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49466824 No.49466824 [Reply] [Original]

Who thought it was a good idea to make mostly every city car dependent?

>> No.49466863

>>Personal vehicles accounted for the largest amount of transportation expenditures in 2017 – a total of $1.1 trillion, almost 90% of total transportation expenditures. In 2017, transportation costs made up the fourth largest expenditure among American households which spent an average of $9,737 each on transportation costs. The bulk of this cost is vehicle purchasing ($4,001) followed by other vehicle expenditures ($3,603) which can include insurance and repairs. Perhaps not surprisingly, fuel and motor oil made up the smallest expenditure in the personal vehicle category at $1,968 annually. These numbers indicate that in the United States, vehicle ownership is an expensive endeavor. Americans spent significantly less on any other travel than on vehicle ownership and maintenance. Under 5% of all transportation spending was spent on local, ground, or public transportation. It is worth noting that vehicles are depreciating assets, so their value is almost never regained upon resale.

>> No.49466883

>Why don't we just build impractical cities for the sake of having a cozy aesthetic?

>> No.49466892

>In 2016, in the US, the lowest earning 20% of the population earned an average of $11,933, and spent an average of $3497 (29%) on transportation costs.


>> No.49466939
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you did that, you went with car culture aesthetic and it's fucking ugly an unlivable. you know there are better built cities that aren't horrible to live in that also have cars.

>> No.49467001

The same people who realized living in nigger-infested neighborhoods and using nigger-infested public transit is a miserable, dangerous experience. Suburbs exist because high-IQ, hard-working people don't want to be around drugs, violence, noise, filth, and crime (niggers)

>> No.49467032

People that dont want to ride a bus, train or tube the smalls like fried chicken and hobo piss.

>> No.49467045

Brutal but honest. OP BTFO.

>> No.49467080

This. Eurocucks are lucky they don't have to deal with the amount of niggers that we do. It's fucking ridiculous

>> No.49467124
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This is very reasonable.

Why does the city have to have public transportation? Why not only bikes allowed?

>> No.49467130


>> No.49467224
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So its either get over run with niggers or get cucked by cars
that sucks

>> No.49467241

Why should any government have the right to tell me what modes of transportation I can and can't use? If I want to ride a horse or my sled dog team through the mcdonald's drive through, nobody should be able to say shit. I agree that public transit should be abolished, it just allows third-word trash access to white neighborhoods

>> No.49467305

the idea is they build up the infrastructure in a way that gives you choice as to what transportation you want, including cars and bikes and public transport. instead they want with cars only and are only now desperately trying to retrofit cities to accommodate demand for other forms of transport. the government chose cars once, forced that decision on everyone. and now you want to abolish public transportation? ok fine but we still can't afford cars, some places aren't even walkable, and we're not going to sprout fucking wings so get real and get some bike lanes bitch i'm sorry.

>> No.49467308
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>If I want to ride a horse or my sled dog team through the mcdonald's drive through
also should be legal
I mean cars are just dangerous. Horses and sled dogs are not dangerous
Matter of fact horses are based as fuck

>> No.49467405

you know biking wouldn't be as unpleasant as it is if the city was designed to support bikes as well as cars, not instead of cars that would be dumb.

>> No.49467498
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>for the sake of having a cozy aesthetic?
because it would be so horrible to actually live somewhere that looked nice and was pleasant to be in and walk around in


>> No.49467503
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I'm actually kindof surprised that tuning/racing culture isn't really a thing, what with the roadspace and all. Probably bureaucracy killed it or something.
Well, I live close enough to work that I just bike and stuff anyways.

>> No.49467524

I thought the thumbnail was greater Syria

>> No.49467534

you dont need to ride a subway. just build dense cities so you can walk to the grocery store , doctors office etc and back. only nyc, SF, seattle and other majors cities downtowns can do this. other than that, usa is a glorified parking lot

>> No.49467555

For who, the automotive industry? Fuck you're retarded.

