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49425658 No.49425658 [Reply] [Original]

I am hiring staff for my small business.

They need to be university educated due to the nature of the industry. I keep having problems with accidentally hiring soiboys, bitchy gamma males and retards. I tend not to hire women.

What questions can I ask them in the application process/interview to instantly filter out sois and leftists? They cost me money by being timewasting, hard to deal with and losing me clients. I want to hire ony based and disciplined people.

I am thinking "what internet browser do you use at home?" and instantly reject any Microsoft Edge and Safari faggots. Any other ideas?

>> No.49425686

You could probably ask about hobbies. Weight lifting would be a good indication, for example. I'm sure there's more

>> No.49425687

you should have a practical test, not a question
and drop the university non sense

>> No.49425699

Ask them if they're circumcised.
Reject anyone who answers yes.

>> No.49425703

Can inequality be just?

>> No.49425719

if you cant spot these faggots from a mile away, idk how to help you. they all look just like the meme you posted...

>> No.49425731

>They need to be university educated due to the nature of the industry
They almost certainly don't I bet lol.

>> No.49425754

> ask about hobbies and passions.
> ask about what are their skills and how they acquired them.
> ask hypothetical or situational question and look at how they think and respond.

>> No.49425760

yes they do, it's an education role and the faggot clients demand the staff have PhDs or Master's. I know uni is a meme but I can't get staff in the door without their dumb certificates.

what practical test do you suggest I can do over an online application/zoom?

should remove anyone who says video games desu

>> No.49425762

What do you mean, you can't tell just by looking? They literally wear a uniform so they can pick each other out of a crowd, so they know when they have enough support to shout down opposing viewpoints. Leftists are leftists because they don't feel strong on their own, they have a pack mentality, which is why they value the group over the individual. They hate themselves, so they stick up for the weak to make up for it, because only a good person would stick up for others, to put their psychology in a nutshell. I'm drifting off topic, so just look for the glasses and the poison hair. The glasses aren't as reliable of an indicator lately, I think those thick ugly frames are mostly what's available anymore.

>> No.49425769

whatever your work is

>> No.49425775

mbti test, only hire NTs

>> No.49425809

Kill a hooker in front of them. Hire the guys who help you bury the body.
Can't fail.

>> No.49425841

do you not know how to use google you incompetent nigger? i call gay LARP. anyone with a masters or phd definitely has linkedin. learn to read between the lines inept autist HRnigger

>> No.49425863

>should remove anyone who says video games desu
Not really. Videogames are fairly ubiquitous and up until they were corrupted by liberal whores they could be pretty based. I play videogames and I am what many would call a fascist. You can't rely on videogames as a hobby to determine if someone is soi or not, although I will concede that if they prefer to lift weights and hike mountains exclusively then their chances of being a chad non-faggot go way, way up.

>> No.49425866

Literally no one has Linkedin.

>> No.49425887
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>I play videogames and I am what many would call a fascist

>> No.49425891

I do

>> No.49425909

ask them their favorite pokemon. It's really easy to filter out normies, redditors and sjws that way

>> No.49425941

> t. tranny bunker faggot
You will never be a woman.

>> No.49425945
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Read Uncle teddy's manifesto. He describes their psychology perfectly. From there you can come up with enough heuristics to start a fucking death squat.

>> No.49425992

what would be the normie answer? that's not a bad idea. If they give me some faggot Gen 20 pokemon it's game over.

you can play video games (I do sometimes) but if you proudly proclaim you're a video gamer to employers not realising it's a cringe hobby for normies than you're a socially unaware retard.

>> No.49426007

Shut the fuck up nigger go wank to child trannies on tiktok you sick fuck

>> No.49426040
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normies would say things like Pikachu, Charizard, Lapras, eevee
redditors take meme pokemon, like the newest Lechonk. They should be easy to spot because they are meme in a predictable way
tumblr and sjws always take furry monsters and edgy pokemon. Avoid Umbreon and Absol and call animal protection

>> No.49426371
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ask if they have any non paid side projects that are relevant. I had the same issue hiring game developers. 99% of them did 3 years of school and knew fuck all and had no passion or drive for game development. They only knew the very basics of what they were told and could barely even do that. However, the people who took initiative to do their own projects on the side (for fun), were miles ahead in terms of personality, and you can't even compare the skill level (one driven person can easily outdo 20 npc's in the same 8 hour timespan).

