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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49402567 No.49402567 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine believing this

>> No.49402584

isnt he the goldman sachs trader who said fx was rigged but if you bought his course you'd still be able to make money?vkek

>> No.49402587

its absolutely correct u poor pleb

freedom is an asset

unless u married and have 5 kids
then ur not free, u jailed

>> No.49402592

No idea but wouldn't be surprised

>> No.49402603

>believing that having 5 kids and being happily married means you're "jailed"

Fucking zoomers with broccoli hair infested this board

>> No.49402609
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Being able to move if niggers appear in your area not only saves you money, it can save your life.

>> No.49402614

That's exactly how rent is sold to the young who are indoctrinated daily by MUH FREEDOM propaganda

>> No.49402626

Except it's true. If I owned a house I never would have been able to move across the country to switch jobs.

>> No.49402641

It's an asset for those mith marketable skills and a liability for those without.

>> No.49402654

Yes you would retard you would just sell the house and buy a new one. Given market conditions you'd probably have made a really healthy profit as well.

>> No.49402664

This guy is trying to force blue pill down normies throats when they already swallow willingly. Nice abuse fag boy velekek

>> No.49402666

This is true and kind of why rich people often either buy multiple homes/apartments and even in some cases still rent one or multiple apartments.

>> No.49402673

>just sell the house bro
Spoken like a true rentcuck

>> No.49402677

Selling/buying property is only slightly more complicated then renting a place. They don't want you to know that

>> No.49402687

>noooo muh house is muh magical castle from my dreams
Are you a 12 year old girl. Try to be practical, this is /biz/ sir. If you need to sell you sell

>> No.49402744

what risk is there? does he think insurance doesnt exist?

>> No.49402764

>That's what wealthy people get, they understand that.
Tell it to Bill, he's been buying so much land he must have zero freedoms by now.

>> No.49402772

I seriously don't understand what you guys are talking about. There's nothing particularly strenuous about selling a house. If you are willing to pay a few percent more fee someone will handle the whole thing (and although the fees are a ripoff, home prices have still been rising at 10%+ per year for nearly a decade so you'd still have profited massively)

>> No.49402782

Yeah been thinking the same. Rich people care about their "freedom" so much they would buy every single piece of land if possible.

>> No.49402810

Don't worry anon, they're trading their freedoms away so we don't have to.

>> No.49402852

The usual rule is to lease depreciating assets and own appreciating assets.

>> No.49402885

My parents have worked hard all their life, to pay off a mortgage. Now in their 50s, house needs about £50k worth of repairs which will add about 10 more years onto the mortgage. By then it’ll need another £50k worth of repairs

So I’m not really sure this home ownership meme is really worth it at all

>> No.49402918

Unless they are paying some exorbitant scam interest rate a mortgage will always be cheaper than rent. Rent already includes the cost of repairs + profit for the owner. Over a lifetime of your parents life they will pay repairs either way, but with ownership they will own the house to leave to kids when they die while with rent all the profits went to someone else and they die with nothing

>> No.49402930

>I seriously don't understand what you guys are talking about. There's nothing particularly strenuous about selling a house. If you are willing to pay a few percent more fee someone will handle the whole thing (and although the fees are a ripoff, home prices have still been rising at 10%+ per year for nearly a decade so you'd still have profited massively)
Or if you cali-cuck then you can just boomer-style hold long term and pay taxes on purchase price

>> No.49402954

but I can literally walk out of the house I own and go rent somewhere anyway?
Owning a house is freedom + owning a house lol

>> No.49402966

Do you think maintenance is free?

>> No.49402978

How has their equity not kept up? Gen X was the last generation to profit from the housing scam

>> No.49403020

Dad is a construction worker.

>> No.49403063

Where did the maintenance meme come from. Renters pay maintenance too you just magically don't think about it because it's called rent and not maintenance + profit.

