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49417769 No.49417769 [Reply] [Original]

let's just have a simple thread about houses. discuss whatever as long as it is related to housing.

i'll start. how close (or far) are you from getting a house?

>> No.49417962

I will financially never recover from the policies enacted in 1971

>> No.49418083

Was close. Then got fucked by november. Now.. maybe 1-3 more years

>> No.49418578

We just made an offer today. It was the highest offer they received, and we waived a home inspection. We did not get the house. Our down payment was going to be about 15%, and the mortgage would have been 28% of our post-tax income.

Idk what to do bros. 1.5 more months before our closing date would be after our wedding. Getting despondent

>> No.49418699

Mid twenties. 70k salary with hopes of getting into 100k within the next few years. I can't afford a place here in SoCal so I'm saving up to buy in some cheap California cities or move East. I'm close, yet I feel like I'm so far. I don't want to tie myself down yet I have continual pressure from family and what's been going on economically. Not sure what to do desu and not sure if there is a place that is right for me.

>> No.49418748


>> No.49418824

why didn't they take it?

>> No.49418845

over leveraged myself in covid bought 3 houses and 1 duplex

renting them all out to single college educated zoomie IT guys

im in crazy debt but they always pay rent on time so i'll be fine

>> No.49418863

In about a year I'll be getting a new job with a new raise, and I'm hoping houses will deflate by then. If not, I'll just keep being with fucking roommates.

>> No.49418876

What's in that little room?

>> No.49418888

We have no clue. The agent told ours that another offer was more "financially secure." Even though it was lower. I don't understand why they think that's their problem rather than mine, but the only reason our down payment wasn't higher was because we have a wedding and she needs a new car soon, we could have easily hit 20% comfy with the cash we have.

I think he must have sold it to a friend of his or something. But we are getting abused by this market. Losing houses after asking more than 40k over asking in towns that beg people not to leave because it's a rust belt town that had its heyday 40 years ago, to boomers buying their 5th house just to have

>> No.49418920

i only have like 30k saved up for a down payment right now. my grandparents live on a few acres up on a big hill in a comfy area of new england and will be dead in a few years at which point they will sell the property and I might buy it. i dont have a huge desire to own a home but keeping the property in the family instead of seeing it sold off and having condos built on it seems worthwhile to me

>> No.49418974

I'm going to have to move far if I want to ever buy anything or some giga house apocalypse needs to happen.

>> No.49419002

Right on anon. If I could have bought my grandparent's house when they passed I would have. At least the house flipper is forced to keep my grandpa's retirement tree due to local legislation.

>> No.49419006


>> No.49419045
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gonna dump
buying now makes you a chump

>> No.49419061

I bought the house I was renting from my landlady for 80k last year.

>> No.49419085

Basically more financially secure means they are bringing more cash and financing less, so less chance of the home not apprasing and the loan falling through.

>> No.49419175

That's fair but man our numbers are completely fine and in line with everything else going on nearby (also identical to what happened to their neighbors)

>> No.49419225

A house here is $1.5 million. That's $300k for a 20% downpayment and a mortgage of 5700 a month over 30 years.

I currently have $70k saved and make $8000 a month after tax. If I saved $5000 a month I will be able to buy a house in 4 years

>> No.49419247

It’s so easy to identify who fell for the rentcuck meme

>> No.49419269

A house fit to your hedonistic standards*

Commute 30-60 mins to work like everyone else you spoiled cunt

>> No.49419296
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I'm buying a home here. I'm serious.

>> No.49419460

Where can I find houses like this? Also what’s this style called?

>> No.49419468

I'd have to drive 1.5-2.5 hours to work to get a house under that.

>> No.49419494
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very, because prices will crash soon in leafistan

>> No.49419602

I own three single family homes. Primary residence is paid off and I rent the other two out to my sons. They are saving up for their own homes, they get a below market rate and take care of the places. I don't have to worry about deadbeats or lowlifes trashing the places.

>> No.49419642

For god's sake don't waive inspections. This is retarded as shit.

>> No.49419654

We put in a tender on a place in 2019. Agent said it was too low and there was another offer. We increased it to 390k. The other tender was also 390k. Ours was accepted because it was cash. Now the property is worth 800k.

>> No.49419677

Boomers have rigged the housing market, strangling supply so they can resell their shacks for millions. In that sense, buying a home is a good idea, as it lets you join the boomers in their usual "loot America to death for personal gain" game, which they always play and always win.
However, prices have doubled in Shithole, AZ and Nothing But Single Family Houses, Florida, 1-2 hours of traffic-clogged roadway away from the nearest non-gas-station job. That should be a massive fucking warning sign to would-be buyers. Yet we see people insisting "New paradigm!!" right here in the thread.
The general trend in home values is up, but current prices are radically higher than the trend. They will revert to the mean.

>> No.49419690

SC I think. Not sure of the architectural style.

>> No.49419698

Also this. Jesus. I would HATE to a married shmuck having to deal with the pressure of a nagging wife getting involved with my financial decisions. I'm saying this as a 34 year old dating a 22 year old who just leaves me the fuck alone.

>> No.49419703

I would literally need to win the lottery or have my cryptocurrency bags 100x to pay off my debts and own a home.

I am nowhere near owning a home, probably not in the next 10 years. I'm 30 years old.

