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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49452771 No.49452771 [Reply] [Original]

>true inflation is +20%
>more and more I'm noticing products getting smaller in portion but pricier
>wages remain stagnant

>> No.49452802

Keep waging and dcaing your salary in alts like solana now in the bear market while living at home and you're gmi

>> No.49452822
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I just follow this chart, I'm doing okay.


>> No.49452895 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49452909

This site has spent the last 20 years shitting on labor online in your little nazi financier imageboard forum calling us lazy subhumans, entitled bums, dirty commies, welfare queens and poorfags and fighting tooth and nail for corporate interests, capitalism and the eradication of any social security and the subjugation of everything and anything innocent and beautiful. You have commodified everything from land,shelter,food,animals and even people. Now you are surprised that you have to be a slave? You will reap what you sowed and you will go and be an obedient, submissive and productive modern day slave and suck your bosses dick real good and real clean anon. Go pull on those bootstraps and chase the amerikkkan dream anon. You are not LAZY or anything right? Expect no mercy or sympathy. You will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve and like you wanted. This is what 4chan wanted. Well take it now. Parasites. Die. Just die already.

>> No.49452915
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>> No.49453058

agreed, mutts are just so stupid

>> No.49453088
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>This site has spent the last 20 years shitting on labor online in your little nazi financier imageboard forum calling us lazy subhumans, entitled bums, dirty commies, welfare queens and poorfags and fighting tooth and nail for corporate interests, capitalism and the eradication of any social security and the subjugation of everything and anything innocent and beautiful. You have commodified everything from land,shelter,food,animals and even people. Now you are surprised that you have to be a slave? You will reap what you sowed and you will go and be an obedient, submissive and productive modern day slave and suck your bosses dick real good and real clean anon. Go pull on those bootstraps and chase the amerikkkan dream anon. You are not LAZY or anything right? Expect no mercy or sympathy. You will die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve and like you wanted. This is what 4chan wanted. Well take it now. Parasites. Die. Just die already.
Just take the pills and walk the dog. Not the dilatation painkillers, the schizophrenia meds.

>> No.49453094

>We need more of what caused the problem in the first place
statism 101

>> No.49453116

>inflation mean we need to buy usd!

>> No.49453141
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Are you crying right now

>> No.49453177
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The New Narrative™

>> No.49453202

$9 for 3 dozen eggs at the big box store yesterday.
Holy shit what the actual fuck?

>> No.49453697

l1 hype was last year

>> No.49453828

I bought 50 chickens for $1 each and they wonder around my yard eating bugs. I have a stash of like 500 eggs and I'm not sure what to do with them. Can I dehydrate them?

>> No.49453836

Hedge against the inflation.

>> No.49454028

Wages aren’t actually stagnant though

>> No.49454060

It seems the MMT has failed even the most basic tests. I’m sure Austrians are wrong about some things, but they blow the fuck out or MMT

>> No.49454094

If you compare wages to actual inflation then yeah, I’m willing to bet the numbers are putrid

>> No.49454130

Hot take: MMT isn't failing, it's working exactly as intended.

>> No.49454133

yup, ain't hard

>> No.49454153

So they want the economy to fail? I didn’t take the FR as Biden haters

>> No.49454388

You getting priced out and reduced to serfdom != "the economy failed"

>> No.49455550


Thats a good deal desu.. 25c each egg is great.

>> No.49455715

Yes goyim you finally figured it out. White dumbfucks pretending kikes don’t want our ruin is some mass effect indoctrination shit

>> No.49455768

the jannies know about stagnant wages. theirs has remained at $0.0000000000 since they began

>> No.49456002

when the gooberment is suggesting you do things like skip showers, only heat one room in your house and how the multiyear prospects are
>don't expect it to improve much
..... yeah.... it's habbening

>> No.49456396

All the critique against the fake and gay economy was valid and is exactly why we are where we are now. This site has always hated bullshit jobs and race to the bottom consumerism, monopolistic IP laws and ladder pulling boomers. This is the outcome we warned of, where the culture is destroyed by megacorps playing 200 IQ divide and conquer strats against a dumb shit population. It's fucking amazing that you defend "social security". I know you mean that in the general sense, but the program by that name is the epitome of a democratic pyramid scheme. All that shit was unsustainable. Giving gibs never works. A stable culture is what matters, and you never cared about it at all. Fuck you. I hope you were baiting but even if you were, fuck you.

>> No.49456465

let's talk about
>sensible and fiscally responsible visa policies and employment strategies

>> No.49456466

Don’t forget
>wages decreasing in real dollar value
>Fed/media/economists partly blaming wage growth for high inflation

>> No.49456534

>the jannies know about stagnant wages. theirs has remained at $0.0000000000 since they began
on the plus side, it can't go any lower..... or could it......

>> No.49456566

Did you even try to make sense?

>> No.49456580
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>You getting priced out and reduced to serfdom != "the economy failed"
how many showers you been taking breh?

>> No.49456646

My advice? Keep expanding the labor market. Increased competition in the labor market has been a proven kickstarter to wage growth.

>> No.49456723

>Keep expanding the labor market.
for me? it's the engineers and scientists.

>> No.49456806
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You wrote garbage and you should be ashamed.

>> No.49457756

>more and more I'm noticing products getting smaller in portion but pricier
this pisses me off so much. Either jack the price or shrink the portion but don't fuck me from both ends at once. I've noticed chipotle burritos shrinking for months now even as the price got jacked 20%. I just forcefully ask the burrito jockeys for extra rice, extra beans, extra fajitas, etc just so I can get a fucking normal size burrito, then they have to fit it all into a tortilla that's 20% smaller now so it tears and they have to double wrap it. They cope and seethe about it from start to finish and I still massively overpay, but at least I get a burrito fit for an adult and not an emaciated midget.

>> No.49457998

how much for such a freeze dryer ?

>> No.49458744
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>> No.49460319

what i do with this

>> No.49460454
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>> No.49460566
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>obedient, submissive and productive modern day slave
kinda hot, not gonna lie