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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49428645 No.49428645 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, master student here. For my studies I need to do an internship and I applied for multiple open internships.
A few went to globohomo car companies and a few went to mid to small sized agencies that are specializing in a field.

Globohomo pays 3-4x as much for the intership as the small ones and I'm guessing would be better for my CV too, if I ever wanted to make the leap to working abroad ( brand recognition)

The smaller agencies sound more fun though and the work would be primarily remote.
Unfortunately Globohomo hasn't responded yet since they apparently take weeks on end to accept or decline people's applications. The smaller companies already gave me the ok. I feel pressured since I will have to give a response soon.
What is the best play in this situation? Wait it out or just do a second internship with globohomo later?

Thanks frens.

>> No.49428809

im going to assume big companies you just applied online? In that case theres a 90% chance your applications are just in some database and HR roastie has never seen them and never will.

Have you talked to/emailed the big companies directly?

>> No.49428876

to one I did yeah. I'm in europe and the globohomo corps are local here. I'm guessing they will reply with a decline or acceptance mail in a few weeks which would be too late already.

>> No.49429398

bump for intern fags or ex wagies

>> No.49429441

Temp hiring agencies are a great way to get into bigger companies that hire from that pool, how I got my job after wading through online applications

>> No.49429446

bro look just stop working about college and all that shit. just get a job at mcdonalds and put all ur money into crypto and shitpost on /biz/ and play video games until u get rich. theres no need in all that hard work

>> No.49429497

>bro look just stop working about college and all that shit. just get a job at mcdonalds and put all ur money into crypto and shitpost on /biz/ and play video games until u get rich. theres no need in all that hard work
that's what I'll do with the wagie money I'll get bro. You think I wanna be a wagie forever?

interesting. You mean get hired as a temp worker and get recruited when the contract runs out directly by globo homo? This doesn't work for interns though does it?

>> No.49430369

You need to have an internship and only got the green light from the small companies. No one wants to be a second choice, so if you delay, they might rescind the offer and the globohomo one might choose someone else. Take the small company and you can leave if globohomo gets back to you.

>> No.49430477


i agree with >>49430369

Worst case you work at a shitty smaller company but haveing that on your resume is much much better than none

>> No.49430539

start your own company

>> No.49430875

Do the small one and if you feel you can profit from it do the Globohomo one afterwards. However most likely the Globohomo ones will if they answer at all just decline after a few weeks.

This os if you need the internship as a requirement for your masters degree (something that is common if you study STEM in Germany)