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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49453762 No.49453762 [Reply] [Original]

>I Im saving on fuuueel
>I dont pay for parking when I go to schooool
>I dont drive to work I just scoooot

Do you have a single financial argument against this

>> No.49453775

>duuuude just stand on plank lmao
Why not mash your head on the pavement right now and save some time

>> No.49453809

I'm fully remote, why would I need a scooter if I never leave the neighborhood?

>> No.49453824

just get an eBike that way people dont think youre a stupid faggot

>> No.49453877

>Do you have a single financial argument against this
>merges into you without looking, instantly sending all your savings and dreams for the future to zero permanently

>> No.49453918

it will get stolen

>> No.49453951

The only bad thing about electric scooters is the safety like any motorbike is really.

They have like bugman vibes that some don't eat the bugs type characters might hate. But electric scooter is actually frugalpilled as a replacement to a car. Especially if you barely ever have passengers

>> No.49453987

just get a used scooter, its better cheaper and you even save le enviroment more than having a new product made for you ever could.

>> No.49454041

heh, nothing personnel, kid

>> No.49454045

>Do you have a single financial argument against this

* I'm going on pedestrian roads without a helmet!
* I'm going very fast and cannot dodge on time fat fucks on my pedestran walkway
* I'm going to crash on the ground and hit my head, surely this will have no financial repercussions?
* I'm in the hospital right now! Maybe i'll walk again in 6 to 9 months... how will i go financially?

scooters are retarded people that have no safety nor regard for other traffic users. They also get the most accidents and head trauma's compared to all other traffic users. That's my answer.

>> No.49454073

>I'll save $500 for less lifespan on an obsolete model
Yours was by far the worst take

>> No.49454570


>> No.49454608

It has no carrying capacity, and is inherently unsafe.

>> No.49454665

Just detach the controller from one of the rental ones they leave strewn about the city and walk off with it, no one will say shit.

>> No.49454664

>They also get the most accidents and head trauma's compared to all other traffic users

I guarantee you don't have a source for that

>> No.49454675

>temperatures too hot or cold for your battery
>battery lifespans and performance degradation in general
Enjoy your concussion I’m sure being retarded is great for your financial well-being.
.t bought an ebike one time in a place that was optimal for it and still regretted it and returned almost immediately

>> No.49454893

>hits pothole
>flips into oncoming traffic
>head gets run over by a 60 ton truck and explodes like a watermelon
At least I saved money on gas

>> No.49454895

I assembled a e-mountain bike, spent like 3500 USD on everything and ride it 2 times, then I sold it for a slight profit.
I lost my interest immediately when I realized all the hassle with the batteries. Bikes are supposed to be simple. Everything is so min-max cus you want the bike to be as light as possible, so already after 1 year I assume I would loose 10-20% capacity cus I would not be baby sitting the battery during 6 months of winter while I dont use the bike.
also you get way less cardio on an ebike that I want to get anyways.

>> No.49454958

its because ppl who should not ride them ride them. always when there is some kind of situation in traffic its some retard on an e-scooter barely knowing how to control it fucking up. Also ppl drive them drunk/high. if the same dude fucking up on a e-scooter was riding a bike, its as "dangerous"

>> No.49454997

Scooters are retarded compared to an ebike, literally no advantage.

What do you mean hassle with batteries? I've been riding mine for over a year now and I've literally never touched the battery, just plug in and charge and I abuse the fuck out of my bike.

>> No.49456759
File: 49 KB, 510x290, maybach16[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to buying a shitbox? Literally a crappy toyota echo or some shit. I think shitbox + normal bike is the way.

>> No.49456780


>> No.49456822

>Cars are too expensive
>Take bus to work, spend $480 annually on bus passes
>Can bike during the summer but not always an option (health, rain, tired from work)
What can I ride during the winter? Bus seems to be the only option

>> No.49456964

I don’t have a driving license

>> No.49457124
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>get hit by a car
but not """just die""". Die in a 'not anywhere near "fast enough to be considered humane' way that leaves you in a state where none of your loved ones will ever look upon you again without gagging on their own tears on the way down and their breakfast on the way up.

Hope that $20 you save is worth it

>> No.49457140

Try to get your work to cover your bus pass. At my last job there was a guy who made a quarter mil a year but he was getting his bus pass paid by work and the state.

>> No.49457160

I think it is a valuable tool for the future, do consider it.

>> No.49457332

All of you are gay.

Get a motorbike and ride on the painted lines. More grippy

>> No.49457415

You'd look like a jackass which tanks your social capital.

>> No.49457878

You will ride the electric plank under the rain, you will eat the bugs and you will rent the cardboard pod, anything more is inefficient and a waste of space and resources

>> No.49460544

Family remembers you as that retard that died on a scooter
Siblings dont let kids ride scooters because uncle anon died like a moron

>> No.49460600
File: 64 KB, 720x855, IMG_9048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.49460635

Buy a bike, you work out, you gain muscle, you get /fit/ gains, you improve your cardio, stamina, posture, and you get to hang out with cool cycling buddies who spend 2-5k on bikes.

Or buy a proper xiaomi scooter fuck you.

t. 100 century rider daily. okay not daily but I do it 2-3 times a week and I can fuck for hours ;)

>> No.49460669

They're mostly gone, anon. Go on /o/, and you'd see shitboxes that lasted, are classic and are worth 5-10k.

even like shitty geo prizms and such, but even then it's also a 20yr old car where people do not want to do an inkling of self care or work to keep.

Which is sad, but theres a reason why new cars keep getting sold out and such.

>> No.49460674
File: 352 KB, 1280x720, bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, if you're a useless cityfag. Go to the dump, get yourself a junk bike and weed eater, make your own.