>> No.49426408

Man the virgins just out themselves these days. Time to get off 4chan for a while bro, there's a big world out there

>> No.49426428

You know fascists are historically faggy betas desperate to overcompensate for their poor physiology, right? I picture the Goebbels archetype reading your post.

>> No.49426431

this frfr...

>> No.49426491
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Lmao I wonder how many of your favourite games openly mock you but you're too stupid to realise

>> No.49426534

As someone who worked supervising 20 sellers... you want normies working for you, they are reliable and predictable.
>I keep having problems with accidentally hiring soiboys, bitchy gamma males and retards.
Those aren't normies though. Ask for hobbies, if they follow some sport, etc.
Soiboys are easy to handle and manipulate btw.

>> No.49426541

Tell me about some time you experienced racism sexism fagisium at work?

>> No.49426554

Just ask what music they like. Anything but metal, country, classic rock or dubstep gets rejected. I left dubstep in because most dudes who still listen to it are old and white enough to be woke

>> No.49426558


>> No.49426564

(Actually woke, not normie woke)

>> No.49426566

”Have you served in the military?”

>> No.49426606

i ask them if they have a facebook, instagram or tiktok account
if yes - game over

>> No.49426632


>> No.49426667

only the really extreme ones dye their hair or get face piercings.

Others can look normal apart from looking a bit low-testosterone and emasculated but still insufferable leftists who want to be "good allies" and that kind of thing.

I worked with a guy who was a great team leader, had great people skills and technical planning skills and was easy to get on with , but at some point I found out that he believed in open borders and thought australia should let in as many people arriving by boats as possible a long with a host of other suicidal and false leftist beliefs.
It was very disappointing.
The only slight tell was that he looked kind of soft like he never did exercise.

I rarely see leftists who look like they do exercise or are high Testosterone.

>> No.49426690

that will make you filter out almost everyone since even normal , unpozzed applicants will start making up answers to try and pretend to be leftists because they'll think that the firm is looking for leftists.

>> No.49426691
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This 100%. Ask how they feel about working in a team and then ask how they feel about workplace harassment. The first question makes the second question seem less blunt.

You could also ask who their favourite arthurs are, or their most influential books of recent years. Find out if it's lefty garbage

>> No.49426692

Ask them to describe the process of changing a car tire. If they've ever done it before they'd know it's important that you loosen the lugs prior to jacking up the car. I imagine it's something that sois and leftists have zero experience with.

>> No.49426711

Not necessarily, it depends on how they answer. Everybody will agree workplace harassment is bad, but the woke ones will make it clearli known

>> No.49426721


>> No.49426757

Ask them their feelings about firearms.

Easiest way to filter faggots.

>> No.49426767

Consider hiring women.
Look for experience with mathematics in some way. I'm not talking about mental arithmetics, but even people who view 3blue1brown or mathologer vvideos on youtube, or read quanta articles will generally be good.
You don't need to avoid people with different political viewpoint. What you need to avoid are histerics that are not willing to discuss and compromise with people.

>> No.49426808

>hike mountains
Hikers are VERY often sois. I mean, you're just fucking walking lol.

>> No.49426885

Oh shit that's actually a good one!

>> No.49426920

for me it's zangoose

>> No.49426928

>How critical is sustainability to you?
>Is a diverse working environment important to you?

>> No.49426941

>I only hire indoctrinated people
>How do I filter indoctrinated people
op is an oxymoron

>> No.49426972

Just tell them you're discriminating against basedboys, leftists, and woke people in general, and that you mostly are adamant about hiring women to begin with, they'll probably do a 360 and leave and never bother you again. i wouldn't get my hopes up if it is hiring people for a education role, though. You won't find people who aren't fucked up in the head by communist and leftist propaganda. College usually does that to people

>> No.49427014

Google their social media.
Tons of Millenials and Zoomers have everything public.
Look for pride flags, strange piercings, colored hair. Check out their Instagram and Facebook.