>> No.49467571

>Well, I live close enough to work that I just bike and stuff anyways.
because you're a fucking reddit onions drinking cuck bikes are for children and women you fucking homo be a real man and drive a truck or you're a fucking bitch fucking rrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.49467583

Amerilards consider having to park further than a 30 second walk from their destination to be literally communist dehumanization torture.

>> No.49467602

I could kill you only using 0.01% of my thigh power alone anon

/nightriding/ is pretty based though, I live close to a woods+river wombo combo and I like to meditate there in the middle of a ride.

>> No.49467611

>inb4 this but unironically
North americans are fucking morons in love with their own debt slavery. They think it's the height of freedom to be able to choose from 3 different stripmalls to drive to.

>> No.49467654

If you're rich every city is car dependent. Good cities just chase the poor people into public transport (or on bikes lol).

>> No.49467676
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>usa is a glorified parking lot
canada too
it's all chain stores and retail plazas at the side of the roads. all these roads and hardly anywhere worth driving to. just drive from one parking lot to another enjoy the sights of more roads and more parking lots. breathtaking beauty

>> No.49467681

>dense cities
You are missing the point - nobody (who works and pays taxes) wants to live around niggers or other third world detritus. A dense city means closer proximity to undesirables. Why would I want my family to be in danger? I'll take the one hour commute if it means me and my loved ones don't have to be around savages

>> No.49467754

that sucks
no place for rich people that isn't car dependent?

>> No.49467802
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 01_Clover-Retail-Shopping-Center-Strip-Mall-shot-from-SE-corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MORE STRIP MALLS PLEASE lets build our entire society around strip malls and parking lots and then wonder why people aren't happy. are you telling me the human condition thrives on beauty and aesthetics in the environment? fuck that give me more strip malls, more roads, more stroads, more parking lots. can't get enough
>b-b-b-ut the n-n-n-niggers
yeah i know, that's a fair point actually. i guess just live in an ugly shithole is the price you have to pay so you don't have to get out of your car and walk past a nigger

>> No.49467808

>bike lanes
>i can't afford a car
You are exactly the kind of person I don't want in my neighborhood. Stay in your urban ghetto with the rest of the sub-80 IQ trash, liberal

>> No.49467825

American inbred dogs are killing each other on mass in the suburbs anyway, Wait a couple years and it will be anarchy on your street your police is weak.

>> No.49467846
File: 107 KB, 1024x685, Strip_Mall_Troy-image-by-UpstateNYer-1024x685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stunning beauty of car culture creates such majestic and inspiring environments. really motivates me to be a better person when i look around where i live and see all those shining achievements of human society and culture. is there anything more beautiful then a strip mall?

>> No.49467872

It's true. Even muh great outdoors in canada has been sanitized and pozzed, we LARP about being /out/ but then have panic attacks whenever somebody does anything more than a day hike for some instagram photos.

>> No.49467886

>no place for rich people that isn't car dependent?
Public transport is for poor people.

How would you ever go beyond walking distance without a car?

>> No.49467894

nobody wants to go into your neighborhood, there's nothing there. you don't even live in your neighborhood you just live in your house and your car. your neighborhood isn't walkable, there's no place to buy a loaf of bread or a bite to eat, no places for the community to gather, no community even, your neighborhood isn't livable and you've never lived in a neighborhood its just a place to put the building that you keep your bed in and a strip of pavement to park your car.

>> No.49467899

That's a price worth paying. I can get aesthetics and beauty at home, I just go into town for groceries/supplies.

>> No.49467921

That's because kikes convinced all the whites to flee to the suburbs into their atomized goysheds on taxcattle spawn farms. And now like anon above said, you get to experience brown folx invading your suburbs too.

>> No.49467922

yes yes because the niggers, i know, can't live somewhere nice because maybe niggers show up. can't walk anywhere because maybe you walk into a nigger. fucking niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers

>> No.49467957
File: 33 KB, 330x450, 49D145A4-F17C-45E4-8D79-CE24CAF09F8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no places for the community to gather
What community? I live in a talmudic multicultural cesspool, there's no such thing as community. My community is at my church, which is in my neighborhood. Public "community" spaces in America get trashed by drug users, delinquent teens, and niggers, so I would much prefer the government not waste my tax dollars on building them.

