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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4943972 No.4943972 [Reply] [Original]

Should I send it? Should we bring down the Link?

>> No.4944017

>Sergey Navorav
keep trying young chap

>> No.4944024

it's pretty stupid anon and they will basically not even read it. You should just ask what their connection is to smartcontract

>> No.4944054

true but I can sabotage all their partnerships , I can single handedly shatter all your hopes and dreams. It would give me a great amount of pleasure.

>> No.4944080

I'll just send them this thread lol.

t. Belgian (Swift HQ is in Brussels).

>> No.4944081

youve announced it publicly and they have $32 million to sue you with. i say go for it.

>> No.4944119

>what are lawsuits

>> No.4944131

Already report to the right authority

>> No.4944153

I mean go for it- I own zero LINK cause of my high IQ. 1 dev (since sirgay doesn't exist), no comms, no updates, no product, no roadmap. deluded. d-e-l-u-d-e-d

>> No.4944335

smart man

>> No.4944336

do it the otherway around retard
send it to buzzfeed and say you work for swift

>> No.4944401

This will actually work, they posted Link across /pol/ and ancap groups yesterday.