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49439227 No.49439227 [Reply] [Original]

Childhood is believing in the Austrian School. Maturity is realizing that Keynes was right all along.

>> No.49439272
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, FC7D233A-3812-468C-8025-355B01EC58AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m more of a Roger Garrison man myself

>> No.49439283

How are you liking that mid teens real inflation that this literal faggot and his faggot mind virus that infected the world's economists have gotten us into?

A literal homosexual who was incapable of impulse control and long term planning for posterity.

>> No.49439388

Im sorry that you still believe in Austrian economics and the magical thinking that facts don't exist and things just happen because you believe real hard they will
a literal fucking cult lmfao

>> No.49439403
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Fuck you pedophiles

>> No.49439414

No he wasn't.

>> No.49439424

It’s not Austrian vs Keynesian
There’s many different economic schools of thought
You retards have narrow worldviews

>> No.49439452
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Lol. Fuck off. You guys have ruined our generation in debt. THE "FREE MONEY, DEBT DOESNT MATTER, AHHHH FREEEE MONEYYYY, DEBT IS JUST A NUMBER" generation are the adults, yah makes sense. Damn those austrians and ron paul types who believe math isnt racist and in the laws of supply and demand, and have a working knowledge of how the federal reserve operates. They are petulant children who believe that you cant print economic productivity by magic

>> No.49439474

Austrian school of economics,body of economic theory developed in the late 19th century by Austrian economists who, in determining the value of a product, emphasized the importance of its utility to the consumer.
You're a fucking retard and probably some antifa queer pretending you know anything about Economics.
Why won't you pay 10000$ bucks for a bucket of shit? People put alot of effort into the labour of shitting into a bucket.
Labour is valuable, yes.
But value has more than one niche.
Fucking retard.

>> No.49439508

Keynesian economics argues thatdemand drives supply and that healthy economies spend or invest more than they save. To create jobs and boost consumer buying power during a recession, Keynes held that governments should increase spending, even if it means going into debt.
Inflation is why people are so broke, spending money to dig yourself into debt you can't pay back isn't even remotely mature.
You're a fucking mental midget.

>> No.49439519

It's some pantifa anarchist whos upset you can't trade dirt buckets for gold bars.

>> No.49439542

look like your school of thought is "who cares about the facts, that guy is a pedo"
but then youd think your average libertarian austrian economics leech would be very much into that

you gotta spend money to make money anon, or are you a leech that believes holding into some gold bars is actual labor?

he mad

>> No.49439594
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The absolute state of projection in this post. Holy cow (shit).

>> No.49439626

yet another mad that facts don't care about his bags

>> No.49439655

I’m not an Austrian
I think there’s aspect in most economic theories that are healthy

I don’t play your silly games

>> No.49439675

any economic theory that begins with the proposal of disregarding facts and real world data in favor of gut feelings is to be laughed out of existence

>> No.49439681

Imagine rejecting deduction in favor of empiricism. Kek

>> No.49439849

bait, OP is probably not an actual retarded communist

>> No.49439856

>humans don't act purposely
Lmao, maybe Keynesians don't. Would explain a lot

>> No.49439858
File: 70 KB, 750x1334, 20210627_054154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird how Austrians predicted exactly what would result from covid spending, and were warning inflation as the keynsians gaslit them, and then, as was expected based on historical patterns and known, basic, mathematical laws of the universe, ofc inflation came. Then it was transitory! Austrians laughed, knowing it wasnt. Yet the people trusted the keynsians. Then it was "inflation means higher wages! Its good" And ofc, as the austrians have been right up to this point, the brain dead keynsians just..well.. Its putins inflation!!

LOL reminds me of covid.

Weird how those childish conspiracy theorists and doctors with phds and world renowned epidemiologists (until a wikipedia neolib discovered they were spreading misinformation TM) that those crazy conspirachy theorists were listening to kept getting things right.

The laws of economics have changed is all comrade. The austrians just got lucky! Stay loyal to the party, and remember, to always regurgitate, and never think critically or apply any brain power(thats a waste of community resources, the tv can do the thinking for you)

>> No.49439957

>"humans act with purpose"
>Spends another mil on some shibbatmoondoge shitcoin

the thing is, a small amount of inflation is the ideal
you want money to circulate and keep being used in transactions, not to stagnate in some bank account doing nothing
anything else is the issue of other actors not adapting to inflation, like employers not increasing salaries accordingly

but what do you know, to an austrian economist his gut does not care about facts

>> No.49439973

>spending money to dig yourself into debt you can't pay back
The government can pay anything. It prints the damn currency. There's no such thing as a liquidity problem for governments that print their own currency.

I'm not a communist. I'm a nationalist who voted for Trump and a Keynesian.

The congress didn't even spend that much on covid relief. The U.S. spent trillions on QE some years back and there was no inflation like you guys predicted. It's easy to call an economic downturn when you're always predicting one.