>> No.49419708

Living 30 minutes from work isn't hedonistic it should be a human right

>> No.49419766

Marry ugly and submissive and live like a king. Big Bonus if she has a job

>> No.49419805

Unless you work in Malibu commiefornia you are a lying cunt.
Prove it. Where is your city? I could easily find 10 $600k homes near you.
Ohh you can’t have vaulted ceilings and have to buy a USED house, how tragic!!!

>> No.49419828

It feels like it's impossible to find an affordable place in a walkable area close to transit, that's not some yuppie closethouse. I really want a bunch of like-minded people to come together and just build one of those cities some place in flyover country. Maybe buy out a small town and renovate it.

>> No.49419859

There isn’t a single city where every home is minimum 1.5mil within a 60 minute drive. None. He just has to live near “low income” individuals and has to suffer. He chooses to lie to himself and everyone else.

>> No.49419884

>However, prices have doubled in Shithole, AZ
Here I am in Tucson ironically enough. Homes actually have doubled, 2 years ago I could find 3-beds on the market for 160,000 in decent areas and now the lowest I can get is 300,000 and in more crime ridden areas too. I have saved 20,000 and will be starting a job making 65,000 but unfortunately I will be woefully unequipped to pry anything from the crinkly rotten hands of boomers.
>They will revert to the mean.
I don't want to get my hopes up but I also fear this won't be true. There are plenty of people hoping to jump into the market and throw down offers, and also inventory is still cripplingly strained. If it does crash, it will be the most disappointing crash in history.

>> No.49419887

Rumpus room.

>> No.49419889

This is how you get a Village of methicans and drunk redneck losers

>> No.49419925


I don't even know if I want one at this point. It's all overpriced garbage.

>> No.49419955

>devalues USD with 2 trillion printed cash
>return to mean

>> No.49419960

Sounds like a bomb kegger every day after work.

>> No.49420058
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>> No.49420084
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I don't think I'm ever owning a house and I will end up homeless and dead in a ditch somewhere. I'll try to do something cool with my last day on Earth like Skyking did, maybe you guys will at least be entertained by it and make some memes from it.

>> No.49420101

I hope the interest rates keep going up and lets me swoop in and get more properties for cheap, I don't need a mortgage so I don't care what the interest rates are.
Own 6 properties now, 3 are rentals, 2 are airbnbs and I am raking in the dough, quit my main job last year and have been traveling a lot but got sick of it so now I'm chilling in my lakehouse airbnb and enjoying the summer. Property ownership really is for the royalty like me haha.

>> No.49420118

I'm just waiting on the sidelines as i refuse to go into a bidding war over a 65 year old house. Zillow has been deleting price history from listings in my area, so i doubt it'll be long

>> No.49420161

>Zillow has been deleting price history from listings in my area
I thought I was going crazy when the houses I had book marked a couple of months ago (that are still on the market by the way) weren't showing me their price history. What the hell is this about?

>> No.49420220
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I don't know if I even want a home anymore. The amount I would have to pay and then be a slave to paying such a high mortgage for the next 30 years is scary and off-putting to me. I have a little over 200k saved. Picrel and most are 1200sqft 3br2ba

>> No.49420247

just steal my check out plan, take out a loan go to thailand/kenya and fuck whores do drugs till i die

>> No.49420255

If you want a house in this market you have to put 20% down. Don't skip an inspection even if it costs you the house, just add the clause that you will not require the owner to pay for any repairs, that's usually what scares them off of inspections.

>> No.49420289

>The agent told ours that another offer was more "financially secure."
They took a cash offer, likely with no contingencies. I bought a year ago and basically did a ballsy move where we made a cash offer but then turned around and got a mortgage before closing. The seller agent was seething but there was nothing she could do. We were only able to do this because my father in law is rich and was able to back us up with cash in case our financing fell through. We had to resort to this shit because we kept getting btfo by cash offers

>> No.49420313

Don't hurt the chickens, they'll gang up on you and fuck you up

>> No.49420416

Not an accident I mentioned there. It should give us pause that even horrible parts of AZ are seeing this explosive price growth. Predictions are always guesswork, but I have one.
One significant cause is TikTok "investors." You know the type, someone who takes out irresponsible loans to buy homes, and then posts hustle culture content about how you can pay for their course to become a millionaire. The Fed's easy money policies made it easy for morons to secure a huge HELOC or SBLOC cash payment. Many people, just like in 2008, took these to make "cash" offers on second properties, with plans to rent them out for usurious amounts. The rents "pay" the mortgage, letting a parasitic 95IQ TikTok user profit off the use of a thing he should not be able to afford.
These arrangements are sensitive to shocks. The landlord is on the hook for the mortgage no matter what, so he must keep the rent above a 2021 or 2022 mortgage level. But unemployed or underemployed tenants literally cannot transfer funds they don't have, and will move to Gary, ID in search of a roof if need be. This means layoffs or economic shocks can leave these highly leveraged "entrepreneurs" unable to pay the inflated costs of their own property.
As we see more tapering from the Fed, we will see a slow collapse. When money gets more expensive for VCs, zombie company funds will dry up, and layoffs will begin. Employees in places like Arizona, making inflated wages working for tech co call centers or similar, will lose their jobs. Simply unable to write checks for what landlords demand, they will move back in with their parents or move back to Michigan. This reduced demand will drop rents below the razor-thin margins required by TikTok users and they will be forced to liquidate. Liquidations will apply downward pressure on rents as professionals snap up TikTok investor properties, forcing more liquidations. A positive feedback loop will emerge.

