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49438933 No.49438933 [Reply] [Original]

Why do humans always buy high and sell low? What psychological phenomenon is this?

>> No.49438997

i only buy. im retarded.

>> No.49439147

I don't know but it's so fucking stupid and yet they all do it
Stop panic selling you idiots, you're crashing our market

>> No.49439268

Step 1: FOMO in without stop losses
Step 2: Watch your money drop and graduate to bag holder
Step 3: Watch the chart till a pain of regret develops in your stomach
Step 4: Sell and watch the chart everyday
Step 5: Contemplate suicide every 10% spike

>> No.49439309
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>What psychological phenomenon is this

>> No.49439603

Fear and worry cause stress
Stress makes us make bad decisions

>> No.49439695

At the low: "Fuck this I'm tired of losing money"
At the high: "Fuck this everyone is making money except me"

>> No.49439728
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peer pressure

its why normies are bad at investing

>> No.49439756

its called loss aversion

basically the brain treats a 5% win as a 10% loss based on the chemicals that is released or something like that

>> No.49439834

I buy with the hype and I sell to cut my losses.

>> No.49439960

Unfortunately this rings true, so true in fact. No matter how good gains I could've made while gambling on shitcoins, even gains being almost worth 6 figures in less than a minute I still felt like I was underperforming and selling too early (because I did sell too early)

>> No.49439995

thing goes up, excitement
thing goes down, depression
me buy exciting thing sell depressing thing

>> No.49440043

>set stop loss
>triggered by scam wick
>contemplate suicide as pump restarts

>> No.49440046

and since every one does that, they see the red chart then will get out at any cost

>> No.49440072

i don't have that problem, i swapped candle colors in trandingview

>> No.49440162

Greed and fear

>> No.49440203

The specific branch of study pertaining to this subject is called goyimology. This is the study of the psychology of the inferior "humans" and their feeble ability to think and act for themselves. One common way this can be seen is through their ineptitude regarding investing. For more related information, check out the Talmud.

>> No.49440209

peer pressure

>> No.49440310

humans acting on emotional urges that cause them to extrapolate an investment return in a linear-forever fashion.
only rare fundamental cases of these have happened in financial history.

>> No.49440464

Then short it now stupid bitchass nigger lover and post liq price

>> No.49440524
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retard alert

>> No.49440585

Lol this stupid nigga, do what you preach, cuck

>> No.49440825

you're so braindead that you think im talking about a trade to make, have fun with your poverty

>> No.49440838

Fear and greed

>> No.49440843
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Only dumb humans buy high and sell low
Chads like me buy low and high.
Bought BNB at $24 sold at $500.
Bought EGLD at $10 sold at $400

Recently bought XPRESS below a dollar and I would be selling above $50
Chad ways

>> No.49441226

What's giving you such hopium anon?
You got lucky those occasions maybe, being a third time lucky is always difficult kek

>> No.49441265

Because all humans are made from the same mold. When humans are afraid, they're all afraid, when their optimistic, they're all optimistic. You can't help, it's wired in your brain. It's because when humans where living in Africa they had to escape predators at the same time.
Successful traders can switch off their emotion but it's not an easy thing to do.

>> No.49441536

Never say never
The next bull market could come with a lot of surprises, even more than most of us might have imagined and don't be surprised when not so popular projects like this one do pull off crazy runs.

>> No.49441771

$50 might be a bit far fetched
Looking at $10 for mid term and it could easily go beyond there overtime.