>> No.49439990

the reasons keynesians are "more right" is because people are genuinely retarded, impulse driven and fomo driven consoomers.

the jews are right in calling most people goyim and deserving of subjugation because it kind of is like that. if you dont identify with the goy label then good on you, make serious bank and be a philantropist. its actually easy these days

>> No.49440014

Austrian economists get a lot wrong but Keynesian are worse in many ways
The argument is framed as Austrian vs Keynesian because both systems are unhealthy with only small aspects that work for everyone

>> No.49440056

>>Spends another mil on some shibbatmoondoge shitcoin
Yeah and the purpose of it is getting rich it doesn't say he has to be rational, but to get this argument and Austrian economics you have to understand logic which, obviously, Keynesians can't hahahaha

>> No.49440087

>retarded communist
>"not a communist"
>just retarded

>> No.49440107

>the thing is, a small amount of inflation is the ideal
ideal to who? lanlord parasites and other rich fucks that already parked their money in real estate?
if you think inflation is good then you should keep all your net worth in cash you stupid motherfucker

>> No.49440114

this exactly
people are irrational, and systems based on people are equally if not more irrational
this is also why technical analysis is such a sham

if you were not actually retarded you would have known that gambling is not a good way to make money unless you have some real info on which gamble will turns out good but that then is less gambling and more insider trading

but, you are just an anon begging for shitcoins lol

>> No.49440148

Who cares, youre on a cryptoboard, let countries print their currency to zero.
What is criminal, is how financially illiterate most of world is.

>> No.49440154

even the hedgies somehow achieve less than market returns, with the caveat of muh lower volatility.

if they didnt practically own the system they would be just as dumb as a mediocre well read citizen

>> No.49440171

And we this comment you just proved what I said. Keynesians can't do basic logic
> it doesn't say he has to be rational
Or did you miss that?

>> No.49440239

> What is criminal, is how financially illiterate most of world is.
I couldn’t agree more
Keeping us dumb is by design

>> No.49440245

I don't keep anything in cash precisely because of inflation

welcome to high finance, where nothing matters except your connections

clown response from a clown worlder unaware that they are a clown

>> No.49440247
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Austrian economists have been predicting >muh inflation to come every single year since the 2008 crisis. Every single one. Instead there were 12 years of next to no inflation and close to deflation at times. It took the combination of a fucking worldwide pandemic plus WW2 levels of fiscal spending plus a fucking war in Europe to finally get some serious inflation up in this bitch. Even run of the mill normie economists like Larry Summers, Oliver Blanchard or Martin Wolf were warning that this is a possible outcome, there's nothing much special here. If Australofaggots want to take some credit, they first need to explain why exactly they've been dead wrong for the entirety of the last fucking decade.

By the way, I get to shit on you guys because I myself fell for this nonsense after listening to tards like Peter Schiff after the '08 crisis, before slowly realizing that Austrian economics is basically babby's first foray into economics ant that the world is actually more complicated than that.

>> No.49440292

>muh inflation to come every single year since the 2008 crisis. Every single one. Instead there were 12 years of next to no inflation and close to deflation at times.
maybe when your CPI consists of netflix subscription and corn syrup
look at real estate prices over the years, that's the only thing that matters, because soon none of you stupid bastards will be able to even dream about owning anything, you keynesian cock sucking cunts

>> No.49440332

i'm like that. im a perma bear, a huge pessimist when it comes to the economy, mainly because i see how retarded everyone is. and even i must admit that this attitude is unhealthy and quite frankly unuseful.

there is always an apocalypse right around the corner

>> No.49440343

wait. You don't actually believe the government inflation numbers, do you? Real inflation has been over 10% for years.

>> No.49440357

do austrian cucks blame everything on inflation? real estate prices have been fucked with for more reasons than just inflation
like for example, the ever assessment of property by fewer and fewer actors

>> No.49440363

>I have no argument so I project
Ah, yes. Attention spam of a gold fish autist arrives. If someone told you that we'll land humans on Mars in two years time you would bitch how it isn't happening, how you were wrong and so on. QE is a slow poison which isn't stopping.

>> No.49440387

the next step of the austrian cuck, blaming reality for not conforming to their false data

>> No.49440410

listen, the cat is out of the bag, the jews have been making people poorer and poorer through inflation over decades but recently they got very impatient that's why it's 20% and not 5% like it used to be, the agenda is clear, make everyone a rent slave while to top 1% holds all the real estate, rich gets richer poor gets fucked, that's keynsian economics for you

>> No.49440415

Keynesian economics was the only thing that kept the system was imploding during the height of the pandemic, you malfeased shittarded nigger

>> No.49440436

>guys the politicians and bankers saved us
That was done on purpose to steal wealth
No one is going to save you faggot cu ck

>> No.49440445

Yeah, now that implosion will be worse. Keynesians just postpone everything and in the end it gets worse.

>> No.49440469

Adulthood is realizing the jews control every aspect of economy and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.49440472

Babyhood is believing that consumption drives production.

>> No.49440485

and wages are not increasing. THIS is what fucking everything again, one's labor value going down and down in comparison to inflation

>> No.49440518

well said

>> No.49440539


All fiat goes to zero. Just because you're 24 years old and you haven't experienced anything yet doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You are an absolute nobody, and your opinion is nothing compared to 1000s of years of history. Many people much smarter than you tried to defy true markets with all kinds of games, and every single one of them has failed. All fiat has failed. All currency debasement has failed. 100% of the time. You will fail too. Your recency bias is glowing as hard as a Fed.

>> No.49440541
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Because the nature of the federal reserve and our economy in relation to the world economy is a house of cards that WILL collapse. Its just a matter of when. Less of a broken clock scenario, and more like trying to time the exact bottom or top of a market. Theres too much chaos and variables, noone can do that without luck or remote viewing. But you can identify when ur near the top or bottom, and the future trend. People calling for another bear market in 2018 "it will rise again one day anons, maybr not today, but bitcoin cant and wont stay under 20k forever" wernt lucky when it finally happened, they simply made a reasonable prediction based off solid logic and rationale. Ofc they couldnt be able to tell u exacrly when everything would come up.