>> No.49403073

and for those that can't leech of their dad ?
my god these 97iq discussions

>> No.49403078

Learn some basic repair skills lmao pick up a fucking hammer and cave your head in retard

>> No.49403108

>inheritance meme
You realise what happens in this country when old people have to go to a care home right? any assets are taken as payment and liquidated. If you don’t have any, the government pays. In the end it made no difference if they were just renting
You don’t benefit if you only owned 1 house. And if you owned 2 houses you still lose because you pay capital gains when you sell, now can’t even buy back the same house.

Property market is a total meme. The only way people “get rich” is via credit, which is now becoming expensive. It’s over

The only W from this would be if my parents just sold and started renting, then they could use the money for retirement before carehome time

>> No.49403120

>i don't value my time
>tools and supplies cost 0$
a true pleb

>> No.49403143

How bad do they make the houses in muttland? I know it's all pine timber stapled together by mexicans but surely home maintenance isnt a huge investment of time and money for the average american?

>> No.49403156

In what fucking alternate universe do you live in which people that rent are expected to pay for maintenance on the house?

>> No.49403165

Priced into the rent retard. The renter doesn't literally pay the repair invoice

>> No.49403174

so you either larp or you are a complete subhuman retard and your father do absolutely everything

>> No.49403199

>the future is certain
oh look a surprise 10k$ in your ass from nowhere

>> No.49403215

??? I actually repair my fathers home sometimes when he asks, which is rarely because houses in my country are made of bricks and metal.

>> No.49403244

then how the fuck can't you assess the cost of things in time and money
>but muh amerimutt
i'm not an amerimutt either, there is something called the internet

>> No.49403277

Actual successful people fix their own homes and do projects all the time.
They enjoy it.

>> No.49403316

Weird cope
Actual successful people pay someone else to do the pleb tasks because their time are too valuable to do that stupid shit

>> No.49403328

Imagine not maximising your returns by leveraging the boons provided to you by lineage. Cope loser.

>> No.49403357

>Priced into the rent retard
Jesus Christ you're a moron. There is a reason not everyone that owns a house just rents it out instead of just selling it because "hurr durr maintenance is priced into the rent". If the house is empty then you still have to maintain it. Are unpredictable periods of vacancy in which you pay for maintenance and insurance priced into rent? What if the neighborhood goes to shit and causes the value of the property to depreciate? How long does it take for you to recoup the cost of your initial investment? 10 years until you start to make profit?
Yeah, it's great if you just inherit a bunch of properties in some rich neighborhood that is looked after by some property management firm and you have predictable margins that haven't changed in the past few years. But that's like arguing that every stock is a safe investment because there are some people that made billions buying Amazon after the dot com crash.

>> No.49403361

if you could afford a house then maintenance is nothing

>> No.49403366

I'm worth six million easy and built my own chicken coop.
I know richer people that do the same type of stuff.
When you administer a business or some other such all day it is a relaxation and also a INNER DRIVE to physically build and manipulate the world.
It's LEISURE activity you absolute mong.
Yes, I hire many things done. But that doesn't preclude me from enjoying fixing something myself.

Right now I'm paying for an entire house to be remodeled.
But I also just let out and fed the chickens myself.

>> No.49403377

>be me
>own a condo
>job asks me to move to another state
>go to realtor say I want to sell
>get 2 offers almost immediately
>wait a week
>10 total offers
>sell the place for 100k more than I paid
>use that 100k to put a down payment on the next condo I am moving to
Wow that was hard

>> No.49403394

this is somewhat true though if you think about it

>> No.49403408

Its true, but it's also about perspective. Paying rent when you hop location every year makes sense. Paying rent when you've lived and worked in the same area for the last 10 years and have no intention of ever leaving is retarded. Stability, or lack thereof, is the difference maker.

>> No.49403440

>implying i'm not also building things but in completely different fields
i know that you want to talk about yourself but i don't give a shit, i talk about principles not anecdotes

>> No.49403459

you did great anon.
now what if the market is stagnant or worse and/or you are unlucky with surprise maintenance costs?