>> No.49467986

your kids are going to grow up worshipping niggers and escape your suburban shithole for muh hustle and bustle of the city at the earliest opportunity. Go full rural or live on the city outskirts, anything but a fucking suburb. Suburbs exemplify all the weaknesses and failures of white people.

>> No.49468023
File: 153 KB, 1300x957, toronto-strip-mall-september-u-s-canada-malls-usually-range-size-square-feet-m-to-over-square-37861780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno man maybe get your niggers under control. i live in canada next to all kinds of brown people and they don't cause me any problems. i'm not thrilled when a race or culture gets displaced with replacement migration but i'm also not thrilled with living in a world where EVERYTHING IS FUCKING UGLY AND DEPRESSING TO LOOK AT
i'll take my chances walking near coloured folk if it means i don't have to look at one of these palaces of mediocrity and disappointment ever again.

>> No.49468038

Damn anon, actually pretty based and true.

>> No.49468079

they are not in a good chunk of europa

>> No.49468128

There are niggers everywhere, no one wants to ride oe invest in mass nigger movement

>> No.49468130

My (white) kids aren't allowed to watch TV or go on the internet (no screens in the house), so I don't see this happening. They've been redpilled from a tender age, and are homeschooled with a Bible-based curriculum. If you expose your kids to (((public schooling))) and worldly media, you deserve what you get.

>> No.49468193

cant believe the amount of car addicted faggots in here, i cant wait for a gallon of gas to be worth your measly days worth of salary and you will have to walk five miles just to get a bag of groceries and the best part is your useless weak legs wont be able to drag your fat parasite infested gut even a quarter of the way without being drenched in sweat, dry heaving in pain
>muh cumsooner lifestyle
is built on others suffering and now you will be the sufferer

>> No.49468214
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this picture could be from any city in north america, this is what they all look like. it's just this and parking lots and roads and that's it. this is a blight on the human condition, it's aesthetically offensive, and depressing to look at.

>> No.49468240

if everyone isn't white im not using the dirty public transport

plus i enjoy driving, i'm faster

simple as

>> No.49468245

Whites that wanted to drive far away from city niggers when their workday was over.

Most American problems are solutions to the bigger nigger issue

>> No.49468253

these are the people who get in their car to drive a couple blocks to the store rather then walk for 5 minutes. if they can't drive their car they will order their groceries. if they can't order their groceries they will starve to death rather then walk anywhere. these are the same people that put their shoes on just to walk around the house. if there was a way to put the car in the house so they could drive from the bed to the toilet thats how they'd take a piss.

>> No.49468286

>muh community
shut the fuck up faggots stop pretending

>> No.49468290

Why? The stores are close together, easy to access, clean, nowhere to loiter/panhandle, and there's plenty of parking for everyone. Indoor shopping malls like you saw in the 90s failed because they became a place for druggies, losers, and niggers to hang out and harass people. Why is it so hard to understand that this style of city planning gained ground as the overall quality/IQ/morals of people in the wesr went off a cliff

>> No.49468311

you probably don't even have a license nigger

>> No.49468341

Yeah you're exactly the type of person to discover his daughter has been fucking niggers just to spite you. Good luck.

>> No.49468353

right, it's stunning and beautiful. a triumph of human artist talent and engineering. every time i see one my heart swells with pride for my country and people. a tear of joy when i see the familiar starbucks logo and wow a subway. the glow of love i feel when i see my favorite beloved global brands that exclusively occupy each and every tastefully bland strip mall. so glad there is this and only this. it's great

>> No.49468354

thank you like minded anon, you and i will flourish is the new coming world, wont be much longer now
for any fatty fat car addict reading this, your comfy way of life is coming to an end, if you cant learn to walk a mile in under 10 minutes without breaking a sweat, its over for you

>> No.49468373

>muh Stores are conveniently close together and thankfully there's very little chance I'll have to interact with anybody!
>t. Golem

>> No.49468421

i dont, never have, never will, moved from a strip mall state to a forest covered paradise with a tiny metropolis and top ranking public transit, i could even walk to the international airport from my front door with ease
enjoy your soaring gas prices and liquidating all your assets just to get to work or buy some food

>> No.49468430

Can't wait for the name change after the food shortages.

