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49404581 No.49404581 [Reply] [Original]

Hey channers, I have 10K of my savings to invest in crypto. Any recommendation? No shitcoins

>> No.49404596

Look up raptoreum.

>> No.49404646


>> No.49404742
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this is an automated spambot thread

>> No.49404809


>> No.49404935

Stupid faggot

>> No.49405025
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I have nothing more to say to you than telling you I only invest in NFT games and metaverse atm as the crypto market looks very shitty. Sports metaverse is what I am currently investing in. To access the metaverse you need to be a land owner and I already bough in the private sales which is closed but public sales I think will happen towards end of June.

>> No.49405090
File: 65 KB, 569x750, oldjuror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir... the village sir

>> No.49405211

Yes, take a look at these:

CNDL- a new POS L1 with 80k TPS, 0 transaction fees, EVM compatible, 2 second finality, built to host metaverses

0xMR- Building a private bridge from Ethereum to BNB chain

ATRI- ATARI games and metaverse token.

>> No.49405447
File: 99 KB, 600x800, scoobydoo_reveal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried the BSC, shit got good recommendation in there. I found ORE and its been a jolly good ride.

>> No.49405603

Just go for low caps anon
I did suggest

>> No.49405945

Minds token

>> No.49405977

Mostlikely the safest bet but the dip is inviting and there are very profiyable lowcaps on the block like

>> No.49406010
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Just hold on, BTC going below 20k pretty soon.

>> No.49406280

I got on ORE when it partnered to make use of RFOX to secure Rfox platform users' identity.

>> No.49406330

Op said no shitcoins, retards.

50% BTC, 25% ETH, 25% LINK

>> No.49406346

ORE??, Red pill me more pleb

>> No.49406384


>> No.49406413

I will recommend you look into Lox. A network that's building a hybrid Blockchain that uses a POA consensus and curbing mobile theft

>> No.49406422

Kek, sucker, wtf is this

>> No.49406449

>10K savings
How do you resist the urge to not spend it all?

>> No.49406471

Anatha, but you'll have to hold for six months before anything new happens. It's an extremely under the radar project and dev team is reworking the whole project. 100k is extremely cheap but to actually stake it you'll have to lock that up into their app.

>> No.49406498
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That's decent anon, heard ORE partnered with LIQUID, SpiderDAO and FUFU as well, don't know if I'm right

>> No.49406581
File: 59 KB, 741x526, Meta x Lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you'd consider a project in which Meta is investing as a shitcoin.

Meta has been wanting to invest hard into the entire Metaverse & it's development. And Lace does exactly just that.

>> No.49406725

Imagine unironically falling for pictures like that

>> No.49406785

Go for passive income streams anon, ORE-ALBT pool on Allianceblock offer upto 180% APY, don't sleep on this or die poor faggot

>> No.49407099
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1624555672394[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORE is a blockchain for optimized identity and asset management with the most sought after identity management product ORE ID. Dyor

>> No.49407120


>> No.49407224

Ser you need Railgun is much needed privacy coin, buy coin Vishnu bless you kind ser.

>> No.49407258

Jeet shills replying to each other, kek.
You subhuman shitskins are so predictable.

>> No.49407398
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Get the fuck off here ranjesh, y'all have roaches crawl up your ass when a solid one is talked about. run up to shibainuobamasonic shicoin now.

>> No.49407413

I have 10k savings as well. There's not much worth buying. It's not even being greedy or good with money, just anhedonic.

>> No.49407624

Dyor on TXA and participate in the ongoing airdrop and pre-staking program.

>> No.49407661

redpill me on Ore

>> No.49407699


>> No.49407715

>entire thread is Telegram shills shilling Ore, a shitcoin down 97% from ATH and sitting comfortably near ATL
What do you guys make a day? $5?

>> No.49407793
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>Filthy pajeet hands typed this.
Hope you at least get your daily bowl of rice for shilling your worthless shit scams here with your trash friends, human garbage.

>> No.49407937
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You need your meds good ser?

>> No.49407960
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>> No.49407964


>> No.49407982

What's TXA about?