GG ez

>> No.49427037

This is all specific to my job, but..

I always ask for personal life details posed as small-talk. I don't care that you studied compsci, if you weren't running linux as a kid (and you're under 33), or don't actively use it at home, we won't hire you. What's that? You're a master of all redhat products? Dropped. We used to give people chances, now we don't.
Hiking is a bigger +, those geeky fuckers are some go-getters. I've also found that open christians work hard. We want hikers that nerded out on linux in the 90's, have a wife and kids, eats healthy, yada yada. They make the most dependable unix programmers

>> No.49427043
File: 88 KB, 785x1000, 1644922268754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I filter out normies when hiring staff? Anonymous (ID: h4KuYMG6) 06/07/22(Tue)No.49425658▶>>49425686 >>49425687 >>49425703 >>49425719 >>49425754 >>49425762 >>49425775 >>49425909 >>49425945 >>49426371 >>49426534 >>49426541 >>49426554 >>49426692 >>49426757 >>49426767 >>49426941 >>49426972 >>49427014
> I am hiring staff for my small business.
> They need to be university educated due to the nature of the industry. I keep having problems with accidentally hiring soiboys, bitchy gamma males and retards. I tend not to hire women.
> What questions can I ask them in the application process/interview to instantly filter out sois and leftists? They cost me money by being timewasting, hard to deal with and losing me clients. I want to hire ony based and disciplined people.
> I am thinking "what internet browser do you use at home?" and instantly reject any Microsoft Edge and Safari faggots. Any other ideas?

>> No.49427076

Why did you post a democrat?

>> No.49427086
File: 32 KB, 474x266, th-128220375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask who their favourite arthurs are
conan doyle
the ardvark (picrel)

How'd I do? do I get the job?

>> No.49427161

I generally give women and men the same treatment when hiring, but women just don't pass the basic standards I set for my staff.

>be technologically literate
>don't flake last minute
>be responsive and prompt, don't leave me waiting

that's all I need, all the man pass these basic tests but 9/10 women fail.

>> No.49427173

Sorry, we have not progressed your application further at this stage.

>> No.49427200
File: 222 KB, 884x698, 1629594492330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask them to take an MBTI personality test and only hire INTP / INTJs.

>> No.49427202

You were the idiot here. If the guy was a genuinely good teammate with a proven track record, you are the idiot for throwing that away because he happens to disagree with you ideologically

>> No.49427225

Maybe you should schedule a day so all your applicants rehearse teaching, tell them they can dress informally if they want, you filter the people who dress up like leftist retards or hippies (also look for tattoos) also you get a lot of info about them about how they express themselves and the gesticulations they make when teaching (gay people tend to speak and move like homosexuals, also they eyes have a special shine). It's a total drag but could help you in the long run

>> No.49427251

Of course, I wasn't advocating you to give them an advantage, just not filter yourself out of potentially good candidates because of their genitals. The smartes person I have ever hired was a girl. But she is bow doing a PhD in applied mathematics.

>> No.49427259

Oh, hey Sergay.
I know Chainlink will be a small business in a couple months but I think you're starting to hire a bit too early.

>> No.49427368

Lots of zoomers love "dubstep" which is actually American hardbass (excision, etc). Real ones will say Drum'n'Bass

>> No.49427387

That's a double problem, since I also hide my powerlevel when going for interviews because I assume every company now is pozzed garbage.
If you ask me "which was the last book you read?" I'd say Meditations from Marcus Aurelius, it's normie friendly, but in reality it's Men Among Ruins

>> No.49427416

>ask how they feel about workplace harassment
You don't have to be a soiboi to have a zero tolerance policy for workplace harrassment, unless you're hiring for warehouse or carpenter jobs where you're expected to banter with the boomers

>> No.49427425

i'm a leftist and i could fuck you up

>> No.49427429

Derail the interview and make your political views clearly known. No one will expect you to out yourself as a non libtard in this political climate during a job interview. See who gets triggered and who doesn't flinch. Also check their LinkedIn and email signatures for pronouns.

