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File: 120 KB, 610x597, tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49432677 No.49432677 [Reply] [Original]


When will people admit that crypto is a giant scam?
Derek Smart, one of the people who innovated the internet we have today, as well as a legendary game developer who created the indie game craze, point our constantly how crypto is a scam.
We all know the well respected saying "Derek Smart was right" and I personally think he will be right again when crypto implodes.
Mr. Smart is one of the most intelligent and high IQ people in the world, so I would sit down and listen well to what he has to say!

>> No.49432724

>When will people admit that crypto is a giant scam?
When? We know and knew for a long time. Doesn't stop financial profit.

At best BTC/BCH/BSV are non-scams.

>> No.49432751

>ukrainian flag
another literal who with a retard opinion

>> No.49432799

Web3 is a scam duh. Is this guy's last name really "Smart"? kek

>> No.49432813

Real estate transactions can be done via STOs or NFT, but the guy explaining it is braindead. I stopped listening after ten seconds.

>> No.49432831
File: 27 KB, 480x360, mo-do-276f7777-bdb7-46b8-8344-f7c211604b0-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derek Smart is a fucking nigger

>> No.49432851

Shut the fuck up Derek

>> No.49432856
File: 107 KB, 450x450, 1649945076945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies do your fucking job

>> No.49432890

Mr. Smart also engages in politics and his takes on that field are usually well researched and factual. Mr. Smart is showing his support for Ukraine.
As far as being a "literal who", you must be describing yourself and your whole entire life. Mr. Smart will be fondly remembered forever for his contribution to PC gaming.
Oh boy, a racist joke! How can anyone come back from that! Just another sub 80 IQ gnat who has no other critique of Mr. Smart and isn't worth the dust on Mr. Smart's shoe.

>> No.49432916

>old technology boomers are mad at new technology
who would've thought

>> No.49432928

Very funny joke you dumb troglodyte. Mr. Smart would not waste his time going on 4chan, in fact, I doubt Mr. Smart is even aware that this site exists.
I'm just a fan who appreciates Mr. Smart's contributions to the world of computing. You on other hand just seethe in impotent rage knowing that Mr. Smart is better than you in every way.

>> No.49432982

Mr. Smart is not an "old technology boomer", sure he has been around for a while but his experience has only made his takes on issues of technology more correct.
Mr. Smart has nothing to be upset about with new technology, he is a pioneer of technology himself. However, he can spot a scam from a mile away and is not afraid to speak his mins.

>> No.49433049

>jewkraine flag
into le trash it goes

>> No.49433126

Yeah, you are definitely into pegging and cuckholding

>> No.49433127

I think its a good bet that Ukraine will win and prevail in this conflict just because Mr. Smart has shown his support for them. Derek Smart has a track record of being right, and we all know the famous saying, "Derek Smart was right again".

>> No.49433133

When people criticize crypto, they do one of two things:
- They criticize NFTs (all of the NFT bubbles that essentially make up 99% of the space) and other garbage then extend all of that to mean the entirety of crypto
- They create a strawman/propagate false information about the crypto space either intentionally or unintentionally.

Both practices are incredibly dishonest. BTC is not a scam, XMR is not a scam, even LINK is not scam. It's usually people who are too deep into libtardism or who don't particularly feel the need to use crypto who think it's useful. But to me, I absolutely need XMR. I also need BTC because its transparency is useful when XMR is simply too secretive. And last, despite not owning nor using LINK, it's oracles have proven themselves to be useful more than once. So in spite of all of that, people just pick easy targets like "CryptoCars" or whatever other garbage ponzi, especially ones where the devs ran with the money, and say that basically every coin is that. The reality is that normies bought into these because they don't understand nor use crypto, but wanted to make money from it nevertheless. And the result, was a mass of people tricked out of their money by shady internet scammers; but who is REALLY to blame? The people who bought lemons who thought they were next in line to become Bezos, or the scammers who obviously preyed on stupid greedy people? This is why nobody takes crypto criticism seriously. It's akin to you guys are complaining to a supermarket that the offbrand soda you bought doesn't taste like coke. Yes, it doesn't, Coke is coke, offbrand soda is offbrand soda, ultimately you'd do better by buying something that's useful and getting to understand it and even use it yourself than you would by buying DogeShibaInuPotter because they said they were going to "Revolutionize WEB 10.0" or whatever. Could they do it? Yes, but it's unlikely, especially if you buy it without even understanding why it works.