>> No.49403463

You denial that successful and rich people don't build things makes it clear you've never even been successful enough to go over to one of their houses.
If you ever achieve this. you'll see that almost every one has something they are doing they could easily hire out.
They are doing it for enjoyment, hobby, relaxation.

>> No.49403465

>100k for down payment on new condo.
u see what you did there right?

>> No.49403477

>wealthy people understand that
No shit, for wealthy people renting/buying is a choice. Of course this guy doesn't get it.

>> No.49403479

anton kriel

yes it is, i like him.
but like all those in successful or portraying success, they never mention survivorship bias or luck.
hard work and smarts are already a given to anyone with a brain. but he does breakdown certain basic structures in a satisfying way if youre fresh to trading.

>> No.49403488

successful positions or portraying success*

>> No.49403492

homie literally out here trying to convince us that paying rent is an asset? get the fuck out of here. going to buy every house available with my bag of matic.

>> No.49403498

>now what if the market is stagnant
I have bought 3 condos in my life at various times in the last 15 years the process has never taken more than 2 weeks from start to finish. Granted I have lived in places with high demand but I specifically chose to live in these places for that reason.
> surprise maintenance costs
You pay maintenance fees with a condo that cover everything. There are no "surprises". It's not like a house where the previous owner will try to hide repairs in the house you can't do that with condos

>> No.49403507

>u see what you did there right?
I don't have to put 100k. Where I have lived it is as little as 25k but that wasn't part of OP's logic which is 100% about the freedom to move.

>> No.49403574

What about the shitty rent agreements that force you to pay a penalty if you don't want to live there a whole year? You can buy a house and sell it the next month but you can't rent for just one month.

>> No.49403593

this is true. you have never had to deal with a beach house after a hurricane
i have been paying for my dad's lack of location freedom my whole life.
not to say its not worth it, but while others were going on vacation for spring break I was fixing up our old beach house which turned to a rental property making it all nice, neat, and pretty for the next batch of wagies coming in for their summer vacation to give us $5k a week

>> No.49403599

oh OP is totally full of shit with that pic rel.
freedom lives in growth curves, no one knows what actually feeling a burden is until a downturn.

thats when your home feels like the prison you cant escape. your family looks like nothing but snapping mouths full of daggers.
when the legs get heavy and palms like sghetti.
when the weight of risk displacement youve carried like an anchor around your neck begins to pull you deeper into the mud you trudge through.
only rats win rat races.

>> No.49403679

he is not wrong about having more freedom when renting. if you move around a lot it doesn't make sense to buy. once you have a clear goal in mind then you buy a house/apartment. freedom ain't free as they say.

>> No.49403681

This is true though. Anyone who buys now is going to wish they were renters in a couple of months.

>> No.49403692

If you consider how much you need to buy 1 house then yes rent is better than owning. Paying 2k a month for a house worth 500k is smart. (Only if you are planning to move out in the next years)
Owning house isn't jus purchase price but purchase price + renovation costs + fornitures + taxes + maintenance cost + renovation costs if you plan to sell...
It depends upon your net worth and what you do

>> No.49403728

>broccoli hair

>> No.49403736

If you have other wealth it's an asset. But for poors a mortgage is usually the only way they can build wealth besides a retirement fund.

>> No.49403805
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>If I owned a house I never would have been able to move across the country to switch jobs.
this better be a larp

>> No.49403844

>Retirement fund
Imagine believing this crap; Italian retirement plan is a Ponzi scheme, workers are forced to pay it and they use their money to pay retired people + average retirement payment is 800 euros...

>> No.49403846
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>What about the shitty rent agreements that force you to pay a penalty if you don't want to live there a whole year?
If your at that guys level you can probably just eat the cost. A lot of these guys rent fully furnished places too. They also don't have time to deal with managing property, to them renting is like contracting their living arrangement out. Refrigerator breaks? Just text the management company and it will be fixed in a day or two. If you rent you should be living minimalist and chasing money.