>> No.49420517

so what you're saying is housing prices will crash and I just need to wait so i can afford one

>> No.49420651

Why would I buy a house right now when it’s significantly cheaper to rent in my area and I can dump the excess money into crypto/stonks during the crash?
>huuurrrr muh equity HOOOOMS only go up you’re priced out!
^been hearing this so much the last year and hearing faggots brag about how smart they are for buying in the past 2 years makes me think we’re getting close to a big dip.

>> No.49420772

Maybe. Like I said, predictions are guesswork.
is right in that the money supply is much larger, so nominal (that is, sticker) prices may not drop as much as people want or need. However, the prices will eventually revert to the mean in inflation-adjusted terms, and I anticipate they will do so in dramatic fashion.
When I talk about "TikTok investors," I'm not just seething about dimwitted zoomers acquiring property. My own aunt and uncle were these morons, except in 2008. Their extra properties got foreclosed and they nearly lost their own home; they only kept it because of a forbearance program and a special teacher loan my aunt managed to snag. Now I see these guys on social media bragging about doing the exact same shit that ruined my cousins' high school years and it's both funny and frustrating. This doesn't even get into the way this event would pull in other sources of supply. For instance, some other people who will dump in a hurry in a RE crash:
* Large faceless corporations which, having no emotions, do not suffer the sunk cost fallacy (hedge funds buying residential property to rent)
* People buying RE and leaving it vacant as a store of value (Chinese investors in Canada, etc.)
* People underwater on their mortgages and realizing bankruptcy is cheaper than paying too much (Normal homeowners who bought at the wrong time)
All that's needed is a big panic to lower prices and it will gather steam.

>> No.49420801

>All that's needed is a big panic to lower prices and it will gather steam.
You mean like a global pandemi— oh wait!

>> No.49420863

People are becoming house poor. Their money is now tied up in a mortgage. They cannot sell it or they will have nowhere to live. All it is is a giant money pit they hope to profit from when they are too old to enjoy the profits, instead profits will be spent by their kids to put them in a nursing home

>> No.49420874
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I'm fully remote. What are even some good markets? Currently in DFW but I hate this shithole and want to leave in the next couple of years. Preferably somewhere more white and with less califags

>> No.49421059

The Fed caused asset price increases in the RE market in 2020-2022 by radically inflating the amount of money available for RE purchases. The radical increase in prices far outstripped any normal market movement. The same pattern can be seen in securities, with the stock markets having shot up to unreasonable levels, well beyond normal P/E values for even ultragrowth companies. We now see those same securities losing value in response to fed policy.

The Fed is tapering, which has concomitantly triggered increases in the prime rate. This increases the monthly payment for new buyers, reducing how much they can afford to pay for a home. This shrinks the supply of potential buyers for new properties, especially at the new inflated prices, putting downward pressure on demand for homes. The reduced demand will spur price competition between sellers. If competition is strong enough, it will in turn reduce prices, which will trigger market reactions.

>> No.49421069

Closed on a house 1 month before the market jumped hard. Couldn't believe my timing. Now I just gotta figure out how to pay off my jewtgage asap

>> No.49421115

>interest rate half the rate of inflation
>wants to pay off mortgage
>browses /biz/

makes sense

>> No.49421130

The one from the episode?

>> No.49421154

My dad builds houses for a living and came with us and scouted the place more thoroughly than any "licensed home inspector" would

>> No.49421181
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I mean yeah I'm retarded but I just want to not have debt. The fact that I don't technically own my home isn't as comfy and real home ownership ya know?

>> No.49421194

Ever since Ganondorf took power all of the urban shitlibs have started to move there bringing the same problems that destroyed castle town

>> No.49421226

I'll never be able to get one, but when hbar hits $50 in 90-years my grandkids might.

>> No.49421268

Maybe you would feel better if you thought of the house as a battery, and your loan is the amount of battery power that you still have the ability to add to the property.

>> No.49421396

I've got $40,000 saved up for a down payment, but all the houses for sale in my area look like a meth lab exploded. So not very close.

>> No.49421411
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its pretty simple, if they dont make homes cheaper, i will riot. if they dont reduce the inequality gap, i will riot. in fact theyre going to have a pretty hard time at preventing me rioting anyway.

>> No.49421843

Anon, I sold enough fantom in Jan to buy a house. Had to pay cash because I would never have been approved for a mortgage that high. Was worried I might have made a mistake but now am happy. Living in a nice place with no mortgage feels good. I kept a small bag of fantom and have been slowly buying back in.

>> No.49421954

You’re such a nigger making your kids pay rent. Enjoy the retirement home you fucking faggot

>> No.49421967

Signed the ownership papers last friday and moving on saturday, now prepping it.
I forgot how much I hated painting

>> No.49421999

holy shit you get what you deserve if you're going to do this. jesus fuck.

