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49446213 No.49446213 [Reply] [Original]

This movie is so fucking good holy shit, how can I profit from this

>> No.49446278

Capeshit for boomers

>> No.49446291


>> No.49446294
File: 297 KB, 400x400, 1652643720834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to fly in DCS World in VR, and invest in VR/AR/Metaverse tech.


>> No.49446325


Lol every fucking person in the theatre was like 18-30 and everyone came out talking about it being one of the best movies they had ever seen.

And I agree, this movie was a fucking masterpiece.

Now go clean up my popcorn anon "hur dur it's boomer movie"

Lmfao retard.

>> No.49446395

It unironically looked like a capeshit movie (DC, not Marvel though)

>> No.49446435

>straight white male protagonist in 2022

>> No.49446455

Giant China cock suck movie easily btfo already. They would never send a pilot on this mission, they’d simply send a shitload of tomahawk missiles.

>> No.49446532

A good movie but doesn’t have the charm or charisma of the original.

>> No.49446661

I have the need....the need for sneec

>> No.49446766

You must've went past their bedtime my early bird showing was almost exclusively people old enough to watch the first top gun in theaters

>> No.49448878


>> No.49449033

not gonna watch unless there are blacks in power and women pilots

>> No.49449090

Far more realistic than dude shoot beams out of my eyes lol

>> No.49449126

>Tom Cruise
Pick one

>> No.49449142

how you profit is by realizing that the vast majority of media is far left wing woke shit, but there is a huge untapped market for trad family values.

Lotta people are looking for classic stories and media to put their money behind. Conservatives and Christians will give you a lot of slack in quality and polish if you proudly take a stance and defend their values.
Look at all those shitty direct to DVD Christian movies that the mainstream ignores with guys like Kirk Cameron, they all do really well in their niche. Same with Christian book and children's authors.

Movies with even minimal trad values tend to do really well, and if they have Hollywood budgets and marketing behind them, would do even better. One the word gets out that a movie is pro-family, pro-America and conservative etc, social media that caters to them spreads the word and the money flows.

>> No.49449162

Fell asleep reading this. Get out the way grandad.

>> No.49449193

ok zoomie

>> No.49449902

movie for rednecks

>> No.49449911

2 posts, that's your social media marketing? Lazy fuck, do your job

>> No.49449935

Unless it has Cruise taking a giant dick from Mr T. its a no from me. That and every other movie.

>> No.49449961

Zoomers are faggots with bad taste so why would I trust you or them?

>> No.49449989

retarded propaganda shit to prepare the plebs for an Iran war, funny how simultaneously the Israelis are doing practice runs for bombing Iran's nuclear places

The Northman was fucking based, but the (((international hyenas))) want midget cruise on the screen in their propaganda films, not movies celebrating nordic culture and protecting ones family (rather than going out into the world to carry the plots of jews)

>> No.49450070
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I went and it was pretty good although very straightforward and predictable. A well executed sequel. Of course, like the first movie, it's recruitment propaganda subsidized and written by the pentagon. Still, jets are cool.

>people like it when you pander to them
surprise surprise

>> No.49450093

>people like it when you pander to them
>surprise surprise
Well they sure as fuck don't enjoy being mocked and derided

>> No.49450274


>> No.49450282

Kys, schizo.

>> No.49450289
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>> No.49450299

>why are zoomer atheists so fucking dumb?
I didn't say I was you fucking retard, but plenty of people are who have a lot of money to spend.
Read the title of the thread again and then go back to your tranny porn zoomer

>> No.49450334
File: 73 KB, 220x257, 1653933413336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incomprehensible schizoid babble

>> No.49450508

Very sensible post and I don't see why people are giving you shit.
The timeless formula of "man goes on a difficult quest, becomes a hero, gets the girl, happily ever after" is only removed for political reasons. If Hollywood actually had the balls to make movies like that again, people would gobble them up like crazy.

>> No.49450640

It's not "removed for political reasons" it's just well trod ground and boring as fuck. Films need to move on from this formulaic crap and do something bold and new.

>> No.49450820

>It's not "removed for political reasons"
Then what's the reason?
>boring as fuck
As in people don't want to watch it and thus the movie won't make any money? Can you name any movies in that genre that didn't make money, any prolonged droughts at the box office that warranted canceling the genre entirely?
What about comedies, bromance and christmas movies, all practically dead genres as well, what struggles did they have at the box office to warrant their removal?
Money is clearly not the reason.
>Films need to move on from this formulaic crap

>> No.49450902
File: 502 KB, 530x461, topgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the zoomies in this thread need to fuck off.
They don't make movies like this one anymore bucko's. It's the real deal. Who would've thought Tom Cruise would save the west?

>> No.49450918



fuck off idiot, the movies just so good no cap fr

watch it and shut the fuck up

>> No.49450930

I understood it, you're probably just stupid.

>> No.49451021

>The Northman was fucking based
The witch and the lighthouse were based. I wanted to like northy but there wasn't room in the source text to break any ground and the cinematography was good sure, but compared to things like parasite...?

>> No.49451061

Almost all of those movies have a main character be the son of someone important, i.e. predetermined by birth to be a hero or at least be good at something. That's about as right wing, pro aristocracy as you can get

>> No.49451090

Well I've got news for you, there is a black woman pilot! But the great thing about this movie is that it doesn't shove the fact that she's black or a woman in your face, she's just another pilot on the team. Now go watch it.

>> No.49451228

are there decent quality rips of this or the northman on torrent sites yet

>> No.49451245


fucking tightass, the one movie where you should pay a little extra and watch it on the biggest screen possible is this one....

just fucking let the moths out of your wallet and enjoy the night/day at the cinema holy fuck, you wont regret it

>> No.49451272

its a well received movie so naturally 4chan has to hate it now

>> No.49451279

fuck that im not giving money to jews or scientologists

>> No.49451286

i was like 8 when the first one came out. we were driving to the theatre and for some reason my dad thought my sister flipped me the middle finger

she denied it and he started yelling at me 'DID YOUR SISTER GIVE YOU THE FINGER?'. i said yes. she didnt really give me the finger. he turned back, went home and dropped her off so she never got to see top gun. sorry sis

>> No.49451289


your just a tightass lmfao go steal a quarter from a make a wish foundation ya fucking loser

>> No.49451295


>> No.49451347
File: 109 KB, 1024x427, 1647914816820m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's also good military recruitment material unlike the actual military ads.

>> No.49451403

Go to Imax anon. Best movie experience in almost 2 decades for me. The fucking sound.