>> No.49407985

Invest in LOX , thank me later

>> No.49407995 [DELETED] 

Ore Network is a project on course of identity and portfolio management and it has been running this service over a period of time, its tool ORE ID is getting the necessary adoption as time goes by, you can extend your research to read more about it

truly it is, its one of those adoption of the ORE ID and already it should have over up to 170k accounts created if not more than

>> No.49408041

I guess you are comfortable with that but I'll not chase high APY in Defi anymore. High APY are gamed so the earlier the better. I'm currently staking LOX at 80%. Solid as a security based project

>> No.49408057
File: 1.83 MB, 498x280, 43245778653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ore Network is a project on course of identity and portfolio management and it has been running this service over a period of time, its tool ORE ID is getting the necessary adoption as time goes by, you can extend your research to read more about it

truly it is, its one of those adoption of the ORE ID and already it should have over up to 170k accounts created if not more than

>> No.49408238

No ser I just need my coin ores and redfoxes many moons very good ride going -98% partnerships coming

>> No.49408326

Stupid faggot, GTF

>> No.49408385

You only get $3, huh?

>> No.49408572

hey you retard, the entire market is badly hit and even ETH and other bigger projects are struggling, Ore or whatsoever is not an exception, so SFTU

>> No.49408582

Forget the Apys, I'd rather get my hands on TXAD, you know the TXA governance token with lots of benefits and voting rights for when the DAO finally goes live.

>> No.49408648

it is better you join the Ore Network train now or you'd never make it alive out of your fucking shithole retard

>> No.49408855
File: 7 KB, 263x191, imes (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in NFT games
I agree with you anon, nft is the new oil well as Qanplatform allows seamless deployment of web3 applications, DeFi protocols, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), or Metaverse solutions.

>> No.49408934

>Metaverse solutions
Metaverse is not a reality yet anon. Fuck off and stop shilling shit

>> No.49409228

>even ETH
Gas fees fucks as hell. I'll rather get my ass fucked on QANX than lick some ETH ass

>> No.49409321

FUFU is needed for the creation of sponsored quizzes and minting NFT

>> No.49409337
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Qanx is your safest bet faggot or you are not gonna make it.

>> No.49409437
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Says a pageet that's gonna get rekt if he doesn't bag some UTK

>> No.49409487
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>on QANX
Oh yeah Like a juicy wet pussy, dicks are getting hard as jeet's IoT devices can communicate
and interoperate among each other

>> No.49409488
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>> No.49409733

No shitty delays for fags.
QAN private blockchain only takes 5 minutes, allowing developers to test their metaverse project on the its platform within minutes via Rapid cloud platform deployment

>> No.49410305 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 110x125, 1654175331902s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORE is listed on Bitmart bizfren, plays a role in identity and theft management as well. Just dyor

>> No.49410614

literally every single post recommending a cryptocurrency on /biz/ is a paid pajeet shill or has fallen for a paid pajeet shill.

the only exceptions are bitcoin, ethereum and monero. Besides those , you should not invest in any project mentioned or talked about on /biz/. only invest in things that biz basically never talks about.

use /biz/ as a source of negative alpha. A filter to help you avoid bad investing decisions. when you find out about a project, before investing in it, check whether it has a general on biz or a bunch of posts recommending it in "what shouldI invest in ?" or "What's the next 100x" threads and if it does, don't invest in it. (except btc, eth and xmr)

>> No.49410715
File: 2 KB, 110x125, 1654175331902s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORE is listed on Bitmart bizfren and plays a huge role in identity and asset management

>> No.49411547

Kek, sucker looking for advice
Just invest in staking or farming, I'm currently farming ORE-ETH LP on Allianceblock with upto 55% APY. You can do the same bizfren

>> No.49411997

A Cex listing is a major boost for lowcap alts, the bitmart listing did a number on ORE if you think about it.

>> No.49412008


>> No.49412086

So you should participate in the pre-staking program that's the only way you can get the TXAD token.

>> No.49413096
File: 2 KB, 125x121, 1649173306117s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please only invest in solid gems. I recommend you use 5k and buy LOX. Its mass adoption is on the increase as the government is now partnering with them to combat mobile theft.

>> No.49413118
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the good thing is that the LM has been extended through June, another whole month of passive earning activated

>> No.49413876

I suggest you keep those stables and wait for observe how the market goes. While doing that, do some research on Subsquid as it's set to launch its token in the coming weeks, I kinda love what the web3 project is doing in making web3 more scalable.