>> No.49422022
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kek you literal parasite

>> No.49422077

>waived a home inspection
Pro tip don't fucking do this

>> No.49422215

I already said this, but my dad came and spent 3x the time in this house that a home inspector would, and knows more than anyone who "takes a home inspector course" to "become a home inspector"

ie the home was inspected without needing to put that into the offer, to try and increase our leverage

but i guess 15% instead of 20% was a big deal apparently and we won't make that mistake next time, even though it wasn't a problem for a dozen people I know who have gotten homes with horrendously small down payments, and even though the mortgage payment was going to be less than a fifth of our pre-tax income

>> No.49422394

I'm not looking right now. The last time I put an offer in on a house was maybe in 2017 or 18.
It was, and still is, a very frustrating market. The interest rates really weren't much lower than what they are now either. Regardless, it was the same shenanigans and I just didn't feel there was any value in what I was looking at. To stay under $500k for a 3/1 I had to make compromises and it was always like 1 huge room, 1 good room, and 1 office masquerading as a room. The only place I even put an offer on was a 2 bed but it was actually worth what they they were asking. I didn't get it though.
As things got worse it was more and more evident the top of real estate was coming to a close.
>$100k over asking all day long
>everyone I know becoming real estate agents
>the idea that if you don't buy now you'll be priced out forever aka only up
I just wasn't buying it, literally.
I look around from time to just to see what's going on but I even looked this morning and everything is insanely overpriced still.
I won't be buying until prices come down significantly or I get so much money I don't give a shit about 'over paying'.

>> No.49422917

My mortgage is $850 a month but house is getting too small for my 2 daughters. Can’t even come close to affording an upgrade. Garage is full of business inventory otherwise I’d convert it.

>> No.49422957

fpbp, no contest

>> No.49423093
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>median full time employed salary before tax: £32k
>median personal income pre tax : £19k
>Median house price £480,000
>Median annual house price increase

It is mathematically impossible for the normal person to own a home.

With a dual income you'd need a 300 year mortgage.

One friend who makes £95k and his gf makes £55k, and parents gave/loaned 200k for a deposit + 100k savings managed to get on the ladder at 31. He's a global manager at a tech company, she works in investment banking. They've bought a house a neighbourhood that was formally for teachers/plumbers and retired postal service workers.

if we're in a bubble he'll lose everything when it pops.

>> No.49423159

Most northeast, midatlantic upper middle class suburbs built in the 1960s.
Neocolonial style.

>> No.49423215

just get a skill that pays 7 figures a year bro

>> No.49423261

Bought some land August I think last year
The building company have just started digging out the ground for the footings

>> No.49423313
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Do not worry, UK is importing more immigrants that will work for lowest wages legally allowed all while getting welfare on YOUR taxes.
Their housing is all govt. supplied as well.

>> No.49423853

Any leaf anons in here? Home prices in Red Deer, Alberta, seem way too good to be true. Is there a catch or should I just bite the bullet? Also considering Camrose. Any other good places?

>> No.49424596

Just graduated with a bachelors with almost 50k in debt. No other loans though. I don't want to be in an apartment giving free money to corporates for the rest of eternity. How should I save up? Should I go to a house or a condo?

>> No.49424765

I wish I could do the same. Landlady bought the house I rent for around $80k 40 years ago and we have already paid more in rent than the purchase price. Wacky game.

>> No.49425594

it's not a bubble, this is by design and prices will continue to go up until 90% of all plebs are priced out forever
the 20th century was an anomaly, we are reverting back to the norm
if you're not born into wealth you already lost

>> No.49427105

You say that, but you underestimate the ability of targeted drone bombings and other tech-enabled misadventures to ply concessions from elites.

>> No.49427308
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I live in rural Pennsylvania where the average house is like 140k and make 150k doing remote software development so owning a house has been pretty easy. I bought for 110k back in 2016 when I was making closer to 50k.

Recently been thinking about getting a nicer place around 350k with a view and some land and selling my current house to my sister for the same price I bought it for and not the inflated 180k its worth now because I don't need the money and shes been trying really hard to get a starter home but doesn't make that much money.

>> No.49427554
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Some housing plans from my own research, as a young contractor looking to build in peak price leafland.

- people don't think enough about solar orientation. You want the sun in your kitchen in the morning, you want it bringing heat in through big south facing windows in the winter.

- planting deciduous trees to shade your house in summer is equally important.

- basements are absolutely a waste, exposes your family to radon and other poison gasses the earth farts up. You can vapor proof and vent, but nobody actually does it. Its the second leading cause of lung cancer.

- earthworks (moving dirt) to keep plants watered and your home dry is often ignored or not given enough though in precon.

- icf is now about the same cost as lumber, you would be dumb not to hire an icf specialist in this market for a new build.

>> No.49427569

70k in socal? Are you a McDonald's worker?

>> No.49427607

Based. Looking to scoop up one in a prime location when the same happens here in Aus

>> No.49427679

where are you trying to live and what kind of houses are you looking at?

if you and a partner earn 30k each then you can likely get a mortgage of nearly 300k which is more than enough for a decent house

if youre in London then its your own fault for being a massive cuck

>> No.49427721

I'm stuck renting here because I live in a high CoL city with the housing bubble on top of that and I don't want to buy a pod or live there long term anyway. I don't know where I want to live and technically I could go anywhere since I'm remote, including on another continent since I have dual citizenship, which ends up makes it harder to decide where I want to go. How do you even start house shopping when you can take your pick from countless towns and cities? All I know is I don't want to live in a major US urban center since I have nig fatigue

>> No.49427729

just waiting for matic to pump. with the amount i'm holding i will literally buy a damn mansion. wagmi vibes. you will own anything youw ant boys, just be patient.