>> No.49468453

used cars will be worth a fortune and insurance on human drivers such that only the richest can afford it. the car companies won't sell their cars anymore, the cars will drive themselves and make 10x the money as autotaxis then they could make selling the car. ford won't sell you a car, chevy won't sell you a car, volkswagon won't sell you a car. they'll sell a subscription to ford plus mobility and you'll pay a monthly fee to summon a ford to take you places. half the roads will be shut down, the parking lots transformed into local parks. it's inevitable and there's nothing the carfags can do to stop it. they'll just pretend it can't happen as long as they can acting like self driving is an impossible meme and refusing to see thats almost ready already.

>> No.49468473

>right, it's stunning and beautiful
Beauty is for high IQ low diversity communities ... this is the best we can do given the circumstances.

Are you proposing mass ethnic cleansing just to get better cities?

>> No.49468476
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Ah yes. Much better.

>> No.49468498

>people parking their bikes at a train station
the horror!

>> No.49468499

based, except having a license is really convenient for like, borrowing cars, renting cars, renting cube vans for moving, driving a company car, etc.
also driving could be fun
but generally vehicles are moneypits and ""wealthy"" people treat them like niggers treat their sneakers

>> No.49468505

I could you using only 0.01% of my shitposting power.

>> No.49468514

cool poorfag cityfag cope bro

>> No.49468518

*driving can be fun

>> No.49468522

Antarctica and beyond.

>> No.49468531

>if you don't blow your money on a car, insurance, and gas, that's because you're a POORFAGGOT
again, you sound exactly like a nigger talking about their $1000 jordans

>> No.49468576

You would me?
A-Anon... that's really gay bro, I- I'm not leik that

>> No.49468607

>he doesn't even have a drivers license
you're not an adult, enjoy your stinktrain while i enjoy fresh clean AC

>> No.49468647

downside is they'll bring in a social credit system and then the ford autotaxis will refuse me service because i'm a chud on the internet ranting about niggers

>> No.49468679

also the cars will be banned from even driving across half the country for bullshit environmental reasons but really in order to keep us contained within the geofenced walls of our city gulags

>> No.49468699

I have a drivers' license and have even owned cars, I'm not the other anon. Enjoy burning $500+ a month so you can stay fat and live in muh suburb while I walk 5min to grocery stores and pay $10 for an evo when I need to drive once a week.

>> No.49468707

the trains in my city get cleaned nightly, you probably have old mcds bags and soda cans littering your entire passenger side

>> No.49468741

yeah lmao at anybody living in a shithole without clean air conditioned urban rail
>n-no but I LIKE burning gasoline to run my AC while sitting in my daily traffic jam

>> No.49468746


>just get packed like sardines and live in commie style housing blocks where you hear your neighbors fart and you dont even have a backyard
>oy vey goyim your natural state is to live like bugmen


>> No.49468801

found the faggot that has never traveled to awesome cities like manhattan, seattle, tokyo, venice, paris

>> No.49468855

enjoy your filthy stink trains full of niggers this summer ooga booga kek
bitch made flounders, imagine we live in a society with these nonsensical faggots, we need dna tests for the bitch gene and throw them off a cliff like the spartans did. these dumb drones have enabled jews.

Also in the future only land owners must be able to vote, no criminals, no sons without fathers.

>> No.49468881

i hear the trains in europe you can travel affordably and visit all the countries. is it true? that would be comfy.