>> No.49433134

Is your last name smart, first name kevin or something?

>> No.49433157

Oh no! A cuck joke from a cockroach, how will I ever recover. The fact is, I am on Mr. Smart's side because I can see that he is correct once again while you desperately seethe in impotent rage.

>> No.49433160

Whoops is your name Derek, you're such a literal who I couldn't even keep it straight kevin

>> No.49433170

Fagoot Derek smart smart smart
Smart smart smart smart smart

>> No.49433188
File: 738 KB, 600x431, 1654058074407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage goes in all fields btw

>> No.49433203

Man, can you guys come up with something original rather than trying to insult someone by saying they are Derek Smart. Its not an insult, its a compliment, and once again, Mr. Smart would not post on a dump like 4chan.

>> No.49433231

What an outstanding argument! You are not fit to polish Mr. Smart's shoes. Keep remembering that Derek Smart will be remembered forever as a pillar of computing while you will be forgotten.

>> No.49433232


>Not an old technology boomer

Got that right. He's a no-technology boomer that can't even interact with a Coca-Cola vending machine without assaulting it in rage.

>> No.49433258

Are you pretending to be mentally ill or actually mentally ill?

>> No.49433312
File: 272 KB, 1024x724, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ds is a nigger and a professional troll

he is also a failed game developer, who managed to never score a hit or a decent game even though he's been trying since the golden age of video games, so, you probably shouldn't give much attention

>> No.49434026

>When? We know and knew for a long time. Doesn't stop financial profit.

Kek, this. 99.999999% of tokens are LITERALLY NOT NEEDED and it makes no sense that they exist in the first place. The majority of crypto projects are just some tech (that is useful), followed by a token that people buy (that is not needed for the tech whatsoever).

It's like if Microsoft released a Microsoft Office Token that you could buy. It has nothing to do with Microsoft Office, and Office does not need the token to run. But you can buy it and make money! You can also buy stock in the company that issued the tech and token, but no one ever talks about that.

>> No.49434080

>he is also a failed game developer
this, i've never seen him deliver. also hes falling for the bait thats designed to keep the herd animals away from the blockchain reset. in a decade he'll wish he bought (he'd buy the wrong thing tho)

>> No.49434135

>the ukrainian flag
who the fuck cares what this blue-check muppet has to say?

>> No.49434141

What should I buy, my nigga?

>> No.49434220
File: 38 KB, 411x381, 846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart smart smart!?

>> No.49434255

He's wrong
Every other step in the process is not the same
It skips the part where the bank artificially "creates" money based on your un-paid loan

>> No.49434613
File: 21 KB, 304x102, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will people admit that crypto is a giant scam?

>look for practical uses and problems that blockchain tech can solve
>zero results outside crypto and paranoid schizoids
it's literally that easy, but normies are retarded and honestly i don't care as long i can still make money

>> No.49434634

>LGBT flag profile pic

>> No.49434830

bitcoin and monero

>> No.49437821

this tard doesnt understand that nfts arent just jpeg but could be a notarized deed that could then just be locked in a smart contract

>> No.49437900
File: 66 KB, 566x480, 1653142762267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's obviously not that smart.

>> No.49437954
File: 92 KB, 750x600, D4EBC5E7-D95C-4DB4-8DF3-AD1EBC063FDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Web2 sissy doesn’t understand Web3. Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.49438070

Derek smart looks like a weak grifter who is teetering on borderline fraud.

Crypto has utility to move money using the net faster and cheaper than any other way to move money rn.

I guess you can program on this shit too but Im not into computers so I dont know about any of that.

>> No.49438107

>Ukraine flag
>no coiner

he’s probably just mad he didn’t buy in 2010 when he first heard about it

>> No.49438221

Battlecruiser 3000AD sucked ass

>> No.49438376

It's the same thing. If you borrow against your house nft and go bust and the loan agent takes your nft, how do they get your actual, physical house?

>> No.49439126
File: 42 KB, 693x496, sbroef6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Smart is one of the most intelligent and high IQ people in the world, so I would sit down and listen well to what he has to say!

That's right, he has 8 likes from that tweet. Now tell me if it isn't a joke. He's not smart at all since he can't get the idea behind Web 3.0 and data indexing solution providers like Subsquid

>> No.49439189

From the NFT Police, that's it. Subsquid has all the data in the Metaverse. So be careful and pay your loan, faggot

>> No.49439333

I doubt. He's not that smart. He's a clown. Doesn't have a single idea about Web 3.0