>> No.49460769

Good luck never being able to transport anything bigger than a backpack, and never travelling more than 20km away from home

>> No.49460770

Financial? No
Physical? Potholes

>> No.49460870

Yea this is the real reason. The places that would benefit the most from these, like houston and philadelphia, have awful roads and you would get concrete on your face daily

>> No.49461178

Winter is the best time to store the battery. Cold preserves most things including batteries. Just ride until your battery is at about ~60% and let the cold take over. It's not a like a lead acid battery where you have to worry about freezing because lithium doesn't use water like lead acid does. Also, you don't need a float charger.

>> No.49461219

Gas prices are high.

>> No.49461310

I'm Dutch and everyone here just uses a bike because they're not fat fucking diabetes machines.

>> No.49461590

it sucks in rain and winter
other than that is brilliant

>> No.49461803
File: 1.22 MB, 789x851, OPirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *hits a pothole*
> *dies*

>> No.49461832

Long term commuter cycling fucks your lumbar spine up

>> No.49461926

i ride a xiaomi m256 tuned to 30kph.

certainly beats walking. but i live in taiwan and everything i need to get to is exactly the right distance for one of these.

Id imagine in america it would be pretty useless

>> No.49461985

bike is a huge hassle
>cant just pull up to the shop and leave it outside
>cant take it on a train without paying extra
>get all sweaty
>carrying it upstairs is a pain
>much bigger and bulkier than a scooter
>not as fast as a scooter
>you have to pedal
>you look poor, or if you have a fancy bike you look like a fag

>> No.49462018
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Real men sprint their entire commute you faggot

>> No.49462075

I just turned my mtb into an emtb for 1500 with a bbshd, thats all im spilling faggots

>> No.49462110

>never goes /out/ mtbing
> lives in some metro sexual lib cuck city

>> No.49462132

i've got a bike and i'm fit enough to ride it

>> No.49462133

>Do you have a single financial argument against this
the hospital bills you'll have to pay when some woman who is texting while driving rams her SUV into you will far outweigh the cost of buying a used car

>> No.49463082

what site is this kek

>> No.49463215

>62 mile range
just... no

>> No.49463245
File: 1.23 MB, 783x849, scooterop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49463287

what kind of battery? sounds like lead acid those are shit i had an electric scooter once. had a similar experience to you and sold it. decided my next electric bike had to be lithium.

>> No.49463422

>muh fat diabeetus machine
IDK Lars maybe some people work jobs that aren't 25k Euro/yr in the café down the street and have to carry around more than just a bag full of tofu, weed and HRT pills

>> No.49463450
File: 45 KB, 740x690, Ather-S340-Electric-Scooter-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant the other kind of scooter
fucking annoying that both ops kind of scooter and this kind of scooter both have the same word. search electric scooters and its just a mess.
come on humanity, at least the brits i think started calling them mopeds which also isn't ideal because now what do we call what we were already calling mopeds. also there are mobility scooters. fuck sakes come up with some more words. do i have to do it? i'm terrible at naming things i'm just going to call pic related an electric zooter

>> No.49463485

what do you do when a nigger steals it?

>> No.49463499

google electric moped you dingus

>> No.49463504

based bafang enjoyer and mid-drive chad

>> No.49463522


>> No.49463563

These threads are always very telling about who posts on /biz/
>Most people on /biz/ don't in a rural area (urbanite retards)
>Most people on /biz/ don't have a family of their own
>Most people on /biz/ don't seem to work a physical job
>Most people on /biz/ don't have tradesman skills or don't work as tradesmen
>Most people on /biz/ don't own land
>Most people on /biz/ seem to have bad eyesight, poor hand-eye coordination and problems with motor control skills
If you genuinely never find yourself needing a car or truck you're probably a bug person and just coping with the usual "MUH FAT MERICANS"

>> No.49463667

yeah i guess we call them electric mopeds then that works. still kind of weird, what do we call non-electric mopeds? call them mopeds sure but in north america thats the word for pic related. and the vespa style gasoline "mopeds" are called scooters for whatever reason. i dunno the terms need to be sorted out this is a marketing issue for the entire "scooter/moped/whatever" industry i think. cant call everything an ebike

>> No.49463695
File: 517 KB, 1600x1200, tomos-moped-scooter-motorcycle-49cc-retro-classic-commuter-bike-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49463739

You sound like a pussy for all the above reasons

>> No.49463781

>get run over by grandma or texting zoomer
>$300k hospital and rehab bills
>likely permanent paralysis
>never work again
>in constant pain
>will need assistance with almost everything for at least a few years
>can never have sex again
>barely recognize your mangled body in the mirror
>your psychological health erodes
>you die in a few years of a heart attack or by suicide
But i saved on gas money, bro!

>> No.49463794

Status and respect. If you're going to live frugal and disregard society there was better ways to save money.

>> No.49463811

Try getting laid when you show up at her door to take her out, on that.

>> No.49464041

nothing short of an actual car in decent condition and at least fairly new is going to impress a woman anyways and who has that kind of money so moot point really

>> No.49464107

I take the bus and train everywhere and still get laid

>> No.49464319

>Electronic bicycle
>Remote work

>> No.49464361

i prefer ebikes, i have three. 2 off the shelf with mods and 1 conversion of my comfy hybrid. you can repair and mod it yourself; that's what i like about them

>> No.49466049

>Status and respect
>disregard society

You have a gas leak in your house

>> No.49466130

Yeah that's going to stop when your bum ass is like 40 and it's not cute anymore, you can take the bus to the massage parlor then

>> No.49466473

Walk fatass!

>> No.49466797

Honda Ruckus is better, it's an actual bike and gets 110 mpg.

>> No.49467044

Can't really pull it onto the freeway