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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 289 KB, 466x443, 1621308674026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49433775 No.49433775 [Reply] [Original]

Have you bought any jpgs lately, anon? Some people get a dopamine shot thanks to this stuff for some reason. What about (You)?

>> No.49434058

Nah anon im good buying stuff that i can actually use

>> No.49434090

you mean like buying NFTs? i feel thats a very interesting way of scamming people thru speculation

>> No.49434109

just yesterday I saw a 4chan post of someone addicted to funkos, they had made a legal contract with their wife stating how much they were allowed to spend on funkos weekly/monthly very detailed

thats not me though I get the thrill while reading

>> No.49434115

i hope those were a nice 100 dollars well spent on wallmart

>> No.49434146

just today when I woke up there was a certain news outlet sharing that someone had spent a couple millions on and nft and now couldn't sell it even for 300usd kek

>> No.49434155

why buy random nfts

>> No.49434161

yeah one of my friends had to sign same contract with his couple guess lil boi was spending fat cash on CSgo lootboxes

>> No.49434234

damn thats karma

>> No.49434279

your guy might be having a problem isnt therapy a better option?

>> No.49434288

Will NFTs actually be worth anything? It's just a scam, right?

>> No.49434295

isn't csgo dead already?

>> No.49434322

yeah, professionals might be the better option

>> No.49434336

it died when it went free

>> No.49434338

nfts are just as regular art, based only on speculations, if there's no one left to speculate they worth nothing

>> No.49434348

the paywall at least prevented some bots and underage brats from playing

>> No.49434352


>> No.49434364

it will never die in our hearts

>> No.49434370

go to /v/

>> No.49434389

everythings worth is tied to speculation

>> No.49434410

could you ever be more based?

>> No.49434414
File: 36 KB, 512x512, 1426469492563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet, I'm waiting for Arties because I want a fancy ass painting in my wall instead of a worthless JPG

>> No.49434427


>> No.49434432

we need more people like you

>> No.49434439
File: 2.06 MB, 2880x1336, LoveLace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy jpegs anymore anon.
I just use them to make more normies pathetic and make me more money.

How about that?

>> No.49434449

fuck arties guys dont even have a collection site looks pretty mutch as a cashgrab to me