>You can buy a house and sell it the next month but you can't rent for just one month.
You'll lose money, baring the past two years usually you need to hold a house for 3-5 years to break even. There are more associated costs to ownership than just the buy price.

>> No.49403861

You know that this way you are just a victim of housing markets fluctuations right ?

>> No.49403925

>Do you think maintenance is free
most of the many places ive rented tend to do the absolute bare minimum of that even when it's in their interest to do so. two of the places had water leaking in them, for months / a year. one was actually pretty funny because it started to form a blister under the flat in the carpark as the water lifted the layer of paint on the ceiling of the carpark. it ended up frigging huge, like three four feet across and would drip for hours after i got out the shower. id informed the letting agent and landlord many months prior to that and they did absolutely nothing about it. so if they go to sell it and it's wrecked the floor, not my problem. or if they manage to palm it off without someone else noticing the damage, not theirs. but ultimately the building was being (effectively) willfully damaged, in both examples. that was a leaky tap and a leaky shower drain. both easy fixes.
>ideal investment opportunity!

>> No.49403951

If your landlord doesn't do shit you can hire someone for the repairs and deduct it from your rent and if it exceeds your rent you can send the bill to your landlord.

>> No.49403967

if you have boomer parents and they have just left money to sit in the account for decades, you might want to consider bringing up the tricky
>it'd be more useful now
topic because as anon says, someone somewhere will try to liquidate it out of them somehow if it's just left for easy taking; e.g. (even though it's a bad example to bring up) all the scammy adverts going on about how it costs $100k for a funeral etc, but they can have peace of mind for just 50. they'll end up in a cardboard box and you'll end up with zero help in life going that route.

>> No.49403982

>capital gains
you only pay capital gain on gain, and it's less than 100% of the gain.

>> No.49403997

>home maintenance
i dunno why they bother. so many of them are basically built to be disposable they may as well let it run down, doze it and rebuild the whole fucker

>> No.49404003

>Ponzi scheme
Yeah, I've always wondered if when some millennials start retiring in 30 years if they'll start fucking with it like they've been trying with social security. I could totally see them messing with the tax status or something.

>> No.49404042

>i dunno why they bother. so many of them are basically built to be disposable they may as well let it run down, doze it and rebuild the whole fucker

Because Americans treat the house as the appreciating asset not fully understanding why it appreciates the way it dose.

>> No.49404060

>Actual successful people pay someone else to do the pleb tasks because their time are too valuable to do that stupid shit
this topic is too complex to get into via a phone post and here but given the way the building code is changing, the net zero no gas approach and the cost of things like the insulation and thermal systems that need installing, you would be wise to familiarise yourself will as many details as possible and maybe consider doing those stages yourself. if you hand it to a builder who then hands it to a day labourer, you can end up spending tens of thousands for something that doesn't actually work very well at all and may damage the building over time; because things like the newer insulation systems are purposefully not breathable, so if gas phase water can get behind them, it'll condense and rot whatever is behind there out. ive seen maaaaaaaaany examples and people are only just starting to realise the beginning of it.

>> No.49404070

Been there done that. The owner was upset with me, he said "i could have done it cheaper." I answered "not my problem, i told you 4 months ago".
Now enjoying my 8th month rent free

>> No.49404092

kek at millennial incels like you, you're never having sex grandpa.

>> No.49404104

This isn't wrong though. It all comes down to preference.
Owning for the sake of owning is for people who just follow the herd and don't know what else to do with their money.
Owning your home doesn't produce income and it's a big upfront cost especially when you have to furnish it. If it still makes sense for you then go for it but 1 size fits all approach to investing is for plebs.

>> No.49404116

There are two kinds of American houses.
Those you spoke of which you literally must maintain constantly or they'll fall apart in a few years.
But there are also millions of houses built in the 40s and 50s that need maintenance now and then but it keeps them going for another 100 years probably.