>> No.49427774

I have a nice box next to a dumpster in Times Square. I even have a shopping cart that I got for zero down with a 21.3% rate parked in the driveway. WAGMI bros.

>> No.49427824

except nobody declares bankruptcy on missing their mortgage payment. All you have to do is WALK AWAY. Its a non recource loan - the bank can fuck themselves.

>> No.49427842

I live in Tucson too. I work at the call center on Oracle. What are your thoughts on the town?

>> No.49427879

Are you Bryce?

>> No.49427935

get volcano insurance.

>> No.49427939

I’m going to scam the government and should only need a few grand saved up to get into a home. My area is considered “rural” which qualifies me for more down payment assistance programs, however the area is only 20 minutes from a city center and is wired for fiber optic internet. Buying when the bottom is in and should be able to cash out when the economy peaks again

>> No.49427952

when the west ends up in a war with china, what happens to all the chinese owned properties in Canada and Australia?

>> No.49428006

since the pandemic, my salary has gone from 68k to 83k, plus my bonus factor has gone up. 100k is a possibility this year.
and i'm probably further from owning a home than in 2015.

>> No.49428189

I know the feeling. Went from 85k to 150k and it's never been more grim.

>> No.49428266

i live in my grandpas shed that his father built, he improved, and i will now use in order to build my own home on the other side of the property. you are a cuck if you buy or rent in this market. nuff said

>> No.49428298

Bought in late 2020. 4br 3ba, 2900sqft. 390k. Traditional mortgage, 20% down, midwest. House is now "worth" 510k. 120k of instant equity is pretty sweet. Net worth is now ~600k at 35.

However, I am alone here. Grey hairs popping up in my beard. The relentless and unfeeling march of time. Rent is retarded. There's nowhere to go because nobody is happy. All the movie memes of being the one guy who looks up at the sky are bullshit.

I own a home. Yippee.

>> No.49428453

zillow going full shitty corporate overlord mode?

>> No.49428621
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'Offer more than 15%! Our wedding is coming up and my friends and parents are going to think you're a fucking loser! You really think the Zestimate is going to ever go down. Fuck why did I decide to give an incel some sex'

>> No.49429084

it's over for me. I live in London and make a decent (decent compared to median income anyway) £38k.
I'm a practicing muslim (idc call me a sandnigger or whatever you want) so I don't believe in the use of interest loans or any interest related vehicles. I will probably be a rentcuck for the rest of my life. I'm hoping by next year I can get a promotion, my next pay bracket will be £50k, but even if I was earning over £120k it wouldn't matter as I will never be able to afford a home. I think I'm well and truly screwed.

>> No.49429321

Any leafs here? Im thinking sometime in september we will see the proper start of corrections, anyone else ready to slurp? Im looking at 2 acres of rural land and building a 1500sqft on grade home.

>> No.49430309
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>t. assblasted entitled zoomer
If you don't work for something you won't value it. Anon is passing on good fiscal ethics to his kids and is a based boomer

>> No.49430528

Lmao shut up retard. Always give your kids the resources to be better than their peers and everyone else.

>> No.49430761

I don't like it anymore. The place has gone acidic. I badly want a house but I don't know if I want one here. All the affordable ones are on the major arterial roadways (speedway, grant) but I don't want to look out my window and see homeless people pushing carts past my property.

>> No.49431041

Are you priced out of Marana? The homeless problem is insane and looking to be Phoenix tier eventually. They are so entitled to I wish someone would go out and kick their ass and send them back to the washes.

>> No.49431106
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I told my fiance we are renting and she was not thrilled but I won't fuck our future to fulfill some dumb boomer fantasy.

>> No.49431131


all the normgroids are doing this now

>> No.49431145

I’m thinking of moving to New Mexico, it reminds me of Tucson but from the 90s

>> No.49431148

I type from within my four walls.

>> No.49431154

>to boomers buying their 5th house just to have
Hold fast, you'll be able to scoop cheapies soon enough when these types get liquidated.

>> No.49431163


This x100

>> No.49431193


They're called agrihoods. And they suck

>> No.49431259

^ Holding steady for this.

>> No.49431342

>Foreclosure amnesty ends in September of 2022
>Recession looking truer by the day
>People can't afford taxes but are saved by foreclosure amnesty for 3 more months
>Feds raising APR by the month

Our time is coming Buyer Bros. Hold fast for we will make it.

>> No.49431376


>> No.49431590

>Started renting in 2018
>Ready to financially buy in 2022
>Landlord raised rent over the past 4 years from $800 a month to $900

New renters are cucked.

>> No.49431637

Buying a house right now is like buying a burial plot at the end of the black plague.

>> No.49431677

Meaning right before price crash from complete demand collapse on the back of defaulting providers.

>> No.49431692

I escaped in 2017, 5 bed 2.5 bath for 280k in a small town. Even here prices have gone up sharply though, the 2/1 up the block barely larger than my basement just sold for 380k.

>> No.49431783

4 sons. Lucky guy.

>> No.49431809

Why would the sellers give a shit how much your down payment is? Once the deal closes they get paid in full by the jew banker right?

>> No.49432050

Will probably pay off my house in 2-3 years because not a poor fag. After that will work on building a Mountain Home on a lot I've already purchased that will be paid off this year. I got into the housing market back when it was still affordable but not going to pretend it isn't shit for most people younger than me and it's also why I have enough extra to pay things down. I'm seeing price drops consistently now on Redfin which is better than the stupid bidding wars.

