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4942716 No.4942716 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread died in less than 2 hours, lol was cooking, sry.

Lets take a break from crypto and talk about our general life goals etc.
What are you doing right now to achieve your goals?
What are you going to do to achieve them?
What is keeping you from achieving them?
What is your biggest motivation?
also pic related

Some Anon asked about my biggest motivation, I'ts my hatred for the normie life and consumerism. Every time I think about living a "normal life" I get really pissed how someone can live such a boring life. Work 9-5, get home, eat unhealthy food, watch TV then go to sleep, repeat. At the end of the month pay for rent and buy shit nobody needs.
All my colleagues live like that it makes me sick +they are all chainsmokers, obese and drink coca cola non stop wtf. I asked one of them about his goals, he had none, work until retired.
Fuck living like that, I'd rather die.

>> No.4942762
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get a girl like pic related, get a nice car and a nice place to live in.

>> No.4942791

Browser 4chan shitposting all day without having to wagecuck

>> No.4942796

Actually get rid of my slightly chinlet chin, though preferably in a non-surgical way

>> No.4942904

escaping the wage cycle, traveling first class, fucking girls, living in a different country every few months, making friends all over the world, and most importantly making people who rejected me regret their decision because i'm a man of culture as well

>> No.4943182
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Accumulating assetts and becoming increasingly knowledgable in my field.

Motivate myself to do so, dealing with below.

Some kind of trauma/voluntary isolation.

Spiritual wellbeing.

>> No.4943420

Sounds like a well rounded goal, good for you.

>> No.4943694

I want to buy a house. Earlier year took all money out of savings account and put it in to stocks and crypto. Doing well so far. Out of crypto now because the normie invasion spooked me. Mostly in weed stocks, hydroponic tech and lighting, lithium/cobalt, pharmaceutical.

>> No.4943784

Sounds great Anon, Stocks spook me all these crashes you hear about and 5% a year etc. nah just nah. I'd rather have the volatility of crypto

>> No.4944469

>5% a year

Lol no. That's mutual fund kinda return, and a shitty mutual fund at that.

>> No.4944665

Try to save up about 20k with the help of crypto. Quit job around march and visit Iceland in march and may. Meet a really nice lad when traveling in august #gayfag going to consider moving there next summer

>> No.4944944

because I am perfect otherwise
>6.5 inch dick
>132 IQ
>not socially autistic
>portfolio of $500k

>> No.4944952


>> No.4945014

I really want to travel, take photos, hopefully pick up a second language. I want to be able to look after my parents as they get older, to buy them the things they deserve for giving me such a good life.

I would like to leave the Earth a better place than when I found it also. I don't know if that's through charity, helping the environment, I don't know. I just want to be considered a beneficial member of the human race.

I think these are simple goals, and I hope I can attain them.

>> No.4945031

Money Buys Time. Simple.

>> No.4945104
File: 219 KB, 1219x1500, Adriaen van Ostade - Peasants Drinking at a Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Goals
Financial: Not having to work (or at the very least, having the option to work when I choose).
Personal: The generic ones you get from most young people. Travel often, try to get some book published, volunteer often, maybe run for political office. The specific goal doesn't matter as much as being in the mindset to constantly learn.

> What are you doing right now to achieve your goals?
Mostly everything goes through my deskjob. Having a high salary (or high flow of income) is better than any frugality or savings method in terms of reaching financial goals.

> What are you going to do to achieve them?
Tax-advantaged accounts (401k, IRA, HSA, etc).
Boring/safe Vanguard index funds.
Making the most of my free time (gym, reading, learning to do XYZ, etc).
Buy rental property during the next crash.

> What is keeping you from achieving them?
Time and money. Even with weekends, it feels like there's never enough time to do what I want (spent 3/4 of last weekend doing chores/errands or commitments like gym).

> What is your biggest motivation?
Not being tied to a career. I don't mind having a job, just the idea of doing the same thing every weekday for 30 years. Maybe I want to be a librarian, or a museum curator, or a butcher, or a gardener, etc. There's so much out there that it's deeply depressing how folks lock themselves into a specific path. Having options and freedom to choose is important to me.

I'll probably go back to school if/when I "make it".

>> No.4945128

this desu

>> No.4945156

>a girl like pic related

A spoiled cunt with a stupid fucking smirk? Good job, idiot.