>> No.49468883
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Ive been all over the world including tokyo prague etc. I fucking love tokyo's subway system. You know what I love more? Not being a broke ass commie faggot and blasting down the wangan on an r34 gtr. Only troons and faggots afraid of cars or who cant afford them hate them.

I take it YOU have never driven from italy to the czech republic going wherever you want stopping wherever you want whenever you want right? You have been a good little goy riding trains following a schedule and stopping at pre designated spots. Kill yourself poor beta faggot who cant even drive a stick shift

>pic related I took in tokyo

>> No.49468923

he's right you can't just stop wherever you want whenever with public transport. i need to take the gas pill

>> No.49468953

>we need dna tests for the bitch gene
that would be everyone who surrenders the cities their grandfathers built to hide in the suburbs because they're afraid of seeing a nigger
your suburb is a paradigm jew scheme designed to atomize and contain white taxcattle in overpriced clapboard goysheds and farm their money for cars and lawn equipment. I'm fine with your suggestion that only landowners get the franchise but it needs to be restricted to 5+ acres so the dregs of white society living in their pathetic suburban lots don't get a say.

>> No.49468975

the ones that have been around niggers

>> No.49468979


>> No.49469239

Carfags are going to get blown the fuck out this decade thanks to based green energy initiatives, and they will collapse into the grave Starbucks and Wendy's in hand.

>> No.49469422

>electric cars become as cheap as gas cars
>even the cheapest having long range and fast charging as standard
>20 minute fast charge every 200 miles not a big deal when the infrastructure expands to replace gas stations
provided those criteria are met they're hardly getting btfo. and if that criteria can't be met then you won't be able to take their cars not when the country is built for cars and they need one to do even the most basic shit.

>> No.49469496
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>just live with like 20 spics/nigs living in every single apartment touching yours, with only paper thin walls separating you
>listen to babies screaming and feet/furniture thumping 24 hours a day
>listen to the ghetto music blasting from like 3 different apartments at the same time
>walk up and down 6 flights of stairs daily because once again the only elevator is broken and it will continue to be so for several weeks
My guy I grew up in a apartment in a poor as fuck area, you can actually go live in those flesh packed shitholes you worship if you so desire. Humans are not meant to live like that but because you're likely a communist you're obviously not human.

>> No.49469730

LOL try not living in a tenement. when I was in my early 20's I rented an apartment in the top corner of a two storey building, fucking loved that place. Shared only one wall with another apartment and never heard them, had a big balcony with a great view, lived a few blocks from a main artery into the city and was 20min from both downtown and out to a mountain with great hikes. Lived in a suburban basement suite after that and got woken up at 8:30am every sunday to the sound of two stroke lawn equipment and had to drive 45 minutes to do anything worthwhile.

>> No.49469754

kys car hating reddit fags

>> No.49469925

no one cares you stupid fag

>> No.49470196

based and redpilled

>> No.49470365
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I don’t know why so many people think it has to be either complete car dependent urban sprawl or the densest blocks of Manhattan with everyone living in a crammed 30 story tenement.
American towns and cities did just fine incorporating both vehicles and people pre-WWII. Tree lined streets, green spaces, easy walkable access to basic services, and buildings that rarely exceeded three stories are all things that people inherently find comfy and enjoy being around. Our towns used to grow organically based off the actual demand and needs of the local population. Now we get debt driven master planned developments that the owners immediately cash out of upon completion with no sense of the long-term impacts. The result of which is municipalities going bankrupt trying to maintain all the road and utility infrastructure for thousands of square miles of sprawl that didn’t exist a few decades ago.