>> No.49432565

Been browsing the thread. I'm getting a bonus and can save up 10k~ between now and early August. I've got 0 liquid, and a borderline good creditscore. Renting in Austin but looking for other places. I don't even know if I want to do 0% down, but my rent is skyrocketing from 1600 to 2000/month end of August.

I'm making 87,500 and getting a raise next month. I'm work from home and need reliable/good internet. I'm on google fiber so I'm spoiled.. I don't mind doing something out in the middle of nowhere but the ISPs are overpriced garbage. I've lived in east texas and it's brutal.

I've been looking at USDA loan because with 10k that's probably barely scraping by with just closing costs and inspections.

any insight or recommendations? Pretty much looking at Dallas/San Antonio/Austin/Houston outlying areas w/ decent internet

>> No.49432628
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>bought last april
>530k 3/3 in sw FL (nice area)
>20% down
>30y 3.85% locked
i literally can't sleep at night thinking about what happens if the economy shits itself and i lose my income.
>t.fomo'd in at the tippy top

>> No.49432882

>if we're in a bubble he'll lose everything when it pops.
Good I hope it happens. Fuck everyone who participated in these inflated housing bubble. Fuck every priviliged fuck who got money from parents or fake overpaid jobs to buy a cuckshed for 500k.

Its time to see a bunch of retards lose everything. For way too long only the working class suffered.

>> No.49432910

I have 2 rental properties (live in one), and I think I'm just going to sell this other one and use the proceeds for a forever home down payment. I hate landlording to low class assholes who trash the place.

>> No.49432920

>i literally can't sleep at night thinking about what happens if the economy shits itself and i lose my income.
>>t.fomo'd in at the tippy top

>> No.49433860

>Live at home with parents
>Work in family business earning well over $200k
>Only make $15k even though I do basically everything
>Want a house since... That's a thing adults should have???
>"Anon you aren't ready yet"
>Ask parents for a raise so I can move out
I hate being alive

>> No.49433979

>Foreclosure amnesty ends in September of 2022
Midterms are coming. they will push it out past Nov.

>> No.49434051

The thing that makes me mad about single family homes being rented out is they quickly get destroyed and landlords rightful don't want to do any expensive upgrades. If a home is rented out for 20 years. It need tens of thousands of dollars of repairs.

>> No.49434095
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>pls no bully
was a tough situation with a new wife/baby and wanting to move closer to family. ive got a couple hundred k in savings, so worst case scenario i should be able to escape to the trailer park. still sucks knowing i bought at the worst possible time and that my equity will probably disappear soon. at least i got in while rates were still okay. best of luck out there, anons.

>> No.49434186
File: 196 KB, 671x700, 900K+ Homes in Phoenix Area.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a pic of Phoenix with the min price set to $900k. I don't think their are enough buyer who can afford a $900k house. But there are a fuck ton. If I remove the boundary of Phoenix's city limits with get scottdale which triples the number of houses over $900k. There is no way there are enough people to buy these homes.

>> No.49434218

then you have to quit and start you own company.

>> No.49434227
File: 268 KB, 845x700, 900K+ Homes in Phoenix Area Wider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There where so many homes over $900k it removed some of of the dots.

>> No.49434270

>~70% of companies fail after 3 years...

>> No.49434306

so be one of the 30%

>> No.49434324

googled that date, still dont understand
some1 ebsplein

>> No.49434325

The creation of the Federal Reserve and the introduction of the income tax have been a disaster for American liberty

>> No.49434361

I don't think the water is safe to drink
There's fucked up shit in that well

>> No.49434377
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I bought a house in 2009 with hardly any money down. It was a little bit of a fixer-upper (nothing major) and a foreclosure, so I got a great deal on it by today's standards. I can't imagine trying to buy a house these days. I helped some friends from out of state house hunt a couple of years ago and it was brutal even then.

>> No.49434425

>ive got a couple hundred k in savings
you just bought an overpriced cuckshed and you still have 'couple hundred ks' wtf you fucks doing? is everyone wealthy here?

Im just butthurt as fuck as Im getting old and still cant afford housing. fuck this shit.
ex divorce raped me, my crypto investments sucked, I never sold the tops and held like a retard.

Im royally butthurt. Good luck anyways but I hope for a housing crash otherwise I will rentcuck until I die.

>> No.49434475

>my crypto investments sucked, I never sold the tops and held like a retard.
your own fault. dont hate because you got greedy.

>> No.49434604
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Prajeets do joint families.
>move to country
>Family A gets mortgage and moves into house
>Family B C and D move in
>you now have 4 family incomes paying off 1 house
>house gets paid
>Mortgage house
>put deposit on 2nd house
>Family A and B stay in house 1, C and D move into house 2
>everyone keeps paying
>rinse and repeat
>sucks for a few years, but after a while every family has a paid house
The "move out at 18" meme is what fucks you.
NEVER pay rent. Always pay a mortgage instead of rents.

>> No.49434823

I'll hand it to them. The family A stays together and B they help each other out.

Same can be said for US Boomer family's. Fuck high divorce rates. Send kids out for worthless degrees to get tens of thousands of debt.

