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49398740 No.49398740 [Reply] [Original]

I have a lean against my house, going through a divorce and he’s been making my life miserable the last few months he tells me this kind of shit. What the FUCK is his deal? I’m going to be bankrupt just because of his lawyer fees.

>> No.49398767

Better call saul. But seriously though find a better lawyer.

>> No.49398788

Fuck off personal blog threads. Go back to sucking cock op
It's your fault for marrying a roastie or not beating her properly

>> No.49398838

Shouldn't you know how to spell lien if you have a lawyer?

>> No.49398871

lean into it

>> No.49398881
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kek beat me to it.
>going through a divorce
as a guy who's fucked 50 girls and hundreds of hookers, im starting to realize that only dudes that didn't have sex with an abudance of women when they were in their teens and 20s are dumb enough and naive enough to believe in love and get married. which is exactly what you did.

women love opportunistically, and i guess the opportunity she saw in you waned. lemme guess, she initiatied the divorce right? of course she did. let this be a lesson, goober.

>> No.49398901

Hire a new lawyer. That’s all you can do. Full stop. You should’ve shit tested him earlier before you got this deep but you can still fire your lawyer and start the whole process over again.

Sometimes, boys and girls, your lawyer doesn’t give a shit about you one way or another.

>> No.49398905

nobody that has sex has ever decided to get married? not true

>> No.49398934

You chose to marry a roastie in the west you deserve everything that’s coming to you. I hope you get turbo fucked by the lawyers and the government. Simp beta women worshippers get the rope.

>> No.49398942

Literally just represent yourself. Spend sometime in the library and read up on a few cases. Library is cheap you can checkout some books for a couple cents. My cousin did this and drove down his sentence from 1 year to a month with community service. You can even go the extra mile and take the bar after you’re done studying. You literally don’t even need a law degree anyone can take the bar and pass it with enough studying.

>> No.49398978

>as a faggot that has to pay women to have sex with him
Stopped reading there. Neck yourself, you coping degenerate.

>> No.49398994

He's just trying to rationalize being a promiscuous retard.

>> No.49399021

Yeah. Represent yourself in an arena where experienced players will wipe the floor with you because you don't understand the rules of the game.

Recognizing what can be said, what evidence is admissible, what law trumps other law, when to oppose the lawyer for the other side, and many other things can only be perceived with experience.

Representing yourself is like playing basketball as a 4 foot 10 david against a 7 foot goliath.

>> No.49399026

Virgin women can love you, anon. Let's not go crazy here.

>> No.49399037

I got hit and ran by a nigger and didn't get a penny, life goes on faggot suck it up, this world isn't for white men.

>> No.49399046

David won you idiot.

Imagine being such a midwit that you can into law. Bro just study at the library.

>> No.49399051

lmao you're a pathetic neck-beard and you will always be alone. loser

>> No.49399077
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>just represent yourself

>> No.49399078

I may be stupid but isn't them not pursuing the case further a good thing?

>> No.49399089

>every court is full of people working hard

Prosecutors drop cases like crazy. Like all legal processes, the guy in the hot seat needs to stall for as much time as possible to begin slipping through the cracks. Fighting with whatever means you have is your best bet. Make yourself a problem.

Lawyers are part of a rotten legal system that mistakes procedure for justice in many ways. Especially if youre paying them make their lives hell. Be the thing they want off their desk and they’ll work hard for you.

>> No.49399114

>David won
It's old testament fiction, and in any case David would have got destroyed at basketball.

>> No.49399115

Never represent yourself. Even lawyers hire other lawyers to represent them when they get in trouble.

>> No.49399123

sometimes when you don't negotiate a conclusion to the transaction at your introduction
women convince you they're interested

not saying anything ever ends well though you got that part right
don't act like you're immune if you are you're a faggot or paid every time

>> No.49399126

i.e. just drag that shit out til they stop caring?

>> No.49399152

Not only that but he fucked up again because he doesn't know what a point guard is.
Yeah, Shaq can just stand under the basket but someone has to get his fat ass the ball.

>> No.49399168

Objection hearsay

>> No.49399169

>Beat up attorney
>go to big house
>join gang
>get the crazy outside boys to clock this fool
>leave the big house tougher then before
>profit, you got some criminal biz connections
>one less attorney on this planet

>> No.49399187

Kek this is how you get divorce raped, retard. Stop being a slave to your labido.

>> No.49399213
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>> No.49399215

In real life Goliath wins. And he sells all the silk that the widow spins.

>> No.49399251

of course. both my relationships i had to preemptively dump the 1st gf to avoid being explicitly cucked on paper. 2nd relationship, having learned from the 1st, i actually went a step further and preemptively cucked my gf before she cucked me and THEN dumped her. that caused a firestorm in my social network. i was quite pleased.

>> No.49399272
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This would have been avoided if you had just gotten a pre-nup.

>> No.49399323

At the end of the day we are sexually satisfied at a young age and dont really need to seek out further sexual experience. the next step for us is to try and find someone that values sex more than its really worth to create the illusion of something "special" for money. you would be surprised at the amount of men that gave up sexual experiences for money and are now willing to give up money for sexual experiences.
>t. in a 8 year marriage with 2 kids to a cyber security tech guy.
it kind of makes sex fresh again when you can cheat on your partner, the feeling of doing something that you are not supposed to do actually revitalises the sex for myself. i dont feel bad about it though because hes always happy when i give him some. at the end of the day i am giving my body to this man for money and for kids so its fair in my eyes.