Austrians calling for the end since 08 is perception btw(thats when they got attention, theyve been doing it since well b4). The constant trade defecit, negative balance of payments, reliance on imports, which we cant back by exports. Its just because the dollar is the top world reserve currency. And we have to assassinate and overthrow leaders of countries that dare challenge the dollar. The fed has to print more and mpre just to service rhe interest on its accumulated debt. Its a positive feedback loop of debt, and when you examine where the printed money goes, and whose dollars get diluted, its clear its not in the interest of the masses. A continuous transfer of wealth from the herd to corporations basically. The debt can never be services. And wagies have to go in the cage to service the debt their boomer parents created by retiring at 65 and vacationing for a decade str8 before blowing their savings and then going into debt in a retirement community, as the gov prints more to put future children yet to be born in debt. Its retarded. The obvious end game/effect is everyone is in debt to banks. And if you cant see that, youre retarded. Worse, if you try to defend it, youre not even conscious.

>> No.49440558

even if wages kept up with inflation, inflation is still bad because the money you saved from the last wage is worth less and less, it's a scam system to prevent goyim from saving money, because God forbid they would dare to try and acquire land or a house, something with actual value instead of being mindless consoomers, they have many tools to sway goyim away from wanting to save money, promoting consoomin, with flashy toys bs distractions but some goyim are too stubborn, they still don't want that shit so how do you force them? through inflation, threatening them to either spend their savings quickly or they'll become worthless

digital money with expiry date is they next step 100%, but keynsian idiots will tell you it's a good thing

>> No.49440591

because money that is saved eternally without being spent is effectively wealth taken out of circulation
what is your solution to that?

>> No.49440616

You stupid nigger, inflation has been high for decades now. It didn’t just start in 2022. The majority of the money was not given to the people, it was used to keep boomer stocks afloat at the expense of the average worker. Had that money been given to the workers (not shitty half assed stim checks) shit would be looking different right now

>> No.49440632

>saved eternally
Where did you find this scenario? How do you even come up with such retarded ideas?

>> No.49440651 [DELETED] 


>> No.49440657

Thats called a token burn anon, and its good tokenomics, raises the purchasing power of everyone who wants to spend their savings

>> No.49440687

no one wants to take money to the grave, why should people with low time preference and long time horizons be punished by inflation? maybe someone wants to save up for a house peacefully or save something for his children insteado of spending money mindlessly the minute he earns it,
stop the bullshit, it's not about fueling the economy or any of that shit, it's all about making sure the average joe doesn't become a homw/land owner

>> No.49440696


>less than 100 years of data regarding mmt

exactly what facts are you referring to? keynes would be buying shitcoins on leverage because his "data" says so

>> No.49440698

>there are people in this thread unironically believing in austrian economics
you have to be at least 18 to use this website, per global rules

>> No.49440714

at last, one single good use for digital based currencies
which is not much, but is something

no one "wants to" but reality is full of cases where wealth was not spent for who knows what reason other than human crazyness

>> No.49440717

Correct. But it wasnt used to dilute corporations and give people back some market share in th face of corporate marketshare consolidation. Hell, it qasnt even distributed evenly so noone really gets diluted(as close to pure financial lube as u can get, like a stock split). Not, ur average american got diluted, so that retired boomers 401ks could reach aths of a continued bubble, and so blackrock could buy up the property that will one day house ur future pod if you manage to survive the great reset

>> No.49440719

didnt mean to reply, sorry

>> No.49440729


What solution needs to be there? WHY does a person who has labored and earned HAVE to prop up an economy ad-infinitum? The fallacy of a 'necessary ever expanding market' is the biggest con that suckers fall for since 1913. The correct thing to do would be to naturally let market cycles expand and contract, but oh no, govts. who want to perpetually spend and spend to expand their power don't like that. They like to print. Deflation is the enemy to govt. spending. Are you getting the picture yet? You are spooned the lie that it can only go up because as the debasement continues you give more and more power to the govt at the cost to yourself. It's a sucker's game. Keynesian economics is the incorrect belief that governments can regulate and spend their citizenry into prosperity. Only the opposite is true. The ones pulling the strings know this, and cheerleader retards like you (the useful idiot) support your own doom.

>> No.49440740

Can you not fucking read? Keynesian economics simultaneously stopped the whole system from melting down overnight, whilst also fucking all of us over with the ensuing inflation. The new money that was printed wasn’t given to the people for common good as is stated should he done by Keynes, it was used in bullshit like PPP loans for mega corps, and flooded into the stock market. Trillions flooded into the stock market.

How about your orangutang nigger head start with that first? Rather than blaming the whole economic you fucking NPC

>> No.49440761

>we are now coming up on 15 years of retarded internet libertarians bitching about Keynes and Keynesianism when they actually mean to bitch about Friedman and Monetarism

>> No.49440772


it also stopped 2008, however we must account for the costt of postponing disaster. Everything carries interest, and maybe it is better to let things fail sometimes

>> No.49440778
File: 39 KB, 640x878, Popper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maturity is realizing Karl Popper was correct when he pointed out that all economic policies involve empirical predictions: 'if we do X then Y will happen'. Economic policies are empirically falsifiable hypotheses, and therefore scientifically testable. We should always be looking to falsify our theories/policies and amend or revoke them in the light of unintended consequences.

