

>> No.49471963

I haven't seen it, but I can almost guarantee the new dune movie was better.

>> No.49472040

whore mom, nice muscle, fart wolf

>> No.49472042


Go watch Maverick and report back, faggot. I'll be waiting.

>> No.49472056

dune is good, maverick is like burger good

>> No.49472067

fuck yeah Northman was incredible

>> No.49472077

>/tv/estites posting on /biz/
Not watching your gay Hebrew shit. Go suck baby cocks, Moishe.

>> No.49472122

Maverick is cringe af though and the story is full of holes, nowhere nearly as good as movies a decade prior.

Can't wait for Avatar 2 and the New Jurassic World flick though

>> No.49472301

watched both, i thought DUNE could never be topped.....it was topped

>> No.49473030

I liked dune better.

>> No.49473105

Yep. It is. I haven't felt like that walking out of a movie since i was a little kid walking out of the original Star Wars.

>> No.49473139

The Northman was awesome. But it's not in the same realm as TGM.

>> No.49473155

Loved Dune. It's not better than this. Sorry anon. Not even close.

>> No.49473219

Wasn't the original Top Gun movie essentially Billy Madison but with planes? Both movies feature a jerk student who bangs their hot teachers. Also wasn't Iceman supposed to be played by Kevin Bacon? I see Val Kilmer and I feel i'm experiencing the mandela effect of the century. I took my meds, btw

>> No.49474467
File: 35 KB, 669x169, 2352353re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is DOD propaganda /biz/ related?

>> No.49474495

Shut the fuck up, you faggot shill

>> No.49474513

Faggy propaganda film pushing war with Iran. Funnily, the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare II (which JUST came out) does the same thing and Iran is mentioned twice in the trailer.

Instead of watching this faggot DOD film, go see The Northman and honor your ancestors who did not fight wars for the kikes.

>> No.49474515
File: 42 KB, 618x668, 1651610987232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey!!! Watch the military recruiting video or you're literally holocausting me!!!!
>we need white cannon fodder for the next world war!!!!

>> No.49474664

>go see The Northman and honor your ancestors
>your ancestors were cannibals who acted like savage animals
The Northman is anti-White propaganda. Nice try Moshe

>> No.49474987
File: 85 KB, 239x211, rej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TGM was way better than I thought it would be. I thought The Northman was really good too but I enjoyed TGM more.

>> No.49475570

This is it. Only smoothbrain normies and magachuds won't see it. They are priming the pump for a new stream of goys to die for jewish interests once russhits get baited into attacking nato/US.

>> No.49475602

you're an incel if you don't like this movie. don't be an incel

>> No.49475610

Found it boring, to be honest. Aside from the gimmick of the cameras being in the actual cockpit, there was nothing new to be seen.

Oh, look... the plane did another turn. Wow.

>> No.49475637

Isn't Maverick a bit old to still be flying missions? Thought he'd be retired from the navy and on some corporate board, or an admiral by now.
Or is it a time travel plot where he gets catapulted 40 years into the future in a catapult mishap?

>> No.49475657

>New Jurassic World
This will be fun. Ever since Lost World I've been daydreaming about a Jurassic Park movie where they end up all over the place and people have to come terms with them and I'm glad it's finally happening.

>> No.49475684
File: 111 KB, 676x1199, fightfor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it for free iykwim
is this some psyop to recruit zoomers to army?

>> No.49475688

You are literally fucking retarded

>> No.49475736

found the kike propagandist

>> No.49475746

its literally a propaganda film to get the goys ready to attack Iran, they barely fucking hide it

>> No.49475796
File: 385 KB, 1280x978, 1654155563912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seething, I can hear your fat fingers typing from over here nigger

>> No.49475856
File: 7 KB, 228x221, 1634418927972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been seeing too much shilling for this shit lately
still not gonna watch it but thanks for the recommendation :)

>> No.49475899

no way tom cruise is that tall. maybe 1.6m. he wears heels.