>> No.49470424

nah it's cucked. fear of niggers is valid but not as an excuse for moving to a disgusting goyfarm
This is actually redpilled

>> No.49470646

ah, someone's taken the orange pill

>> No.49470671

>>walk up and down 6 flights of stairs daily because once again the only elevator is broken and it will continue to be so for several weeks

>> No.49471025
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 1625527510795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gave my car back to the bank in 2016
>havent needed it since
>every time I need a ride I get one thanks to taking Sam Hyde's advice of outsourcing my problems
>purchased a Wii Racing Wheel and Mario Kart Wii from ebay
>Sit here and smoke weed and play Mario Kart while mining with my 3090s and getting over 100% apy staking my savings in The Graph

>> No.49471039

oil companies

>> No.49471072

Never forgive our forefather cucks for fleeing to suburbs because 5% of the population (uppity niggers) were destroying things. In Europe they just put all of the minorities in shithole suburbs and keep the cities for themselves. Why the fuck did we surrender our centers or commerce and culture to criminals and lowlifes? That's why America is so pozzed.

>> No.49471316
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Jesus fucking christ im really fucking mad right now
I wish I live in the Netherlands
Compared to the United States. The United States seems like fucking hell. I hate this shit. I have a remote job. I'm going to Netherlands, fuck this shit

>> No.49472216
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so i figured out why millenials are a failed generation, it's because of the cars. raise children under these conditions and failure is the result. you can't let your kids go anywhere or do anything you have to keep them locked safely in your mcmansion or the cops are called on you. while in other countries children go outside and ride bikes around. until the zoning laws are changed to allow mixed use neighborhoods to be built again this isn't going to change and north america will become weaker with every generation. crippled by a world where you're either in your house or in a car and never walking outside like a normal human being.


>> No.49472242

but then again there is he problem with crime on the streets that europe doesn't have because their black people aren't niggers, thats one thing the video never mentioned

>> No.49472336

but im in canada and the blacks don't seem to be much of an issue they're not niggers either. so canada could have some better community planning obviously cities like detroit in the states are kind of fucked and you probably should stay in your car.

>> No.49472810
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>Oh no I can't live like a hedonist bugman I'm going INSAAAAAAANE
Shut the fuck up

>> No.49472845

You're a stupid chink bug living in Toronto, actual white Canadians in places like Alberta and Eastern B.C. (i.e., your oil and meat supply citycuck) fucking drive everywhere

>> No.49472880

and the cities in those provinces, like the cities in ontario, are not places where people are even allowed to let their children outside. i know urban people are bad and fuck cities and all that but about 80% of people live in cities and they can't let their kids outside to play so the kids stay indoors and become weird. its an issue.

>> No.49472904

well not 80% in cities, cities and towns. i dunno what percent livin in cities and suburbs most anyways. so congrats on being rural and better and all that but maybe we're not talking about you. go drive your car obviously a 20 mile sidewalk to the store isn't possible where you live thats fine. you act like i want all cars gone everywhere or something when im just suggesting multiuse zoning for urban areas

>> No.49472920

Fuck me, you're totally right
Garbage big-budget developments scattered about without rhyme or reason
For a municipality, they're high-risk to take on

>> No.49473041

Because current capitalist (debt based) societies only have a 30-year attention span (that is, everything in capitalism is designed to break down at at most 30-years). 30-years is the longest you can borrow for.

So if the society runs off of these rules, what you get are plans that are designed for a 30-year period.

This means that the government, upon building the interstate system and by creating car-centric laws, did so with the intent that it would only be useful in the next 30-years, and that the risk of high oil prices are not even discounted. There is no way of knowing whether the interstate system would have payed off or whether a car-centric civilization would make sense beyond a 30-year timeframe.

This isn't to suggest that there is a better or worse system. Perhaps if there is a way to raise money using a 100-year debt instrument or perpetual note, we would design systems around these notes. Interstate systems and other transportation systems that have an expected life span of the civilization should be funded using 100-year bonds or perpetual notes, so that these longer term risks are taken into account when the government raises money for this stuff.

>> No.49473073

Oh, uh, don't own municipal bonds, my guess is that the next financial crisis involves this type of debt, and not mortgages. Municipalities are becoming increasingly insolvent, especially after the amount of damage unemployment payments have done to state budgets.

Uncle sam can bail them out I suppose, however there are laws preventing the Federal Government from bailing anything out this time around.