>> No.49440779

>but reality is full of cases where wealth was not spent for who knows what reason other than human crazyness
yeah literally happens everyday, people burning banknotes to warm themselves up right?

if someone makes money through his own work he should be able to do with it whatever he wants even if it meant keeping it under his bed for the next 400 years, why are keynesians and socialists always interested in someone else's money instead of trying to make their own?

>> No.49440783

It seems we agree, the majority of the money was used or given to megacorps to fuck us over the ven more. And we’re left to hold the bag. But dickheads in this thread will go MUH-INFLATION KEYNES BAD, instead of actually looking at what fucking happened. Retards all around

>> No.49440814

Or you know, just keep the money supply the same. The inflation would be even worse than it is today because at least corporations keep some of the money out of the circulation compared to the average consumer which, you know, consumes. Your retarded policy doesn't even punish irrational consumers who basically siphon value from people that want to save up and live debt free. You just promote further idiotic consumerism.

>> No.49440817

Libertarians live in their own fantasy world, perma angsty 13 year olds eithout a clue how the world works

>> No.49440835

Again, the Keynesian policy save themselves from the mess they put us in the first place, great.

>> No.49440849

>WHY does a person who lives in a society and makes use of it HAVE to support the society


because you lolbertarian idiots need to be told what to do for the good of society or so shit would be even worse

>> No.49440863

I’m legitimately interested in how you think we could have kept the money supply the same and not have gone into a gigantic depression. It’s not even like I’m a line must go up retard either. The way the stock market rebounded was propf the system is idiotic and proof trillions of the dollars that SHOULD have went towards the common person instead went to boomer stocks.

>> No.49440889


>> No.49440894

If you do not want to participate in society kill yourself you fucking bum. Stop whining like a little bitch about the fact you have to pay taxes, or the fact you have to consider the other human being that reside in the system you live in. Kill yourself, you can create your own utopia when you’re dead, stupid nigger

>> No.49440943

isn't it factually funny how the libertarians, austrian economists and "age is just a number man" style of pedos always seem to stick together?
what's their end goal, tax free child brides?

>> No.49440957

For those of you struggling with this choose a side agitation thread:
Regardless of the economic paradigm you think you are in, there are privileged access "Keynesian" assets that exist and change in supply to maintain maximal liquidity and rates of mindless/reflexive consumption (like fiat currency), and concurrently there are "Austrian" style assets which DON'T exist primarily to maintain liquidity and in which people invest more purposefully (businesses, property).
If you drop the useless high level nitpicking of definitions, you come to see the economy is diverse enough that, for any random person with disposable income, +ev decisions can be made based on Keynesian or Austrian inspired logic, and it's thus completely fruitless to atgue over which "system" is "preferable."

>> No.49440991

>I’m legitimately interested in how you think we could have kept the money supply the same and not have gone into a gigantic depression
Where tf did I say that we weren't going to go into a great depression without printing trillions? I said no such thing nor did I imply it. Fuck, I've said postponed the crash for a worse one. The market should correct itself, but it seems we are to afraid to see the consequences of that correction.

>> No.49441014

Based. The only thing is that Keynes thought working people would actually monetarily benefit as production became more efficient. This is not the case, the only change is that things like flat screen TVs are super cheap, not that people have more money. Just consider how much rent/accommodations take up as a percentage of people's income these days. If wages kept up with production, people would be working like 10 hours a week and be able to live comfortably.

>> No.49441032
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I mean i do think the excessive model of inflation is bad, and with fiat design/protocol itll always be bad, and the way our money is initiated into existance. Look at btc and monero and ethereum and contrast their models. Btc is ultinately deflationary long term, but inflationary rn. But its hard capped. Its inflationary curve is logarithmic. Not linear. Not exponential(like fiat). Look at ethereum, for a (no max supply)non hard capped inflationary model, or monero or many others. But even with these (theoretically infinite total supply, inflationary coins) the rate of inflation is stable on logical rather than controlled by the whims of parasites(if they wernt parasites, would probably just be economically illiterate dipshits that think theres no consequences to printing money, still fucking bad) in government.

But yeah given the constant dilution of USD devs minting fresh supply to dump on tge market and leaving americans holding the bag, it wouldnt be horrible for a rebalance that mints USD but, instead of giving to corps like is the norm, given to the plebs. An airdrop, if you will.

>> No.49441048

Trust, there will be a correction and it’ll be ugly. And I will concede that the trillions printed that went directly to the 1% will help cushion them from any of the ramifications of the crash. However, if the trillions printed were given to the consumers to use to prop up society through spending, rather than through stock buy backs, things would not be looking as precarious today

>> No.49441072
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The face of statism right here

Shut the fuck up, slaver

>> No.49441184

Yes, I agree that the money shouldn't have went to corporations instead to the common man. The inflation would be worse, but at least they could spend the given money. But why even print money? People with sound financial management get punished while retards keep buying overvalued shit which caused the crash in the first place. Or do you think people will sense the danger of losing their purchasing power with stimulus checks and would want to get the essentials immediately/try to save it for a dark hour?

>> No.49441213

buying a house or a piece of land is also "participating in the economy" but no, the jew doesn't want that, the goyim should only be allowed to spend their money right awaya on meaningless distractions to make sure they never build any wealth.

Digital money with expiry date is coming faggots, let's see if you still keep saying
>because you lolbertarian idiots need to be told what to do for the good of society or so shit would be even worse
by then

>> No.49441231

austrian faggots always think they will be the landed gentry in their feudal system. georgism is the only idea that makes sense because fuck kikes and landlords.