The problem is that selling a good house in the USA is nearly impossible.
I had a 1940s, fully brick house. Everything in it solid as a rock.
Newer appliances, could withstand a hurricane. Heat and cool are both held by the house seasonally lowering bills, etc.
Got $145,000 out of it.
$145,000 is baseline for houses made of twigs in the new trendy neighborhood.

You could buy a historically significant home of 5,000 sq ft, made entirely of brick in my run down river town for 45,000 (lots of fix up to do).
No buyers for years.

>> No.49404303
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>> No.49404589

His "course" is literally just his intern teaching you how to use excel and yahoo finance

>> No.49404677

>pay less on mortgage per month than rent for the same place
>if you really want to be a rentcuck, then go rent somewhere while also renting out your house and making profit

>> No.49404695

it's more than that. you get to learn to invest using a global macro strategy and he schools you on what indicators are actually important (hint: it's not ta). most of it isn't really applicable to the average investor, tho. so it's not really worth the price.

>> No.49404976

>I would rather pay 2 million to purchase a bughive pod than to rent it for a couple of months and then move out when I find something better

>> No.49405039

>You know that this way you are just a victim of housing markets fluctuations right ?

i currently neet and pay zero. im about to bid on somewhere that is about a third to a fifth of the price normies have been splurging their mortgages to get.

screencap this
>the temporary fixed rate mortgages are going to start unlocking, and the providers are going to start raping the interest rates
it's only a matter of time before the waves of
>sheeeeeit...... how has my mortgage jumped to $2000 a month
start appearing. there have already been a few examples posted here. there a many more on the way. buying on a mortgage right now is one of the dumbest ideas possible. the banks not there to do customers favours.

>> No.49405047

>location freedom
What kind of Jewish nonsense is this

>> No.49405075
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imagine NOT believing this
imagine being OP, desperate to pay 16 Bitcoin for a property now, not realising renting the same property for 15 years would cost 1.6 Bitcoins, and for 30 years would cost under 2.5 Bitcoin
lrn2timepreference u twat

>> No.49405113

The same kind of nonsense that has people pay for a bus ticket instead of just buying the bus. People that don't understand what service landlords provide are legitimately braindamaged.

>> No.49405179
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>kek at millennial incels like you, you're never having sex grandpa.
waaaaaaaa ka weeechy toka wonka chu.
i will buy your sister at the market and have her service my fleshlight collection young jed'e'wooshu....

>> No.49405197

How do you profit if everything around you increased

>> No.49405232

>The problem is that selling a good house in the USA is nearly impossible.
unfortunately that applies in lots of places, the uk also. people arent fundamentally interested in stuff like the insulation performance currently. you should avoid spending the bigger cash on a build or refurbishment unless you plan to on it in perpetuity.

>> No.49405521

He's conflating the financial and regular definitions of "asset".

>> No.49405750

Rent paid in advance is an asset, rent owed is a liability. How this penis has the word "Accountant" in their title I'm not sure.

>> No.49405847

public infrastructure is a completely different issue and not applicable at all here retard.

>> No.49405852

>and although the fees are a ripoff, home prices have still been rising at 10%+ per year for nearly a decade so you'd still have profited massively
he's not against buying houses you dweep, he's saying you shouldn't get a massive mortgage and instead buy it entirely with cash to avoid having liabilities
he then tells you that instead you should be setting up businesses so you can actually buy infrastructure yourself

>> No.49405891

do you make money from it

>> No.49406035

It is applicable. They're both rent based systems. Public or private ownership makes no difference here.

>> No.49406075

It's an 'asset' because any house I can buy as an ausfag is enormously overvalued and every mortgage is variable.
I'm not going to be on the hook for a million dollars when the bubble bursts.

>> No.49406076

As a home owner I have the same freedom because I can just leave my home at any time and rent it out to a rent cuck whenever I like

>> No.49406328

It makes a huge difference. It's detrimental for society AND for the individual for every single person to own a fucking bus. One of the only legitimate uses for government is public transportation, and when done well, allows people the freedom of CHOICE. Ideally public transportation should be free but with niggers that impossible, but in a well devolped society, for most citizens, there would be no reason to own a personal vehicle

I hate living in America, because Im FORCED to buy a car, you literally cannot participate in society if you dont have a car. Equating rent to a fee to access public transportation is sub zero IQ logic.