>> No.49427457

Boring old fucker, you must be.
Post rock
Post hardcore

Just avoid niggers that say whatever was the top 5 during their teenagehood. Obviously worse the ones that say the current top 5, whatever it may be.

>> No.49427458

ask if they voted for trump, if they say yes give them a shot, if not give them the door.

>> No.49427478

Anyone who uses "gg" type of gaymer phrases should be automatically disqualified.

I just have 3 zoomers that say that out loud in my coworking spaces, and they are the laziest pieces of shit I have ever witnessed. They're supposedly software engineering interns, and two of them didn't know what an array was. I am not their employer, it's a cowork space.

>> No.49427529

Ask them if they browse 4channel

>> No.49427541

Ask them about their web3 portfolio. so fucking easy op? do you hold matic? yes? hired. no? ngmi

>> No.49427598

Ask them how they feel about Rhodesia.

>> No.49427646

Did you ask her for onlyfans?

>> No.49427719

during your interview, have a small speaker that has the default apple ringtone. press play on it at a random point during the interview. if the guy you're interviewing checks his phone, throw out his resume.

>> No.49427720

I duno if you can I feel like our normie masks have gotten pretty good.

>> No.49427838



>> No.49427917

yeah I think this is the biggest problem. The HR departments are all woke and filtering out based people so you have to hide your powerlevel as an applicant.

>> No.49428002

Movies are an excellent screener.

Ask them some of their favorite movies and genres, toward the end of the interview.

If they say shit like, capeshit, fisting glove of thanos, starwars etc you know they’re a faggit.

But if they say shit like, the dirty dozen, dirty harry, longest day, casblanca, gone with the wind, the green berets, etc you know you have a red blooded American

>> No.49428081

I usually ask random shit like "You just got out of jail for drug posession. You got no money.Your cousin called and told you about a low risk high reward job to move a package for a friend of his. What do you do?"

The more retarded the better. Go full Jobs and ask if they're virgins or if they ever dropped acid. Anything to throw people off. That's when they show their true colors

>> No.49428097

Maybe a hypothetical question about a client who refuses to wear a mask in a restaurant or the opposite

>> No.49428187

I can't tell if this a threat or you saying you want to fuck him, because you're a lefty ima say the latter

>> No.49428259

This. Covid is the ultimately way to suss people out. It's so much easier now when people just wear it on their face, who they are and how they think.

>> No.49428294

Just make sure they don't find out what a faggot you are first

>> No.49428306

Check their voter registration status. It's public info. Unaffiliated is probably best unless you're looking for actual cuckservatives, then whittle it down from there.

>> No.49428334

Like your shit company is going last regardless who you hire.

>> No.49428365

Ask them did they take the vax, if they say yes you don't hire them

>> No.49428412

You should hire this fuckin guy OP

>> No.49428491
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>> No.49428538

This is good. Ask them what their favourite Marvel movie is and if their face lights up with excitement or they lean forward in their chair shred the resume and say "NEXT!"

>> No.49428954

I'm cringe but I would take the job

>> No.49429008
File: 277 KB, 975x1300, 40bcf1375a6035a49c047456806ec64f4b7b9e5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and Bowiepilled

>> No.49429025

>how do i filter out normies when hiring staff
>they need to be university educated
cognitive dissonance at work

>> No.49429076

Ask for their social media and reject everyone who gives it to you

>> No.49429281

lots of these answers aren't good enough for actual based people, because they know how to hide their power level in the current marketplace and a smart guy will just pretend.

If I was asked these questions I'd just say I was vaxxed and support BLM because I'd assume the interview is pozzed rather than testing me.

>> No.49429288
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That's actually a good question - if I were you I'd try to use that as a way to start a conversation regarding internet privacy and knowledge thereof. I personally use (((Chrome)))with Ublock origin and Disconnect, and run the occasional Immunet scan. Normies tend to either be unaware or passively accept that they live in a globohomo internet panopticon, based guys tend to be the opposite.

I'm not sure exactly what field you work in or what sorts of questions you ask, but it's always a good idea to gleam how much they manage their own lives. I've never met a basedboy that changed their car's oil, for instance.