>> No.49441233

Keynes was kinda wrong, but Chicago/Austria are hella wrong

>> No.49441245


Keynes would say we should have pulled back and upped interest rates a long time ago. Keynes economics is about smoothing out the business cycle, not printing free money during economic booms

>> No.49441288

I’m a mutualist

>> No.49441291

cute bait OP
but current governments don't even go by Keynes anymore
they use something called MMT which is whatever the fuck they want it to be

>> No.49441368

there is no "school of economics" in play anymore
they just say "it's MMT bro" and mint 50B in bonds to pay whatever the fuck their new project is
by the time the bond matures they would be dead anyway, why should they give a shit

>> No.49441820

-Malcolm Gladwell

gut feelings are not to be ignored.

>> No.49441926

dropping red pills on the shit post educated economists.
"But the youtube doomeer said...the sky is falling".

>> No.49441967

MMT CHADS know !!!

>> No.49442078

More like Modern Monetary Fags.

>> No.49442525

>By the way, I get to shit on you guys because I myself fell for this nonsense after listening to tards like Peter Schiff after the '08 crisis, before slowly realizing that Austrian economics is basically babby's first foray into economics ant that the world is actually more complicated than that.
Ding ding ding ding, we got a winner

>> No.49442533
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Austrian economics can't explain my coins, Keynesian economics can't as well, so which one is it?

>> No.49442539

Where you at "Drag your kids to pride"? That's the future every democrap commie wants nice projection retard

>> No.49442538

yeah yeah we get it, you're making money

>> No.49442577

>if I draw lines and arrows on charts, I can manifest the future!

>> No.49443132
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yaas, we don't need da gubbmintz
we have the power of MATH with us, haha!

>> No.49443740
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Delete this.

>The government can pay anything. It prints the damn currency. There's no such thing as a liquidity problem for governments that print their own currency.
This is true only if the economy is closed and no bonds are sold to foreign markets.
>The congress didn't even spend that much on covid relief.
Retard alert.
>The congress
I also doubt that you are American.

>> No.49444175
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keynesianism in one image

>> No.49444203
File: 233 KB, 395x402, bezmenov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does government boot taste like?

>> No.49444392

>my society works without governments, laws, and police because... IT JUST DOES, OKAY?!

>> No.49444405

Nambla was founded by a socdem, David Thorstad.

Not to mention pedo breadtubers like Vaush

>> No.49444628

average qom holder, he doesn't know the difference between children and dogs

>> No.49444660


>> No.49444663

Private police will guard your street for 100$ monthly home security price, and will do 1000 times better job then a fat police officer with donuts. They will be handpicked and evaluated for the job requirement by the private company. Public schools suck, private schools give the best education. Privatize everything and everything will improve including security and education. Since you will pay for the services gov will not need bloated budgets for the inefficient jobs, that means lower taxes and better prosperity for the overall individual and community. Imagine the private roads with best quality asphalts, that will be maintained 24/7 with engineers. HOW AM I GONNA PAY FOR THIS as is said lower taxes for all, stable currency and no centralized fed. Imagine market determined interest rates and no gibs, little to no inflation, low low taxes.

>> No.49444678

No inflation for boomers with assets, massive inflation for milennials, now that boomers get to enjoy what their did due to milennials neeting since no house and family they are worried.

>> No.49444698

shut the fuck up, the state has one fucking job like keeping the services with economies of scale working like energy and all they do is put regulations to destroy projects and now the bottlenecks are destroying society.

>> No.49444709

Excellent troll thread.

>> No.49444713

>1 post by this id

so many glowies seeting

>> No.49444774



wages never keep up with inflation because for that to happen prodction should increase and keynsians tax production more and more as inflation let's production enter into higher tax brackets because number go up.

Henry ford, the wright brothers ,edison, basically every great inventor accumulated capital in low levels and invested and started to produce.

Now it would be impossible for ford, the wriight frothers or edison to accumulate capital to increase production.

Elon Musk is an historic anomaly hence why both left and right respect him man made his capital in the digital world and moved to the physical world.

But anyone that wants to start on the physical can't because keynsians made it impossible.

Only reason they are worried about inflation now is because it's food inflation that will get them guillotined.

>> No.49444876

>the thing is, a small amount of inflation is the ideal
lol get fucked and go back

>> No.49444921

>Childhood is believing in the Austrian School. Maturity is realizing that Keynes was right all along.

Maturity was realising they are both wrong and only energy and commodities derived from energy are currency and created independently of monetary supply.

>> No.49444952

>Elon Musk is an historic anomaly hence why both left and right respect him man made his capital in the digital world and moved to the physical world.
Elons a cheap PR conman and scamster from a very wealthy background that played morons from reddit. Literally DeLorean 2.0 right down to the shit car factory and cocaine addiction.

>> No.49445045
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>> No.49445050

Elon reduced space launch costs by 20 times, in just 7 years of creating the first private space launch company.

And Tesla showed electric vehicles worked after decades of governments giving subsidies to meme projects.

He is going full autist because he created deflation in two historically impossible to do industrial areas only for the fucking keynsians to inflate it to obvlivion and destroy most of his markets demand.

>> No.49445363

space isn't real

>> No.49445446

Go to see the ISS with your own eyes


>> No.49445468

>dude look at the NASA website its real bro look NASA said so

>> No.49445501

You can spot the international space station without a telescope and a naked eye, that's how big it is.

