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49425595 No.49425595 [Reply] [Original]

Your Lolbertardians economic “ideals” are a complete farce. You aren’t a lolbert because you think government is bad, you’re a lolsperg because of fucking niggers and cholos. Every meta analysis has shown a natural decrease in support for social safety nets with increased diversity because your subconscious instincts don’t want your resources helping a “different tribe”. Quit larping as a lolsperg and take the fascist third position pill.

>> No.49425617


>> No.49425651


>> No.49425691

And tell me anon, who is pushing for Niggers and diversity? That's right, the jews. And tell me who runs the government? That's right, the jews.

Government is bad.

>> No.49425720

left my lolbert denial behind over a year ago. there's some sound arguments for them, but it's all just pussyfooting around the actual problems which are at it's root simply niggers and jews.

>> No.49425732

Government good when transparency + homogenous society + jews expelled.

>> No.49425756

No, the Jews are bad. Guns are bad because autists shoot up a grocery store, autists are. And government run by Jews is going to destroy atomized individualist lolsperg whites every time like they have been for decades.

>> No.49425771

*Guns aren’t

>> No.49425781

And tribalism is retarded, nationalism is retarded, racism is retarded. Stop being retarded.

>> No.49425798
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>> No.49425822

Great photo, thanks fren

>> No.49425853
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>> No.49425868
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I smell a mixed race mutt. Stop trying to justify your existence. It happened, it's sad, go marry another mixed race mutt and stop pushing your degenerate 10iq amalgamation nation retard worldview.

>> No.49425885

Wrong. You only assert this because of your mutt society condemning anything else.

>> No.49425908
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Name a successful multicultural society.

>> No.49425921

I don't like the government and I don't like minorities. Was that so hard to reconcile?

>> No.49425951

Jews are good

>> No.49425953

i voted ron paul in 2008 and by 2010, i realized that libertarianism is only possible in theory. its a utopia that cant exist in our current timeline

>> No.49425993

Lolbertarianism died on this site years and years ago when they finally realized they were being used by the Left

>> No.49426002
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>> No.49426027

Kys kike

>> No.49426041

You don’t like the government because of minorities dumbass. This has already been proven in thousands of studies. Ideological libertarianism doesn’t exist, it’s just cope for subconscious tribalism you can’t manifest irl.

>> No.49426052
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