You should also try to figure out what media if any they consoom. Capeshit and modern Western cartoons should be an instant disqualification, >anime would be a coin toss IMO depending on what they're into. Most people who read actual books should be good to go but again nothing exists in a vaccum.

Look for ex mil, but you'll need to probe a bit to get a feel for them. There's a surprising amount of /ourguys/ in the military, but they're also experts in hiding their power levels.

What sort of business/industry do you work in?


>> No.49429349

This is kinda clever.

Also normies arent just leftists. You can work with a transgender diaper wearing communist furry who draws furry incest fantasy porn at work. To be honest, I would strongly prefer that to working with an actual normie.

>> No.49429372
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I'd probe more regarding vidya. Ask if they're into them then ask /how much/. Video games are a degenerate hobby but they're ubiquitous. Someone who proudly proclaims that they're a gamer is suspect, but if someone says that they fire up the old PS2 from time to time then they should be good.

>hike mountains
Based. OP, soys and NPCs HATE nature. Sure they virtue signal, but only real humans will take time out of their lives to hike a mountain.

>this is what you look like

>> No.49429445


Good point OP. That's why you'll need to get creative.

>> No.49429637

you should ask more open questions without any "wrong" answers. For example:
>how did the pandemic impact you on a personal level
this question should work very well for avoiding overly emotional people

>> No.49429749

>masters and PHD to do digital Jannie work
>I don't want soiboys at this job
You're pretty much screwed mein Jude.
Nerd fields attract nerd people, the most right wing you'll hope to find are Ted Pilled and likely Linux privacy schizo.

Real right wing types are low class trash who's opinions are repeated off of pol like the new fox news. We laugh at leftist faggot types but they're 2 sides of the same coin; Sheep repeating news.

Find mature adults and tolerate some soiyboy opinions

>> No.49429815

too real, all the avowed conservatives I know are braindead, same as the libs

>> No.49429937

I wouldn't want to work for you, knowing you are a Pokefag

>> No.49429951

Nosepass or nothing

>> No.49429980

you should probably think about touching grass

>> No.49430088

What hourly pay will being a Paras/Zubat chad get me?

>> No.49430218

whats wrong with King Arthur? Round table was the best table.

>> No.49430320

normie prole
jazz and classical are the way, but no Einaudi or pop jazz

>> No.49430329

>I value my freedom.
>I'd rather work a miserable but legal job than risk being thrown back in jail.
>Besides, it sounds like a setup. Nothing is ever high-risk, low-reward.
How'd I do?

>> No.49430430


>> No.49430467
File: 434 KB, 1024x1020, E921E361-50E5-4B0A-A3EB-2133162F26F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiking is just walking
I mean yes there are sois but it depends on the trail. It can be extremely difficult for the unitiated

>> No.49430667

Jesus the cringe is just oozing out of your post. "videogames are le based because I am what many might call a trad-fash"
Youre literally like reddit soi trannys, just flipped. Youre not a fascist either, youre just a loser on this shithole forum

>> No.49430697

Sir, this is an Japanese-culure-oriented-image-board.

>> No.49430823

Stephen Colbert is a Chad desu. He's a cringe comedian oftentimes but he has nice looks

>> No.49430953

>if you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?
Reject anyone who would spend the money frivolously (on a degenerate lifestyle) rather than establishing an estate and growing it to create generational wealth for their White progeny.

>> No.49431065

>degenerate hobby
You get more integrity from a roblox porn maker than a christcuck.

>> No.49431091

I unironically agree.

>> No.49431092

>Youre literally like reddit soi trannys, just flipped
Finally people are starting to get it

>> No.49431320

Volcarona is the only Chad answer. Everything else is faggot trash.

>> No.49431354

just ask if they support the current thing

>> No.49431533
File: 67 KB, 2048x1366, black_bolt_back_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs of truth. Doesn't matter if the answer is yes or no, just listen how they answer.
Or just show them pic related and if they don't know what it is they're a giant faggot.

>> No.49431714

my favorite is Dunsparce
can I get the job now?

>> No.49432386

Start with asking very personal political questions such as how they feel about Gender Politics.