That site is one of many giving you a time depending on your location when it's orbit will be above you, there are other sites like that since you can track it freely anyway.

>> No.49446174

Bruh, we had a system where you paid the local "security" force for protection, it was called the Mafia and it wasn't exactly the best arrangement for businesses.

>> No.49446577
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yes, changing your economic system from something relatively decentralized to something distinctly centralized is a 200+ iq move, WE'RE ALL GONNA BE RICH!!!!!!!

>> No.49447274

it is even better, the FED is still operating on a dumb ass theory of having to balance inflation and unemployment, which has been distinctivly proven wrong in the 70s. Or at least in the 90s the japanese stagflation should have given pause for thought. But they have to operate on absolute bullshit because otherwise their existence wouldn't be justified. Except for printers going brrrr but you can't just say that.

>> No.49447559

Childhood beliefs are actually quite often pure, true and honest OP. They are unbiased in contrast to your grown up mind.

>> No.49447638
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>> No.49447668
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Me: "Dont hurt people, dont take their stuff."

Them: "You child, grow up. Murder and plunder, just make sure u stick with the right gang. better pay for our protection bitch, or else well plunder(beyond *cough* protection dues *eghm*, maybe even murder, you. You are a petulant child. Now pay for these neonazis to be able to commit more war crimes in ukraine or else!!"

>> No.49447871
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Sounds good for me.

>> No.49448653


Kensyian economics was disproven with stagflation

>> No.49448671



>> No.49449474
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Sorry sweetie that was already deboonked

>> No.49449523
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Seethe more cuck, your system is going down

>> No.49450285

Did you know that Keynes 'fought hard' during the Bretton Woods agreement to bring in a new world currency called BANCOR that would have prevented much of the inflationary problems we experience today, while preventing the obvious issues that come from one party being the sole power. The USA, then being in a stronger position than the British Empire, eventually managed to steamroll the idea and we entered the horrible era of USD dominance.
Yes, I suck BKC.

>> No.49450309
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>> No.49450341

Bancor is literally the only good thing Keynes proposed and he did because the British were out of negotiating power.

That said bitcoin is literally the bancor and keynsians hate it.

They would also hate an imf bancor

>> No.49450369
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Both big nosed and gay, take the Feder pill.

>> No.49450399
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Damn WWII really was just bankers trying to crush all opposing (better) financial systems so they could debt slave us all.

>> No.49450408

t. communist pedophile

>> No.49450425


>> No.49450504
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>> No.49450540

Both have been tried and both have failed. The economy is too complex to be explained by simple linear models and all economists are pretty much useless.

>> No.49450594

>t. didn't read anything

>> No.49450651
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>Both have been tried and both have failed

Isn't it about time we tried that one that actually worked again? You know the one.

>> No.49450654

That’s an impossible task for someone who never goes outside to look at the sky.

>> No.49450662
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>> No.49450691

>Natsoc tranny that should go back to /pol/ think that his preferred flavor of socialism will magically create prosperity
Tell me again about retarded currency "back on labor", the 0% loans of the government and other asinine concepts

>> No.49450713


>> No.49450721
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>Tell me again about retarded currency "back on labor", the 0% loans of the government and other asinine concepts

You mean the things that actually, demonstrably fucking worked and got them invaded by the golem squad for trying? The "b-but socialism" garbage has been addressed a million times yet you retards keep parroting it. National Socialism is not and has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism.

>> No.49450722
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>WWII really was just bankers trying to crush all opposing (better) financial systems so they could debt slave us all.
And that's only possible with deficit spending, that is only possible with a state. Your ideology therefore doesn't solve anything. Imagine thinking that putting different people in a similar incentive structure will have different results.
You are a just another socialist.

>> No.49450759
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Hit me with a source on that quote please Mosche. Here's an explanation of why Hitler's Socialism has nothing to do with Marx's. The term "Socialist" when used in National Socialism is an adopted term and does not carry the same definition as Marxism. But of course you know that, because you're giving the standard JIDF response to actual information to which you have no real response.

>> No.49450781
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Also remember when Hitler speaks of the exploited workers, he means white workers exploited by Mammonist Jews (as mentioned by Feder). Marx is referring to the dregs of society being "exploited" by the middle class while egged on by the upper class. You clearly don't understand economics at all if you can't even grasp the differences in different systems, or you do and are being disingenuous on purpose. Hitler did not oppose capitalism absolutely, only liberal capitalism which allowed endless profit at the expense of the people.

>> No.49450817
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>fucking worked
>Currency backed on "labor"
>The government can magically do 0% loans without creating huge bubbles
>"""free""" healthcare, """free""" education, """free""" mental health services, etc
>Not socialist
Do you think they found some kind of hack towards prosperity or something ? Absolutely retarded
>Reminder that Hitler was a socialist, but only for white people interacting with jews because they were "exploited"
ok, doesn't change anything

>> No.49450857
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Is this supposed to be a response? "lmao" is not an argument. It wasn't free, nothing is free, but as it turns out if you stop wasting all your money on paying foreign banks fake debt on their fake money, and actually care about your people, it can be pretty effective. How about some evidence of how shitty Germany was under Hitler then? Surely if it was such an economic failure, people today would be quick to tell stories of the poverty and hunger in Germany at the time? Only they aren't, it's swept under the rug because nobody wants anybody to look into the German economic miracle. All their policies are there for anyone to read, and so are the results. The only way to stop it was to invade them with the combined forces of the entire world.