>> No.49406803

>It's detrimental for society AND for the individual for every single person to own a fucking bus.
You're missing the point. They could buy a car which would have far less of whatever detrimental impact you're imagining but they don't. Why? Because some people don't drive much and the insurance and fuel they'd pay on it would be wasted. They also don't want to spend money and time on maintaining a car. Or they don't have a driver's license.
Why don't people just buy homes wherever they go? Maybe they want to move next to their workplace to save time but aren't sure whether they will stay with the company indefinitely. Maybe an inner-city premium spot is prohibitively expensive to buy. Maybe the type of work they do requires them to move a lot as part of the job description. Maybe they don't want to deal with maintenance cost and the paperwork associated with owning a property. Maybe they know that they're only going to stay temporarily for the next couple of months or years and already have their sight set on a property somewhere else. Maybe they know that they're going to inherit a property in the future and they have no reason to invest into a second one right now so they would rather find something that isn't going to eat into their savings.

>I hate living in America, because Im FORCED to buy a car
Imagine living in a place where you are FORCED to buy a fucking apartment whenever you move to a new city or are just looking for a change in scenery.
You're legitimately one of the dumbest people I've ever talked to on /biz/ if you don't understand why anyone would prefer renting instead of buying. Renting is the "freedom of choice" option you mentioned because the market doesn't just have to serve customers that want to stay permanently in one place and be committed to the property they bought but there are also people that are just looking for a place to stay temporarily and want something a little more sophisticated than a hotel room.

>> No.49406944

I am 32 and my girlfriend (24) is pregnant with my child. Cope harder zoomer.

>> No.49407027

He's clearly not wrong.
Being tied down is a liability. If owning and renting were equally expensive, everybody would be renting.

>> No.49407294

Im in favor of rent mongoloid, Im just saying the comparison to rent with transportation is retarded

>> No.49407530

In a way people are kind of fooled by the association of rent with being extorted on their housing, simply because that is how landlording appears. It appears as more arbitrary than other forms of ownership because big landlords just use property managers who get a fee, so it stands to reason that with scale landlords become superfluous. At the margins landlords can serve a function as kind of speculative developers, they buy up marginal housing at a low value right now and try to upgrade it in the hopes that the local market is growing in value. But for bigger markets, the profit of the land owner looks like it is an arbitrary cut.

I think there is some truth to this, because you could imagine a scenario in which the bulk of the rental market was owned by something similar to the REITs and such that currently buy up rental properties, but instead of it being an investor run affair it was just run by the tenants. Big real estate investment vehicles already take a bunch of public savings (most directly in the form of pensions and retirement accounts) and buy housing with it for a profit. Instead, the money could just buy a housing stock for a service, the availability of low-cost quality housing spread across the country. You advance money to the entity, and it buys up housing stock to make available to the "investors". The rents are kept relatively low, and you are free to move between vacant units. Capital accounts would be necessary to keep a reasonable level of liquidity in case a tenant needs housing in an area the entity doesn't own stock, but for "investors" this would probably appear more like a deposit than an investment. The goal would just be low-cost housing options, not a return. But the longer you keep your money with the entity and stay "in-network", you could have your rent reduced over time to mimic ownership. So by retirement age you have near zero rent, maybe just property taxes on your unit.

>> No.49407680

It's true but this is exactly why only landowners were allowed to vote. Rentcucks have no real loyalty or obligation to the land and could not be trusted to vote for what they think is best for the land. If you have no skin in the game why should you get a say?

>> No.49407817

Imagine if you had friends and family and a community that actually meant something, you'd never be able to move across the country to switch jobs.