Unsurprisingly a non-normie will spill their thoughts easily but a normie will ask you how you feel about it first.

>> No.49432476

Unbelievably based

>> No.49432492

Add some physical labor aspects to the job description such as being able to lift 50lbs of trash or boxes. Women and fags won’t apply.

>> No.49432673

huh? If I was asked in a job interview about gender politics there's no way I'm giving them a real answer

>> No.49432828

Yeah if somebody asked me some of the shit in this thread I'd just play it safe with normalfag answers

>> No.49432973

I would be as vague as possible when answering gender politics bullshit.

>> No.49432991

Grossly undercut post

>> No.49433288

>education role
>doesn't want sois
Bro education is pozzed, you better change jobs or something...

>> No.49433412

/qa/ lost

>> No.49434118 [DELETED] 


>> No.49434152 [DELETED] 

>op is an oxymoron
somehow you managed to be the bigger retard

>> No.49434170

onions as fuck
the only right answer

>> No.49434192 [DELETED] 

wow so funny!!!! we did it reddit nice 69!!!!!

>> No.49434242

I did not ask to be mutilated at birth anon

>> No.49434247

>slandering classical
I wasn't going to post in this retarded thread, but I had to stop and call you a retard. Fuck you Low Culture pig, roll in the dirt monkey

>> No.49434501

>anyone with a masters or phd definitely has linkedin.
Many grad programs make it impossible to not have one. I fucking hate that cancer but it's forced on anyone at the PhD level in STEM.

>> No.49434539

>I tend not to hire women.
why not? hire hot 20 year olds and fuck them

>> No.49434543

it's just the truth. I also like classical, but it is incel as fuck

>> No.49434608

Primeape is the only chad choice here

>> No.49434631

just ask if they're vaccinated. don't hire the people who say yes

>> No.49434737

>If I was asked these questions I'd just say I was vaxxed and support BLM because I'd assume the interview is pozzed rather than testing me.
truly based people have standards and the courage of their convictions. i would never praise BLM just to get a job

>> No.49435307

European faggots watching over a million of their girls get raped by Muslim invaders.
>At least we have our cheese dick bruv

>> No.49435336


>> No.49435420

>t. 56%

>> No.49436320

I didn't throw anything away. I still worked well with him and got on with him the whole time I worked there. I changed jobs and live in a different city now.
It was just disappointing

>> No.49436403

this will just make any normie, unpozzed or right wing applicants start bullshitting and pretending to care about diversity because they'll think that the firm will automatically reject anyone who doesn't pledge allegiance to woke diversity ideology.
The only people you'll get saying that diversity is not important to you, only the quality of the people working there are a small number of very stubborn people and autists.

>> No.49436436

no, you're just an uncultured dog. if you touched grass you'd know how large the classical scene is today.

>> No.49436505

these are the best suggestions. look up their social media, look up whether they vote democrat, hire open christians unless you get pozzed vibes from them

>> No.49436608

But reject if they know The Police.

>> No.49436874

Ask if they enjoy sport of any kind, a follow up on what teams they support, and what players they like, etc.

I think most sois don't like team sports and they would try to dodge or give a bullshit "I don't follow any", of course filter sports that you 'know'

This should give a good indication on how they were brought up and see through bullshit

>> No.49437391

Ask them their current favourite songs, most normies will tell you whatever shit music being pushed by jewniggers on the top 10 at the moment. The good ones will tell ya they just enjoy "the oldies", then you can ask which ones.

Also, if someone tells you Queensryche's Operation Mindcrime, you should hire inmediatedly, very based and awesome album

>> No.49437418
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truly based people follow Law 38: "Think as you like but behave like others." Sticking to your convictions too strictly will slow your progress and hinder your ability to serve your family and race, all for excessive pride. But you can do so in intelligent and effective ways to not completely betray yourself.

"I support raising awareness of the suffering of all marginalised and disenfranchised groups, all people should be treated with respect and dignity" is how I would answer the question but actually I hate niggers.