>> No.49450871
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>> No.49450873

>That said [crypto in general] is literally the bancor and keynesians hate it.
this, they only want it if they can control it as they wish. fuck your monopoly on money

>> No.49450880
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>it didn't work reeee

>> No.49450900
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>> No.49450942

>"work itself became money"
>muh speculation bad
>anti gold based system narrative
>my country has great power of production but we somewhat can't afford gold
>correlation=causation (we don't have a higher gdp because we are muh ubermensch)
>we have a nice gdp but average hanz isn't richer as we used all the ressources in preparation of the war

>> No.49450955

Remind me of those commies that display the false numbers of the USSR

>> No.49450968
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>literally zero argument
>still no source on the quote
>zero evidence of economic hardship in post Hitler pre war Germany

Report back to management for debrief and reassignment to a more suitable role.

>ree it's fake!!!

If you ignore the piles of other evidence from within Germany (which didn't only selectively allow Marxist friendly journalists into guided tours like the USSR). You're failing miserably here. Post one single shred of evidence that even suggests my claims are wrong.

>> No.49450990
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>can't afford gold

Historically and economically illiterate, stop posting.

>> No.49451001


>> No.49451070

>debunk my avalanche of /pol/ propaganda while I have 0 theoretical ground
literally in your pic
>his country drained of gold reserves, Hitler created a novel system [...]
>but wait here is this legendary cope against it

>suspended the gold standard, embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards, and eventually ran huge deficits
>successful, not central planning and not socialism

>> No.49451120

>"huge deficits"

>> No.49451145

People like you have actually ruined the world

>> No.49451170
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>commie/ Vatnick seething
>keynestards seething
>government bootlicks seething
Today is a good day.

>> No.49451178
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You really do have absolutely no idea what you're banging on about, do you? Calling something propaganda doesn't mean you don't have to disprove it. Everything is propaganda, read Ellul you gigantic faggot.

>suspended the gold standard, embarked on huge public-works programs like autobahns, protected industry from foreign competition, expanded credit, instituted jobs programs, bullied the private sector on prices and production decisions, vastly expanded the military, enforced capital controls, instituted family planning, penalized smoking, brought about national healthcare and unemployment insurance, imposed education standards

Yes. All of those things are based when you live in a white only country with no Jews.

>and eventually ran huge deficits

Being invaded by three empires will sort of do that to you. Maybe knowing it was coming and preparing was why they lasted 6 years fighting three empires on two fronts only 9 years after their country was in complete economic and social ruin. Hitler was actually a moron and all the amazing economic recoveries just happened by chance and had nothing to do with National Socialism.

>successful, not central planning and not socialism

Yes it was Socialism, just not Marxist Socialism. Two completely different things which I have explained multiple times already while you continue to pretend you didn't read and have no response to.

>> No.49451197

>Hitler instituted a New Deal for Germany, different from FDR and Mussolini only in the details. And it worked only on paper in the sense that the GDP figures from the era reflect a growth path.
>Unemployment stayed low because Hitler, though he intervened in labor markets, never attempted to boost wages beyond their market level.
>But underneath it all, grave distortions were taking place, just as they occur in any non-market economy. >They may boost GDP in the short run (see how government spending boosted the US Q2 2003 growth rate from 0.7 to 2.4 percent), but they do not work in the long run.
You are confusing the map for the territory (Wow look we measured that GDP is up guys!; See picture of >>49439594)

>> No.49451252

>All of those things are based
No, they are competely retarded, you will inevitably create bubbles/distortions, central planning doesn't work, but how could you now right ?
>Being invaded by three empires will sort of do that to you.
Huge deficits would have happened anyway, it's a certainty. (but how could you now right ?)
>Yes it was Socialism, just not Marxist Socialism. Two completely different things
Can play with definitions all you want, why not. You at least concede that it is indeed socialist and strongly centrally planned (That's how you recognize how retarded it is)

>> No.49451282

>how could you *know
How about you describe to me why it works conceptually (quality) instead of the avalanche of /pol/ posts ?
Central planning doesn't work long term no matter the flavor

>> No.49451308
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Source? Lay out for me how Hitler's policies were basically the New Deal, and bear in mind I've read extensively on NSDAP economic policies and have all my sources to hand right now, which is why I can comfortably say you're full of shit and won't be able to. Also all that is invalidated because even the Jewish banker backed Schact (who lead the German bank at the time of the Weimar hyperinflation and openly opposed every single successful policy Hitler put into place) stated openly that war production had nothing to do with the economic recovery, meaning even by the standards and words of a vehemently anti-Hitlerist, if Germany had not had to worry about knowing what the bankers had planned and preparing the military as a precaution, the recovery would have been even faster, and prosperity would have continued for the foreseeable future. Any claims to National Socialism "failing" are immediately moot because the experiment was tampered with and forcefully ended before it could reach any form of conclusion by people who didn't like the results. This happens today in the Pharma industry all the time.

>Kid A is taking a test, which he fails miserably. Almost all of the answers are wrong. Kid B is still taking the test and is almost finished with a nearly perfect score, but the rest of the class beats him up and rips his test apart.

Did Kid B fail the test?

>> No.49451377
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>You at least concede that it is indeed socialist and strongly centrally planned (That's how you recognize how retarded it is)

Dog shit tier argument, fuck off.

>putting words in my mouth
>this thing is bad by my standards which makes it universally bad because I am right

How about you read what I've posted instead of dismissing information literally copypasted from a history book with the source numbers even left in just because somebody happened to post the information on fucking 4chan?