>> No.49408001

>Imagine living in a place where you are FORCED to buy a fucking apartment whenever you move to a new city
Welcome to every growing city in Sweden. It's actually pretty based as only locals who's been in the queue system for years can rent, but then they get price controlled rents so they don't get priced out. If you're slightly better off you just buy an apartment

>> No.49408183

Ah yes, a community of retards that you have to appease while they tie you down in the same place.

>> No.49408320

Americans are born suckers.

>> No.49408588

> you can leave anytime
>that is the asset
literally wrong
>break lease
>suddenly on the hook for 2 months rent as penalty
>Deposit held in escrow until penalty is paid
>ruined credit and inability to rent again in non-nigger apartments
those are LITERAL liabilities.

>> No.49408719
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>overleveraging your entire net worth into the most crowded trade in human history

>> No.49408775

I take repairs/upgrades to the extreme.
>finally find a god-tier renter
>contact them once a month "anything need fixed? upgraded?"
>first 2 months "nah we good"
>every month after that they "test" the waters
>um... newer dishwasher?
>suddenly $1200 bosch dishwasher
>um... oven?
>$2300 induction stove on its way!
also installed a tankless water heater, and when the AC died, replaced it with a Trane instead of the standard renter tier goodman.
>You're a stupid for spending that much money on your renters!
incorrect. when the lease came time to renew, I increased the rent $250/mo. and they agreed because they have a shit ton of new toys. they also stated because i either fixed it right or just upgraded them to keeping up with the jones' tier, thats why they didnt mind the extra.
But im about the only house now in the develpment that no longer has builder-grade anything in the house. So the house is now very sought after.

>> No.49408826
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having a family with ugly wife and retarded children is middle class lifestyle
to chads being middle class is as equally disgusting as being a tranny, which means pretty fucking disgusting
it looks good to you crusty poorfags because you're all low class so middle class looks like heaven but to an upper class like me it looks like hell
your heaven is my hell, your food is my shit
this is why i realise at certain point it's stupid to treat some "people" as fellow human beings, they should be stripped of their human rights
in my eyes there's no different between them, niggers and cockroaches

>> No.49408900

I'm getting close to my 30s, so yeah i Will bit a house and no,i dont want to love renting all my life

>> No.49409768

this must be why this guy is an AP accountant

>> No.49410698

>being happily married
He didn't say happily. Most married men I know are miserable. Its really because they married some fat pig.

>> No.49410835

Every fucking rental is a one year lease with ass raping early termination fees. Selling a house is easier than leaving a rental right now. Makes sense as landlords are desperate for the cash flow to prop up their equity loans.

>> No.49410939

>Most married men I know are miserable.
Because they're your typical cattle with zero asperations in life. Their lives are centered around consooming the latest capeshit or vidya. They're miserable because they lack purpose, not because they are married.

>> No.49411029

Rent control sucks because it usually leads to housing shortages and disincentivizes urban development. It also makes landlords complacent about maintaining their property. If everyone can afford paying rent on your housing, because it's capped, you can get away with only doing the absolute minimum amount that people are willing to tolerate for the rent they're paying and once those tenants are capped out on rent any additional work you put into your property is a waste of capital.

>> No.49411068

It's important to note that in the video Anton says this he follows up by saying you should aim to build wealth and buy a home for cash, not rent forever. He hates mortgages because he believes they are the biggest personal liability somebody can take on.

>> No.49411114

How do i earn on my rent you absolute mong?

>> No.49411150
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>I seriously don't understand what you guys are talking about. There's nothing particularly strenuous about selling a house.
You only ever have been around during the best of good times.
Good luck selling in a bear market when nobody will touch your house and holding on to it just means getting stuck with maintenance and further depreciation. The only people that come to inspect the place will hit you with massive low ball offers.

>> No.49411161

Its ok, I like busting my white genetics into negresses so from then on they'll share euro dna

>> No.49412223

How do you feel, knowing that she’s in it for the money… like she can at any time leave you and take have your shit and have you in child support for 18 years. She had the best sex in high school and it wasn’t you. Lmfao

>> No.49412253

Dumbass trad larping retards. Fucking christKEK. Yes you are a slave deal with it.