>> No.49437750
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/qa/ won

>> No.49437872

nah not true. This is just an excuse to be self-serving and run away and it's this mentality that allowed wokeists to take over and set the agenda so easily with such small numbers. This is how a tiny minority of people can enforce a consensus because everyone else is too afraid to openly oppose because they assume that they're alone because no one else is openly opposing, whereas if the same number of them openly opposed it as wokeists pushed for it then everyone else would feel emboldened to stand up for what is sane and right.
If more people had bravery and integrity then society would still be on the right track
You might personally pay a price by having bravery and integrity if you openly voice opposition before the critical mass has been met, but don't act like hiding is actually what's in your race's interests, it's only in your personal interests and your family's interests. not your race's interests.

>> No.49438057

I agree with this more than you think, I am the open and unashamed racist and homophobe in my group of normie friends and do so because it's important to voice dissent in front of normies and fence-sitters, to show what non compliance looks like and encourage them to non-confom themselves.

But in a professional capacity interviewing or finding a new job? You won't be changing any minds and just shooting yourself in the foot. Especially when any faggot can record you and publicy shame you into never having a job or supporting your family again. It's always situation dependent.

I wish it wasn't this way and it wasn't the case years ago when were were on the tipping edge and could have been reversed, but the boomers failed us by being lazy and cowardly and let the faggots get too much control and now globohomo are currently "winning" so we need to play the guerilla game before we can meet them on the field openly.

>> No.49438335

Ask if they use twitter. If yes stay far as fuck away

>> No.49438619

Just ask them if Schopenhauer is based or cringe.

A. Based
B. Cringe
C. I don’t know who that is.

Only hire A’s.

>> No.49438764

shoppinghauer is cringe, bro. I actually call him incelhauer, Imagine having a wolverine cut but no pussy other that a fucking poodle

>> No.49438763

Asked if they are vaxxed. If so don’t hire them.

>> No.49438790

Not hired, you sound jewish

>> No.49438978

I work for an insurance company as an actuary. A common question I ask grads in interviews is:

>How does an insurance company make money?

Some of the answers (or lack thereof) were eye-opening about kids fresh out of uni. Really any question that gives you insight into how they think will be good. You want to catch them off-guard as they'll have canned responses that have been practiced a million times.

>> No.49439570
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OP is a fed

>> No.49439651

>They need to be university educated due to the nature of the industry. I keep having problems with accidentally hiring soiboys, bitchy gamma males and retards. I tend not to hire women.
I hope some one brings a gun to your work and only kinda shoots you, just so you can suffer and live through getting shot.

>> No.49439658

>should remove anyone who says video games desu
Get off 4chan.

>> No.49439669

>what many would call a fascist.
What branch of the military did you serve in? You're not a fascist.

>> No.49439702

>cringe hobby for normies
Youtube you fucking out of touch boomer.
Twitch you out of touch boomer.
It's not the 80s anymore, boomer, people play games, even candy crush.
My fucking God this website sucks, it's just neo boomer scum and failed normies being upset other normies are edgy like themselves.
Can you guys just fuck off to fascist forge and bunker chan? Take your little left right homosexual circle jerk and fucking shove it?
But not here, far away from here.

>> No.49439740

Why did he post a Jewish Democrat that shot white to fight the spic invasion.
Even though spics where here long before Jewish Boys where.
I hate this fucking site, just constant AB AB.

>> No.49439750
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You're never going to make it OP. Normie detection is instantaneous, natural and cannot be taught.

>> No.49439780

Have you considered that maybe you're the incompetent basedboy and noone who's capable wants to work for you?

>> No.49439795

>Lots of zoomers love "dubstep" which is actually American hardbass
I prefer synthe wave, 80s wave, Russian hardbass, Americans "hardbass" or "dubstep" is fucking terrible.

>> No.49439825

>Anything but metal, country, classic rock or dubstep gets rejected.
What? No Mongolia throat singing or classical music (not boomer shit).
You guys are so mentally myopic.

>> No.49439882
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>> No.49440844

this. when hiring engineers for my team I have a simple 1 problem test where it is obvious there is no solution. they are allowed internet access and pencil/paper. if they try to solve it without realizing there was no solution they automatically failed. works really well at filtering the mitwit crowd.