>> No.49399347

>imagine getting married and wanting to be financially secure.
I think women are fine but modern marriage is a terrible financial choice in today's climate. It's what 90iq people do today

>> No.49399379
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>> No.49399401

Good bait but if real wow what an awful life

>> No.49399407

Based. I’m dating a chick that I took the virginity of. We’ve been together 4 years and she loves me

>> No.49399590

thanks for the perspective, i’ll be sure to keep an eye out for women like you

>> No.49399662
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KYS these kind of threads are why I keep coming here. Of the countless booba threads, spam, and chart reaction 2 reply threads, you shouldn't be complaining about something interesting.
I always hear about prenups being voided and lawyers who "tear prenups apart for a living". Is it state by state (or country) case?
I also hear horror stories about couples who live together and raise kids without marrying and when they break up the woman still ends up with the house.
They can still divorce you. I live in a middle eastern small town where 99.99% of women are virgins when they get married (usually aged 18 to 20, uglies and crazies later or never) and they STILL get divorced, even after having kids. This also happens among religious couples (evidently much less however).
tl;dr: AWAW

>> No.49399917

Excellent bait
Where can I read more stuff like this? I feel I’m not blackpilled enough

>> No.49399940

nigger can't cope with the fact that he associates only with the type of people like him, niggers.

My grandparents were married until my they died. My mom was married to my dad until he died, never remarried. I'm married for 10 years and happily.

>> No.49400381

This is a class issue and you are low class just like OP. Poor people and new money disgust me. At least new money is entertaining to watch as they burn out like the Challenger

>> No.49400489
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Anon, let me shed some real alpha for you and the other retards, you just have to do the DD.
>South Dakota Trust

>> No.49400492

If he found out, he would have every right and obligation to beat you senseless and kill you. Frankly he'd be a pussy faggot if he didn't

>> No.49400540

the only reason he would have for not killing you is that he wouldn't to deprive his children of their mother's presence, not because you deserve to live, but because children without a mother turn out more fucked up, especially if their dad killed their mom.

If I was him though and found I'd make your life hell. I'd literally shit in your food and wake you up in the middle of the night by pissing on your face. I'd microwave red baron mini pizzas and shove them up your pussy while they were still really hot. If you had an office job and weren't a stay at home mom I'd feed you time-release laxatives in your morning coffee so that you'd violently shit yourself at the office. I'd attach loudspeakers to your car that were connected to my phone via LTE network, and I'd also have a GPS tacker on your car. Whenever you drove through a lower income area, I'd make the speakers blast NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER very loudly and alternate between NIGGER and country music with banjo noises. The speakers would also say PRAISE THE KKK FUCK NIGGERS WHITE POWER I HOPE NIGGERS POOP ON THEMSELVES

With any luck the niggers would rape and murder you, then I'd be able to mourn you with the children, the kids would get redpilled from an early age, I'd get pity sex from other women, and maybe one of them could become my wife and be a good role model for the kids. Fuck you, you abject whore. I hope your kids find out about your cheating ways when they are older, and I hope they disown you for it

>> No.49401881


They do this to you on purpose. They want to drag things out and keep you confused to get more money out of you.

>> No.49402015

We all pay with time and money, little boy.
You deal with women you pay I'm some way, good to see your triggered though, little snow flake.

>> No.49402039
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Beyond upset, ass blasted, triggered, snowflakes upset someone get laid more than them.
Grade A seethe and cope, boy.
10 outta 10, really sticking it to the man with double to triple notch counts with your crying and whining.
I'm so sick of how cry baby these Americans are.
4chan, the eternal WAH!

>> No.49402040

sad to see you have abandoned love, anon

>> No.49402057

>This is a class issue and you are low class just like OP. Poor people and new money disgust me
Didn't ask, plus you're a faggot, plus you're on 4chan with the rest of us loser, plus you're upset over said random internet strangers notch count which means you get less to no pussy.
The crying, seething and coping of this website full of pedos, trannys, furries, losers and other filth is hilarious.
You guys literally cry over anything.

>> No.49402089

Do you see anymore giants left on earth?
Sounds like David won to me

>> No.49403315
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>> No.49404102

there are many many blokes myself included that could go round banging any old meat anon. i know it sounds crazy but people like to fuck. its great that you think being a fuck-boy is "the way" but im sorry to say that to actual men thats how you are seen, an untrustworthy, disease ridden toy.

>> No.49404225

Femoids everyone

>> No.49404361

so wheres your ferrari saved from divorce money?

>> No.49404836
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no hymen no diamond

>> No.49404885

>Another degenerate atheist fucked by his shut “value” system
Good. Get fucked OP.

>> No.49404907

>a lean
how does an illiterate fuck like this have a property when those of us who studied the dictionary have jack shit?

>> No.49406826

are they ok?

>> No.49406865

stay classy us state department

>> No.49406895


>> No.49406931

he's right. I have everytime and won everytime. Eye contact, respect, and actual facts goes a long way with a Judge. I wouldn't for criminal. But Civil? I never lose. hell, i've ran redlights and made shit up referencing how the calibration for "How long a light shoudl stay Yellow before going red" which has to be set specifically based on a speed limit. Judges are like "you do your homework, dismissed" - courts are not scary as the TV makes you think it is. Of course they indocrinate you into thinking you need a lawyer, another middleman that will eventually be phased out by automation because the majorty of lawyer work is pattern recogintion in a backoffice anyways.

again, criminal shit I woudln't touch but then again i never researched it either.

>> No.49406962

You literally DO need a law degree from an ABA accredited law school in almost every state in the USA to sit for the bar exam.

>> No.49407077

>doesnt know how Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson became lawyers

>> No.49407454
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automated spam bot thread

>> No.49407705

i bet she smells of chip pan grease

>> No.49407786

>as a guy who’s had sex with a lot of prostitutes let me tell you about marriage