>> No.49412263

Homo erectus make the best music

>> No.49412291

No it's because life's a cunt and then retarded cunts like you come around and tell everyone JUST GET MARRIED BRO HAVE KIDS BRO. before they even figure shit out and then they become even more miserable.

>> No.49412305

It will be true very soon when millions of people are left bagholding houses in negative equity.

>> No.49412416

a more apt equivalent would be buying/leasing a car. leasing is also more retarded than buying

>> No.49412477

renting is borrowing a house and paying the interest which is typically ~7%
when i started thinking about it that way it bothered me less

>> No.49413363

she doesnt have to be fat for that, most marriages end up like this, back in the day men used to have authority over their wife and family and could keep women in check and minimize the worst aspects of their nature and nobody stuck their nose in other family business

>> No.49413711
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>> No.49413788

>can leave any time
>what is a lease

>> No.49413924

womean u be kill n rape n gore n death

>> No.49413989

>rent from me
>sign 1 or 2 year lease agreement
>walk out after 3 months
>lol anon you still owe me 9 months rent
>take you to court for remaining lease
>win because you signed in triplicate
>rent out property again for double the gains
Fucking retard

>> No.49414219

That might happen to you, it will not happen to me. She can't take shit since we're not getting married. Child support is not an issue as I will be part of the child's life. Best sex or not, I got her stuffed with MY baby and it is white so cope harder goyim.

Fucking amerifats.

>> No.49414312

He's right if you're a yuppy who makes enough money to live close to their workplace and still save for a house. Then because you have a 15 minute commute instead of a 2 hour commute, you get to put in an extra 10 hours a week for Mr. Shekelstein. If you consider working your ass off to pay for a Judeo-Bolshevik moneylaudnering cartel to be an asset then that's cool I guess.

>Spoken like a true rentcuck

Have you been in a coma for the past 3 years or something?

>> No.49414472
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Kek, you vill own NOTHING but you vill be free and happy

>> No.49414593

When you own a house, you pay these costs
>Property taxes
>Maintenance costs
>Cost of capital (mortgage interest + opportunity costs)
For example, for a $500k house these will amount to $25k a year that you won't get back. Or you can just rent for $2k a month and actually make more money investing in an index fund

>> No.49414780

Without land, a man never dreams because he not free. All men need a place to live with dignity.

>> No.49414820

Lol youre a retarded faggot. I own a house and can leave whenever i want. Get a new house, and rent this one out to a retard like you. At the end of it all, ill own 2 properties and youll own nothinf like a nigger cattle.

>> No.49414857

It's called having friends? Though I'm sure you wouldn't understand

>> No.49414868

Freedom is an asset, but locked to a city because of your job or family and friends nullifies the unrealized freedom you could have from renting.

>> No.49414919

>I have the freedom to take a massive loss on selling fees and spend a year looking for a new house in the new location which will be more expensive than what I sold my house for, or I have the freedom to look for good tenants for a year while I move
Keep coping I guess
You're just renting from the government

>> No.49414933

Based Anton Kreil

>> No.49414961

At this point buying a house is for old people who don't want to have to deal with moving in their old age

>> No.49414977

He's not wrong..

I bought my house for cash in 2012. 155K house is now worth 240K

If I put that cash all in the S&P500 it would now be worth 400K - Rent 72K over 10 years is 330K

I would have been better off renting.

>> No.49415869

This is true. I just want a god damn backyard I can relax in with dignity rather than sharing some patch of grass with zoomers.

>> No.49416079

It's a utility liability
I have a liability to pay my rent
But it has amazing utility in that I do live where I want with minimal responsibility towards the house.

It's still a liability though, in the end.

>> No.49416129

>look at me guys, I take nothing in life seriously and I'm a brutal nihilist about everything, aren't I just so quirky and edgy?

>> No.49416389

says you faggot

>> No.49416474

What can I collateralize with my freedom alone?

>> No.49416529

Wealthy people don't rent.