>> No.49434996
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can't speak for everyone, but i'm 36 and have been doing remote saas sales for the better part of a decade. only recently started making multi-six figures annually, though.
>didn't take profits
big oofs there. but i think you're going to get your wish for a crash. not sure if it'll be bigger than 08, which only dropped 15ish% if memory serves.

>> No.49435310

I have cash for 20% down payment but have no credit.

I got my first credit card a couple months ago so for now I'm just paying the credit jew and waiting. How long does it take for a FICO score to get generated?

>> No.49435324

Any anon have any advice on taking a 30 year mortgage for a long term home vs 15 year for a starter home?

>> No.49435410

>30 year mortgage vs 15 year
I've only heard of boomer who sold their stater home for a profit getting a 15 year loan with +50% down.
Honestly to can make a 30 year loan a 15 year just by paying more each month.

>> No.49435428

A 30 year mortgage is better. Sure, I can afford to do 15 years but I'd rather invest the money that I would've spent on the larger monthly payment. You can always make extra payments on your 30 year mortgage if you're retarded and want to pay your house off sooner.

>> No.49435489

>you got greedy.
I ate the hodl meme whole...
>remote saas sales
sounds based and comfy as fuck. I think 2008 crashed around 30% but couple years later it was back again. You probably bought a nice house, if the market sharts you will still hold something of a value 400k and 2-3 years later it will be back or higher than your entry price.
Hardly a lost situation, I wouldnt waste nights of sleeping over this.

In 6-10 years 1 million is going to be the normalized price of a small family home. This shit is crazy.
I might have to resort to build myself a container house.

>> No.49435596

>getting married
Exact same financial wrecklessness as waiving inspection.

>> No.49435682

take a 30 and pay more each month than the minimum to shave off some years

>> No.49435738

Data mining glowfag thread.

I own 1488 houses and rent them all to white nuclear families. Get fucked glowniggers.

>> No.49435802

I work in engineering as a new grad :(. Sadly, not very much money here

>> No.49435846

Lmao redditors really are shitting up this place

>> No.49435848

Could buy a house in cash today but I wont.
Having a negative cash-flowing asset isn't worth it to me when I can just pay 5% of market value per year and keep my productive assets growing or having cash for a crash.

Buying a house is retarded... and I used to develop real estate for a living.

>> No.49435953

not that it matters because prices go up like 10% a month so I'm basically fucked.

>> No.49435976

>Could buy a house in cash today but I wont.
2 points
First wait for the crash. Many areas are lower prices or cooling off
2nd you would be better off taking out a loan. You'll save money because of inflation and If the money you currently have is doing well don't pull it out now.

>> No.49436034

Just keep looking bro. No pressure but if you have a wedding without a home she will 100 percent be riding some else's cock by years end. Homes are only going up from here don't listen to rentoids coping cause their mom let them watch the big short.

>> No.49436171

My only concern with taking a 30 year and paying more monthly is that shit happens in life and you might miss a few months here and there. I do agree that you can put more money in the market consistently though but you'd hopefully have to make more on your earnings that the interest rate on the load.
Why would paying more per month on a 30 year be retarded? Wouldn't the goal be to be debt free ASAP?

>> No.49436321

>My only concern with taking a 30 year and paying more monthly is that shit happens in life
Your monthly payment is less. So have some extra savings if something comes up. When you have extra money pay extra on your mortgage. If you have a 15 year loan it will cost more a month.
>why would paying more per month on a 30 year be retarded?
At the moment inflation is high. In 30 years home will be worth 4x want it currently is.

>> No.49436331

For the third time in this thread, I received an unofficial "home inspection" I value far more than what a "home inspector" would tell me. It's been a funny situation talking to local realtors. "Oh, it's a terrible decision to wave the inspection." Next breath: "yeah good luck getting a house if you ask for an inspection." Well, since nwords like yourself are so useless, I solved the problem on my own.

And actually my fiancée and I, who have only ever been with each other, are ecstatic about the wedding and spending the rest of our lives together raising a family

>> No.49436381

The low fixed interest rates were defiantly a double edged sword. 4k monthly payment is now like 7k. Some people are feel trapped.

>> No.49436408

I don't have a reddit account faggot, I don't even know how to navigate the site when someone links there

>> No.49436417

>wave the inspection
Why would a selling want the buyer to wave the inspection. If shit is broken... I don't want to spend another 10k fixing it.

>> No.49436421

Until they dont

>> No.49436433

We actually had one that seems too good to be true pop up this morning. Going to fix our mistakes from yesterday and do our best to get it

>> No.49436481

Imagine not getting an inspection. Maybe next time ask your wife’s bull instead of her lol

>> No.49436491
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>over leveraged myself
You and everyone else. Hoe you don't get called.

>> No.49436510

i have a 600k condo in chelsea, ma. it was a bad investment. already trying to move to suburbs or full rural.

>> No.49436537

Bro if I ask for an inspection and they take my offer, they have to fix something if the inspector finds it. If I waive it, they say peace out and run away with cash, and I have to deal with any problems that arise.

