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49420638 No.49420638 [Reply] [Original]

I work in web3, I'm bored. AMA. Will hang out for a bit. Not a dev btw.

>> No.49420681

>not a dev btw
Yeah, I know. No one who "works in web3" is actually a dev. Devs just do dev things and don't advertise their work like you do. Enjoy being fired before the end of the year when everything goes to zero. I seriously hope you didn't agree to be paid in crypto. Lmao.

t. Dev

>> No.49421015

We have plenty of devs at my company. It's basically like half the company. I get paid in USD. Any other questions? :)

>> No.49421428
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will Polygon really take over the Web3 scene?
im an AVAX baggie but i feel like Polyfags might be right. they simply have way too much liquidity to play with and get more and more devs

>> No.49421486

I don’t know about Poly specifically but the biggest web3 dick at my company seems to think (reluctantly) ETH is going to win the race. He also believed ETH is a shit chain. I haven’t asked too much about it but my guess is the success of polygon and L2s in general play a large role in his opinion. They seem to have solved a lot of the problems.

>> No.49421493

The ole chicken and the egg question, is ICP shit or gold

>> No.49421540

What are web3's advantages when normies love their centralized shit?

>> No.49421586

Opinion on Chainlink?

>> No.49422035

Not really on anyones radar I associate with. Pretty much just a biz coin as far as I see. Not sure if that’s good or bad, LINK was that way for a long time. ROSE is also in that category.

Like 60% of my company are normies who know very little about the industry. Most of them think the whole thing is a joke including the shit they work on. One of the fundamental problems in the industry right now is that it’s very hard to find people who are both skilled and understand the breadth and depth of web3. Not sure if this really answers the question.

I think it’s obvious LINK is critical. At high levels prices don’t get talked about much, the market is seen for what it is which is a big speculative manipulated show with a lot of horse shit. It’s hard for me to gauge value. Most of the guys I work with who really have a finger to the pulse are minimally multi millionaires and in several cases billionaires. I can tell you the “LINK marine” effect is something people refer to in a positive way but as like a “how do we get an audience who will do absolutely anything for us no matter what shit gets flung their way” way. Past that I don’t know. I am a biztard at heart though so heavily invested in LINK.

>> No.49422051

dude have you ever done mushrooms and played mario kart while listening to under the sea?

>> No.49422061

I’ve done all of those but not at the same time.

>> No.49422080

Under the sea
Under the sea
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter
Take it from me
Up on the shore they work all day
Out in the sun they slave away
While we devotin'
Full time to floatin'
Under the sea

>> No.49422098

What do they got, a lot of sand?
We got a hot crustacean band

That’s my favorite line from that song

>> No.49422108

OP true or false Consensus will be the bloodbath crypto will never forget?

>> No.49422128

The biggest draw for me to web3 is if bots are unable to penetrate the human verification process. Is this guaranteed?

>> No.49422133

not op but yeah rumor has it chainlinkgod is going to go full incel at consensus

>> No.49422146

Dude never go full incel, seriously

>> No.49422151

Weirdly nobody I work with directly is talking about it. My guess is general nothing burger.

>> No.49422163

Connecting your wallet is the verification process, anon.

>> No.49422168

>Under the Sea is the MK Ultra trigger they will play during Consensus to set ChainLinkGod into full incel mode
holy fuck is it happening?

>> No.49422181

Alright well sadly not many intelligent questions and I need to go. I had some decent alpha for the right questions so too bad. I will say working in web3 you get exposed to a lot of insider knowledge, much of which you can act on. Maybe I’ll try this again another day.

>> No.49422202


>> No.49422216

kys shill
real alpha right here

>> No.49422247

I'm a pretty good programmer, but I'm self taught and only do game programming (which I understand is actually one of the harder things to be good at). Also I have been researching the crypto space since the old days and bought my first BTC in 2013 for $13, so I think I understand it kind of decently. How do I get into the industry and make money?

>> No.49422268

ah god damnit faggot I had a question. how about this, don't make these fucking threads if you're going to leave

>> No.49422354


>> No.49422398

>web3 anon here
>not a dev
So your opinion is worthless. Might as well ask web3 HR roastie

>> No.49422419

favorite anime?

>> No.49422888

Kind of a fag move to bail like this. But you are OP afterall

>> No.49423405


Is ICP the endgame of web 3? Be brutally honest

>> No.49424324


I’m a database programmer making around 150.

What languages would you need to learn to be a web3 dev ?

What is the average pay for a web3 dev?

>> No.49424416

as an eastern european dev, what would i have to do to get remote employed at a web3 company?

>> No.49426342

What steps should i take to become a 'web 3 anon' like you?
Can I wfh and have good pay?

>> No.49428510

How many rugs have you pulled?