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49448569 No.49448569 [Reply] [Original]

>She "wants to talk"

>> No.49448574


>> No.49448718

I don't want to talk, I just want to dance.

>> No.49448765

Tell her youre not her therapist

>> No.49448768
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I've been seeing another man.

There is no need for theatrics, we all know you have no option but to stay with me. And by we all, I mean you, me and His Master.

>> No.49448772

might be about Jamal, anon. sorry

>> No.49448787

Fuck off normalfag

>> No.49448801

Black Fragility at all time highs

>> No.49448806

she's pregnant or leaving you
either way you're fucked

>> No.49448834

Tell her it was all a learning experience, and you are grateful for all she has taught you.

>> No.49448918

i shoot blanks
i'm not that beta, jesus. i'm just gonna say ok bye and yeet out of the room.

>> No.49448939

>Tell her youre not her therapist
>Tell her youre her the rapist

>> No.49448975
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I hate when people leave me in suspense like that

>> No.49449099

it's always mortifying. why don't they ever just text you and get it over with.

>> No.49449113
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>she broke up with me over text, that fucking bitch

>> No.49449118

you get messages like that because you care. grow up

>> No.49449130
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>> No.49449240

i would honestly prefer it.

i don't understand what my caring has to do with giving me a cryptic invitation to get dunked on in a couple hours rather than plainly, impersonally, saying it's over and letting me go on my way.

>> No.49449274

Has any guy ever said that before? Girls get furious at that shit because you cut out their opportunity to have an emotional breakdown and get that high of emotional turbulence out of the break up and closure but do guys even give a shit? I don't feel owed some story tier ending just say you're out and we're good

>> No.49449287

Hey, we have two americans right here.

>> No.49449291

i appreciate closure, yes.

>> No.49449366

I’m 38. I spent much of my younger years going from girlfriend to girlfriend. Getting my heart broken every time a relationship ended. Then I just stopped pursuing women and focused on only myself for 5 years. Found a better quality woman because I became a better quality man.

Good girls do truly like good guys. Work on yourself.

>> No.49449375

>i shoot blanks
kys tranny

>> No.49449406

Your retard logic makes no sense

>> No.49449422

Yeah sorry bro i told her yesterday that she probably should disclose to you that her part of the relationship is open

>> No.49449522
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because women live for those moments in time. They receive immense twisted pleasure from crushing a man's heart.

>> No.49449579

your best chance of having her come back one day, is to act like you dont give a fuck and are happy with the outcome

>> No.49449594
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Why tf would you want someone back that didnt value you in the first place? You know what she was doing while you were gone, right?

>> No.49449614

tell her you also want to talk, about star wars, and how disney fucked up the sequel movies and how rey is a mary sue and its all terrible writing. then start screaming at her about how hyperspace ramming invalidates every space battle ever shown so far they could have just plowed an empty ship into the death star it's fucking retarded and makes no sense. tell her that, if shes ready for that talk. women have to understand it was a bad movie

>> No.49449641
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Read the rational male. It's already over and you need to be a man and tell her to go talk to someone else.

>> No.49449656

This is a solid strat. I would also add that The Mandolorian was boring. Make her admit that too.

>> No.49449676

>talk to new girl for a day and she's all bubbly and expressive towards you
>drops you a day later
It shouldn't hurt but it do

>> No.49449739

that's going too far. liking the mandalorian or not is just personal opinion. the disney movies being bad is objective fact like a math equation and that can't be debated reasonably. if she can't admit that rey being an ace pilot and ship mechanic on day one despite having never flown before is retarded she's a lost cause. luke skywalker shot womp rats down beggers canyon in a skyhopper, made by incom, the same corporation that makes the x-wing and that's the backstory behind how he could fly. rey has no backstory behind how she is able to do things and you can't just say its the force, thats not how the force works, and that bitch has to understand that or the relationship is over. that's the talk she wants a talk ill talk her

>> No.49449836
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Shes the Emperor's daughter and downloaded the info from the lightsaber and kylo ren during interrogation.
Thats the official explanation.

>> No.49449861

My gf kept joking playfully about getting married. I said i hope you want to get married for me and not for some ulterier or superficial reasons. She got super pissed and stopped talking to me

Did i sperg out? I only care because im not against the idea.