But my father was more thorough than your standard home inspection when we blocked off time to look at the house. And the one or two things he couldn't check have a reasonable price cap in the worst case scenario which we factored into our finances

>> No.49436566

Wow, yet another gaping-mouthed retard

>> No.49436579

Tucson prices won’t be coming back down I fear. This place has experienced incredible growth due to Cali fags. I sold a house last year for 390k profit, and have been waiting for a sound investment opportunity but they just keep going up and up…

>> No.49436582

I'm one of the lucky millennials (born 88) to get a starter home a couple years ago just before things got really expensive. Still ended up buying a shit neighborhood. Once things started exploding I had enough equity and income to buy a house in a good neighborhood of which I'll hold until I retire. Sorry you all got done dirty, it's disgusting my starter home I got for $250k is now $450k.

>> No.49436612

There are a lot of things we could do ourselves for pretty cheap if they went wrong in general, we and family friends have a lot of equipment and tools and experience and manpower

>> No.49436658

If you bid way above everyone else you were definitely bidding above appraisal and you're expected to come up with the difference on top of your down payment.

>> No.49436679

Why would you want to be debt free ASAP? The money you make from investing even in conservative things will outpace the interest rate on your mortgage.
>At the moment inflation is high. In 30 years home will be worth 4x want it currently is.
Exactly. My house is already worth almost $150k more than what I paid for it last year February.

>> No.49436769

Here's why I want to pay off my mortgage early: I don't want to be forced to word a high wage (aka high stress) job forever. I want to milk my high wage job for a few years then move to something more relaxing but pays less but not necessarily sacrifice my standard of living. Plus events like Covid where sudden job loss and massive inflation is going to keep happening. If you're running the treadmill you'll end up with one of those people who can't afford their mortgage.

>> No.49436822

27 & bought my house last august. Was a shithole with 30years of nicotine smoke covered on every inch of the house. Had a dumpster dropped in the driveway day of closing.

Spent every waking moment outside of work fixing her up for 3 months. Me n my cat living the good life now

>> No.49436824

>I got for $250k is now $450k
I don't hate you anon.
>searching for a home
>house just came on the market
>go out to see it
>old boomer came out to greet me
>talk about the year he bought it
>all improvements he did
>he felt bad for selling for so much
>needed the money for his wife's failing health

>> No.49436871
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>A newly constructed house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Living room, Dining room, Kitchen, running water, private entrance, and Front and Back porches which sit on 1(one) lots of land and come with lots of space in a cozy neighborhood.



>> No.49436994
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>> No.49436995

I think it's better to have enough in crypto, stocks, etc to be able to pay off my house than to actually cash out early unless I really have to. I see what you're saying though. Peace of mind in having a fully paid off house is worth a little something.
That's a ripoff. My father built a much bigger house than that in Nigeria and it didn't cost more than $120k.

>> No.49437049

>are there any jobs in Liberia?
>is it anything to do in Liberia?
>is there regular brown outs in Liberia?
>am I going to get stabbed in Liberia?
>is my daughter and wife going to get raped in Liberia?
>will the US drone bomb my house because it looks too good?

>> No.49437056

I'm not putting my money directly into it outside of the +10% additional towards principle which in itself cuts off years on the loan. I'm saving up assets until I have enough to pay off the house outright then I'll do it.

>> No.49437141

There are some rebel military groups with cannibal child soldiers, but it's unlikely that'd you run into any problems. Plus, if you are a work from home Chad, what do you care about jobs in the area?

>My father built a much bigger house than that in Nigeria and it didn't cost more than $120k.
Yeah, well, if you subtract the labour cost in building a house you'd consider every real state listing a ripoff

>> No.49437313

I have a house. It’s cheap by American standards. But I’d like to get bigger house.

The selection of homes with 4 or more bedrooms is microscopic and it sucks ass. How do Mexicans do it?

>> No.49437395

>3 people to a room
>fake tax records
>work 3 jobs

>> No.49437413

US$700 per acre lot
Holy shit, that's a steal. You can buy 4 acres to turn into a farm for 2.8k


>> No.49437512

I might should have asked how mormons do it. But needing a 4br is actually quite annoying when virtually every cookie cutter house built is a 3br

>> No.49437624

>pay 10% of wage to church
>church buys land tax free
>you build on church land
>you live tax free

>> No.49437644

a-anon IT is the new bubble…

>> No.49437654

I want them to suffer

>> No.49437711

very based, fren. Happy for you and your cat. I wish to live that life someday too.

>> No.49437712

My land taxes are virtually zero. They have no power here

>> No.49438427


>> No.49438563

On 15 August 1971, the United States terminated convertibility of the US dollar to gold, effectively bringing the Bretton Woods system to an end and rendering the dollar a fiat currency.

>> No.49439387

wasn't that done in 1913?

>> No.49439677

A nice piece here. I recently bought a land on sports metaverse at 0.2ETH, geeting ready to get connected with my favourite sports Icon, Romelu Lukaku

>> No.49439742

i sold a shitload of link, linkpool and yfi at damn near the top of the run - bought a house for 150k over asking in cash. no inspection.
did i buy the top? possibly. do i care? not one bit. got my 20+ acres and currently setting my wife and myself up for a comfy life. got a pond, woods, deer, well water, solar, kit, and a mountain of compost. after a few more months of prep and supplies, the globohomo and leftists are free to ruin the country. i'll be cozy in my sanctuary and you can all kiss my ass.

>> No.49439757

I bought a house in 2019 for 1 million and now it's 2 million.

>> No.49440295

Thank you kind ser. Believe in yourself and set goals you can do anything

>> No.49440492

Thanks just bought 50 footballs