Go read Hitler's Revolution Expanded Edition by Richard Tedor and The Nazi Economic Recovery 1933-1938 by R. J. Overy. They give you everything you need to realise you're talking complete shit and know nothing about Feder's economics, thus are not in a position to make such weak and generalizing arguments about it.

>> No.49451400

pro-social democracy
it doesn't matter
nobody is dumber than the free market mongoloid cuckold

>> No.49451413

>Lay out for me how Hitler's policies were basically the New Deal
How were they not just another socialist big central program ?
>Kid B is still taking the test and is almost finished with a nearly perfect score
But that's where you are wrong
You can artificially prop up the GDP (for example) with central planning short term, but that doesn't mean anything. A war (obvious example) for example certainly make the GDP go up short term indeed, but are you richer ?
Lay down the concepts for me, if you instituted a new hitler economy, can it work ?
>Dog shit tier argument
So it's not socialism and not central planning ?
>Richard Tedor and The Nazi Economic Recovery 1933-1938 by R. J. Overy
Now how about you lay down the theory yourself before I read it ? You are certainly capable of it right ?

>> No.49451427

>If it was bad, it was the result of central planning
>If it was central planning or a result of central planning, it was bad
It must be nice living in a world of candy and sprinkles

>> No.49451439

That basically does exist and it's called the Eurodollar, look up Jeff Snider. None of you understand shit.

>> No.49451459

natsoc centrally planned is different to FED centrally micro-managed

>> No.49451486

>I am feeding niggers through the welfare state and I'm proud of it
Do you think hitler would have forced you to remain in your house for fucking months 2 years ago ?
That's right, fucking slave
>central planning good
Imagine wanting your life to be dictated by a remote clique of faggots that doesn't even acknowledge your existence and would sacrifice you for the price of a caramel candy

>> No.49451498

Childhood ia believing that playing with your anus is gay. Adulthood is asking your girlfriend to put on latex
gloves, some lube, and finger you while she sucks your cock

>> No.49451503
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>Now how about you lay down the theory yourself before I read it ? You are certainly capable of it right ?

Why though? You haven't responded to a single one of my requests for sources on your claims and are just repeating your argument without any additional reason behind it, making your posts completely worthless. I've provided a fairly large amount of supporting evidence from multiple sources as well as further reading which I would suggest you do. Until you go back and read through my replies to you and come up with the information and / or argumentation I've requested, then there's nowhere for this discussion to go besides you accepting you either can't or won't give me what I've asked for. You can't just skip over the part where you justify your claims and produce both evidence for them and against mine, then start ragging on about short term GDP when I've already explained to you that fighting a world war just to stop a country from trying a particular system of economics suggests that said system would be both successful in practice, and a threat to the current system which causes misery to everyone except those in power and their cronies. You cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me the good guys won WWII and still blame Hitler for anything happening now. Hitler lost. The world is like it is because the banks took control of the world instead of the Nazis. We have no idea what the world would have been like under that system, because it was sabotaged. Arguing it would be worse than what we have now, however, is a claim that requires a vast amount of evidence and reasoning behind it, of which you have none.

>> No.49451538

it was the 1940s dude. There is no work from home, no federal stimulus, no MSM. How can you just wildly connect to different periods of history like that
IMO it makes sense that Hitler would have been strict about quarantining infected people, but not everyone, because of the different work/life schedule and because they were closer to the spanish flu epidemic. That being said, what the fuck is your point
imagine always reducing the argument into terms of "central planning good" and "central planning bad" seriously do you feed yourself every morning? can you put undies on without help?

>> No.49451549
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>> No.49451574

Does anybody in this thread actually have a point they are trying to make besides, Hitler would be on my side if he were alive today?

>> No.49451625
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>Proclaim that inflation is good for everyone and will go down soon
>Actually makes life unlivable for just about everybody

>> No.49451637
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Yes, see the image in this post >>49450900 Economics as they're discussed today are a psyop just like television and social media. Austrian vs Keynesian is the same as red vs blue and left vs right. A third position exists and is the subject of extreme slander and suppression by supporters of both Austrian and Keynesian economics. Only discussing two forms of something with far more forms is retarded.

>> No.49451807

>childhood is about having a dep understanding of the effects of money printing and economics
>maturity is hurrdurr we is be printz as solution to everything

>> No.49451844

Here's the thing.
They've DRUG Austrians in. Austrians don't make value judgements. They just point out the effect of the policy.
Austrians don't say "no minimum wage." They say if you do that this will happen.
They don't say "don't raise taxes", they say "this is what will happen if you do that."

The battle is between people that think they should print money and make whatever policies they feel like and people that realize there are negative effects to these policies and attempt to account for them.

Austrians are 100% correct and don't give a fuck if you do it anyway.

>> No.49452495

Everything about this world seems to be about either politics or publicity, which are like brothers-in-arms… Would you look at these… Now, Anon, best believe, just leave the country for a 3rd-world country and continue investing in crypto, you'll be fine

>> No.49452712

Yeah, after a war you are stronger, and probably richer, if you look at the increased production capacity of your country.

>> No.49453427

the mid teens inflation is good for me as a wealthy person who NEETs and builds trading bots that benefit from volatility
however i care more for the people than for my bank account (really, while there is no reason for me to not take advantage of this situation I would rather see people not get robbed by inflation)
hope yall got your seeds :(

>> No.49454072

My god I had economics paper 2 monday, I wrote so much about this faggots LRAS curve.