>> No.49441917
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Can you hire me?
27 year old INTJ neet. I have actual skills though. I will work from home and do whatever you need.
Since youre a based /biz/ boss I wont slack off or let you down.

>> No.49442655

Have you ever considered that you yourself are a milquetoast faggot surrounded by other ivory tower faggots? Literally in your field there are no “based” people.

>> No.49442718

just use inkblots

>> No.49442851
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this is funny
honestly the highest IQ take on racism I've ever seen here, take an 80's davis for the road

>> No.49443177

replicate the grocery cart test in your office with a guest sign in and badge station.

>make the sign in station a fair distance from the exit/entrance
>they fill out basic info and you can see penmanship. most gifted/talented guys I know write like retards but don't miss any details)
>after a tour tell them they have a certain amount of time to meet you at the door
>how did they return the badge? did they sign out properly? basic respect for property and attention to detail under pressure can be assessed as long as they feel alone.

culture shouldn't have anything to do with it

t. sociopath

>> No.49443247

Who /italo disco/ here?

>> No.49443770

>aussies love machamp
the dream isnt dead anons, we're gonna make it

>> No.49444004

Reverse psychology, ask them about the issues in the background of your poster and if they give a generic, unenthused response, hire them. If they start getting all excited and worked up, don’t.

>> No.49444374

Just asking they prefer apple or PC

>> No.49444600

if the person is physically fit, chances are they're not mentally ill

>> No.49444654

idiotic opinion
the linux schizos are a quadratic net positive, as they will annoy any liabilities inside your company to the point of visible rage
not only you're getting a super nerd to work twice as fast, you're getting a natural repellent against cockroaches inside your company

>> No.49444932

Have them fill out a questionnaire with fill in the blanks.

Avoid the _____
Eschew the ___
______ tongue my anus

>> No.49444965

>instantly reject any Microsoft Edge and Safari faggots

add trannyfox to that list as well. Troons and lefties are 99% more likely to use mozilla firefox.

>> No.49445013

Arthur Fonzarelli "Ayyyyyyyy"

>> No.49445038

avoid the noid
eschew the jew
beyonce tongue my anus

>> No.49445093

Left out the last three words, didn't you?

>> No.49447008

Bullshit. In an expanded consciousness, thought and action should be one and the same. If your thoughts are not backed by your actions, why think? and if your actions don't reflect your thoughts, why act?

>> No.49448373

> instantly reject any Microsoft Edge and Safari faggots
You're just going to filter out Baby Boomers that way, seems like a pretty irrelevant question to ask.
No one under the age of 50, with a university degree uses Microsoft edge.
I think the fact that you used the term "gamma male" in this post and think that's a good question to determine if you'll get along with someone, shows that you're actually a faggot and the fact that you can't tell if someone is normal or a soiboy just by looking at them is kinda bad too.

>> No.49448391

Is Poliwhirl an acceptable answer?

>> No.49448517

i have my Masters degree. how much do you pay. also i hate jews and niggers. so you know i am not a soi boi

>> No.49448536

Force them to say the n word.

>> No.49448589

How to only hire zoomers:

>> No.49448650
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Where are my Porygonbros at?

>> No.49448656

>Literally no one has Linkedin

this. all the jobs there require you to apply on the company website. thus there is no benefit to having Jewedin profile

>> No.49448686
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still better than being obsessed with inter-orc porn and being what many would call a cuck

>> No.49448820

whats the job? maybe just straight up interview someone from here have them send you a burner email then switch to regular comms. im university educated and looking for work but no idea what your needs are. id be interested though if you arent a jew and your business isnt some leftist kiked BLM tier faggotry

>> No.49448876

I feel like it's easy to tell. Maybe you're part of the problem

>> No.49448917

How is he going to breed whites out of existence? He can't even have children

>> No.49448968
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based and nasalpilled

>> No.49449167

Mate your nation went to war with its brothers to free the people now killing and raping ye.

>> No.49449168

You can easily pick them out just by their appearance. If unsure, the famous "tell me about yourself?" question will for answer it for ya.

>> No.49449169

Ask them about their "advocacy" if they don't know what that is the they should be fine.